Hold me without Hurting me(en...

By Liun_145

557 19 3

A man who married a woman who he thought was sweet,gentle at first turns out to be abusive and bad tempered. More

The firts day I met you
Please don't be mad
I'm sorry
When he's back I want to tell him everything
Why can't she just tell me?

A Simple No

68 4 3
By Liun_145

Giorno let out a small sigh of annoyance as he watched his parents walk away, catching up to them towards Elio's waiting car. "Why won't they tell me?" he muttered under his breath, the curiosity and mystery only building.

From the driver's seat, Elio was occupied with her phone until she noticed their arrival. She placed the device aside, turning her gaze to greet them with a playful smirk. Giorno's parents settled comfortably in the backseat as he entered the passenger side next to Elio.

"So, did they finally spill?" Elio asked Giorno teasingly once they were all situated. Her tone was amused yet probing, interest gleaming in her eyes as she awaited his response.

Giorno sighed in exaggerated annoyance, the mystery becoming increasingly irksome. "It's frustrating being left in the dark like this, you know," he replied with a sulky pout. 

Elio struggled to contain her laughter at his impatience, exchanging an amused look with Giorno's parents in the rearview mirror. "Don't worry, I'll reveal all soon enough," she assured him, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

"We'll leave the explanations to you two," Giorno's mother interjected warmly. "This is between you."

Reassured, Giorno relaxed into his seat, watching the scenery pass by as Elio steered towards their destination. While curiosity still gnawed at him, he trusted her promise would shed light on the secret in due time. For now, he simply soaked in the comfort of being reunited once more.

Giorno clicked his seatbelt securely into place with an exaggerated huff of impatience. Crossing his arms, he gazed out the window, muttering, "Whatever you say - I'll be waiting for this big reveal then."

As traffic slowed to a crawl on the highway, Giorno and his parents gradually succumbed to jet lag, drifting into peaceful slumbers. Elio smiled tenderly at their restful states as she leaned back in her seat. Her gaze lingered fondly on Giorno, enamored by his calm, youthful expression in sleep.  

Turning back to focus on guiding their way through the jam, Elio's mind wandered leisurely as she savored this reassuring down time with her loved ones. She looked forward to when they could all unwind and be together again after their long separation. For now, a comfortable quietness surrounded them as they took leisure in each other's company once more.

As nightfall descended upon the long drive, Elio exhaled in tired relief upon pulling into the familiar neighborhood once more. Gentle lamps illuminated their way as street by street, nostalgia wrapped around her. 

She gazed fondly at her sleeping passengers, hating to disturb their rest but knowing they were home. With tender care, Elio tapped their laps in turn - Giorno's parents stirring first followed by her favorite face, his.

Giorno yawned widely as he unbuckled himself, blinking away drowsiness to meet her gaze. Behind them, his parents also stretched and scanned their surroundings with satisfaction. Their return was complete at last.

"Welcome home," Elio smiled, hoping the simple words conveyed her deep joy in having them all near once more after so long apart. This place would always welcome them with open arms, as would she.

Both of Giorno's parents smiled as they looked at Elio, signaling for her to have a talk with Giorno alone about her feelings. "Thank you for the ride, Elio dear," said Giorno's dad as they left the car.

Elio nodded as she looked at Giorno who was trying to leave at 8pm along with his parents. Elio's eyes widened a little as she quickly pulled him back inside, looking at him seriously. "Well, it's still 8pm. How about I take you somewhere else instead?"

Giorno rolled his eyes in mock annoyance. "Seriously? Now? Why can't it wait until tomorrow?" Yet beneath his irritation, curiosity remained—and a sense that whatever Elio wished to show him, it must be important. Her gaze held an earnest plea for understanding that gave him pause.

Elio smiled gently. "Please, Giorno. There is something I need you to see. Trust me, just this once?" Intrigued despite himself, Giorno sighed and agreed to her mysterious plan for the evening.

Elio released Giorno's arm gently as she placed her hands on the gear shift. "Because after this, I won't have any free time for the whole month. Please let me tell you about the surprise tonight," she explained seriously.

