The Book Of A Scout

By Doctor_sn0w1831

26.5K 806 471

Y/n Langnar lost everything. His family, his friends... he would avenge them. No matter what. More

Sudden Terror
57th Expidition
Smoke Signal
Old Story
The Braus Family
The Night Before
The Eldian
New Eldian Empire
New Arrival
The Enemies Home
It has begun
Shiganshina Invasion
The Rumbling
The Rumbling Pt2
The End
Epilouge Pt2
Epilouge End
Bonus Chapter

Epilouge pt1

275 10 4
By Doctor_sn0w1831

Twelve years have passed. Things have been going somewhat steadily. Paradis has managed to somewhat fix its image in the world. Some were willing to reach out for peace, and others held a more violent grudge.
The western federation was one of them. What was once a nation that helped Paradis progress in their military was now one of their most bitter enemies. They were led by a man named Edmund Wheeler. He lost his entire family because of the rumbling. And he hated Paradis more than anyone.

The ideals of Y/n Langnar, which was given the name "Langnarism," have almost been phased out. Over the past twelve years, a more progressive mindset has been promoted to the citizens of Paradis. And it has been working quite well. Although not entirely. Some extremist groups with Langnarist ideals still linger. The most dangerous known group is the
"Eldian Vangaurd". They are a Langnarist group who are classified as extremely dangerous. Three members of the group carried out a terror attack on the newly built Marleyan embassy in the capital of Paradis. All three of them entered the building with rifles, pistols, and explosives. They killed twenty-five unnarmed Marleyan civilians and injured thirty-six more.

There's also a group known as
"The children of Y/n." They are also rather dangerous, being known to attack people. They have a more cult like structure to their group, treating Y/n Langnar as like a divine figure.
Other than that, it's mainly just people with Langnarist ideals rioting in the streets every now and again.

All of this goes to show that evil always lingers. No matter what. You can not be rid of it completely.

None of these things have been able to stop people from living peaceful conflict free lives. Especially a certain girl who's been through an immense amount of pain. Mikasa Ackerman.


A thirty-one year old Mikasa, who has still managed to retain her immense beauty, peacefully strolled home carrying a basket full of vegetables. The woman arrived home at her cozy little homestead and opened the door.

?: Mama, you're home!

A young girl yelled, filled with excitement.

Mikasa: Hey, sweetie.

Mikasa said softly as she bent down and kissed her daughter on the forhead.

?: What took you so long?

Mikasa: I wasn't gone that long. Was I?

The woman said as she strolled over to the countertop, placing the basket down.

?: Well, it felt like a long time.

Mikasa: Because you missed me so much.

The two giggled together.

Mikasa: Agnes, sweetie, did you finish your chores?

Agnes: Yes...

The girl said, rolling her eyes.

Mikasa: Thank you. Now go wash. I'll get started with dinner, okay?

Agnes: Okay, Mama.

The girl said, skipping away cheerfully. Mikasa watched with a warm and loving smile as she left. They may not be related one bit, but Mikasa didn't care. Agnes was her daughter no matter what anyone said. And she loves that girl with all her heart. Mikasa still remembers how she cried the first time Agnes called her "Mama."

Later on, the two ate dinner together, chatting and laughing. Mikasa never imagined herself as the mothering type, but here she was. For a long time, Mikasa was in a horrible state of depression. But this little girl who looked nearly identical to her mother came into her life and made her so immensely happy.

She certainly inherited her mother's appetite.

Mikasa: Agnes, eat slower, please. You might choke.

Agnes: Sorry, Mama. It's just... your cooking is so good!

Mikasa blushed.

Mikasa: I just... followed the recipe is all... say... would you like to go to Grandma and Grandpa's this weekend?

The girls eyes widened.

Agnes: Yes! I do! I do!

Mikasa: Okay. That sounds like a plan.

The small girl was overflowing with excitement. The two finished eating. The sun had set. And now Mikasa was tucking in her daughter for bed.

Agnes: Can I stay home from school tomorrow?

Mikasa: No.

Agnes: Why?

Mikasa: Because. You have to go to school. You need it.

Agnes: It's so boring.

Mikasa: I know it is, but... you'll be glad you did.

Agnes: Did you go to school?

Mikasa: Sort of. Back then, school was very expensive. And I lived in a poor area. So I, like many kids, had to do homeschooling.

Agnes: Homeschooling? I want to do homeschooling!

Mikasa: I don't know how to do any of that.

Agnes: I don't care. I'd much rather learn from you than my teacher.

Mikasa smiled.

Mikasa: We'll talk about this more some other time, okay?

Agnes: Okay...

