By Iforgotthtiexisted

5.1K 272 322

Just a desi girl in coping in the world by ICT and their wild cuteness. Keeping it simple- writing incidents... More

Virushka + Rah: You're Not Alone
ShubSara ft. IshAdi: A break, with love.
Virushka + Vami + Shub: A New Baby!? (Part - 1)
Virushka: Happy Birthday Nush

Virushka + ICT + Rohika : Care and Love (part -2)

1K 62 64
By Iforgotthtiexisted


A/N: this is part two, so go check out part 1 for a better reading experience!


The morning light felt harsh, casting sharp shadows across the bathroom floor where Anushka knelt, her body wracked with dry heaves. My heart ached in sympathy with each groan that escaped her lips. This damn morning sickness. It seemed determined to steal the joy from this special time.

I knelt beside her, offering a damp washcloth and a silent prayer for the nausea to pass. "Hey, love," I murmured, my voice thick with concern. Anushka looked up, her eyes glassy with fatigue, but a valiant smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"Champion of the morning sickness fight, reporting for duty," I announced, forcing a lightness that felt hollow. The truth was, I felt helpless. This first trimester was a battlefield, and Anushka was on the frontlines, fighting alone.

A few hours later, I paced the living room, a knot of nervous excitement churning in my gut. The phone buzzed in my hand, signaling the team video call was about to start. Anushka lay curled on the couch, a pale ghost of her usual vibrant self. Today was the day. Today, we shared the news.

"Feeling any better, baby?" I asked, brushing a stray curl from her forehead.

She cracked one eye open, the effort almost visible. "A little nap helped," she whispered.

"Good," I said, taking her hand, the warmth of her skin a lifeline in the storm of emotions brewing inside me. "Because I have a surprise. The whole team's on a video call in ten."

Anushka's eyes widened. "The whole team, Virat?! I just hope we are not going overboard with telling so many right now, I just don't want to everyone to know yet. I don't want to go through a public pregnancy Virat. You know?

"They're not everyone, love," I countered, my voice thick with emotion. "They're our family. They deserve to know first." I stared out the window, picturing Rohit and Ishan screaming at the top of their voice, Rahuliya not saying much at that very moment but giving me thoughtful smile, Mahi bhai looking like a proud older brother . These weren't just teammates, they were the brothers I'd chosen, the men who'd shared victories and defeats, sweat and tears. I couldn't imagine keeping this news from them.

"Baby, I understand I promise you will have some privacy this time but we gotta tell them na Anu? Please."

"I'm so sorry Vi, I don't know what I was thinking all of these constant rumours and media scrutiny get to me sometimes. Of course telling the ICT is fine they are our family Vi. In fact I can't wait to tell them all, imagine their reactions.

With an amused chuckle I said, " that is exactly what I did now come on, It's time!"

I hit the "connect" button on the video call, and a dozen faces materialized on the screen. Our teammates, our brothers-in-arms, stared back at us with a mixture of curiosity and suppressed excitement.

"Virat, what's going on, man?" boomed Jassi, his voice laced with suspicion.

Harry chimed in after his bestie, leaned forward, eyes narrowed. "Yeah Boss man, is this a strategy meeting before the next match, or something more... personal?" He said with a smirk on this face

The screen erupted in a frenzy of speculation. Everyone had something to say. "Is it a new sponsor?" Yashasvi chimed in. "There have been talks about the team sponsor being addidas...that would so damn cool." He said

Maybe a brand deal?" Shreyas asked. " whatever it's is please no shoots bhaiya they cannot handle my acting talent.

Laughter and good-natured ribbing filled the virtual space.

Suddenly, Mahi bhai, the epitome of calm amidst the storm, raised his hand. The room fell silent, a testament to the respect he commanded. "Alright boys," he said in his deep baritone, "let Virat speak. We can all guess later."

A wave of gratitude washed over me. Mahi bhai, the captain cool under pressure, had saved the day, or in this case, the announcement. I took a deep breath, and with Anushka's hand clasped tightly in mine.

"Bhaiya wait! Shubi nahi aaya abhi tak phone nahi utha raha wo." Ishan's voice came before I could start

Oh shit! Isko nai pata. This people will kill me god. Let me cover up jaldi se.

"Ishu, he is a little tired so he is sleeping." Even though this isn't a lie, technically. I felt kinda guilty but whatever I had to do it so I could live.

