One of Light Tainted by Darkn...

By Aerishiph

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Nightmarish stasis, forever dreaming in a never-ending void. It was like home, like the caves, but that made... More

Chapter 2 - Questions and Doubts
Chapter 3 - Corrupted Heart
Chapter 4 - A Little Bit Of A Liar

Chapter 1 - A Call for Freedom

272 3 5
By Aerishiph


Hello: The Past

Oh, you want to know more about me? Well, my name is (Y/N). I come from a vault, I suppose you could call it, and that's where I was born. Oh, but not in the vault. Besides being locked inside a crystal, there wasn't anything bad about being down there. It was just.... Really quiet. I'm glad to have someone to talk to now- Where was I born? I was born in the underground. -Who are my parents? Hmm.... Too many questions when we have training to do.


Nightmarish stasis, forever dreaming in a never-ending void. It was like home, like the caves, but that made you want to leave more. It was all gone and it had been so, so, long. Had it been days? Hours? Weeks? Years? You felt the same, didn't feel taller. It never got any tighter in the grasp of the prisonous crystal you were inside. If you breathed too deep, the crystal would take up the space. Your head felt light, spinning, and sometimes caused you to pass out. The crystal had just enough space and it never got tighter for you to fit height-wise. You suddenly felt faint again, your eyes rolling up before you blinked back to awareness.

Where has everyone gone? Would they find you or would you find them? Were they even looking? Had anyone survived? You didn't know and probably wouldn't ever find out. You should give up, but you can't bring yourself to.

"How long are we going to play this game? I am you and you are me. We both are here to suffer until we give up our hope. Don't you understand? It's the only way to come to me. It's our destiny."

Destiny.... you would be ruined and the ruiner. The dreams are projected into your mind without consent. Once you grew up, Lily and you would be whole. They are nightmares that seem to drive you mad. You were the villain of the story. No, you wouldn't do it. Yes, you would. Nobody could object to destiny. A vain hope rested within you still and it never could let go. It burned for a long time. Though it was fracturing steadily as the nightmares never ceased their relentless attack. You could only hope. It was really all you had left. You were holding onto in your slowly sickening heart and you would until the end of time.

How long has it been, again? Can you leave soon? Then you felt tears in your eyes, feeling the sinking darkness swallow you whole. Not even your tears had enough room to move down your face. Helpless. Like the child you were, and are, you couldn't do a thing.

You could feel the swell of your power as it pulsed, desperate. Like a cornered animal, it was going to act out. It wanted nothing more than to escape and it would gladly drain your energy to do so. It was Lily. You were Lily. If one lost, the other would too. It was an inevitable fight. You too were too different now. No, it's not you. You could achieve freedom. You would find Lily then you would be whole again.... But.... She was in too deep. One day you'll be saved then you'll save her.


"That's right! Go to the Vault of Secrets and retrieve this item for me." Venti, the green bard, stated proudly. "I believe what you find there will be instrumental to deal with Stormterror."

"But what is it we're looking for specifically? You haven't mentioned it at all...." Paimon said, floating above the ground. Next to her was a blonde traveler who had their hands on their hips. She was blonde and had a bob-cut hairstyle. Her clothing looked otherworldly compared to everyone else.

"Oh, you'll know it when you see it." Venti mused. "I trust you've got good eyes."

"Why you!" The small floating child puffed out their cheeks, frustrated. "Just tell us already!"

"Let's just say what you'll find can absorb the corruption affecting Stormterror," Venti explained. "I haven't seen it before, but I can sense it. The entire temple is even taken over by the corruption affecting Dvalin. Except, this time you will fight them in physical form. The vault is just one room and has a crystal up in the sky. I didn't see anything else because I had to leave pretty quickly."

"Why?" Paimon asked.

"That's because the vault is so corrupted that even the air is poisoned. The inside is nothing but a haze that will make intruders grow sick before they succumb to the poison. However, the traveler seems to have the ability to purify corruption and can most likely be the only one that can enter." Venti smiled. "A great contender to do the job! I can't think of anyone better!"

"What!!" Paimon stamped her feet. "But Piamon can't purify corruption!"

"Oh, that is a good point." Venti hummed. "I suppose you'll have to stay out here with me..."

