Murder Drones Oneshots (mostl...

By PrincessWizzy1

104K 2.3K 6.2K

Oneshots based of the amazing YouTube series murder drones. I'm open to requests in the comments, this is my... More

"Yellow is my favourite colour" (NUZI)
'Purple is my favourite colour' (Nuzi)
"Whats a spark?" (Envy)
"Wanna pair up?" (ThadXUzi)
'What does kissing mean?' (Nuzi)
"I'm not gay!" (Dizzy)
Gift Giving (Nuzi)
The Dog and The Bird (Nuzi)
The Dog and the Bird Part 2
Compatibility Rating (Nuzi)
'Drunk' (Nuzi)
'Drunk' Part 2
'I need attention' (Nuzi) (part 1?)
I need attention Part 2
Dear and Babe (Envy)
Comfort (Nuzi)
Praise (Nuzi)
Girls Support Each Other (Platonic Vuzi)
Wedding Day (Nuzi)
Wedding Day Part 2
Do you want to build a baby? (Nuzi)
How to care (Nuzi)
Under the coat (Envy & Nuzi)
A CRUSH ON V?!? (VxThad)
A DATE WITH V!?! (VxThad)
I'd know you anywhere (Khnori)
Oilsharing (Nuzi) Request
100 Ns (Nuzi)
Everyone thinks girls are hot! (Vizzy)
Clingy N (Nuzi)
Sweet Oil (Nuzi)
Meet the parents (Nuzi)
Guardian Angel Part 1 (Nuzi)
Guardian Angel Part 2
Guardian Angel Part 3
Guardian Angel Part 4
Guardian Angel Part 5
Guardian Angel Part 6
Guardian Angel Part 7
Guardian Angel Part 8
Guardian Angel Part 9
Guardian Angel Part 10
Guardian Angel Part 11
Guardian Angel isnt ending- but...
Guardian Angel Part 12
Guardian Angel Part 13
Guardian Angel Part 14
Guardian Angel Part 15
Guardian Angel Part 16
Guardian Angel Part 17
MD Vampire AU Part 1
MD Vampire AU Part 2
MD Vampire AU Part 3
MD Vampire AU Part 4
MD Vampire AU Part 5
MD Vampire AU Part 6
MD Vampire AU Part 7
MD Vampire AU Part 8
MD Vampire AU Part 9
MD Vampire AU Part 10
MD Vampire AU Part 11
MD Vampire AU Part 12
MD Vampire AU Part 13
MD Vampire AU Part 14
MD Vampire AU Part 15
MD Vampire AU Part 16
MD Vampire AU Part 17
MD Vampire AU Part 18
MD Vampire AU Part 19
MD Vampire AU Part 20
MD Vampire AU Part 21
MD Vampire AU Part 22
MD Vampire AU Part 23
MD Vampire AU Part 24
MD Vampire AU Part 25
MD Vampire AU Part 26
MD Vampire AU Part 28
MD Vampire AU Part 29
MD Vampire AU Part 29.5
MD Vampire AU Part 30
MD Vampire AU Part 31
MD Vampire AU Finale Part 1
MD Vampire AU Finale Part 2
MD Vampire AU Finale Part 3
The back of the bus (Nuzi)
Tipsy Uzi (Nuzi)

MD Vampire AU Part 27

761 21 67
By PrincessWizzy1

Uzi woke up surrounded by people, her father, V, Thad, and even J had all shown up. She was tucked up in hospital bed and there was about 100 different tubes leading in and out of her body.

"Uzi! You're okay- thank heavens" Khan exclaimed, pulling Uzi up as much as the tubes would allow into a cuddle. V sighed in relief while Thad clutched her hand and J looked down- Khan had decided she was the one who would give Uzi the unfortunate news.

After Uzi had a moment to take in the situation, she burst out "N! Where is he?!? Is he okay? The pain wasn't his right?!"

Everyone went silent, and J had crossed her arms in preparation for what she had to say. "You've been asleep for 12 hours, we found N around 4 hours ago  a few feet away from the doors, he mumbled something about not wanting to break a promise and was carrying a load of parenting books for some reason- he passed out and is in a bad state" J explained blandly.

Uzi's heart completely sank, he tried to get home in time despite being hurt, she couldn't even stay stable enough to see him. "I..." Uzi had no words for how she felt.

"You passing out also did some damage to- to the babies" J explained, sounding in pain from just saying the words, she couldn't imagine going through it.

Wait..did J just say babies?!

Open mouthed, Uzi looked up at J, who simply nodded in confirmation. Khan spoke next "I don't know how this vampire stuff works- but the foetuses have developed quite a lot already- and there's two".

Two babies...? TWINS?!?

"Oh fuck...I'm never letting N near again...and what do you mean by damage?" Uzi groaned, all of this was hitting her at the same time, was she just meant to take this awful news and deal with it?

V grimaced "It's nothing that looks major through the scans, but there's a decent chance one of them may come out stillborn".

Uzi gaped and looked around her friends for confirmation, Khan sadly nodded while J turned away, Thad seemed like he was about to start sobbing himself. The pregnancy that Uzi had wanted so bad- and was already so supported- could end in tragedy? Uzi hadn't been dreaming of twins- but now she knew they existed...she felt so attached already.

