Final Descendant After War...

By discordslaughter

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The war is over, but a lot of work is still needed. (Read my final Descendent book for the context here) More

Gear 1
OG Universe Harem 1
SCP Harem 1
SCP Harem 2
SCP Harem 3
SCP harem 4
SCP Harem 5
Chapter 1 Pt 1
Chapter 1 PT 2
Chapter 1 PT 3
Chapter 1 Full + Bonus Scene 🍋
Chapter 2 Pt1
Chapter 2 pt 2
Chapter 2 pt3
Chapter 2 Full + Bonus Scenes🍋
Chapter 3 pt1
Chapter 3 pt 2
Chapter 3 Full + Bonus scenes
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 PT1
Chapter 5 pt2
Chapter 5 pt 3
Chapter 5 pt4
Chapter 5 pt5
Chapter 5 full + Bonus scenes
Chapter 6 PT1
Chapter 6 pt2
Chapter 6 pt3
Chapter 6 Full + Bonus scene
Chapter 7 PT 1
Chapter 7 PT 2
Chapter 7 PT 3
Chapter 7 full + Bonus scene
Chapter 8 pt1
Chapter 8 pt2
Chapter 8 full + bonus scene
Chapter 9 Pt 1
Chapter 9 pt2
Chapter 9 full + Bonus scene
Chapter 10 pt 1
Chapter 10 pt2
Chapter 10 pt 3
Chapter 10 pt 4
Chapter 10 full + Bonus Scene
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 PT 1
Chapter 12 PT 2
Chapter 12 Full + Bonus scene
Chapter 13 PT 1
Chapter 13 pt2
Chapter 13 full + Bonus scene
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 PT 1
Chapter 15 PT 2
Chapter 15 pt 3
Chapter 15 pt4
Chapter 15 full + Bonus scene
Chapter 16 PT 1
Chapter 16 PT 2
Chapter 16 PT 3
Chapter 16 PT 4
Chapter 16 PT 5
Chapter 16 PT 6
Chapter 16 PT 7
Chapter 16 PT 8
Chapter 16 PT 9
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 PT 1
Chapter 18 PT 2
Chapter 18 PT 3
Chapter 18 PT 4
Chapter 18 full + Bonus scene
Chapter 19 PT 1
Chapter 19 PT 2
Chapter 19 PT 3
Chapter 19 full + Bonus Scene
Chapter 20 PT 1
Chapter 20 PT 2
GBs good message
Chapter 20 PT 3
Chapter 20 PT 4
Chapter 20 full + Bonus scenes
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 PT 1
Chapter 22 PT 2
Chapter 22 Full + Bonus scene
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 PT 1
Chapter 25 PT 2
Chapter 25 PT 3
Chapter 25 PT 4
Chapter 25 Full Chapter + Bonus Scene
Chapter 26 PT 1
Chapter 26 PT 2
Chapter 26 full + Bonus Scene
Chapter 27 PT 1
Chapter 27 PT 2
Chapter 27 PT 3
Chapter 27 PT 4
Chapter 27 Full + Bonus Scene
Chapter 28 pt 1
Chapter 28 PT 2
Chapter 28 full + Bonus scene
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 PT 1
Blooper 1 (Non canon)
Bloopers 2
Blooper 3 (Non-Canon)
Blooper 4 (Non canon)
Blooper 5
Blooper 6 (Non canon)
Secret Chapter 1
Secret chapter 2
Secret chapter 3
Secret Chapter 4
Easter Special
Chapter 30 PT 2
Chapter 30 full
Chapter 31 PT 1
Chapter 31 PT 2
Fathers day Chapter: Are you proud of me?
Chapter 31 full + Bonus scene

Chapter 16 full + Bonus scene

103 5 2
By discordslaughter

Y/N woke up and stood up. He was in a shooting range. He was confused though he saw a gun on the side. He picked it up and examined it. It was a simple pistol.

He examined it and fired at the targets, he wasn't sure why but he was compelled to. All bullseyes up until the last one. He missed very slightly. He wasn't sure why but he also didn't seem to care anymore. No sudden surge of PTSD. He felt fine, at a strange amount of peace. He didn't know where he was.

2099: Nice shooting.

Y/N looked back to meet 2099.

Y/N: That wasn't a hallucination?

2099: Welcome to the heart again. No. No it wasn't.

Y/N: Why am I here?

2099: Before we pull you out of your infection, we've taken it upon ourselves to teach you a few lessons. Mine being that you're not perfect.

Y/N: It might not even be worth the effort. By the sounds of it they'll kill me.

2099: The world's in your hands. They can't kill you. They can hurt you, it seems Frost has, and yourself. But that's not the point. They will all die if you don't force yourself out. And besides, the thing that should save you if they kill you is doing it anyway.

Y/N: So I'm meant to fight my way back in control.

2099: It's what you're good at. But you're not perfect. Once they've got Traitor weakened you should be able to. Look at your aim. Just a millimetre off.

Y/N: Shouldn't that not make a difference?

2099: That's not the point of this lesson if you wish to call it that. This is just an example. You will never be perfect. No matter what you ever try. You made a mistake when you fucked with Hunters head.

Y/N just looked down after a moment.

Y/N: I think... I think I've realised that by now.

2099: None of us are perfect. I was meant to be an exact copy of you. But you never sent on a murderous rampage with an alternate version of your dad. I'll show you with this example.