"Wha-! No! I will not stay here with tone-deaf bard!" Paimon grew angry.

"Well, it's either that or get sick."

"Paimon can't believe this-!"

"Is there anything we should be on the lookout for?" Lumine, the blonde traveler, asked.

"No! You can't go without Paimon!" The small white-haired grew yelled.

"Oh, someone with your skills should be able to take care of things easily," Venti stated, humming in though, and ignoring Paimon. "I wasn't able to retrieve it, but it has to do with the crystal."

"Alright, let's go Paimon." The traveler smiled.

"You can't leave Paimon...." The girl started to sniffle but floated to follow the traveler.

"I'll lead you to the temple since it's hard to find," Venti stated with a smile. "I won't be able to go in with you as it's very dangerous for anyone who can't purify themselves easily. I'll be waiting on the outside of the temple for your return. And Paimon, cheer up! It will only take a bit."


Venti peaked just above a bush, spotting some hilichurls and abyss mages dancing around the vault entrance they needed to enter. The traveler and Paimon also looked over the bush as Venti sighed.

"We'll have to clear them out before entering the vault," Venti stated. "How unfortunate for you."

"Wha-! You're not gonna help!" Paimon huffed.

"It's fine, I can handle it." The traveler stated before going around the bush.

With a flash of their sword, they made quick work of the hilichurls. Venti clapped before putting his hands on his hips.

"Well done! Couldn't have done better myself." Venti smiled.

"Argh....." Paimon was growling at this point.

"Now, on to other matters." Venti stepped over to a door that was covered in weeds and plant life.

It had a symbol of a star that swirled with a mix of light and dark. However, the darkness was almost overtaking the symbol. There was very little of the white left at all. That was also, the only notable feature of the door. The rest looked to be made of plane stone.

"It looks like it's locked. Darn...." Paimon weakly pushed against it.

"I don't think we would come here without a key." The traveler deadpanned.

"You're right my friend! I, Barbatos, hold the key to enter this vault!" Venti exclaimed.

"Where did you even find it?" The traveler asked.

"I just found it," Venti answered plainly as both females stared at him. "What?"

"You just found a key that opens a toxic vault that holds something that can absorb corruption, though you've never seen it." Paimon listed. "On top of that, you don't know where the item is, just that it's there and the traveler is the only one who can go in long enough to look?"

"Hehe, that's correct." Venti smiled as the Traveler face palmed. "Anyway, let's open it up."

Venti stepped towards the door, pulling out a small glowing sphere. It had the same glow as the white that was swirling on the door symbol. He held it up slightly, the orb floating and gently falling in place with a click.

"I suggest you prepare yourselves," Venti stated, a light shining through the door as it suddenly opened.

"Paimon doesn't understand, prepare for what-" The girl suddenly gagged as purple mist fell out of the doorway and swirled, grasping onto the life around it. It also absorbed the light, creating total darkness. "Eek!"

"It seems worse this time," Venti said, shielding his face as the traveler did the same. "Interesting..."

"Paimon feels woozy...." The girl held her head. "Paimon also has a bad feeling...."

"We can't stay long and likely, neither can you Traveler," Venti stated. "My the wind supports you on your journey."

The traveler nodded, before running in. The miasma was strong and almost stung their eyes. However, they kept moving before noticing they were in a large room. Almost too large, it didn't fit the side of the mountain that she had entered from. Just above was a large crystal that extended across the entire ceiling. Black stars fell from it, dispersing and corrupting the air. The traveler then noticed the large monstrous guards.

Their armor was thick and radiated a purple dark glow. Traveler steadied herself. There were five that they would have to defeat. She then charged ahead, brandishing their blade.


You couldn't move. You felt like you were going to faint, but the crystal held against you. Steadily, you looked around, your (EC) and rainbow crystal-like eyes meeting the same dark purple crystal that you always looked at. Your hair was glittered with multiple colors when the light hit it at certain angles, one strand being straight black while others were white. Beings, unable to be deciphered, walked around whatever room you were in. They had been wandering around for a long time, but they never helped you. Sometimes, they fought, which is what it looked like they were doing now. Either way, they were dumb, guards, or just cruel.

All you could make out was that they had the color of the void. The girl focused on the crystal, a crack appearing before sealing back up instantly. The integrity was compromised and had been wearing down for a long time. If you focused on your element it would cause it to crack, only for it to be sealed once more. A trial of endurance.

