The story of Death (reader x...

By Mammonly

39.6K 1.3K 99

'You live as a servent in isis & osiris palace when suddenly you catch the eye of a god who notices something... More

All about you
Where are you from
Who are you?
The witness
Thy greetings
A bond
The Night
The temple
A welcome
New Greetings
Event 1
A child?
Back again
looking for her
Protecting him

somethings wrong

562 28 8
By Mammonly


I run quickly to the destination Y/N told me to find, she knew that I knew, she relys on me to face my father for good but its been so long, has he changed? what will he think, does he think its my fault? thoughts rush through my head but after a long run i made it to the destination, lights shine brightly almost like they guide me

"Someone help please!!" I shout while running inisde, all I see is Horus and Seth asleep, they wake up to my footsteps and appear shocked to see me.

"Wheres Y/N?" horus asks the kid

"She got taken!! Right from my grasp Im sorry to disapoint you!!" I bow to my father

"Stand up.. we havent got time to waste we have to find her now!" I could tell his tone was angry

"we have to think of where they went" horus sighs patting fathers back

"We cant just sit here and wait! Im going to find her with or without you!" he storms out while Horus stands back

"Who took Y/N" he gazed at me, this is the first time i've seen his eyes right in front of me

"merchants! They wanted her because of her radiant power" I plead

"How many were there" He looks around looking for something

"Im not sure, it was all too quick, many started appearing near the end" I carefully watch his body language

"You know shes protecting you right.. from him.." He takes his mask off, revealing his true expression, hes clearly scared from what will come in the future

"Shes told me.. I don't want her to get hurt from it though if I have to be honest, Y/N is the only person who knows my pain even if she hasnt gone through it" I glare at his face

"We have to go quick then.." he puts on his mask and we walk outside to hear and see nothing, where is father?

"Where did he go?" Horus worries again


Is this my fault again? Loosing her again? Its my actions what hurts her all the time and the confrontation of my son again, I dont know these feelings are new..

I drag my feet in the sand, ive already walked far away from the cave maybe I should turn back, I began to return but I could sense footsteps behind me, I quickly create a wave of sand to knock the beings off their feet, no good there isnt anyone there..

"You.." someone whispers in my ear, the person grabs my wrist tightly where the blackining bracelet was embedded to my pale skin contrasting my ultimate power, "I think i've found my future"

The voice sounded manly, I turn around to see a tall figure, he was about the hight of Horus

"Who are you and wh-" he pulls me close and silences me with a kiss, I instantly push him away feeling disgusted by the sudden touch.

"How dare you peasant " I raise my hand and slice him with my blade of sand but he's quick to move and only pulls me closer.

I'm too weak from this journey so my powers can't reach its potential, this stupid feeling lingers

"you taste sweet, just like her" he chuckles, like her?! What does he mean "yes, by your expression I have her, are you two related perhaps? You both are delicate" his fingers traced on my neck

"Tell me where she is right now" I growl leaning my head away from him while trying to escape from his hold

"She's a treasure, she will sell for all the dirty men out there but you, you are for the l-" I regain my strength and punch him, he flew away from my punch and I managed to escape some where.

I ran but no matter how much I could he was right behind me, I have no more strength all I needed was to rest.

"I can sense your getting slower? Is this really a god." My vision blurs and slowly turns to dark


We cant find him anywhere.. where is father

"Time is nearly over.. Anubis be careful and grab onto me" he instructed, I hold his arm and he picks me up

His wings grow and he flys among the desert "do you know where he's gone?" I asked him

"No.. I don't" his tone was showing distress, he's obviously got some kind of attachment to both of them

"We will find them" I gaze off into the distance


My eyes open, my surroundings are unfamiliar and I seem to be chained to the ground, my clothing is skimpy, my breasts were almost visible as I was in a full white suit and my throat is dry like I haven't had water for days.

"Ah your awake" a man shows up, his figure is big and plum, sweat falls down his greasy face "be a good girl and help me out here"

Mature content ahead!!

He points at his lower half, I shoot a disgusted expression and he seemed to notice "you better not get aggressive" he grabbed my neck and pulled my head closer to his crotch.

The area around me smelt floral and sweet almost like the effect of lust was kicking in.

"Open wide" he took his robe off and revealed his small and skinny member "come on dont be shy" he moaned while stroking his member , his tip on my lips.

He used his other hand to press his finger on my tongue opening my mouth "no biting okay?" He grinned

I couldn't feel my body, the scent was getting worse it felt like my body was acting up, he rubbed his member all over my face while his stroking increases "come on open wider" he pushed his small shaft in my mouth barely touching the back of my throat.

I closed my eyes gulped and bit down as hard as I can

"WHAT THE.. THIS BITCH" he let go off me blood dripped from his member, he covered his crotch "SHES CRAZY" he grabs his robe and stomps out of the room raging.

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