2099 took the gun from Y/Ns hand and fired on his own. All bullseyes.

2099: Now without my combat program.

2099 fired without it. He barely hit any.

2099: Far from perfect.

Y/N: I don't get the point in this. I knew I wasn't perfect it's why I tried to be.

2099: It's okay to want help. I get help from my programs.  You can get help from the people around you. You so rarely let people help you. They have to force it most of the time. Think of Sylvee. Starting to understand? You need help, you need them to get Traitor.

Y/N nodded.

2099 suddenly beeped.

2099: Well Distants turn.

2099 shot Y/N in the face killing him. But not quite, Y/N woke up not long after. He was in a science lab. Equipment was strewn everywhere though it seemed abandoned. The only thing illuminating the room was a pod.

It suddenly cracked confusing Y/N. After another moment it broke open stunning and confusing Y/N. He jumped back dodging the glass as he heard Distants voice.

Distant: So your here? Cool.

Y/N saw Distant walk outside of the pod, the glass cracking as he stepped over it casually. He seemed calm.

Y/N: You got your limbs back?

Distant: Most of us have. But that's not the point.

The gun suddenly flew over to Distant and transformed into a shotgun. He put 2 rounds in it.

Distant: Now then. I may or may not have put blanks in or loaded it. Shoot yourself.

Distant threw Y/N the shotgun.

Y/N: Fuck no! What if that's loaded?

Distant: You really think I would put actual shells that would kill you when we're trying to help you.

Distant took the shotgun back and opened it up revealing blanks.

Distant: Luckily for me that proved my point. You don't trust people. Like how I didn't.

Y/N: I don't know why your different so I don't get how this relates.

Distant: Alright I'll give a quick rundown.

Distant coughed slightly into his hand.

Distant: Basically I was a experiment from my alliance. They wanted to make me a super soldier that could compete with the other elite agents. It worked, for a while I was the strongest besides the titans. Problem is after that they upgraded the other soldiers. I was soon the weakest, but I couldn't be upgraded further. I thought they stopped caring for me, so I left.

Y/N raised an eyebrow slightly.

Distant: The point is I stopped trusting my people. And you aren't either. On so many chances my friends went out their way to bring me back even though it was justifiable to kill me for what I had done.

Y/N: I can't trust everyone though. There are so many people who want me dead.

Distant: Your nearly perfect, you can fight them off. Also bud, you have like 150 titans who have protecting you as one of their primary directives. I think you can trust the world that you won't die.

Y/N: Last time I did that I went in a bunker.

Distant: Last time you trusted the world you ended a war.

Y/N: That wasn't really trust, that was me being a desperate.

Distant: And you trusted the world that it would do what you wanted, despite your desperateness.

Y/N: So what am I meant to do? Trust that fate will give me what I need?

Distant: Not quite that just yet. But you have to trust that these lessons will work. Speaking of which. You should probably get that pent up anger out. Gabriel can do that.

Distant fired into the ground once with the shotgun getting the blanks out. He then switched the actual ammo in and killed Y/N.

(Real world)

Y/N punched Frost in the core  before firing into him multiple times blowing a hole through his chest.

Infected Y/N: Is that it?

Frost stabbed Y/N in the neck but he just ripped the blade out, he stabbed it right through the roll cage and the screen shattered.

The head detached and tried to fly off but Y/N caught the head. He dug his hand inside and ripped Frost out as he threw the head to the side. Though suddenly the body was thrown at Y/N knocking him back and making him drop Frost.

Infected Y/N looked back to see a giant version of Detainer.

Detainer: You know the penalty for treason and theft commander. No one escapes justice!

Y/N said nothing as he fired all his lasers, his 2 arm ones, the 2 on his shoulders and one out the visor of his mask. He fired all his lasers and though Detainer blocked with his 2 side claws as his bottom and top core fired a laser. However Y/N used a white shield to block it.

Detainer shot out 4 tentacles from his claws which began sapping the energy from Y/Ns shield. He simply moved backwards slightly and a combat helmet formed on his head as Detainer used the energy to fire 4 lasers and use a sound burst, though Y/N countered with his lasers. They seemed evenly matched though multiple laser Skibidi flew over and blasted at Y/N pushing him back slightly.

However Y/N downloaded 2 acid barrel Skibidi Toilets who flew at the laser Skibidi and Detainer. Detainer spun around as they hit him and multiple more appeared which he began destroying. Though Y/N fired at his back with his lasers knocking him down.

Marie: He's downloading people?

Detainer got up looking annoyed and with a graze on the side of his cheek and his forms speakers destroyed.

Detainer: No more games.

Detainer suddenly moved to the side to dodge Y/Ns lasers and he zoomed over striking Y/N multiple times as his bottom claw detached and held him still.

He ripped off Y/Ns shoulder lasers and then his helmet. He grabbed Y/Ns head and shifted one of his other claws into a blade suddenly. It began spinning as he prepared to strike Y/N. But Y/N was far from done.

He suddenly began screaming confusing Detainer though suddenly it got loud enough to launch him back and make the spectators fall down and clutch their heads. Detainer was able to stay up as he seemed confused.

Y/N shattered the claw with a suddenly burst of strength as he zipped over to Detainer and sent him through a mountain. He threw Detainer making him skid across the ground breaking his core in the process.