Hope rested within you, wishing for nothing else but freedom. It burned endlessly bright. You would never give up. If you could hold on for a little longer, you'd be able to escape. You only saw the endpoint, not how far you had to go to get there.


The girl's gaze shifted, the void-like magic you held morphing into a paler, darker, version of you. The only difference between the two of you was your hair colors. Both of you had a highlight. Your highlight was still had white in it while Lily's was dark purple. Both of you used to have white hair that sparkled in the light. Lily... She's changed so much and so have you. Lily floated easily through the crystal. Almost as if she didn't even exist because she didn't. She was simply a figment born of your connection. A thought could even be shared if you tried as well as an illusionary version.

"The gods have forsaken all of our people. They were never there to begin with. Just give up. It's the only way for us to see each other again. The place where I am is too dark and cold. Without you.... scary.... I'm your only friend, we are the only ones left. We are each other. If you stay, you can have a form of freedom I swear. He promised me."

The version of the girl's mouth didn't move, their thought projecting into yours. If you could shake your head, you would. You would not be staying here. You also didn't know who 'he' was. Probably some sort of trick just like your dreams-

"ARG!"A sudden pain spikes in your chest, catching you off guard. Lily flenched as well.

"Are.... you okay? I felt that too. My heart... Our heart.... it...."

The wind was knocked out of your lungs, making you cough, the crystal filling in the space, restricting your movement even more as the shadow suddenly giggled a cold, child-like noise. Your breathing quickened, your head growing faint. Lily covered her mouth in horror, shaking her head.

"I'm so sorry.... I-... Ah-!."

The corruption swelled, but the girl pushed back against the pain. Lily hunched over, holding her chest. Then, a golden light shined bright from the outside of the crystal. Almost like a meteor, something crashed against it.

"Our connection.... Wait-!"

Lily disappeared without another word, surprise lacing her eyes, as your bright purple eyes shined with hope. However, loneliness also spreads within you, but your mind is goal-oriented and you dismiss it. You then focused. It was tiring, but a large crack appeared within the golden light and spiderwebbed against the crystal. Then, it shattered.

You fell, the shadow disappearing as tears welled up in your eyes. You were soon caught mid-air. You clutched your savior, coughing. The feeling of corruption and pain faded, purifying. However, your inability to breathe because of your coughing made you suddenly feel weak before you passed out from lack of oxygen.


"Oh, look! She's waking up!"

You blinked, slowly opening your eyes expecting yourself to be restricted by the binding crystal. However, you didn't feel any of the hardness. Instead, it was soft. A bed.... You were on a bed.

"Hello!" You looked over, your body not ready to move. You felt so stiff as if you were a rock.

A small floating girl was waving at you with a smile.

"Who're....." Your voice sounded hoarse. "Who're you?"

"Paimon's name is Paimon." The girl stated before pointing to a much taller female. "She is the renowned traveler!"

The girl pointed towards a taller person as they waved with a smile. Her clothes were ornamental and white. She looked friendly, but not like your people. They had different eyes, ones that mirrored that of a star.

"Do you know why you were in a vault?" The traveler asked.

"Vault?" You blinked. "That's where I was?"

Both people looked at you confused before you pulled yourself up, your arm poking out of the cloak for a moment. Absolutely everything felt as stiff as stone. It felt like cobwebs were in your joints and you couldn't help but take a deep breath unrestricted.

Your white cloak had a rainbow iridescent white cloak with a compass star clip. Your clothes underneath weren't easily visible, the cloak's front having two layers. It hung over you, being perfect in size.

"I don't know why I was in a vault." That was a lie. You weren't going to tell them your life story. "I barely remember a thing."

A lie and a truth. You remembered small details, broad strokes of what happened to your home. However, stronger details, labels, names, and faces all disappeared through a head ach indusing fog. You blamed the location of Lily. Where ever she was, was beyond toxic. It was affecting her and you.

"Well, what do you remember?" Paimon asked as you quickly looked away with semi-wide eyes.

Memories of the sheer slaughter you witnessed that day flashed before your eyes. The fire that overtook your homeland as soldiers died before your eyes. The soldiers on the front looked to you for hope. You failed to bring it to them in time.

