Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Broth...

By Gamekip99

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When two brothers straight from the afterlife come down to a world of assassination and corruption, with one... More

OCs info
Prologue: Cut the Tension
Chapter 1: This Doesn't Make Cents!
Chapter 2: Shed some Light on the Night-mare
Chapter 3: Sweet Teams
Chapter 4: Past or Future, but Present is Tense.
Chapter 5: Starry Staring Knight
Chapter 6: I Know Why The Caged Bird Stings.
Chapter 7: Shot Up!
Chapter 8: Hit the Road, not my Friends.
Chapter 9: Quit while you're A-Head
Chapter 10: Morning Story
Chapter 11: Time Heals all Wounds
Chapter 12: Seryu Later
Chapter 13: Don't Leaf Me
Chapter 14: Ferry Impressive
Chapter 15: No I in Scheme
Chapter 16: Things Went A-Rye
Chapter 17: Jaegers just wanna have Fun
Chapter 18: Swept up by the Wave
Chapter 19: Hard Days Knight
Chapter 20: Dis-Manta-Ling
Chapter 21: Hell 9000
Theme Chapter: Thanksgiivng
Chapter 22: Good Mourning
Chapter 23: I Sky with My Little Eye, Newcomers
Chapter 24: Train on your Parade
Chapter 25: He Shoots, He Chores.
Chapter 26: Break a Leg, or a Tongue
Chapter 27: I Land You
You're A Mean One, Jin the Grinch.
Chapter 28: Kill the Time
Chapter 29: No Separate Way
Chapter 30: Rocky Road
Chapter 31: Second Base
Shadow Dagger Bio OCs
Chapter 32: No Exploration without Devastation
Chapter 33: Cruelty
Chapter 34: The Team Up
Chapter 35: Catching Up
Chapter 36: Umatora
Chapter 40: Esdeath x Jin
Chapter 42: Fate can be Cruel
Chapter 43: I'm Sorry
Chapter 44: Fury
I Need to Talk
Chapter 45: Hearing

Chapter 41: Taking back the Town

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By Gamekip99

At the village, Champ ran back to his group as they all greeted him, except Syura.

Champ: You left me in the Umatora Theater! And no children were left!

Syura: Why didn't you pulverize the generals and HR help?

Cosmina: Enough of that! Let's get some boys!

Enshin: And girls!

Syura: Hold on. Wait for the 24 hour mark to pass. He might just give us the riches. If not, this entire place will become a zoo. We have.....how long?

Enshin: 12 hours.

Champ: 12 hours? But I'm mad now!

Syura: Put these hoods on, cause havoc everywhere, do not show your faces. If you do, you'll ruin the deal.

Everyone: Yes sir.

Mayor: Syura! Sir!

The mayor came running with a signed contract. It would give the Empire complete access to the profits located in the mine and making sure the town barely got any. It was unfair since it was geared towards the Empire's benefit and not the town's.

Mayor: Please spare my town.

Syura: Your wish is Granted.

He tosses him the detonator, which he takes out the function and all, as Syura swipes the contract in exchange.

Cosmina: Gooooood.....bye!

Enshin: Peasure doing business.

The Wild Hunt group left and got the contract in hand, but they were lacking any fun. So they decided to use Syura's plan of disguising themselves and causing discord at Miningham.

Champ: Can't we just cause chaos and get some angels?

Cosmina: Yeah, I want some cute guy there!

Enshin: Or hot girl.

Dorothea looks over the contract, and it had a loophole. Wild Hunt was unable to destroy the town under any circumstances and had to protect it. But they never said anything about killing or injuring others.

Syura: Perfect. Put the hoods on, and kill anyone here.

Everyone: Yes sir.

The hoods hide their faces and they wait a while before rushing back into the town. Whatever human or beast they could find, they killed. They were given the serum that turned them into Plain Earthen Spirits. So they had increased speed, strength and agility.

No matter what, no human who came across them would get out unscathed. Alive maybe, but never not hurt. Cosmina and Enshin would use whatever good looking male or female respectively to satiate their own sexual desires, while Champ would sexually assault any children that walked his way.

Syura: Here comes another one.

Champ: Shh! Ice cream.......free ice cream......get free ice cream.....

Children: Yay! Ice cream!

3 children ran towards the hooded figures and soon came to a door. The door whispered to be opened so they could get free ice cream. Once opened, the children were taken in and were shushed by the entire group of hooded Wild Hunt.

Champ: Ok, stay quiet. Make a peep, I'm going to kill you. Your friends peep, I'll kill them. Understand? Silence is golden.

Syura: We'll be back.

They then leave as Champ takes off his cloak and the kids were scared, but not loud as Champ closed the door and slowly licked his lips at the sight of the children, and prepared to do who knows what.


