
By myrrhchoco

14.4K 1.4K 310

************* Do you regret loving me ? **********†********* The only Regret I will ever have in my life is... More

Ch 1
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 8
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch -20

Ch 6

396 43 3
By myrrhchoco


"Hello little Ducky , Mr Meow Meow and Mr Monkey " Hyunjin greeted juniors who bowed their head

Taehyung and Jungkook who were feeding each other ice cream look at new arrival and Taehyung squeezed Jungkook hand when he saw him freezing.

He mumble softly in his ears and Jungkook kissed his lips.

Hoseok , Yoongi and Namjoon ordered Ice cream as usual while Jin sat with them

"What are you doing here huh??"

"ICE CREAM" namjoon said enthusiastically.

Who in the world is fool enough to say no to free food especially ice cream. 

And Jin was about to scream at little bugger when he saw him running to pick up their ice cream tray.

"Joonie wait I am coming as well" Hoseok said knowing very well nothing was ever safe in hands of Namjoon and just as he predicted Namjoon slipped knocking into Hoseok .

Hoseok loose his footing and landed himself in Taehyung's lap where as all ice cream topple over Namjoon .

Hoseok was too shocked even before he could do something he was harshly pushed by Taehyung making him land on floor and scrap his hand.

Hoseok eyes turned teary but he swallowed his tears. He didn't knew why senior was behaving with him so rudely from past few weeks. He would try pushing him away , or say mean things.

"Seokie are you okay??" Yoongi asked as he helped Hoseok stand up . No one noticed Taehyung push Hoseok off except for Jungkook who was smiling .

" I am Yoonie is Joonie fine ?"

"Of course he is after all his clumsy ass is used to it" Yoongi said as He cupped Hoseok's face turning side wards to see if there was scratch or anything later he checked his hands and legs and was relieved when he found no scratch .

Jin again ordered ice cream and this time he went to collect their tray. He looked at Namjoon who ate his mint chocolate ice cream like puppy.

His gaze then shifted to Yoongi who was feeding Hoseok his blueberry ice cream while Hoseok scrunches his face at flavor showing his dislike .

Which made Jin internal fan boy over their moment.

"Hyung don't you Sometimes wonder why is that there are two people who belong with each other so much yet they aren't together??" Hyunjin asked as he stared at Sope

Jin smiled at innocent question of younger however even before he could reply he was amaze when Namjoon replied Hyunjin instead," That's because they are afraid to spoil something so beautiful. Sometimes being in each other company is all one needs than being with each other romantically. It could be beautiful to be with person you love but it's also scary if person doesn't return your feelings. That's why they say Love is scary thing to be in it. Even if it's with right person sometimes ."

"Woah how do you know so much about it huh??And for how long one would live in fear ?? It's like missing the opportunity to being with your loved ones just because you feel they won't reciprocate their feeling. I rather confess than be coward and watch love of my life walk away " Hyunjin said and Jin noticed how Yoongi stiffen.

"Anyways are you already for camp??" Seungmin asked


"Oh right you won't be knowing after exams we have camp organized by college . This time it's for about 3 days and it's in Jeju island"

"Woah why didn't we knew about this before ?? I am so excited to surf" Namjoon yelled

While Yoongi smack his head," You will die if you surf did you forget how you drown yourself when we went to this ~~~"

Everyone laughed as they hear their middle school stories

"I can't believe Hoseok would do something like this" Seungmin said

"Well This shy little rabbit turn into tigress when he is drunk he almost slapped that bitch ass Derek face who kept annoying Yoongi"

"He did he was so cool you know he pushed Derek to wall and threaten him if that he would bully Yoongi ever he will chop off his balls"

"Joonie" Hoseok turned red as tomato as he hit arm to stop blurting out everything.

Taehyung was listening to it keenly while Jungkook was actually amazed by little brother's action.

"How about little kitten here how is when he is drunk"

"Yoongi becomes so romantic that you won't believe this bitch rude ass here and drunk version of him are same person. He almost kissed Ho~~~~"

Yoongi clamped shut Namjoon's mouth

"Why don't you tell them about yourself huh this nerdy guy here turns into fuckin slut you know -"
"Owww " Yoongi scowled when Namjoon elbowed him in stomach

And Yoongi and Namjoon started fighting

"That's enough Yoonie don't fight with Joonie" Hoseok mumble to Yoongi who wasn't ready to back off

"Listen to him and shut your mouth" Namjoon said in anger.

