Fall Again (a Michael Jackson...

By sorayasosito

1.4K 75 125

When Michael Jackson gets admitted to Clemmie Woods psychiatric hospital- he feels like his life is over. Th... More

1. Breakdown
2. Hopes backstory
3. Michael comes round
4. A new patient
5. Clemmie Woods
6. Famous patient
7. Grayson ward
8. Hope meets Michael
9. Nightmares
10. Flashback
11. The aftermath
12. Morning
13. Getting to know Hope
14. James returns to school
15. Hope comforts Michael
16. Hope gets a call
17. Whats happened?
18. James is in hospital
19. Michael relapses
20. Emergency
21. Cold
22. An unsettled day
23. Finding Mike
24. Hope searches
25. Alive
26. Chat with Jamie
27. Michael returns to Clemmie Woods
28. The night of James' attack
29. Drunk
30. Horror
31. Bad night
32. Michael in distress
33. I'm ugly
34. Kiss
35. Happiness
36. Visiting James
37. Hotel flashback
38. Bad news
39. A disturbed night
41. Michaels news
42. Thinking about Michael
43. Free
44. Neverland Mansion
45. Cheese toastie
46. Michaels not feeling well
47. Waking up
48. Autumns night out
49. The pool
50. Love
51. Hopes flat
52. Happier times
53. Demons
54. Monday

40. Back at work

20 1 1
By sorayasosito

Hopes POV 🥀

To distract myself from James and Alex Adlon and everything going on in my life - I went into work the next day.

I said hello to Sofia and McKenzie, who were the main nurses today. That meant if there was an emergency on either our ward or one of the three others, Louella, Dandelion or Oakley, they'd be the ones with oxygen and the defribrillator, but the only emergencies they'd had so far was patients having fights and knocking each other out.

I heard that Louis had a bit of a psychotic episode last night, but he was fast asleep now, as were all of the others.

I went in to check on Mike, he was asleep, gently snoring and drooling with hair over his face. I looked around to check no one was looking through the window of his bedroom door, and then reached down and brushed his hair out of his sweet face.

It was soft and my fingers brushed his cheek, which was warm. He made a cute little face as I pulled my hand away, then went straight back to sleep again.

I smiled down at him, gently stroking his nose and then turned around and went to James' room, I was sure he'd be okay - he'd slept well all through the night.

Jamie was fine, asleep like Michael but faced away from the door, sleeping like he always had, as quiet as a mouse.

I patted his shoulder, and he didn't stir but I felt his cool breath on my hand, and then realised there was a new photograph on his desk.

He was in the middle, aged 11, all floppy dark hair and smiles, I was on the left with my curls and glasses, and Juliette was on the right, only small but smiling brightly, her eyes squeezed shut and her small uneven teeth, so like mine, on show.

The sun was shining behind us, making Juliette's shiny bob glisten, all of our faces lit up in grins, holding onto each other - when things were happy.
Before everything.

I downed a can of Vanilla Coke - which did nothing to help my nerves, and looked through Michaels notes, while Derek handed over what had happened throughout the night.

I knew I might not be working at Grayson much longer, but I didn't really want to tell them the reason.
I'd been looking at private carers who visited patients houses, after being told that Michael was getting closer to discharge - I just wanted another chance to see him after he'd left Clemmie Woods.

I didn't honestly know if I'd be allowed, but I didn't want to lose contact with Mike, especially after our kiss.

He was sweet, kind and funny - and I felt a strong need to protection - he was so vulnerable. I'd held him in my arms multiple times to comfort or calm him, and I didn't mind at all.

I knew that my presence helped him, he had told me so himself that night he was drunk. I had to be here for him, and I couldn't just leave him when he got discharged.

And, although I found it hard to admit it to myself, I was in love with him.

Completely, utterly in love.

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