He dodged another set of lasers as Y/N calmed down for a moment.

Jack: What the hell was that? How did he yell louder than the speaker titans?

Marie: Ask him if he survives and gets back on our side.

Detainer zipped around striking Y/N multiple times eventually knocking the welding mask off. Though Y/N deployed another shield stunning Detainer when he hit it and allowing for Y/N to get some laser shots on him.

He zipped around as Y/N stood around anxiously. He appeared behind Y/N attempting to get another headshot but Y/N quickly spun one of his blasters around and used it like a propulsion jet to use a powered punch to knock Detainer back. Y/N fired his lasers though Detainer caught them and threw them back into Y/N, he slid back slightly, he seemed tired. His lasers and core stopped spinning and powered down.

Elsewhere in the mountain face Frostburn and Alpha and Traitor watched the battle.

Alpha: What's happening?! Why has he stopped?!

Traitor: I'm tricking the fucker hold on.

Frostburn: good thinking.

Detainer: Give up, it's over for you.

Y/Ns core spun slightly as a white energy ball slowly shot besides Detainer, but it came back around though Detainer noticed it in time and caught it.

Detainer: That's all?

Detainer threw it back into Y/N knocking him back a little more, though Y/N suddenly release 2 more energy balls that were sparking purple and sent those over to Detainer who caught them without a second thought.

Detainer: Pathetic!

His claws began spinning as he prepared to throw them back but they suddenly exploded making his claws spark purple. His lower 2 claws began acting up as they grabbed his head and tried to crush it.

Y/N laughed as he struggled. One of Detainers class attempted to stab him but he used his upper claw to cut it off. Though his left lower claw was able to stab him in the jaw making him crash.

After a moment he rose up, heavily damaged.

Infected Y/N: You call yourself an Astro?!

Y/N fired into the astro toilet though after a moment a shield blocked it from another astro toilet.

Though after moment Y/Ns lasers shot right through the shield taking the arm off, and also striking Detainer again. His body fell to the ground, he was dead.

The Juggernaut Astro looked at the corpse as Y/N fired into him again knocking his other arm off. He tried to fire the turret on the bottom but Y/N just shot that off as well. He just zoomed off as well scared.

He appeared in a base with many other astro toilets.

Juggernaut: DJ is not hearing our pleas. We have lost our own. Months of upgrades were torn through. Prepare hyperdrive to flee this world. We must go for the stars.

Back on the battlefield things were different.

Y/N: Your all cowards!

Traitor: fuck I just lost control for a moment there. Damn he has some pent up emotions.

Y/N took the shield and attached it to the side of his blaster. He also took Juggernauts blaster and one of Detainers fallen claws. He attached the blaster to Detainers claw and attached the claw to the base of his neck.

Traitor: Sweet upgrades as well.

Y/N suddenly looked confused as he saw Boombox fire her blaster into him multiple times as she flew over, seeming to try and hug him for a moment.

Traitor: Bitch thinks friendship is the answer.

Y/N just shoved her back as he fired Juggernauts blaster. Boombox dodged through the explosion it made was enough to launch her into the ground. Y/N saw Sam arrive as well as she used a core fire on Y/N. She was suddenly shoved to the side by a upgraded Visionette.

She used the stun light on him though he was able to resist enough to try and float away but Jet tackled him. Y/N tried to use his strength but it was no use. Considering she was 4 times his size he couldn't fight back.

Boombox pulled out a knife and held it to his head.

Boombox: I'm sorry honey....

Boombox went to stab him but she shook her head.

Visionette: Do it. He will revive. -_-

Boombox: Oh I'm sorry I can't stab my fucking boyfriend. You do it if you're so tough.

Visionette took the knife and went to do it but Boombox suddenly blasted her.

Boombox: I didn't fucking mean it!

Y/N used the opportunity to stun Jet quickly and stab her in the chest core using the astro claws.

Infected Y/N: Irrational...

He swung his head back damaging her camera and making his head bleed slightly. Jet stumbled back as Y/N was suddenly pulled underground as a sink hole opened up.


Y/N woke up in a burning city as he looked to his arm. It was an acid cannon, and his eye socket felt oddly heavy. Y/N felt it and immediately felt the first bit of panic. He has his prosthetic back.

He coughed slightly as he felt the scar on his neck open back up slightly. It was from Alice. Y/N noticed toms of old scars open back up and it wasnt long until he was covered in blood.

Gabriel: Why are you so scared you should be used to this?

Y/N looked forward and saw Gabriel standing there, walking through the flames like it was nothing.

Y/N: I thought this was a anger management thing? Why the fuck do I have weapons?

Gabriel: Having them is fine. It's just knowing the right situation. You see you do happen to overreact to some things.

Y/N: When?

Gabriel: You told the cassette leader to go fuck herself when she suggested not harming enemies.

Y/N: That's justified in my opinion. Some of those enemies are the reason I don't have my family. I shouldn't have to go easy.

Gabriel: You're just going to drag out the war. What happens when you have a lie eventually, and they lose you because of an enemy. Do you want them to suffer like you did?

Y/N: By then there won't be a enemy to kill me.

Gabriel: I'm not gonna say exactly when. But in 20 years you have a fully grown daughter. She's named Megan.

Y/N: Won't that change the timeline now?