"I don't have a home anymore." You answer as Paimon held her heart and the traveler frowns. "That's what I remember."

Your eyes drifted to the window of the building, and you suddenly gaped at the sight. Your mouth dropped open. The sky, a sky, it was blue! You weren't underground?! But how!

"We're in Mondstat," Paimon stated. "The city of freedom."

"Is that sky real?" You ask, quickly standing up with a slight limp. Your body barely responded. "I never thought.... I would never see it. It's so much light."

Once again, the two looked puzzled but noticed your clothes. It was covered entirely by a black and white robe that hung down to your knees. Just barely a white dress poked out. Your arms were only visible when you moved the cloth to the side. Just underneath you could see a white dress. The collar of the coat-like cloth had a compass star that swirled in a purple galaxy glow.

"What do you mean by that?" Paimon questioned.

"I was-." You start to weave another lie before you are interrupted.

Suddenly, the door burst open as a male in a green outfit strutted in without a care in the world. For a moment, he seemed to ponder something at the sight of you, before gaining a grin. He looked familiar to you. Maybe it was just the shade of green? Either way, a deep seed of distrust fell upon you, but you didn't let it show.

"So, the sleeping maiden is finally awake!" Venti stated. "I trust that these two have been treating you well?"

"Did you come to save me too?" You ask.

"Unfortunately it was only the traveler that could enter the vault you were at. So that tale will not be the truth." Venti stated, propping himself onto a chair with a grin. He then looked at the blonde. "Tell me, traveler, how's it going?"

"She just woke up. What is your name by the way?" The traveler looked at you as you blinked.

"Call me (Y/N)." You answer. Not your name, but Lily always nicknamed you that. To be honest, Lily isn't her actual name either. She's changed too much to share the name you two once had.

"Okay. (Y/N) was able to absorb all of the corrupted air, which also cleaned it." The traveler stated.

"I-I-..." You're eyes widened as you quickly grew fearful. You're light, it always repealed. How did you.... Absorb the corruption?! "You're lying! You have to be! I couldn't have changed that much-!"

"Paimon doesn't understand what is so distressing," Paimon said.

Suddenly, you opened your palm, a magic glowing from within. It was a purple glow, tainted. You're gaze shivered. It was as dark as the abyss. It swirled the same as before but was darker. You would have to figure out what all changed. Did the corruption taint you too?

"What happened..... To the... light...." You felt like crying and everyone, except Venti, could only stare awkwardly. That boy seemed to have a permanent smile.

"Now now, this ailment poses a great opportunity!" Venti stated joyfully. "Not only will you be able to absorb the corruption, but you can also harness and disperse it! That is something that can heal and save lives."

"Yes.... I guess you're right. If you truly see it that way, but..." You sighed. "Just..... I...."

"Well?" Venti continued to smile.

"Nothing.... Just a..." You said. "Misconception or rather, something you just wouldn't understand."

"I see." Venti nodded to himself. "How old are you?"

Quickly, you look at your arms. They were still small and hadn't grown an inch. They were your normal skin color. In fact, nothing about your body changed besides your hair and eyes. Maybe it was internal? If so, this could pose a problem. However, you had no idea how long you were even trapped. You then realized that Venti was looking at you intently, waiting for an answer. Maybe you should overestimate a year?

"I'm ten." You answer.

"That's so young!" Paimon gaped as you stared at her. She couldn't have been any older than you.

Though, to be fair, you had matured much quicker because of your status. At the same time, you were just a human. Once you reach a certain stage of development, you will grow like a normal kid. Appearances just were a bit of a guise.

"I don't know how long I was in there, though." You redirect your gaze. "It could be longer."

"Where are you from?" Paimon asked.

"Doesn't matter, they're gone now." You state rather coldly. "I watched it all myself. The hope for a better future was crushed by..... Many different people. They all share the blame. As do I."

That, and the gods. They had aided the fall of your people, though the memories were foggy as to why or how.

"I see." The traveler hummed.

"So, will you help us save someone?" Venti asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" You looked perplexed.

"I mean, there is a dragon, known as Stormterror." Venti started. "He has been tainted by the same corruption that you can draw out. Potentially, you could purify him and return him to a normal state."