Mikasa: Now get some sleep, my little Bear.

Mikasa said before showering her face with kisses. As she turned to leave, Agnes said one final thing.

Agnes: I love you, Mama.

The woman froze in place.

Mikasa: I love you too. More than anything in the whole world.

She closed her bedroom door, wiping tears from her eyes as she walked to her room.

As she lay in her bed, she stared at the ceiling, wondering how she got so lucky.


Flashback, six months after the battle of Heaven and Earth.

Mikasa was a mess. Sleeping all day. Crying whenever she was awake. Hardly going out and socializing. Hardly speaking at entirely.

And not to mention the frightening amount of alcohol she's been consuming.

She was currently staying at a hotel. And she was visiting the bar that was connected to it. At her table, she rested her head in her hand as her eyes were glued to the bottle in her hand. Once again, drinking away her problems.

?: Excuse me?

Another woman said, but Mikasa ignored.

?: Madam?

The woman then put a hand on Mikasa's shoulder, causing her to look up and see none other than Sasha's mother.

Lisa: I knew it was you. Oh, you poor thing. C'mon, Darlin'. Let's get you outta here. This is no place for a lady.

Lisa said, guiding her up and out of the bar.

Lisa: I know you must be in so much pain. But trust me, hittin' the bottle ain't gonna help one bit. I would know. Alcoholism killed my Daddy. And you are such a beautiful woman, I just can't let you destroy yourself like that.

Lisa helped Mikasa up into the wagon. The older woman climbed on board and snapped the reigns.
As they rode down the road, they passed by one of those new cars.

Lisa: Can you believe that? A horseless carraige they're callin' it. How on earth am I supposed to trust a big machine to carry me around? I'll stick to my horses. Thank you very much.

Mikasa didn't answer. Lisa sighed and looked back forward. After a short ride, they finally arrived at the Braus homestead.

Lisa: C'mon, honey. Let's get you in.

The two entered through the front door.

Artur: Welcome home-- huh? Is something goin' on?

Lisa: This poor girl needs help. She ain't well.

Artur: I can see that...

Lisa: Is the guest bedroom still empty.

Artur: Sure is.

Lisa: C'mon.

Mikasa was then taken to the guest room. As she sat on the bed, Lisa entered with a fresh set of clothes.

Lisa: You can wear these. They used to be... they used to be Sasha's. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. You can use the washroom to clean as well. I don't mean to embarrass you, but you smell like alcohol. So please, help yourself with anything else, okay?

Mikasa only nodded. Lisa left the room, allowing her to do her business. The girl treated herself to a bath. When she got out, she put on the change of clothes and left the room.

Artur: There you are.

Lisa: Feeling any better?

Mikasa: Yeah... thank you.

Lisa: You certainly look better. I think Agnes is awake. I'll go get her. Dinner is almost ready.

The woman left swiftly at the sound of a crying baby.

Artur: It's been a while since we've seen you around. How have you been?

Artur asked, only getting a shrug from the girl. She looked awful. There were dark circles around her eyes, and she looked exhausted.

Lisa entered the room with an infant Agnes. She then placed her in the booster seat next to Mikasa.

Mikasa's eyes widened a little at the smell of dinner. She was beginning to understand how Sasha developed such an appetite.

Lisa: Please, dig in, Mikasa.

Mikasa nodded as she grabbed her fork and began eating. It was delicious. Certainly better than alcohol.

Agnes giggled and made many other noises as Lisa helped feed her with a tiny spoon.

Artur: Does the food taste okay?

Mikasa nodded as she continued eating. The older couple smiled at the girl as she continued eating.

Later on, Mr and Mrs Braus needed to step out for something. And so they left Mikasa with Agnes.

The girl sat on the couch while Agnes sat on the floor, playing with toys. The afternoon was rather quiet until Agnes began to have a fit. Mikasa looked at her in horror, having no idea how to get a kid to stop crying.

She just decided to wing it and pick her up.

Mikasa: Uh... Shh... it's okay.

Mikasa said to her, but it didn't work. She continued crying. She placed her down on her lap and hugged her close. And slowly, the girl began to quiet down. She couldn't believe she actually managed to do it.

The girl even ended up falling asleep on her lap. Mr and Mrs Braus were actually quite surprised how easily Mikasa got her to sleep when they returned. Usually, it took a little while to calm her down.

Mikasa continued to stay with the Braus family for a few more weeks after that. But she didn't get better. She slept constantly. The only time she would wake up was to come eat dinner.

Lisa flung the door open and marched in, ripping the blankets off of her.

Lisa: Alright, Darlin' that's enough.

Mikasa slowly sat up, her hair all over the place.

