Excuses, excuses

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Deacon and Brooke embrace Hope and Ridge is smiling.

Brooke: How Ridge?

Ridge: My dad got info about Hope being on Cuba... We took the jet there and we have her. 

Liam: But I recognized the dress. 

Ridge: Well... Hope is alive. 

Hope: Dress?

Liam takes Hope's hands and kisses them.

Liam: Baby, you had a red dress... 

Hope has flashback of a girl that she met at airport.

Girl: I never had a Forrester original on. It's my dream.

Hope: Well... Let's go to the bathroom and exchange dresses.

Girl: Are you serious?

Hope: I remember... There was a girl on the airport... I can't remember who she was, but she said she never wore a Forrester original... So I gave her my dress and she gave me hers... What's a Forrester original?

Eric: Well... That is the fashion house you work in.

Hope: Fashion house?

Macy: And this is Eric Forrester himself. 

Hope: Wow... That's why we are rich. 

Everyone laughs.

Liam: Do you maybe remember me a bit?

Hope shakes her head.

Hope: I'm sorry, but no... 

Liam gets sad.

Next scene: Back to Massimo's home.

Steffy: You did it again... You hurt Hope and Liam the same way you did it when Reese stole Beth and you tried to benefit on it.

Thomas: I'm sorry... I wanted to save Hope from Liam and myself from Caroline.

Steffy: You are divorcing Caroline! Nobody had to save you from her and Hope was happy with Liam... They had problems, but she wanted to be with him.

Thomas: I don't think Liam would ever give her what I could. 

Steffy: You are delusional! 

Taylor: Does the police know?

Massimo: No... And they won't know. 

Diana: You didn't call the police to protect Thomas.

Massimo: Yes. I always want to do everything to protect all of my children and grandchildren. 

Nick: Well, thanks God you sent Sheila to Cuba... Otherwise we would never know that Hope is alive. Does Brooke know?

Massimo: They are reunited as we speak.

Finn: That's amazing.

Nick: Jack is there and he just found out that his older sister isn't dead. I'm really happy for Brooke and for my son. And when it comes to you Thomas... I think you need a vacation... At a mental institution. 

Thomas looks down and Taylor looks horrified.

Diana: Mom, thank you. My husband is now celebrating the return of his beloved little sister and it's all thanks to you.

Diana hugs Sheila. Sheila smiles.

Sheila: Thank you baby. 

Steffy looks disgusted. Finn looks at Steffy and looks worried.

Next scene: Back to Brooke's home. Stephen is showing photos on his photo to Hope.

Stephen: And this is a photo of you and me when you were little. Brooke and Deacon look at them and smile.

Bold and the Beautiful Alternative Version Season 3Where stories live. Discover now