Double Trouble | Paige Buecke...

By UndercoverN_

94.5K 2.6K 295

A Nika Muhl & Paige Bueckers x two fem readers Alyssa Knight, the upcoming dual UCONN volleyball & softball c... More

~ One ~
~ Two ~
~ Three ~
~ Four ~
~ Five ~
~ Six ~
~ Seven ~
~ Eight ~
~ Nine ~
~ Ten ~
~ Eleven ~
~ Thirteen ~
~ Fourteen ~
~ Fifthteen ~
~ Sixteen ~
~ Seventeen ~
~ Eighteen ~
~ Nineteen ~
~ Twenty ~
~ Twenty-One ~
~ Twenty-Two ~
~ Twenty-Three~
~ Twenty-Four~
~ Twenty Five ~
~ Twenty-Six ~
~ Twenty-Seven ~
~ Twenty-Eight ~
A/N part 2

~ Twelve ~

2.5K 68 7
By UndercoverN_

Maia P.O.V

"You know I can help right?" I hear Alyssa's voice behind me. It was Monday, two days after Alyssa hurt herself causing for the athlete to become antsy at not being as active as she liked. I wave her off as I struggle to mic Nika up correctly, having to have the taller athlete bend down and move a few awkward directions so I could reach what needed to clip certain wires and pins to.

"You, need to not be standing as much as you can." Nika speaks up for me, leading me to thank the girl as I finish pinning a wire in place to her sports bra, letting her move her shirt back in place on her shoulder before clipping the mic to the front of her shirt.

"I sprained by ankle, not break it, I can do simple tasks." Alyssa snapped slightly annoyed as she crosses her arms. "Jesus you guys treat me like a toddler."

"Well, I am three years older than you." Nika laughs, knowing it would rile up the freshman even more.

"2! My birthday is literally Friday, that's four days!"

"Go with the rest of your team before you give the girl a stroke, Nika." I laugh softly, patting the girls back as she grins at Alyssa before nodding a thanks to me and jogging to her team who was huddled up. I see Paige high five her, saying something into the mic on her shirt that I couldn't hear because I didn't have my headphones in yet to listen before turning around and giving me a wave with a smile.

I smile and return the wave.

"Gay." Alyssa laughs, suddenly perking up as I sit next to her, letting her have one of my airpods to listen into the mic'd up, as I open my laptop, pulling up the program that would allow me to adjust the sound, mics sensitivity and various other settings.

"The heaviest part of your body is what?" Geno's voice is what grabs my attention, the coaches voice echoing through my headset as I glance up at , talking to a panting Nika.

"My head." She answers back, hand on her hips as the international player takes deep breathes, trying to slow her heart rate from the workout. I glance over at Alyssa, knowing that she could hear the conversation too, seeing the volleyball players eyes looked on Nika causing me to let out a chuckle. She throws a glare my way for a quick second before her eyes go back to Nika.

"Right." Geno states with a proud tone to his voice, "So when your head drops. The rest of your body goes out of bounds." I see Nika nod at this as Geno finishes his sentence, the older male walking off to take notes and give advice to his other players who were currently shooting around and running drills.

Nika takes a few more deep breathes, eyes looking over to where one of my cameras were set up before looking in the direction of Alyssa and I, grabbing the front of her shirt and pulling the mic close to her mouth.

"Just the smartest man in the country." Her joking voice comes through the mic as I hear Alyssa laugh besides me. The Croatian recieves a ball before shooting a mid-paint two pointer, turning away from us. "The smartest man. Boss man."

"Someone's a little sassy today." I comment, jokingly to Alyssa next to me, the girl nodding in agreement with a entertained laugh before moving to stretch her injured leg onto the bleacher in front of us. "You alright?"

"Yeah, my leg just started to cramp up in the way it was before."

I nod, content with the answer the taller girl had given me before looking back to my laptop, adjusting to make the background noise picked up from the mic lower and voices a bit louder.

"Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3, can the pretty brunette on the laptop hear me?" I look up again as I hear the blonde's voice in my ear, watching Paige as the girl leans towards the microphone on Nika's shirt, her eyes looking in my direction as she grins and waves.

I know I'm going to have to cut this portion out but I can't help but to laugh and smile back, returning the girls wave before pouting 'Dork' at her. A fake hurt expression shows on her face, the blonde over dramatically placing a hand on her heart as she leans on Nika, acting as if my comment had made her feint.

"Bueckers, you are corny as hell." Nika's voice cuts through the mic with a chuckle as I see Paige suddenly tun to her and pout, the Croatian's husky laughter getting louder as she just throws a arm around thr blonde's shoulder, dragging her to the side as Geno calls for water.

Near the end practice, I hear Alyssa moving to stand up behind me, the girl struggling to grab her crutches before putting them under her armpit's, regaining her balance as she stops hobbling on one leg.