Lisa: I refuse to sit idly by as you rot away in bed. It ain't healthy at all. I know you've been through so much, but you can't do this to yourself.

Mikasa swung her legs off the edge of the bed and sat upright. Lisa sat next to her, putting an arm around her shoulders.

Mikasa's eyes welled up with tears. She couldn't hold it back anymore. The girl broke down right there. Lisa was quick to wrap her in a tight hug as she sobbed into her shoulder.

Mikasa: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

Lisa: You don't need to apologize. If anything, it's this horrible world that needs to apologize to you. I can't let you stay like this.

Mikasa wiped away her tears as she managed to control her crying just a little.

Lisa: You deserve to be happy. No matter what. And I want to help you. So we're gonna make some serious changes, okay?

The girl nodded.

Lisa: You're gonna start gettin' up early. Doin' chores. Helpin' with Agnes. You're gonna start bathing regularly. You're gonna start takin' better care of yourself, sweetheart. I'll see to it. I won't take no for an answer.

Mikasa could only nod. Lisa stood up, grabbing Mikasa's hand.

Lisa: C'mon. There's lots to do.

It was a slow and difficult process. But it was working. Mikasa stopped sleeping constantly and started being more helpful. There was a slight but noticeable shift in her mood as well.
And she has been amazing with Agnes. They both have grown quite close. Spending time with Agnes has been the highlight of her day. Mikasa would rush to get her chores done just to spend time with Agnes some more.
This was noticed by both Mr and Mrs Braus.

A couple of months had passed. And Mikasa was doing great. She has become more social. More healthy and happier. The girl currently sat outside on a blanket with Agnes.

She showered her with kisses as Agnes giggled.

Lisa: She seems to really love you.

Mikasa looked over her shoulder.

Mikasa: You really think so?

Lisa: I think you're her favorite.

Agnes continued to giggle, grabbing onto Mikasa's hair.

Lisa: How's that house comin' along?

Mikasa: I've made up my mind... I'm gonna buy it.

Lisa smiled.

Lisa: I'm so unbelievably proud of you.

Mikasa smiled at the older woman, feeling something she hadn't felt in years.

Lisa: There's somethin' me and Artur have been talkin' about.

Mikasa: What is it?

Lisa: We... were wonderin' if you wanted to take Agnes with you.

Mikasa certainly wasn't expecting this. It's not something she thought about.

Lisa: It's a big decision. You don't have to, of course. If you don't want to take her with, you can always come and visit her here anytime you want. It's up to you, Darlin'.

Mikasa: But... do you really want me to take her?

Lisa: We've been seein' how you connect with her these past few months. You can offer somethin' a grandparent can't. You can give her the love of a mother.

The girls eyes widened. She had never imagined herself as a mom. She looked back at Agnes, who beamed a huge smile at her.

Lisa: She'll never remember meetin' her real mom. And that breaks my heart. But it gives me some comfort knowing she has you. We don't even know what happened to her father.
We'll still help out any way we can. We'll support you the entire way. Anything you need, just say the word.
So? What'll it be?

Mikasa gazed into Agnes' eyes, looking at her reflection in them.

Mikasa: I'll take her.


The house was purchased. It was cozy homestead a few miles away from a city. Mikasa held Agnes in her arms as she walked up the stairs onto the front porch.

She reached one hand out and turned the doorknob, opening it. When she stepped inside, it was quiet and empty. It was so quiet that she could hear her own heartbeat.

Agnes made a little noise, causing Mikasa to look down at her. She looked like she was looking around the room as well.

Mikasa: We're home, sweetie. Do you like it?

Mikasa walked around the empty house, carrying Agnes the whole time. She stopped and sat down against a wall. She remembered how she used to always be with her friends. It was so strange being alone. They were all off getting on with their lives instead of her. But now was her chance.

Mikasa: We're gonna be happy here. I promise...

Flashback end...

Mikasa had just finished dropping off Agnes at school. And she decided to stop at a café on the way home. She enjoyed the cold morning air as she walked home with a coffee.

?: Mikasa!

The girl turned her head upon hearing a familiar voice. It was Armin. He was running toward her, waving his hand.

Mikasa: Armin?

The two tightly embraced each other.

Armin: It's so good to see you again.

Mikasa: It's good to see you too. You travel so much that it feels like I don't see you that much anymore.

Armin: Yeah, I know. But I'm gonna be home for a while. It's nice to be back. How have you been?

Mikasa: I've been great. Things have been going very well.

Armin: And how's Agnes?

Mikasa: She's doing great, too. I just dropped her off at school.

Armin removed a small bag from his jacket.

Armin: I got her some more candy from abroad. I know how much she likes it.