Giorno's eyes widened a fraction in surprise as he relaxed his sulky posture. Pulled back into the car fully, he closed the door and sighed. "Alright, fine. For the sake of ending this curiosity already, I'll go along with it," he conceded.

Elio smirked softly, her relief evident. "Great." She gripped the gear shift playfully and turned her focus forward once more. "Buckle up - our adventure awaits."

Intrigue overpowered irritation as Giorno did as told, gazing out the windshield into the night with anticipation. Whatever secret Elio held, he trusted it would be worth the wait to uncover together under the moonlight.

Giorno quirked a curious eyebrow at Elio's playfulness. It was typical of her lighthearted nature, but beneath the easy banter he sensed notes of sincerity. Something more meaningful hid beneath her jest. 

As they fastened their seatbelts in unison, Elio guided the car down unfamiliar roads under veils of night. Giorno took in the city lights with appreciation, glad to admire his homeland once more after time away. Yet his mind couldn't help but wander eagerly to their destination.

Turning from the window, Giorno studied Elio's gentle profile, seeing beyond her carefree smile. "So are you going to finally tell me where we're headed?" he asked, hoping his own teasing tone disguised the anticipation threading his words. Wherever this surprise led, going there with Elio felt right – he just hoped she was ready to unveil what brought such joy, and vulnerability, to her eyes.

Elio briefly met his eyes with a gentle smile before refocusing on the road. "All in good time," she reassured mysteriously. "For now, it's our little secret."

Giorno let out an exaggerated sigh. "Everything is a secret with you," he started to retort - but his words caught in his throat as Elio pulled over abruptly. Without warning, something soft and opaque was secured over his eyes. "What are you-"

"Trust me," Elio soothed, giving his hand a light squeeze. Confusion and anticipation swirled within Giorno as the car resumed, leaving him blind to their surroundings but not to Elio's caring presence by his side. Whatever awaited, he knew he was safe going there with her.

Elio smirked to herself as she deftly secured the blindfold over Giorno's eyes. "I suppose you'll find out all in good time," she teased playfully.

Removing the key from the ignition, Elio exited and walked around to guide Giorno. As the passenger door opened, she offered her hand. "Come with me."

Giorno took hold of Elio's steady hand and stepped outside tentatively. "Are we here already? It felt quick."

"Time flies when you're enjoying the scenery," Elio replied softly. Keeping her touch light yet grounding, she led him forward through the darkness. "Just a little further. Trust that I'll keep you safe."

Intrigue and nerves churned within Giorno as he followed Elio's lead blindly into the unknown. But with her comforting presence to guide him, he let go of doubts and placed his full faith in wherever their path may lead.

Giorno followed Elio's lead tentatively, still blinded by the blindfold. A hint of irritation clung to his tone. "Where are you taking me already? And don't say 'it's a secret'!"

Elio laughed gently. "Alright, I'll keep my mouth shut about secrets." She said no more, letting the suspense build as they walked.

Giorno groaned. "You didn't say the words exactly, but I know that's what you meant. Same difference!" Despite his annoyance, curiosity and intrigue overwhelmed any real frustration. Elio's cryptic responses only piqued his interest further in what surprise awaited at their destination.

Squeezing Elio's steady hand reassuredly, Giorno breathed deep and released his impatience. No matter where this path led, having Elio by his side was what truly mattered. And soon, all mysteries would be revealed.

For now, he chose to savor each step into the unknown taken hand in hand with the one person he trusted above all.

Elio smiled down at Giorno as she moved to stand before him, her tall, muscular frame towering over his smaller one. "I believe the moment of answers has arrived," she said gently before slowly undoing the blindfold.

Giorno gasped softly as light returned to his vision, revealing a fancy restaurant lit romantically all around them. "I...you..." he stammered, temporarily at a loss for words. 

Elio smirked kindly, taking Giorno's delicate hand within her larger one and leading him inside. She guided him toward their private table, eyes full of affection. Releasing his palm, Elio pulled out a chair in invitation. "Please, have a seat."