Gabriel: You won't have a day when it comes to naming. But that's not the point. There are still enemies then, and they're already here, and they will have the power to take you down in one way or another. And youve made him already, either you or your daughter will die. Limit the damage, quickly.

Gabriel suddenly stepped back as multiple cameramen appeared. Y/N looked around confused as they charged at him.

Y/N dodged a punch from a cameraman and Y/N dumped some acid on him but they all immediately froze. Gabriel re-appeared.

Gabriel: I would hold back. After all not doing that is the reason there are rebel Skibidi. They think you went to far with killing instead of curing.

Y/N: We had no choice.

Gabriel: That I actually agree with, you didn't have a choice, but that was the old you. The old you who still tried to be merciful. The old you would have just injured them. But your so angry now you have to kill the moment you get even the slightest reason to.

Y/Ns eyes narrowed as he looked at Gabriel.

Gabriel: Fight like how you used to.

The cameramen unfroze and ran at Y/N. He tried to remember how and he blew a hole in ones leg with a eye laser disabling him as he sweeped 2 more cameramen. He melted their legs as well as he threw another cameraman into a second one.

His eye used the stun light on another cameraman.

Gabriel: Good, you know how to control that anger and hold to hold back. There's actually a chance at saving you. You know how to trust the people close to you. But that about the relationship as a whole.

Y/Ns eye suddenly exploded making him pass out. He woke up in his room and got up before looking around confused at where he was. He opened the window to see a white void. This wasn't real. But then he heard a voice like always.

Wars: Sup.

Y/N: Oh it's you Wars.

Wars: Yeah, Wars, C-Sides, whatever you call me, it's me.

Y/N: So then. What's this lesson?

Wars: relationships.

Y/N: werent you a sexist abuser?

Wars: Bravo you have a good eye. I was. And I regret it.

The room dismantled and multiple images of the Triadians appeared.

Wars: I've lost them because of that. And I've lost them to you more specifically. And I can never fix that. But if I can't treat them right now, I'll make sure you do.

Y/N: What do I need to improve?

Wars: You're so dismissive now. Remember that conversation with Sylvee? You tried to make a simple ask to go speak to a few people a way bigger deal than it needs to be.

Y/N: Because it is more than speak to a few people. There's laws and peace agreements to make when you merge 2 alliances.

Wars: For you it's that. You let the lawmakers do that and you simply approve or decline their suggestions. And then you let your dick do the talking.

Y/N: What?

Wars: When Chastity used the pink light it increased your lust to a high degree, now sex isn't a bad thing. I think it's good and can make a relationship even better as long as it's healthy and stuff. But you didn't choose anything good.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Wars: Your lazy about it, hell you are about relationships, they have to constantly make the first move and they had to do basically all the work. Sylvee had to literally hypnotise you to do something important.

Y/N: They like putting the work in-

Wars: And how do you know that?

Y/N: They always kinda just did I presumed they liked it that way.

Wars: Bullshit. You never asked or anything. Oh yeah another topic. You grouped Sylvee in with a woman you had known for 5 minutes. If Sylvee wasn't there I'm sure you still would have done it.

Y/N stood frozen for a moment.

Wars: Look we fuck up at relationships. Your looking at the damn king of it. I improved though.

Y/N: But-

Wars: You'll have the same heartbreak as me eventually if you keep doing that. Atleast ask to make the relationship an open one atleast.

Y/N stood still for another moment.

Y/N: I'll speak to them, them all. I'll apologise. Could I even for what I put them through?

Wars: Maybe not. But then you can be a better man for the next person.

Wars stabbed Y/N with the syringe who quickly passed out from the chemicals.

(Real world)

Y/N got up off the rubble to see the original trio and Asmodeus standing behind them.

Her warning sirens blared for a moment which hurt Y/Ns eyes and ears, though it didn't do much besides that. Y/N got annoyed and went to fly upwards out of the sink hole as he downloaded a new mask. Boombox began flying at him and he used the shockwave EMP cannon to de-activate her jetpack and make her fall down.

Sam flew at him from the right and used her rocket tentacles to fire at Y/N but he blocked using his shield. He was struggling stay afloat with her weight as she tried and partially succeeded in pulling him down.

This allowed for Visionette to detach her head and send it flying in front of Y/N. Jet tried to rip his mask off but he resisted and punched her with the astro claw, she extended 2 acid tentacles but Y/N ripped those off.

Asmodeus fired a 2 explosive nails which detached the astro claw and the shockwave launcher. The severed tentacles caught them and replaced their ends with them.

Y/N panicked and activated his laser cannons and he blasted her away as Boombox recovered and tried to tackle him to the ground.

Boombox: Just stay down please I don't want to hurt you!

Asmodeus: Neither do I but it's for his own good!

Asmodeus threw Boombox to the side as she shifted her hands into drills. She cut off his mask with them and brought them to his temples. But then Boombox used a sound blast on her.

Boombox: You'll kill him!

Asmodeus: That's the plan! He'll revive himself!

Boombox: We don't know if he still has that!

Asmodeus: Why wouldn't he?!

The arguing allowed for Y/N to briefly enter his rage state at the same time Boombox used another sound blast. His scream and her sound combined made Asmodeus malfunction and she stumbled back, clutching her head due to her sensitive hearing.

Y/N downloaded multiple cannons on his body and fired them into Asmodeus doing some heavy damage to her front.