Once Lubbock, Kurome, Jin, Wave, Bols, and Jun arrive at the town, it was in chaos, as Danger Beasts attacked everywhere and were able to sense the group.

Jun: What are these-

Kurome: They're like Danger Beasts-

Wave: -but can think like Spirits.

Bols: Whatever they are, they have to die!

The flamethrower user pulls out Rubicante and starts flamethrowing the beasts and punching them as well. However, they were extremely flame resistant. So Kurome decapitated them and guarded with her sword.

Kurome: Whoa! I didn't think I had this strength ever since my drugs wore off!

She sliced the beasts heads off while her boyfriend was using what little dark energy in him to attack and stab the monsters. He used Grand Chariot to armor up and guard the hits from the Beasts/Spirits.

Kurome: What are these things?

Lubbock: No idea, but they don't look friendly.

Jun: Wait! Kurome? Lubbock? Why do you look beastly?

Kurome: I didn't shower with fancy soap this time. So what?

Jun: No! Like you're gaining traits like us! Why do you have scales?

She looks onto her arm, and noticed the scales on it. Kurome gasps, and drops her sword. Suddenly, a beast nearly attempts to eat her, but she was saved by Wave at the last minute.

Kurome: Wave!

Lubbock then strangles the beast until it stopped breathing, and then sliced it open.

Bols: Let's find the mayor!


They rest out in the mayor's office and grab some supplies as well, like med kits, rations, and some blades. Bols was being caught up on whatever happened when he was away.

Mayor: They......they.....they wanted control of the mines, and I gave it to them....if they wouldn't destroy the town.

Jin: They already did.

Mayor: Just one mine.

Kurome: We'll get it back, sir.

Wave: First of all, did they leave anything? Like footprints or an item?

Mayor: Well, Syura left this detonator.

Jun: Wait, he's still here. I can smell it. Come on. Bols, Lub, Wave and Kurome.


They retrace the footsteps using Jun's sense of smell. Once the group runs all the way to the hideout, Jun takes a sniff inside. Lubbock prepares some wiring and Kurome, Wave, and Jin rush in to find Champ, Enshin, Dorothea, Cosmina and Syura.

Syura: They found us!

Cosmina: I'll handle this!

She screams with a high pitch, but was blocked by a dark blast pushing her voice back. Jin then uses his left hand to fire a projectile of metal and have it stab into Enshin and Dorothea. But they pull it out without any effort.

Syura: Nice try. We taken serums to increase our power and skill! You can't beat us!

Wave: Well we're not doing that.

Bols: All we want is for you to leave our town!

Lubbock captures a few of Wild Hunt and starts strangling Dorothea with it, while Enshin cuts her loose.

Bols: If you're Spirits now, I guess I can do this!

He fires a giant flamethrower onto the group tells the group to stay behind him. Bols then jumps up and punches Syura in the face and slams his tank into his chest.

Jun: You have abused this town's riches for your own selfish gains! Eye of Light!

However, Syura lobs a rock onto Jun's eyes and he holds them in agony as he got blinded himself and gets punched by Syura. Cosmina then rushes to Jun and pulls his pants down.

Cosmina: Hell yeah! I was wanting him!

Suddenly, she gets held by the throat and Jin grabs her Teigu in his other hand while attempting to choke her.

Jin: Stay away from my brother you perverted harlot. He has a wife he loves, and god knows it ain't YOU!

With his dark energy, he crushes Cosmina's Teigu and attempts to pierce her throat. However, he was stabbed by Enshin's sword  and pushed into the wall.

Jun: JIN!

Wave comes in his armor and starts throwing boxes in the room into the group of corrupt officers and tries to fight them off alongside his girlfriend Kurome. She uses her extremely sharp blade, Yatsufusa, and tries to slice the Wild Hunt members. But they were too fast for her and Syura manages to get her.

Syura: Finally. I have myself a new toy. Come on!

They attempt to get back to their base with Kurome hostage, but Jin woozily stood up and manifested his claws reloading, and shoots Enshin and Dorothea multiple times with his projectiles. They died once they got hit by the wave of metal projectiles.

Enshin: Kill.....them......

Dorothea: Run......

Jun: JIN!

Lubbock: He'll be sucked up into the portal!

Then, out of nowhere, he grabs Kurome from Syura and tosses her out of the portal as Lubbock and Jun run to save Jin. But out of bad luck, Lubbock gets caught up in the portal and Jin was sucked up too. Both boys were sucked up as Jun saw a bright purple light flash before his eyes as they disappeared.

Kurome: He, he saved me.

Jun: JIN!

Bols: He saved you.

Wave: Do we know where he is?