"Where are you going?"

"Caitlin and Kate are outside. We're going out to eat, probably Jersey Mike's, you want something?"

"Nah, I'm good. Meet you guys back at the apartment?"

"Yes ma'am." She salutes me before making her way out of the center. I see Caitlin through the glass doors, the girl giving me a quick wave before grabbing Alyssa's book bag from her and throwing it around her shoulder. The two slowly walking off until they were out of sight.

"Where'd our cripple go?" About 10 minutes later I hear Paige before I see her, the athlete sliding next to me as I hit her thigh, making her laugh while trying and failing to avoid it.

"That's mean Paige, stop it."

"Hey what she doesn't know won't hurt her." I shake my head in fond exasperation, "She went out with Katr and Caitlin, she'll be back later."

"Oh yeahhh. Kate ended up getting them a rental car huh?" The blonde asks, leaning against me to peer at what I was working on with my laptop.

I hum before giving her a half-joking frown, "You're all sweaty and gross, go wipe yourself down before you lean against me." I jokingly comment, Paige rolling her eyes but going to do so.

She was super sweaty from practice but I used to be an athlete and grew up around athletes, a little sweat never really bothered me but I was very thankful she went to go clean herself up a bit anyways. As I pack my gear up and the gym becomes a bit more empty, Paige walks back out with her sports bag on her back, and a towel around her shoulders. The female coming over to help me carry my tripod as I had only brought one today.

"Why thank you." I look up at her with a smile as she gives me a bow, making me giggle. "No Nika today?" I asked as the girl started walking instead of waiting for her roommate like we usually did. The four of us, Alyssa included when she was here, had fallen in the habit of driving back to our apartment together, hanging out for a bit, or even just doing homework before Nika and Paige would either leave back to their dorms or they would spend the night. Our separate duos having turned into a quad.

Paige shakes her head, "She said she's talking to the trainers about something, I don't know what it is though," She shrugs, "She said she would just have one of the girls that are staying for post shoots drop her off later since it's only like a five minute drive." I nod to her words, reaching into my pocket to get my keys, unlocking the car once we approached the Jeep.


"Yeah?" I answer, not glancing at her as I make sure my camera bag is securely placed in my trunk.

"What are you doing Thursday night?"

I blink at the question, starting to think as I carefully place the bag into its designated spot I had always made for it. "Uhh, nothing I don't think. Wednesday I'll be finishing the media needed for your guys full week, Kate and Caitlin are going to be out getting some last minute touches for a few gifts they have for Alyssa's birthday on Friday so it'll probably just be me and her at home, probably Nika and you too, all things consideringm" I laugh, turning around to face her.

"How come?" I tilt my head.

"Would you want to go out with me?" I look at her with a conflicted expression.

"Sure? Why are you acting weird though we always hang out?" I say hesitantly, seeing the expression on the taller girls face.

"Yeah I know but like, I mean a real going out this time. Like a date, a nice dinner, a museum, something like that.."


As realization sets in, I freeze, my face heating up slightly as I look at the nervous girl in front of me who had been holding eye contact with me until this very moment.

"Or, it can just be a normal hang out if that's what you want." She back tracks, waving her hands in a slight panic which wakes me up slightly, I giggle lightly which makes her tilt her head with a confused pout.

She's so adorable when she's confused.

"Come here." I motion for the girl to bend down a bit which she does, letting me reach her when I stand on my toes, my head moving towards her as I peck her cheek. "I'd love to go on a date with you, Paige. Just let me know how to dress?" I grin and when I pull away, I wee a spark in Paige's eyes as they light up, the athlete sporting her own blush before she moves to grab my hand, bringing it up to her mouth and placing a kiss on it.

"Of course, pretty girl."


Paige's P.O.V

If anyone would have told me asking out girls was one of the hardest things I would have ever done.

I would have laughed at their face at the time, but the way I had to calm my own heart down before asking Maia changed my perspective on everything I ever thought I knew.

I'm just so glad she said yes. If I had read, whatever we have going on wrong, I definitely would have considered transferring.

Not really.


Anyways it doesn't really matter since she said yes right? Right.

"Can I lick the spoon after?" I wiggle my eyes playfully as I lean on the counter, the shorter, attractive brunette besides me as I watch her stir the chocolate mixture in the bowl below her.

For not playing sports in a while she was definitely still toned I observed, and maybe stared for a bit too long at the muscles in her smaller frame as she continued to mix the mixture.

"Paige," Maia laughed, that same angelic laugh that I never got tired of hearing, before speaking again. "This literally has raw eggs in it, you've got to let it cook first."

"But I love browniessss." I faked a whine, putting my head on the cool counter tile below me as I huffed, causing Maia to laugh even harder as a smile played on my lips.