Visionette: Fuck this I'm getting backup -_-

Visionette teleported away as Jet ran over and punched Y/N twice though Boombox also tried to stun her. Infected Y/N got an idea and he quickly stunned Jet with his own scream. But then he pretended to be confused.

Infected Y/N: W-What happened....

Boombox: Your back Hun...?

Infected Y/N: I-I think so....

Boombox, not seeing the obvious trick ran over to Y/N and hugged him. Though she quickly screamed in pain as he ripped out a small box from the back of her neck, the antivirus server.

Y/N downloaded a parasite and shoved it into the back of Boombox's head, she struggled for a moment before her body froze and clenched up. She flew out of the sinkhole and fired at multiple agents before aiming for Marie and Jack.

Jack: What the-

Jet flew out the sinkhole suddenly and tackled Boombox.

Marie: This is like the 3rd time she's been infected is that her thing?

Y/N flew out of the sinkhole and flew off. In the sinkhole Y climbed to see Asmodeus struggling to get up, she sparked white and her arm fell off.

Y: He got a good hit in I suppose.

Asmodeus: Your point? Go help kill my boyfriend so I can get him back!

Y: I intend to. I need to keep him busy while Titan TV Woman gets some allies.

Y extended multiple tentacles from his back and stabbed them into Asmodeus's cores, he sapped their energy as 2 white pupils appeared in his eyes and his tentacles began sparking. Asmodeus slumped over powered down as Y zoomed off in a straight line out the sink hole, destroying the edge slightly.

Y/N was flying towards the location of the Y/N task force though Ys tentacles wrapped around his feet and slammed him into the ground. He shot up and downloaded a blade. He sliced through 2 more tentacles before boosting off one and jumping before Y. Though he cocooned himself in a few tentacles and took the blow with relative ease. He ripped off Y/Ns mask and best him with it for a few moments before throwing him to the ground.

His tentacles hardened as they stabbed through Y/Ns shoulders pinning him to the ground. Y smirked as he formed 2 fists out of his tentacles though Y/N once more briefly used his rage mode to disrupt Y stunning him. Though he began beating Y/N into the ground before throwing him into the mountain face.

Y/N got up and fired his cannons at Y which destroyed a few tentacles, though Y stabbed Y/N into the ground once more. Y/N tried to scream but they also wrapped around his mouth. Y seemed to speak to himself, in shock that he was actually able to keep Y/N down.

Y: I finally beat someone powerful.... Are you proud of me Alt?

Y heard something land behind him as he looked back to see Station land down.

Y: Oh fuck your infected....

Station raised her fist and punched Y into the ground who barely protected himself using tentacle shields. Though a black mist appeared above her head and Visionettes hand reached into it grabbing the parasite. Station seemed confused as another black mist appeared allowing 2 more titans to walk out.


Y/N woke up in a workshop, there was a bulletin board lined with rejection applications. Y/N looked at them slowly.

"Your request to join the alliance has been denied, reason, you are not a hardware toilet."

"Your request to join the Skibidi has been denied, reason, you are toilet bodied"

Y/N immediately knew who he was meeting next, and he heard the voice behind him, which had stopped surprising him.

Toilet: It sucks, being forced to be alone. But sometimes it's better that way.

Y/N: You accepted it?

Toilet: Yeah. I accepted I have no friends or family. And you have some things to accept yourself.

Y/N felt like he knew what it was.

Toilet: Like Wars said. You might not be able to fix your relationship, but if you can't. It's best to accept it immediately. Because you'll change yourself and try to be better, like I did.

Toilet motioned to himself.

Toilet: I built myself so many humanoid bodies to try and get accepted but I couldn't. I'm like that Hybrid guy, but I accepted my losses and grew in my own way. He didn't.

Multiple holograms of various people Y/N knew appeared.

Toilet: There are people in your life who expect you to be different for them. For example. Kyle, the PC man. You're better off without him. Everyone is. Now I'm not saying kill him but distance yourself.

Toilet removed a few holograms to reveal people like Y, Onslaught, Quartz and Marie.

Toilet: These people you keep around.

Y/N: What about Frost?

Toilet: He's a grey area. On one hand he wants to kill you, but on the other. It's understandable why he's given up on you. But you need to make him believe in you again, then you certainly keep him around.

Y/N nodded slowly.

Toilet: And one thing. Being the leader of the alliance, you took that because you felt like they expected you to. Do you feel like you've grown into it?

Y/N: I've gotten used to it?

Toilet: All I'm saying is don't get yourself wrapped up in something you don't want to do. You'll lose yourself, more than you have already.

Toilets cannon lit up as he aimed it at Y/Ns face and blasted it. Y/N immediately woke up in a laboratory as he noticed scraps of flesh and broken needles everywhere.

Y/N heard a banging sound as he looked around and eventually saw a hunched figure working at a table. He punched the wall before screaming in anger, the sound of something tearing filled the room as he looked back. It was Zombie, and he seemed to calm down immediately.

Zombie: You see that. That's what happens when you do lose yourself.

Y/N: You can talk?

Zombie: I could. Before the virus took my voice away.

Y/N: What happened?

Zombie: I got close to a fire for the zombie virus but that damn plague doctor dealt with me. He made me his main subject, he clouded my mind and made me think the cure wouldn't work and he had me develop a new one. But it wasn't a cure. It was an enhancer for the damn virus. I felt my body rot as it worked on me but I couldn't stop.