"That's.... Quite an ask." You humm in thought. "Give me a bit to think about it. I need to.... Get my bearings again. That and train. I feel stiff and don't think I'd be much use in a battle right now."

You were obviously tip-toeing around the actual problem. To absorb corruption like that, went against your nature. At the same time, taking the darkness from others provides a sense of hope to that person. If you knew anything, it was that you were already in pain because of the toxic environment you had been in. You needed to limber up, otherwise you wouldn't have a use.

"Do you by chance know of any training yards? Perhaps where the soldiers go?" You ask as kindly as you can.

"The knights of Favonius have one," Paimon answered. "We'll take you there!"

"I appreciate it." You give a smile.

"Ohoh! I have to see this!" Venti said, standing up in excitement.

"Paimon will lead the way!" Paimon then started to float out of the open door.

You followed, doing a slight stretch as you walked. You couldn't help but wonder if that was what older people felt when they moved. All creaky and weak. Your parents would likely be disappointed if you didn't keep up. What you learned, Lily learned, and vice versa. She got many of the classes while you got weapons training. Every few months the two of you would switch and even though you two were at the same level, both of you had preferences. Lily favored knowledge, learning alchemy, and books, while you were the one who favored different weapons. It's a fond memory for you. Too bad it couldn't last longer. She was a great sparing partner.

"Paimon thinks you space out too much, (Y/N)," Paimon stated. "You haven't moved at all after I said that we were here."

"I'm sure she has a lot on her mind, Paimon." The traveler deadpanned.

"You're absolutely right." You state, before looking at the field. You cocked your head to the side. Your gaze held disappointment. "That's it?"

The field looked plain, they used wooden sticks and boards that were nailed together and called it a training dummy. It didn't move either, so you would be hitting a stationary target. It seems... rather easy compared to your home.

"That's it? How offensive." Venti grinned mockingly.

"Oh, sorry. Mother and Father used to say I wasn't the best negotiator." You quickly state. "It's just, is this how the surface dwellers train? I'm more used to.... Moving targets. Ones of metal. Ones that also strike back hard."

"Hehe, nope! This is what we 'surface dwellers' use." Venti answered. "Perhaps a good old fashion sparing match would be a better fit?"

"It will suffice." You then unclip your white cloth coat. "I need to loosen up first anyway."

It fell to the ground heavily, almost as if it weighed twenty pounds. Paimon gaped at the dress you wore. It was all white with iridescent color springing from the dress at different angles. Compass stars were around the hem of your dress and had a glowing quality. Your leggings were white and had the same look. The rainbow collar from the cloak was actually part of your dress that had poked out. The most beautiful piece was the compass star that was on your chest. It swirled with a moving galaxy and looked like it was impeded in your skin rather than your clothes. It seemed like a universe was just within your chest.

"Are you royalty!!!" Paimon squealed. "Like, really rich royalty!?"

"Royalty? I guess you could say that." You state. "I was the daughter of a monarchy. I've always considered myself a servant of the people rather than royalty."

"What! But! How! UGH! There isn't any monarchy missing a daughter! This doesn't make sense to Paimon!"

"It's likely the vault was used to store her and the guards there that I had to fight were overtaken by the corruption there." The traveler stated. "And her home was destroyed. Maybe we could look for any information on where it was."

"It can't be from too long ago...." You state as you step up to a wooden dummy. It had some scrapes on it, but nothing too awful.

"You don't have a weapon." The traveler hummed. "Do you want to borrow mine?"

"Yeah! Paimon thinks you should grab one."

"I do have one." You state before you hold out your hands.

Within a second after a dark light shined, a short sword appeared and floated beside you and it glowed with a purple corrupted power. You felt your heart sink. It too was dark. Just at the tip was a white iridescent color and white. That sight sparked hope within you. You inspect the blade for a moment, Paimon is shocked, the traveler smiles, and Venti holds the same dumb look, wholly unaffected.

"This too... Is corrupted." You sigh but turn towards the dummy.

The sword floated inches from your hand and moved as you guided it. Suddenly, you swung at the dummy, the sword going straight through as it burst out with purple mist. The blade then disappeared as you stared at the cut dummy. Your gaze held a sadness and longing in your eyes.

"Wow, that energy is just like the one in the vault," Paimon stated.

"That it is, it seems you can harness it just fine." Venti mused.