J mumbled something about checking on N while Khan left to speak with a doctor about whether or not the pregnancy was halting Uzi's recovery. This left V & Thad standing by Uzi's side, both unsure how to best comfort her, she had just heard her boyfriend was brutally injured while she had twins on the way- how do you make that feel okay for somebody? How could you possibly give them hope?

"Is N going to be okay?" Uzi weakly asked, it honestly sounded like she was pleading. V fumbled- unable to give a clear response, but Thad bit back his fear and was honest, "He's not self healing as fast as he should- but it's only been 4 hours and he's still going- it's better to think positive right now".

Uzi nodded, grateful for Thad's words, she looked up at V- who was on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry Uzi..N deserves this the least of us" V expressed, chocking on her sentence.

Thad didn't miss her tears and gripped V's hand, she smiled gratefully at him and Uzi couldn't help but snicker at her soft V had become, Thad definitely had the secret touch when it came to the team's nutcase.

Meanwhile J had made her way over to the private room N was being kept in, Khan had insisted on him being away from other patients for his own sake, N looked horrific.

N was covered in scars- some deep and some shallow- while his black blood stained every part of him, his yellow eyes were glazed over and his skin was burnt red in some areas. He lay flat on the hospital bed as if he was a corpse with his arms straight at his sides.

We should be glad Uzi didn't ask to see him- she'd pass out again.

J sighed as she sat on the chair beside N's body, he glanced at her but didn't speak, the only words he'd really said were 'promise', 'Uzi' and 'baby'. The parenting books he'd found were resting on the table beside him, J almost snickered at N's attempt of brining a gift home, he would never change.

"I'm not sure if we should tell you yet, but Uzi is pregnant with two babies, one is incredibly weak since she passed out- but hopefully they can both make it- and they'll need their dad" J claimed, petting N's head slightly.

N's eyes lit up slightly at the word 'two' but faltered again at the 'passed out', J could tell he blamed himself for all of this, she didn't need to read his mind to know that. That was just how N was.

For a second it looked like N was going to try to speak, but he just ended up mouthing what J assumed was the word 'Uzi' again.

He's so helplessly in love...

J had stopped hearing Tessa's voice a while ago, and was pretty sure what she heard was just a fluke, though it was nice to imagine it wasn't. Now her priority was again the team- particularly getting N better- he needed to step back up to be a leader and a father.

"N, do you want to see Uzi?" J asked, trying to figure out if that would help or worsen their states. N didn't reply but his eyes lit up again, in fact J almost saw a hint of a smile creep onto his scarred face.

Taking that as a yes, J stood up smiling and went back to the ward Uzi was in, Thad was alone with Uzi as V had gone to borrow blood from the donor room.

Uzi instantly looked up at V "So? Is he okay?"

J tried her best to seem emotionless, she didn't want Uzi to get her hopes up, but also not to make her worry enough to endanger the babies again. "He's awake, not talking much, but awake- he'd like to see you" J bluntly said, not putting any tone in it at all.

Without needing another word Uzi stood up, apparently feeling all better, she pulled out her own tubes and walked confidently towards J. As she walked, Thad could see her stomach had grown just a little bit, yet Uzi seemed distracted.

"Where is he?" Uzi asked, already practically leading J out the door.


J and Uzi walked down the hall slowly, J didn't want Uzi to crash and create another crisis, but she also didn't want N to get worse while they walked. "I should warn you Uzi, N doesn't look great right now, he's in pretty bad shape" J explained.

Uzi looked up at J with determined eyes "I don't care, if he's alive and wants to see me, I'm going to see him".

When J opened the door to N's hospital room, Uzi couldn't hold herself back from instantly sobbing, N looked broken- he was still and stained- his face barely displayed feelings at all.

"N!" Uzi cried, racing round to be able to get a better look at N's face, his expression stayed stone- but his eyes did soften upon seeing Uzi.

Clumsily N reached his weak arm out for Uzi, who raised her hand to meet his half way, they held each others hands and looked into each others eyes. N seeming to be in too much pain to speak, and Uzi sobbing too much to get words out.

Despite this, N did manage to weakly mumble "I got...books..babies".

Uzi couldn't help but chuckle through her tears at this, and lightly kissed N's bloody forehead before looking at the stack, she sat on the chair and grabbed the baby one. "Okay, want to read this together? We'll need to learn a lot" Uzi offered, smiling softly at N.

N weakly nodded at Uzi from his hospital bed, almost smiling slightly as she began to read, her voice was all he needed to feel better.

J had left by now, Uzi and N were far more successful as cures to each other than anything else, she would just get in the way. As she walked past the ward Uzi was previously in she noticed Thad had vanished, probably he'd gone after V, but surely he wouldn't leave all this stuff unattended.

Of course Thad had gone after V, and found her lightly sucking on some blood she'd stolen from a dialysis machine (don't worry she drank the clean blood), and was wagging her tail in the hallway.

"V...come on babe we have to get back to the others- I left all our stuff out" Thad jokingly pleaded, sitting down beside V, he couldn't resist petting her head slightly.

V sighed and stopped sucking, "Thad..there's something I was wondering about..."

Thad tipped his head "What's wrong babe?"

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