Mikasa: She sure does.

Armin handed her the bag.

Mikasa: How's Annie?

Armin: She's doing well. I didn't think a girl like her would like to travel. But she seems to be happy. She already went to visit her father. How are you and Jean?

Mikasa looked down.

Mikasa: Oh... we aren't... things didn't work out... we aren't... seeing each other anymore...

The man instantly regretted his words.

Armin: I-Im sorry... I shouldn't have asked.

Mikasa: It's okay. You didn't know. But still, I'm happy you're back.

The two continued to chat for a while before Armin had to leave to deliver things to the capital. Armin became one of Paradis' lead diplomats. He traveled all over the world to strengthen relations. 

As Mikasa walked home, she rounded a corner to see a group of people flying an all black flag with a skull that had two rifles crossed behind it. On the skulls forhead was the Eldian star.

It was the Eldian Vangaurd. Mikasa tried to slip away, but someone noticed her. A man approached her and handed her a pamphlet.

?: Greetings, sister. I am happy to be the one to tell you that you can be a part of something great. You can save your nation. You can carry the ideas of brave heroes such as Y/n Langnar and Floch Forster.

Mikasa: O-Oh um... thanks...

As the man walked away, Mikasa threw the pamphlet into the garbage and hurried out of there.

Mikasa: They're so close to Agnes' school.

Mikasa was always so cautious around people like them. She mainly feared for Agnes. Mikasa even went through all the work to adopt her so that her last name would be changed to "Ackerman." She didn't want those
Ethno-Nationalist psychopaths anywhere near her.

Luckily, the birth of Agnes wasn't public knowledge. So the populous didn't even know Y/n had a daughter.

Mikasa: Maybe homeschooling is a good idea after all...


Mikasa had lit some candles, making her home smell nice. She was doing some cleaning. Mainly in her daughter's room. She maintained quite the pigsty. But her cleaning was interrupted as someone knocked on the door. She opened it to see Annie.

Annie: Such a cute home. I must admit, I'm jealous.

Annie said, sitting on the couch with a cup of tea.

Mikasa: Thank you. I don't really have an eye for decoration. But I tried my hardest.

Annie: I see. Where's the girl?

Mikasa: At school.

Annie: Is that right? She's a sweet girl. You did a good job raising her.

Mikasa: Thank you. Say, have you ever thought about having kids?

Annie: Me? Are you kidding? I can't stand kids. They're born, and all they do is cry and shit themselves. They're cure for a little bit, then before you know it, they're snotty teenagers.

Annie shuttered at the thought.

Annie: Not for me. No way. But Agnes seems different. She's so happy all the time. I don't think I've ever seen her frown. Considering you raised her since she was a baby, I've got no clue where she gets it from. Certainly not from you. No offense.

Mikasa giggled.

Mikasa: It's nice to see that you're still the same old Annie.

Annie blushed and looked away.

Annie: What the hell do you even mean by that? Armin tells me that all the time, but I don't understand it at all.

Mikasa: Don't worry. It's not a bad thing. It's good you're staying genuine.

Annie: If you say so. Has there been any issues? Regarding Agnes' family history?

Mikasa: No. I've adopted her. So she has my last name. And nobody really knew Y/n had a daughter anyways.

Annie: Good... does she know?

Mikasa froze, placing her cup of tea back on the table.

Mikasa: What do you mean?

Annie: Does she know what her real last name is?

Mikasa: No. I had the adoption papers filed when she was too young to remember.

Annie: And she knows of her father?

Mikasa's gaze turned into a glare.

Annie: She doesn't, does she?

Mikasa: She knows she's adopted but...

Annie: What did you tell her about her real parents?

Mikasa: I told her that her mother was a soldier who died in the line of duty. And... her father was a man that ran off on her mother.

Annie: Will you ever tell her the truth?

Mikasa shrugged her shoulders.

Annie: She deserves to know, Mikasa.

Mikasa: I don't even know if Y/n is actually dead! The last time I saw him was when I stopped him from shooting Jean! Do you have any idea how scared I am that one day Y/n is gonna show up at the front door?! He never stopped hating us. And if he's alive, there's no doubt he still wants to kill us all. And I dont... I don't how he'll react to Agnes. I'm scared he'll try and hurt her.

Annie: Mikasa. Y/n Langnar is dead. He probably died in the explosion. Either when the dynamite went off or when Armin transformed.

Mikasa steadied her breathing.

Mikasa: I know... Y/n was our enemy... and he tried to kill us multiple times, but... I miss... him... I don't know why.
I was able to relate to him. I don't know what happened to him. But regardless, I hope I never see him ever again...


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