"Why cause I am spewing truth and throwing dirt on your perfect ass imag-"

"Well how about you use your tongue to fuckin confess that you are in freakin love -"


Yoongi punched Namjoon

Everyone were stunned and Namjoon punched him back, "Fuckin Coward"

Namjoon spitted as he carried his bag.

"Well I am better than horny little slut who -"

"YOONGI THAT'S ENOUGH " Hoseok yelled as he bowed to others and pulled Yoongi's hand as they chase Namjoon.

"What the fuck happen here ??" Hyunjin said while Jin smirked ,"Finally I have something to put you into place"


Jeon Mansion

Mr Jeon was little skeptical about letting Hoseok go to camp alone after incident but he was relived to hear that Jungkook and his bf were going to be there too.

"Kookie and Seokie take care of each other okay"

Both the boys nodded their head.

Mr Jeon drove them and Yoongi to college .

Yoongi tried denying Mr Jeon but he didn't listen to him at all while Mrs Jeon could only scowl at Yoongi.

As Hoseok was pulling out his luggage from car his mother grasped his hand pulling him in corner

"Don't slut around yourself and keep your fuckin legs close and if I get to know if you ever did something with that boy I will make sure you will never see his face again"

Hoseok felt knife stab his heart as listen to his mother's bitter word. He dug his nails into his palm to stop himself from letting out tears.

He simply nodded his head.

"Good and stay away from Jungkook's bf " His mother yelled and he could only nod.

"Seokie is everything okay??"Yoongi asked as he squeezed his hand

Hoseok smiled and nodded

| Nothing was fine

| His mother again call him slut

| He felt his heart bleed

| Was he okay?


Namjoon and Yoongi weren't talking so Jimin decided to sit with Namjoon while Sope sit together


Taehyung scowled when he saw Hoseok acting so sweetly when he was nothing but a wolf in sheep clothes.

"Taehyung" He hear Jin call him

"What is it Hyung??"

"Is something wrong between you and Hoseok??"

"Why are you asking useless thing hyung?? Nothing is wrong"

"But I have seen you avoiding him late-"

" I was busy hyung "

Jin didn't said much as he made way to the bus he was head of while Taehyung made way to other bus in which Sope were where he was guide.


Bus stop at some place for refreshment break. Taehyung noticed almost everyone were down except two.

"Wake up " Taehyung said but neither Hosoek not Yoongi woke up.

He shook Hoseok roughly who woke up with pout as he rubbed his eyes cutely

His hair looks so fluffy and his lips are so cherry red...oh fuck what are you thinking remember who he is in real..this is just his facade.

"Get down it's refreshment break" Taehyung said in cold voice and Hoseok nodded meekly . He didn't said much to Taehyung anyways nowadays .

"Yoonie " Hoseok said softly but Yoongi cuddled him more . Taehyung for some reason hated them seeing like this. He hated the way Hoseok was calling Yoongi's name cutely while  avoiding eye contact with him. It only made him more furious . 

"Yoonie bby wake up " Hoseok said and Yoongi pouted and Hoseok squished his cheeks ,"Wake up little meow meow "

Hoseok said in sweet tone as he booped Yoongi's nose with His finger.

Taehyung clenched his fist in anger and left from their yelling loudly to be quick . This woke Yoongi up.

Taehyung watch duo walking down the bus chatting


Jungkook pulled his boyfriend in kiss who smiled as he kissed him back deeply.

"Would you like to sit with me Kookie??" Taehyung asked as he pecked his Boyfriend cheeks

"Ofcourse baby" Jungkook replied

And College student squealed as they made recorded their sweet moment and uploaded in the college page with
#Taekook #powercouple#love etc etc

Pic of them kissing

Well they weren't the only couple who had fans there were fans of Sope as well

#little cutiepie # powercouple#cute # Sope

Pic of Yoongi sleeping by keeping his head on Hoseok's shoulder while Hoseok was sleeping on his head.

The other odd couple that were trending were

#Namjin #clumsynerdbullytop #enemiestolover etc

(Pic of Namjoon sitting on Jin's lap )


Soon they reached their destination and everyone were alloted the room

Namseok were staying together

Yoonmin were staying together

Jin and Taehyung along with other head had their own rooms.


Time skip -Last day

Past two days were lots of fun for everyone they went hunting , hiking , playing games and what not. Everyone were having fun and Yoongi and Namjoon patch up their friendship as well.

As it was last day they have arranged a full on night party with alcohol and everything.