Zombie showed a small vile.

Zombie: This stuff ruined my life.

He let go of it and it smashed on the ground.

Zombie: But truth is. It's partially my fault. I got so invested in a cure that the moment there was anh suspicion it wouldn't work I scrapped the whole thing. It's possible to resist the guys influence I was just to blind to see it. Worst part, he escaped, he's somewhere in the multiverse doing his own thing and I don't know what!

Y/N: I'll find him.

Zombie: Your getting too invested. You've just agreed to find a guy you don't know anything about. Step back, and analyse the situation first before you jump to conclusions.

Y/N: Spoken like a true scientist.

Zombie: It's a hazard. There's risk of consequences, and I'll show you some who had to deal with them.

Zombie looked around for a moment.

Zombie: I just realised I don't have a way to kill you. Uhh...

Zombie grabbed a microscope and proceeded to beat Y/N to death with it as blood coated the room.

(Real world)

Station retreated as out the smoke Visionette and Nucleus and Glados walked out. Though Nucleus had been upgraded and Glados had a titan body now.

Glados: While I wish it wasn't needed. I understand what is needed. I'm sorry if I cause you a lot of pain while helping you. I'll make up for it somehow.

Glados pulled out her katana as Nucleus pulled out her club. They ran at Y/N first who dodged a core laser from Nucleus before punching her in the face. She slid back and opened her miceaves expelling a green light which made multiple wounds open up on Y/Ns body.

Glados spun around the back and sliced his back up as Y/N headbutted her back, only to have to move away as Nucleus began releasing toxic fumes.

Glados knocked Y/N back into the fumes with a core beam which made him violently cough, he was struck in the chin by the club though he dodged the club suddenly and caught it. He pushed the front down making the handle hit Nucleus in the face as he took the club and bashed Glados in the side with it. Though he struggled to carry it because of its weight.

Nucleus: You are fucking pathetic you know that?

Glados sliced Y/N in his Achilles tendon which made him fall to one knee. He threw the club at Glados knocking her down as he blocked multiple cannon shots from Nucleus.

Glados ran back over and went to slice Y/N but he blocked and pushed forward making the sword stab into her eye. Y/N fired into her front  as one of Nucleus flying microwaves began firing lasers at him.

Y/N powered up slightly more as a white crystal shot from the ground stabbing it and destroying it in the process. Y/N threw it at an approaching Nucleus who was stunned by the explosion.

Y/Ns ankle had healed now and he ran at her before punching her in the head multiple times. She expelled the gas but Y/N jumped back and fired his lasers until Visionette cut one off.

Y/N downloaded another set of face protection as tried to slice it off though he caught her blade. Her 2 astro head claws tried to fire their lasers but the white crystals stabbed into them making them retreat back slightly to fire.

Y/N blocked the laser as he downloaded a speaker vest which he used to stun Visionette.

Back in the ground Marie and Jack kept watching as Y came back down.

Y: He's in 18%! Not long now!

Y/N caught Visionettes blade though she caught him off guard with her blaster which launched him back slightly confusing him.

Visionette: Watch your guard.

Infected Y/N: Ill make sure that you have more than just a destroyed head this time!

Visionette looked annoyed as she did a annoyed face though she was interrupted by a knife embedding itself in her shoulder. She activated her head cannons to fire at an infected Boombox who countered with her own core lasers. She stabbed Visionette in the face doing some damage as Jet caught Boombox and threw her back.

Visionette teleported away once more as Y/N looked at the titans, not amused with how weak they were.

Nucleus got up and went to fight but the titans the Y/N task force had infected earlier on appeared. Transmitter, Booth and Edge converged on her and began tearing her to pieces, at the end only her head flew off as Y/N chuckled. He replaced his blaster with one of Nucleus as he semi lifted up her club, struggling slightly from its weight.


Y/N got up and felt his face slightly to see he was in a morgue. He looked around until he opened one casually to see if the bodies resembled anyone he knew. Though Siege immediately climbed out.

Y/N: I'm guessing your lesson relates to losing myself?

Siege: Kinda. If you lose yourself, you stop making the correct decisions, and those can result in some consequences. And in my case embarrassment.

Y/N: You did something stupid?

Siege: Yup. In my universe Titan Boombox Woman was infected like your version of her.

Y/N nodded.

Siege: I took my glitch box. A few tape rollers and a pair of headphones and thought I could take her down. But it was a stupid decision. I got my ass beat in front of the alliance.

Siege looked hesitant in the first part.

Siege: When I recovered I wasn't quite what I was originally.

Siege grabbed the left side of his face and pulled it off revealing it's a metal plate. Charred flesh was underneath, red with black burn marks and a empty eye socket and half his teeth were missing.

Siege: They fixed me up. Cared for me. But I thought they hated me so I ran off. Somehow I thought if I couldn't take a titan on alone I could take the world on alone. I couldn't obviously, and I was desperate so I went to DaFuqboom when I found out about him. I had to beg to join his team, and look where I ended up.

Y/N: I guess we both do that.

Siege: I did. Another threat is coming, one you can't fight alone. Now. Time to see one of your last stops.

Siege grabbed the metal plate and beat Y/N to death with it.