"Another thing lost...." You softly smile, before turning with a gentle smile. A guise of what you truly feel. "Unfortunately, I seem to be much slower than my last battle.... I seemed to have regressed."

"Have you decided what to do about storm terror?" Venti asked.

"No, I still am thinking about it." You state. "Perhaps a walk would help me clear my mind? I'm kinda excited to see the surface...."

"Sure." The traveler nodded, before leading you towards the center of town. You put on your cloak as you walked. "We'll go to the Mondstat gift shop."

Once there, you saw several people that were at shops. The traveler lead you to a specific one first, the souvenir shop. You gave a smile. Even in the underground, useless goods were sold all over. They are revered for some odd reason.

"What do you think? Paimon thinks this place is super good." Paimon giggled to herself.

"It reminds me of the things my family gave me during my garden parties." You say, a lie falling easily off your tongue.

Yes, you had garden parties every week. People brought you gifts and presents every time. However, they weren't your family. They were your people. They were your citizens.

"Garden parties? So you weren't trapped in there all the time?" The traveler asked.

H̵̼́̾ŏ̸͇̮ẁ̷̻͊ ̵̖͋m̵̧͖̆u̵̢͖͑c̸͚͌͛h̶̲̋̔ ̸̫̓̈́o̴̼͌f̴͎̰͑̈́ ̴̲̑t̵̲̍͂h̶͇̹̽̆e̴̛̳̱ ̸̡̀s̸̻̠̅t̵̡̗͆o̵͕̓̆r̸̜͚̀y̵̭͍͋ ̴̙̿̐t̴͈̬͋̃ó̵͓ ̷̼̟̓̾t̸̬̰̒̒e̵͚̾l̵̘̻̍͋ļ̸̯̋̅ ̴͕̞͌t̷͖̃͝ḧ̶͎͙͑e̶̢͈̔̆m̵̦̎?̴̗̬̑

"Oh, I don't know how long I was there." You state. "Perhaps a year? Perhaps a week? It's hard to tell. Though, it felt like a long time. Yet, I haven't changed.... It worries me to be honest."

"So, how did you get stuck there?" Paimon asked.

"If memory serves, I was simply cast out by invaders as an anomaly." You state vaguely. You then turned away, smelling the air. You then decide to redirect the conversation "Seems they are cooking seasoned chicken."

"Are you hungry, (Y/N)? I'm sure the traveler can get some food." Venti grinned and seemed to notice how uncomfortable the topic made you.

"Oh, it's-"

"Paimon's ready to eat!" Paimon smiled eagerly.

"Let's go." The traveler said, leading the way.

"No, it's quite alright. You don't have to." You state.

"Hmm..... Now that Paimon thinks about it, the traveler said you were up in a crystal and trapped." The girl then gasped. "Did you not eat in there!?"

You narrow your eyes for a moment. She was right. You never felt hungry in that crystal, nor did you now. Were you even..... No- of course not. Ridiculous to even consider, perish the thought. You return with a small smile, pushing away the doubts.

"Perhaps I was suspended there." You state. "I've heard of that type of magic before."

"It is possible," Venti said as the traveler turned to order food.

In the back of your mind, you were sure. It was worrying you, but you kept pushing it away. You were human. Could you change that quickly? Or well, how long had it been? Why does it have to be so hard to discern? Maybe a library will hold the knowledge you seek.

"Here, this is chicken and mushroom." The traveler handed you a kebab stick.

"Huh.... What type of mushroom? It doesn't look like it's from a cave. I've never seen it before." You hum. "Do mushrooms grow on the surface too?"

"Paimon thinks that mushrooms grow on the surface and underground," Paimon said, before rapidly eating the food.

"Ah, I should've guessed." You humm, before biting into the kebab. It was good, but it didn't have very many flavors. Your pallet was more demanding. You didn't really like it. "Simple."

You then place it down, not eating anymore.

"Paimon says that this meal is delicious!" Paimon smiled before noting that you hadn't finished your food. "What's wrong?"

"Hmm? Oh, I just eat larger meals is all." You state. "Normally it includes much more than this. Though, I appreciate you giving it to me."

"Hmm....." Traveler and Venti looked at each other awkwardly.

"Can Paimon eat it?" Paimon asked as you gestured for her to go right ahead.