A first their group( Yoongi , Namjoon, Hoseok and Jimin) decided to ditch it but they were persuaded by other friends they made in trip.

So here they were dancing . Hoseok laughed as Yoongi swirled him around before pulling him closer to him.

They were dancing far away from where party was being held. Beside them is Minjoon who were dancing more like Namjoon stomping his feet on Jimin. Who grew frustrated.

So they thought to dance with their imaginary partner

Hoseok giggled when Yoongi twirled him around before pulling him so close to him that their lips were inches away from each other.

Hoseok heart thumped hard against his chest as he looked into eyes of Yoongi which were so enchanting. Yoongi cupped his cheeks softly rubbing them .

"You look beautiful Seokie" Yoongi said in husky deep voice something he had never used with Hoseok.

Hoseok gulped and his whole body trembled from the intensity of his voice," Yoonie you ~why~~"

"Shh let's dance" He said as he pecked his cheeks before slowly moving his body . Hoseok soon followed his steps as pair slow dance to song .

Minjoon were stairing at couple in awe.

Jimin pulled Joon away and both smiled as they walked away to where party was being held

"Do you think Yoongi will confess??" Namjoon asked to Jimin

"I hope he does " Jimin said as both of them entered where party was being held. Jimin was pulled by his faculty friend leaving Namjoon alone.

"Guess I should head back" He mumble however he crashed into Taejinkook.

"Where are you going huh??And where are you friends??" Jin asked as he wrapped his arm around Namjoon making him shiver.

"Uhm they are outside"

"Outside??Doing what? Won't they come in??"

Before he could answer he hear squeal of Hyunjin and Seungmin who dragged a very flushed Hoseok and Yoongi there.

"This little buggers were having their own party while ditching us " Hyunjin said

"Own party??" Taehyung asked poking his cheek with his tongue. 

"Dancing you know it looked romantic however they can do it later this is their first year and they have to follow the custom of our group"

"Group? We aren't part of your group " Yoongi said but Hyunjin wrapped his arm around Yoongi pulling him ,"Of course you are little Meow Meow"

Hoseok and Namjoon wanted to escape but Namjoon was being pulled by Jin while Hoseok simply followed timidly .


Hoseok eyes widen when he saw amount of alcohol they were asking them to drink

"There is no way we are drinking this much " Yoongi said and Namjoon face paled when he caught sight of alcohol.

"Sorry Senior we wouldn't be drinking this much "Hoseok said and other two nodded .

"Oh don't be party popper " Hyunjin said pouting.

"But -"

"Guys it's enough don't force them"

"Oh shut up Taehyung it's not like drinking would kill them "

"But hyung we can't drink this much "

"Fine how about 2 glasses?? I am not going lower than this" Hyunjin said pouting and trio nodded at least 2 were better than 8 glasses.

Hyunjin smiled as he encourage them to drink . Hyunjin even did love shot with Yoongi while Namjoon pretended to spill his alcohol so that he didn't have to drink it however he was shocked when Jin handed him another glass.

Jungkook pulled Taehyung on dance floor.

After gulping down 2 glasses of alcohol it finally started kicking them in and Hyunjin keep giving them glass after glass of alcohol.

Namjoon immediately left from there . Jin smirked and followed him behind.

"You are fuckin sly hyunnie said you would stop on two but but you made us drink 7......7.. glasses sly" Hoseok slured in drunken tone as he slapped Hyunjin's cheeks while others chuckled.

Seungmin kissed his cheeks ,"My poor boyfie is getting slapped by little ducky "

"Seokieee bby where areeee youuuu" Yoongi cried his cheeks puffing out while Drunk Hoseok tried wipping away his tears,"Yoonieee bby don't cry seokieee is hereeee"

Hoseok said as he hug Yoongi tightly who cried," I miss you Seokieee don't leave Yooniee alone"

Hoseok giggled and flicked his forehead making Yoongi pout," Seokiee will never leave Yoonie alone. Let's dance Yoonie"

Hoseok said as he pulled Yoongi to dance floor while Seungmin and Hyunjin joined them as well.


Hoseok after dancing his heart out went to grab glass of water but was instead given lemon juice by bar tender . Hoseok was drunk so he didn't think much and gulp it down. While bar tender signaled someone that there work was done.

"Game has just began I will make you regret everything" Someone mumbled darkly as they gulp down alcohol


Hope you like this one.

Voting Target - 30 

Don't forget to comment. 


I bet you want to complete the target fast , why cause storm is about to hit them.

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