Jun's watch sent a location to his watch, and Jin said to check back in for more info if he could. Him and Lubbock were sent all the way to the Empire's Castle.


Lubbock: Come on, Jin! We can take them down!

Isaac: Not so fast.

A man snaps his fingers and holds down Jin and Lubbock using earth and water. Steppenwolf comes down and has Seryu, Price, Shepherd, Zoey, and a new man in a lab coat.

Shiloh: So this must be Night Raid? Their Blue Watches must give them away.

Zoey: We all know, Shiloh.

Seryu: Let's execute them in the name of Justice!

Shepherd: No. We torture them.

Isaac: Hold on. These enemies of ours contain valuable info. Keep them alive. Torture hem if need be. I'll handle Terminus myself.

Lubbock was headed off to a prison cell while Jin was being observed by Isaac. Soon he notices the Blue Stone and grabs it.

Isaac: This must be the actual Mark of Hell. I'll take that.

Jin: Fat chance. About as fat as Prime Minister Honest.


Isaac: Sorry, sir. I'll punish him properly.

Honest: You better!

He then snatches Jin's stone, and he was completely unable to fight back as no punch, kick, or attack he had from without his stone even laid so much as a scratch.

Isaac: Jin. Jin, was it? Come with me. I want to talk to you.

Jin: If it's about-

Isaac: You should know this, Jin. I want to speak with you.

Jin: No way. You just want the stone.

Isaac: No. What if I told you there was a way you can destroy that stone? The ones you and your brother hold?

Jin: Nonsense. I can destroy these with my friends's help.

Isaac: Friends? They're using you.

Jin: We're all using each other. The only reason I like them is because they're helping me. Only a few exist who like me.

Isaac: Of course. We all use each other here. But what if I told you something?

Jin: What?

Isaac: About your friend down in hell. You barely had friends before you came here, but this one was one of your few.

Jin: You still raided my home!

Isaac: Jin. If you could make friends with the humans here, you could've done the same thing in heaven. Why do you like these humans? We're better than them. They're nothing more than a bunch of cavemen who think they can be more. They'll use you, they'll hurt you, and soon enough, they'll hate you when you do almost anything. Why bother fighting it?

Jin stays silent and frozen as Isaac walks out of the room and leaves Jin there. But he walks back and handcuffs him to a pole to lock him there and go to Lubbock. Isaac smugly smiles once he leaves Jin to contemplate, while also using the dark stone's poison power on Jin, with a dart.

Isaac: (The seed is planted. I know you're growling into less of a misanthrope. But I fixed that right up. Just you wait, Night Raid. One of your greatest allies turning into your worst enemy. And if he does fight through it, I have one thing that'll make him hate them. My revival was caused by them!)


Once the group got back to the hideout, they were taken aback by the news that Jin and Lubbock got kidnapped. Lubbock was a person who knew a lot and Jin was a god, so this sent the army in disarray.

Haruki: What do we do, what do we do?!

Sky: Come on! Pull yourself together!

Sophia: Let's just figure out where we're going first.

Jun: Ok. We got our watches saying they're all the way in the Emperor's castle. We'll need a lot of our officers heading there. I'd say we bring Narita, since he knows the place.

Narita: Ok.

Jun: Declan and Haruki and Sophia, as Sky is unfortunately, too much of an airhead.

Sky: Air what now?

Jun: Ieyasu and Sayo, we'll need your help here.

Ieyasu: Perfect. We'll save our friend!

Sayo: Mmm hmm.

Jun: Then lastly, Tatsumi and Akame.

Tatsumi: Why us?

Akame: Why not Kurome?

Jun: Kurome is more wanted than you for being a traitor. Not to mention Murasame is more useful than Yatsufusa, It's an instakill weapon.

Esdeath: And how can we be so sure that Wild Hunt won't be there? They're actions are getting more erratic by the day.

Leone: Simple. Me and Johnny sent Dr. Reed and my bestie Kels to scope out the Capitol City. They'll check for border patrol and also inside the castle.

Najenda: This was probably the riskiest move we've done. Sending two officers into the belly of the beast. But we have to rescue our two wayward men. Get your Imperial Arms ready. Jun? You're not coming with us though.


While Jin was getting corrupted, Lubbock was getting tortured by having most of his body crushed by Syura, or being beaten up by Champ, or sexually harassed by Cosmina. They had his Imperial Arms taken away and everything. Currently, Lubbock was crying and screaming in a room with Cosmina and brought back out in chains.

Syura: For the last time, where is Night Raid's hideout?!

Lubbock: I'll never tell!

Syura: Are you done with him?

Cosmina: Yes. He's cute, but sucks.

Syura: Ok.