"So, have you decided what to do about storm terror?" Venti asked again.

For a long few seconds, you didn't respond. Thoughts and doubts rushed through your mind causing unease. It was unnatural for you to do this task. It would also cause pain like the other forms of corruption.

"I.... just...." You sigh. "I am a being of light-.... Or at least, used to be."

"A being of light?" Paimon questioned. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I brought hope, or light, to everyone. Hope for a better future. Hope for a new day. Hope for human advancement." You state. "Now.... Now I seem to bring only darkness."

In your palm glows a dark purple light, before it disappears. You close your fist, a soulful look in your eyes. It was wrong, all wrong.

"While I may be able to help with your situation, I would only be continuously tainting my remaining light." You explain. "I may need it for.... For something important."

"Hmm, quite a problem." Venti hummed as you nodded. "How about you lend your aid while we try the holy lyre? If it doesn't work, then you will still be there to help."

"Holy lyre?" You raise a brow, before shrugging it off. "This Stormterror, is he a friend of yours? If so, you're friends with a dragon." You rested your eyes over him in thought. "You must be someone of high standing."

"Uh oh, does she already know?" Paimon attempted to whisper as your gaze fell onto her.

"It seems I was right." You nod, Venti still holding his smile. "Mondstat, the city of freedom, god is Barbatos. This god is not in the limelight but is still worshiped. Makes sense when you consider that Venti attracts no attention that would be befitting of a god. It's because people don't know."

"And what brought you to that conclusion?" Venti said with a gentle smile.

"Your insistence and the orb that unlocked the vault. Not just anyone could get ahold of it. It was likely barricaded with an advanced seal, which is why I was there for what seemed like forever. The truth is, you didn't just find it and instead created it. You wanted to seek me out. Is that right, Barbatos?"

"Do you two know each other?" Paimon asked.

"You haven't changed at all from those days," Venti said, ignoring the girl. "Still focus on the action instead of inaction. But you're not losing your ability. Lend me your hand."

You place your hand in his palm.

"Nothing's happening, right?' Venti asked. "No think of something freeing and do the same."

You focused on the cages of crystals, and black ink walls.

"There's too much turmoil in there. Try again." Venti was patient.

You were suddenly standing at a garden party. You saw your parents moving about. However, just behind you, the plants were curling and dying. A surge of corrupted energy pierced through your heart, causing pain. You jerk away from Venti, feeling fidgety.

"Sorry, I don't have the most positive mindset." You let your hand fall.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew you into the air, making your eyes widen. You were suspended there as Venti giggled.

"What are you doing?" You deadpan as Venti blew you up even higher.

"Flying free clears the mind!" Venti said before he turned towards Paimon and the traveler.

They had just stopped talking to you after that. You were just free-floating in a circle. Your eyes drifted to the blue sky that was settling in a sunset. The moon was barely visible, but it was there. You were on the surface, not the dank underground. The god of freedom provides the feeling of freedom. How natural.

"And down!" Venti said before you felt yourself go from floating to drifting down.

"What game are you tryin' to play." You ask, defensively. "I do not understand why you are so insistent."

"Hmm, still so indecisive. How about this?" Venti remarked. "A sparing match with you and the traveler. If you win, then you don't have to help. If the traveler wins, you do."

A challenge of metal, he knew you better than you thought. Never before had you imagined you would see the god Barbatos himself, yet here you were. On top of that, he didn't seem nearly as bad as the assumptions your people told you. Though, at the same time, a human who relies on a god has no use. Human ambitions are theirs and theirs alone.

The gods had also helped to destroy your home. It.... It would've been handled if they hadn't interfered. It made you angry, but not overwhelmingly so. Would you really stoop so low as to help a god?

"Seems you're still having trouble." Venti smiled. "If it's because I'm a god, think of it this way, a god requires your aid. That means that you are, in this moment, superior."

You blink in surprise. That word was almost hypnotic. Superior, a human that is asked to help a god. It would be.... Fulfilling.

"Superior?" Paimon just looked confused, but you suddenly nodded.

"I'll do it. So long as the traveler is willing?" You turn to the traveler.

"Of course! It's been a while since I've had a good sparing match." The traveler smiled.

"I hope I can keep up." You grin.

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