Y/N immediately woke up in the hospital room, and as he expected he saw Dumpster.

Dumpster: Y/N.

Y/N: Dumpster.

Dumpster: We've spoken already. But you don't know my story. Allow me to explain.

Dumpsters vehicle spawned and he and Y/N got in. With Dumpster piloting it. They flew off as they flew over the scene of a battle. A younger Dumpster was caught in it.

Dumpster: I was always bullied for my dwarfism.

Y/N looked down at Dumpster, noticing that he was in fact 2ft tall, it momentarily made Y/N think of how he was able to fire a rocket launcher that one time. Y/N filled the silence with a further silent nod.

The younger Dumpster crawled back as a grenade landed besides him. He panicked and kicked it away making multiple Skibidis blow up.

Young Dumpster looked on in horror for a moment as the flames consumed the dumpsters bodies. Then he smiled.

Dumpster: Somehow the fire wasn't a pain, it was warm, it replaced the cold I was used to. And at that moment and addiction started, a neverending craving for explosions.

Multiple scenes were shown of Young Dumpster killing his old bullies using explosives.

Dumpster: This was an issue. I was labelled a psychopath and kicked out the last group of humans before they died off. I joined the alliance and I was a demo expert. Life was good. I had friends and almost got a harem like you did. But the cravings got worse. I needed more explosions. And... I killed the leaders sister in one of them. It was an accident but Helen didn't care. I was kicked out. I don't blame her.

A scene of Dumpster making his vehicle was shown as he smiled at his work before immediately getting in it and raining hell on a battlefield, there were vacuum and Dumpster casualties.

Dumpster: so I became an agent of chaos, a type of chaos that could be put on a leash. And by DaFuqBoom.

Dumpster breathed in for a moment as he somehow coughed through his gas mask.

Dumpster: No matter what I try I can't escape the smoke from the fires and explosions I made. It hurts so fucking much imagine heartburn and smoking multiple packs of cigarettes combined. If I was just a little more mature I'd have realised what to do. And your starting to go down the same path, you make split second decisions. And don't always go through. Those SCPs are waiting for you.

Y/N nodded  as Dumpster suddenly flipped the vehicle making Y/N fall out into the fire.

(Real world)

Infected Y/N blasted multiple agents that fired at him though he was suddenly knocked off balance by a roar.

Alpha: What is she doing she's on our side?!

Frostburn: Most likely not, she resembles Nemesis.

Traitor: The big bitch wants revenge that I killed her bitch. Huh.

Stage Sieger landed next to them smoking.
He got up and ran back over to Big Guy who had a rocket launcher.

Traitor: Do we help him or-?

Frostburn: He should be able to handle him.

Traitor: Alright then.

Y/N went to fight this Noir Triadian though she was hit by a purple laser as Y/N was hit by a light blue laser.

Infected Y/N + Noir: Oh just fuck off!

The Combo titan ran at Y/N as the Frostbite titan ran at Noir.

Traitor; Oh that's good, they're holding off a set of titans for us and giving Y/N stuff to distract himself with.

Combo fired a laser at Y/N who dodged to the side and fired his laser cannons at Combo though a claw tentacle extended from his back. It grabbed the nuclear energy shot and fired it back into Y/N knocking him back.

Y/N dodged another set of lasers and he flew up and tried to punch Combo in the head though the head of the titan detached and fired it's lasers into Y/Ns face knocking him back.

Y/N fired into the head actually hitting it and blowing off the top 2 lasers. It flew back down and re-attached itself as Combos core absorbed multiple more lasers and fired them back even more powerful.

Combo went to fly over to punch Y/N though he was knocked back by the club Y/N stole. It knocked a few panels off the front of his armor though he was still up.

Frostbite stabbed Noir multiple times before skiving one of the straps of her mask off. She punched him back before blocking an energy cannon shot as Frostbite got his footing again.

Noir began running at Frostbite though he opened up his fridges to fire a stream of cold air which began sliding her down.

Y: This isn't enough. We're running out of capable fighters.

Frost: Even if we upgrade some more titans it won't be enough to kill h-


Y grabbed Frost and slammed him into the ground using his tentacles, Y went to hit again but Alterns grabbed his shoulder.

Alterna: What's the plan?

Y: I'm going to upgrade Titan Astro Woman.

GB: Go, we can hold him off.

Alterna: Hold on, how will she help?

Y: She can match the speeds he's currently showing and also I have Y/Ns weakness. Heart metal.

Everyone raised an eyebrow as a damage Hunter flew over and semi crash landed. One of his gauntlets were destroyed.

Y: The hearts shell is made of a metal that replenishes itself, it's so full of energy stabbing a normal person should empower them, but for some reason Y/N is weakened by it. I'm thinking it's an overlap between the energy he already has in him.

Alterna: Your giving her that metal aren't you.

Y nodded as Alterna made a portal and threw Y through it.

Y/N struck Combo multiple times with his club as the mech fell down. The head detached and tried to flee though Y/N grabbed it and doused it in core flames. Though Hunter fired a laser at his shoulder with his last gauntlet.

Y/N looked confused as he went to blast Hunter out the sky but Noir was suddenly thrown at him allowing for Hunter and Combo to escape.

Frostbite walked over to Noir and continued the educational beating on why you don't attack the alliance.