The sadistic leader grabs some rock and hardens it with his power, then grabs Lubbock's body and has him lying on his back, with a rock Syura had in his hand.

Lubbock: What are ya gonna do? You can't take anything from me if you just beat me up.

Syura: That's right. There's nothing I can do to you physically, but how about mentally? Cosmina wouldn't work, Champ wouldn't work, but I have an idea.

He looks over the green haired string user and grabs a rock and throws it right at his crotch, which has Lubbock a pale white about what Syura would do to him.

Syura: That's your weakness. And something tells me you loved what Cosmina did to you. So, tell me, or else you'll have one hard time in the bathroom.

Syura was threatening to crush Lubbock's groin, but the assassin refused to give in.

Lubbock: Go.....to......hell......

Syura: Alright.

He smashes the heavy stone onto Lubbock's crotch as a loud crunch was heard. Lubbock was screaming in pain as Syura was crushing his balls with malicious intent. Then, to add insult to injury, he started smashing it until it became nothing.

Syura: Yeah.

Cosmina: That's a small mess now.

Champ: What do we do now?

Syura: Christian engineered these bombs. The mutation ones into mindless beasts? I'll slowly make Lubbock lose his humanity. Then, I'll break Night Raid.

Champ: Wait? What's this?

The clown takes off Lubbock's watch and it starts to beep. Before anything else happened, Lubbock called the self destruct function.

Lubbock: Self destruct!

Suddenly, a large burst of dark energy was unleashed onto the three villains as Lubbock smirked. They then fell to the ground in agony as Lubbock hoped that in the time that would come, he would be free.


Jin was locked up in the lab and had no idea what to think now. He was thinking of all his bonds and wondering about if there was genuine interest and care in it or if they just hated him. He hated them, yet he still liked being around them.

Jin: (What is going on? I don't know why, but do they actually care for me and my brother?)

A blur then came into the room and started trying to saw through the chain that was restraining Jin.

Ieyasu: Jin. Let's get you out of here. Babe?

Sayo: Got it.

She shoots explosive bullets and makes sure to silence them as the group of rebels get in. Tatsumi and Akame then came into the room.

Tatsumi: We came to rescue you.

Akame: We're not leaving our friend behind.

Jin: Thanks. I don't know where Lubbock is. But I know for sure he's in the castle or around Wild Hunt. We have to find him.

Tatsumi: Wait. Where's your stone?

Jin: Isaac took it. Maybe we can get it back from him.

Akame: Too risky. Let's just get Lubbock and get out of here.

Jin: I can take him. We can take him.

Sayo: We can't!

Ieyasu: The last time we fought him, we barely escaped with our lives!

Jin: Cause you didn't have me. But yeah. We should go get Lubbock.

Akame: Narita, Declan, Sophia, and Haruki are finding Lubbock. They'll need the help.


Soon, they grab Jin and meet up in the lab with Isaac, the Emperor and the rest of Wild Hunt and the Shadow Daggers.

Emperor: Hello everyone.

Seryu: Emperor!

Christian: We're going to use a mutation bomb to bomb the locations and turn all of the Revolutionary Army into mindless beasts.

Shiloh: We have our first test using one of Night Raid's assassins. Lubbock.

Zoey: We all know! Skip to the important stuff!

Price: So, how are we going to torture him?

Syura: I'll turn him into a mutated danger beast and make him completely mindless. He'll be under our control and die serving us. Do you approve?

Seryu: You should! We will be punishing an evil person for his misdeeds!

Emperor: Yes! I'll be going now.

The Emperor leaves as the group of villains and walks in his hallways. Soon, he encounters the group of assassins sent to rescue Lubbock, and was shushed by Narita.

Narita: I'll take care of him. Go on.

They nod as he sends the directions and he grabs his watch to get teleported back to the hideout.

Emperor: What are you doing to me?!

Narita: I'll show you a little something interesting. It'll change your view.


Soon the group of Tatsumi, Akame, Jin, Ieyasu, Sayo, Declan, Sophia, and Haruki get to Lubbock's cell, which was Christian's laboratory. They prepare their Teigus and brace for anything. But Price then scuttled by, as Jin grabs him by the stinger and tosses him into the door.

Jin: Time is up, Isaac.

Isaac: Hello.

Syura: Oh good. They're here. Welcome, Night Raid and Hidden Resistance. You're free to rescue your little friend. If you can. But rescue him, and this entire place will be filled with mutation gas.

Isaac: What?!

Shiloh: That's crazy! You'll harm everyone here!

Isaac: No one here, no Shadow Daggers! And no resources!

Syura: Well not now. But layer.

Jin: Alright, Steppenwolf. Hand back my stone.

Isaac: Make me, you filthy halfbreed.


Chapter 42: End

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