As Giorno sat in a slight daze, Elio's smile radiated only care and tenderness. All mysteries were finally solved - their feelings laid bare through one simple gesture of heart.

Giorno sat, still bewildered by Elio's thoughtful surprise. "Thank you," he uttered, gaze questioning as he studied her kind face.

Elio smiled, gesturing to their lavish spread. "I hoped this all would please your tastes. But if anything's not to your liking, have no fear to say." Her tender look asked for honesty and trust in return.

Giorno glanced to the fine cuts of steak, plates of pasta, flutes of wine - a feast surely too grand for mere pleasure. Meeting Elio's eyes once more, vulnerability and care shone within his own.

"Please, Elio...why do all this for me?" His hands fidgeted with apprehension, yet longing to know her heart. Whatever answer she gave, Giorno knew deep in his soul that it would change their bond forever.

Giorno stared across the table at Elio, frustration simmering as she began eating without response. His hands clenched atop the pristine linen.

"Please, Elio," he implored, any pretense of calm gone. "I have borne this guessing long enough. Why have you done all this if not to share your heart?"

Elio met his fierce gaze calmly, a gentle understanding in her own. "Will you do one thing for me first?" she asked serenely. At Giorno's reluctant nod, she continued, "Taste the food I have so wished to share with you. Then I swear - no more secrets shall remain between us."

Giorno knew further outburst would gain him nothing. Releasing a slow breath, he lifted his utensils. Her cooking nourished not just his body but also his soul. And once this meal was done, all mysteries would dissolve in truth's sweet light. Elio's word was one he trusted - now, patience was all that remained.

Giorno sighed,he wouldn't want to argue with her about some little things so he decided to eat. His eyes widened a little,the steaks tasted great,the spaghetti,the french fries,"oh mio signore...these foods are pure tasty."

Elio smirked a little as she looked down at her plate then at him,"keep eating,after this you will get your answers."

Giorno nodded,he seemed less angry now as he continued to enjoy the foods.

Elio smiled warmly at Giorno as they began their sumptuous meal. Flavors and aromas blended into a gastronomic delight, yet the question hanging unspoken soured the taste on Giorno's tongue.

Nearly half an hour passed companionably yet with an undercurrent of tension. Giorno leaned back in his chair with a satisfied sigh, his plate long since cleared. "I fear I may burst! Your selection was sublime."

A gentle chuckle escaped Elio's lips at the sight of Giorno's repletion. "I'm pleased you enjoyed yourself so thoroughly. Your happiness brings me such joy."

Giorno's cheeks flushed pink at her affectionate gaze. Straightening with renewed resolution, he spoke softly yet firmly. "Elio, I am grateful for this meal and your kindness. But please, I must know - why did you do all this? What is it you wish to say?"

As the last plates were cleared away, Elio rose effortlessly from her chair with a nonchalant "Don't mention it." She paid their bill efficiently before beckoning Giorno to follow her outside. 

He rose and trailed her steps, curiosity and concern warring within. Elio suddenly halted, spinning to tower over Giorno's smaller frame beneath the moonlight. 

Her steady gaze held his own, searching. "So you truly wish to know the one who cares for you so deeply? Why I did all this just for you?"

Heart in his throat, Giorno could only whisper "Please, tell me." He had never seen this softer side of Elio before, usually hidden behind gruff bravado. Whatever her answer, he knew it could change everything between them.

Taking Giorno's hands in hers, Elio breathed deep to calm her nerves. With tender words and a vulnerability unlike her, the truth was laid bare at last between them under the stars.

Elio gazed down at Giorno with quiet vulnerability. "The truth is...I've had feelings for you for a long time. All this was to show you how much your happiness means to me." 

She took a steadying breath and continued. "Being with you makes me happier than I ever thought possible. So I hope that maybe, you could feel the same way about me too. That's why I brought you here tonight."

Giorno stared up at Elio in stunned silence, overwhelmed by her confession. His heart, which he'd hidden for so long, now swelled with joy and possibility.

But just as quickly,"No,"he replied with a simple no.

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