Combos body got up and ran at Y/N though Y/N blasted it back. It tried to strike him multiple times as Y/N dodged the strikes from the headless mech. The fact that it didn't have a head seemed to make its accuracy worse.

Y/N punched it back as Frosts tablet beeped.

Frost: 19%.

Reece: Were close!

Y/N seemed to power up as multiple giant floating hands appeared in the sky, they were made up of a white energy and they tore the mech apart.

Infected Y/N: PITIFUL!!

His voice boomed and caused disturbance in everyone's vision and hearing, even biological beings like GB and Hunter and Frost.

Y/N aimed his blasters at the group though he was suddenly stabbed multiple times in the back. He screamed and stumbled forward as steam escaped the sounds, the attacker being Glam.

Glam: Come at me BITCH!

Y/N tried to shake it off as he flew at her. They traded multiple blows at Astro speed though Glam suddenly parried using her shields. She used her shockwave shoulder cannons to launch Y/N back before picking up multiple cars using her claws and throwing them at Y/N.

Y re-appeared next to the Guardians.

Alterna: Why didn't you send her in ealier?

Y: Didn't want to take the risk of killing him. I mean permanently.

Frost: You can say what you want. But he's to far gone.

Alterna grabbed Frost and dragged him to the side.

Alterna: (whispering) Look im trying to like you here and your making it fucking hard right now, so calm the fuck down before I make you.

Alterna dragged Frost back over to the group as they observed the fight, Frost now being silent.

They looked up as Y/N tried to fire his blasters though Glams claws shot out tentacles which sapped Y/Ns crystals, his laser cannons ran out of power as he seemed to get weaker.

Glam moved behind Y/N and restrained him as he moved up to 20% but immediately went limp. Multiple parasite tanks moved in and began using a light blue mode and the speakers played the curing song. The cannons also fired their beams. Glam kept stabbing Y/N though after a moment he shrunk back his regular size and fell to the ground, though the tanks kept going.

They had done all they could, but Y/N had one last fight on the inside.


Y/N saw the tree with the hanging glass shards, though the speaker spoke again.

"You have one last challenge. Prove what you have learned"

Before Y/N materialised another version of himself, he downloaded a blaster and fired at him.

"You must fight your old self. Go"

Y/N just downloaded 2 sawblades on his hands and went to fly at Old but he took no damage.

"Use your lessons"

Y/N fought for a moment, remembering 2099s lesson. Always miss.

Y/N downloaded a gun and fired into Old multiple times though he intentionally missed the last one, it hit the tree making a branch fakm into Old damaging him.

"Distance yourself from the fight"

Remembering Distant Y/N downloaded multiple large Speakermen, he put his faith into them and they helped him instead of abandoning him and fleeing.

They ran at Old who cut down a few though one stunned him with a sound blast allowing for Y/N to stab him with a knife.

Old switched the territory a little changing the large Speakerman into his dad, before killing him.

Y/N felt himself get angry as he blitzed at Old and entered his rage state, he screamed though it did nothing, seems like there was a barrier protecting him if the lessons didn't work.

"Don't let your demons get control of you. Use your rage to your advantage"

Y/N tried to focus and it took a moment to get past the rage though he screamed into the ground making it shake. This stunned Old allowing for Y/N to stab him again. He stumbled back as he got mad and tried to strike Y/N but Y/N used a net. He made a quick trap and Old got caught in it allowing for another slice to be made.

Old seemed to get angry even more and he ran at Y/N swinging violently.

"He's lost himself, use that to your advantage"

Y/N dodged the attacks multiple times and let Old tire himself out before stabbing him in the chest now. He pulled out multiple grenades and threw them at Y/N, but before they could detonate and choke Y/N with the smoke and fire Y/N shot them. The smoke blinded Old momentarily and Y/N struck him again. Though Y/N remembered Sieges lesson.

"Allow his glee to get the better of him"

Y/N laid back pretending he was hurt and Old flew over with joy in his eyes. Though Y/N suddenly flipped him and stabbed him in the stomach.

Y/N was suddenly tackled by Old though he thought of Wars relationship lesson. Think of others feelings, though Y/N was gonna twist this lesson a bit.

Y/N: Oh come on we gotta understand each other here! We're the same guy! I know what you went through I can fix it!

Old seemed to hesitate allowing for Y/N to lunch him in the face. He then slashed his knee making him stumble forward.

Y/N saw the man down and he didn't want to kill him yet, he wanted to vent for a moment.

Y/N: In actuality. What do I say to you?

Y/N materialised the seat of the alliances leader.

Y/N: I remember taking that seat. I knew the responsibilities, the ones for the little things I had left, and the ones I ignored. That was you. You chose to ignore them! And so did I....

Y/N: And the fact that they believed I was a good leader. Who am I leading? Fools? Desperate people in pain? No. I am leading those who believe in me. Those who had hoped that I could change, those would help me get to a better place no matter what it cost. And I intend on repaying them. I will be better than this. I told Alt that we must be better, but noes it's only me.

Y/N took one last look at Old.

Y/N: Go and find a purpose, because I'm not taking that chance from you.

Y/N began walking away towards the tree as Old disappeared. Though he felt another presence slightly.

???: Hey your actually someone I can respect now.

Y/N turned back instantly recognising the voice, he breathed heavily as he was shocked, relieved and scared to see this person.

Y/N: Alt?

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