"I know, I know. And so does Nika and Alyssa, I'm making these for you guys, love." She commented, the endearing nickname making my heart skip a beat as I lifted myself up from the counter, moving behind the girl to wrap my arms around her, my head resting on top of hers.

"And you look so good doing it, Parker." I hum, not being able to see her face fully from the position but I smirked seeing the top of the girls ears turn a bright red.

"And where did all this confidence come from, hm?" Maia spoke, still stirring the mixture below her as I continued to hold her, making sure my arms were out of the way so she could stir freely. I smile as I feel her lean back into me.

"Not every day that the prettiest girl around says yes to letting me take her on a date, let me have my ego boost." I joke, watching as she places the bowl to the side before turning around in my arms, the girl looking up at me with a pink face and a small smirk.

"Prettiest huh?" She grins and I lean down closer to her ear, bringing her closer to me.

"Absolutely stunning."

I hear Maia's breath hitch, and I pull away slightly to look as the embarrassed girl tried to look anywhere but me. The action making another boost of my ego occur as I chuckle to myself, "What pretty lady? Cat got your tongue?" I tease with the shorter girl in my hold, moving to tuck some of the bakers loose strands of hair behind her ear. My hand dropping from the side of her face to her chin to make her look at me, however as I lock eyes with the green orbs again, my confidence falters as I feel myself get lost in them.

My eyes drift down to her lips and back to the green orbs, before repeating the action again. Maia doing the same as the girl let's out small, shallow breathes as she brings her hands up, gripping the sides of my long sleeve shirt as she looks at me.


"Mhm..?" She hums, still looking at my lips.

"Can I-?"

"Yo, I got your message earlier sorry I didn't respond but I was still in the trainers, but thanks for leaving it open so I could let myself in- Oh shit." Nika turns around from having closed the door, blinking at the sight in front of her as Maia and I hurriedly separate, me sputtering out Nika's name as Maia just goes back to baking, moving to pour the brownie mixture onto a pan to put into the oven.

"Did I interrupt something?" The Croatian says suggestivefully with a shit-eating grin.

Fuck Nika and fuck that grin and Jesus she's never going to let me live this down is she

The thought goes through my head is only further solidified as she looks between Maia's back and straight at me. I avoid her gaze after she mouths a 'So talking about this later' for me before I go to the couch, turning on Alyssa's playstation.

"You sure are a little cockblocker, twin.." I mutter, only loud enough for the girl to hear me when she sits next to me, causing her to start cackling.

I sigh and lean back onto the couch, tilting my head back to look into the kitchen, Maia's now upside down frame coming into my vision as I watch her place the brownies in the oven. I smile.

"Okay, that's done." I move to sit upright again as the brunette joins Nika and I in the living room, sitting on the other couch they had placed in the area. Instantly tucking her legs underneath herself and hugging a pillow to her chest as the red in her face slowly fades.


"What's done?" Nika asks curiously

"I'm making brownies for everyone." Maia giggles at the way Nika's eyes light up at that statement, the Croatian having a huge sweet tooth.

"I think I'm in love."

"You're dumb." I snort at the comment, shaking my head as I turn fortnite on.

"If you don't take her out, I will, Bueckers." She nudges me jokingly, I know she wasn't serious, and she wasn't even saying the joke to try and hurry up with my feelings, she was just being my annoying and favorite best friend.

"Too late," I shrug, trying to keep up the nonchalant act as I see her tilt her head in confusion. "I already asked her out on a date for Thursday."

I hear Nika's yell before I feel her move, pretty much jumping on her spot in the couch as she looks between Maia and I. My twin looking like she was literally just told she was going back to visit her family with how excited her eyes were.

"No way? You finally worked up the balls?"

"Hey!" She interrupts my cry, turning to Maia and suddenly looking serious.

"Wait did you say yes?"

A red faced Maia, from laughing too hard this time, just breathless shakes her head yes as Nika yells again.

"About fucking time! I'm so happy for you guys, good shit P!" She exclaims, shaking my shoulders as Maia continues to die from laughter in the background, the combination of Nika's excitement and the girl laughing in the back makes me start to chuckle before falling into a childlike laughter myself.

I love my Uconn family.

"Where's Alyssa when I need her, oh my gosh she would actually die at this right now she would be so happy, I'm so happy for you guys!" Nika repeats, her childlike nature coming out at the news as we continue laughing.

"Her, Caitlin and Kate went out a bit earlier. They should be back around an hour or so." Maia gets out between laughs, Nika nods before humming.

"Wait am I allowed to tell her?"

"Duh, that's the fam fam." I speak up, my wording making Maia laugh even harder, the girl hurrying her face into the pillow she was holding, a happy grin covering my face at the sight.

"You two are so gay, oh my GOD." Nika squeals.

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