Alright, guys," I began, my voice raspy with nervous anticipation. "Anushka and I have some big news to share..."

Anushka squeezed my hand, a silent encouragement. I took a deep breath and continued, "We're going to be parents again!"

The screen erupted in a joyous cacophony. Congratulations flew thick and fast, accompanied by virtual pats on the back and wide grins. But none of the reactions hit me quite like Ro's

Rohit, my ever joyous bestie , froze. His eyes welled up, a flicker of something raw and unexpected crossing his face. Then, with a shaky breath, tears rolled down his eyes. Ritika seeing his state took over, "Congratulations you both, can't believe Vamika will be an older sister already. This is amazing news!"

Rohit finally managed a"That's... that's fantastic, Virat, Anushka. Congratulations!"

I just wish I could hug my Ro right now

Before the moment could get too sentimental, Harry - ever the joker - cleared his throat. "So, Virat," he said, a mischievous glint in his eye, "does this mean you'll finally have someone to tell you to 'calm down' on the field?"

The tension in the room broke. A guffaw erupted from Ishan, who chimed in, "Yeah, Virat! Maybe a little one will teach you some patience!"

Natasa, swatted him playfully on the arm, a smile tugging at her lips. "Harry! Ishan! Stop it!" she admonished, but even she couldn't suppress a giggle.

Mahi bhai broke the silence, "Cheeks, Anu kiddos I'm so proud of you both. You are great parents. Can't believe my kiddos are having their own kids."

"Yeah bhai Ziva ka bhi time aayega." Jadu piped in

"Chup reh, my baby girl is going to remain like this forever." He quickly asserted

"Aap na delulu ho gaye ho Mahi bhai." Yashasvi said

The chaos of ICT continued as everyone congratulated us. Anushka sat there her head tilted on my shoulder. I pressed a kiss to her forehead as we both cherished this moment with our family.

"Bhaiyaa I want the hoodie you were wearing last month." Shubi's voice echoed through the room. The moment I knew I fucked up bad. My mic was on.

"Wait what priyatame what the hell app kaha hai?" Ishan nearly screamed

Before the chaos continued I admitted the truth, "Shub actually just came over for a surprise visit yesterday."

"So he knew?" Jassi asked and my lack of response gave them the answer.

"Wow, Virat I thought we did such announcements to everyone TOGATHER." Mahi bhai voice came

Mahi bhai aap toh taunt mat maro please

I was feeling so guilty when Anu chimed in, "yes ofcourse Mahi bhai, it's just that Vamika is really excited and she told Shubman the news the moment she met him."

"Oh Anu, don't worry. Vami was just excited na? It's all okay. How are you feeling?" Rohit said

Benstokes when I make a mistake like this, they all kill me but if it's Anu then It's all Okay let's go ask how she is feeling instead.

Anushka gave me a 'you're a literal child' look and Shubman hurried away from the room on his phone probably being yelled at by Ishan.

As Anushka and I sat in the doctor's office, the anticipation of our check-up filled the room with a palpable energy. We exchanged nervous glances, our fingers intertwined as we awaited the doctor's arrival, hoping for good news about the health of our growing family.

"So Mr and Mrs. Kohli everything seems great so far! The baby and the mother are both healthy." The dr's words made me feel relived as we both shared a happy smile

She continued, "Mrs Kohli your fitness and diet is commendable, you can carry on with that. I will just prescribe some routine vitamins and take a blood test to detect any deficiencies."

As Anushka bravely extended her hand for the nurse to take her blood for the first time, I couldn't help but admire her courage. Despite the initial discomfort and uncertainty, she faced the situation head-on, her determination shining through her apprehension.

However, as the nurse carefully inserted the needle and attempted to draw blood, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. I watched anxiously, hoping to see the crimson flow that would indicate everything was as it should be. Yet, to our dismay, nothing came.

"It's okay let's try again." The doctor said

The nurse stabbed her arm again trying to get her vein, the needle went into her skin, yet there was no blood flow.

Before we could react Anushka bravely extended her arm for yet another attempt, I could see the pain etched on her face. Despite her courage, the repeated pricks had taken their toll, leaving her arm sore and tender.

A small whimper escaped Anushka's lips as the nurse made another insertion, her scream echoing through the room as the needle pierced her skin. My heart clenched with anguish at the sight of her distress, a sense of helplessness washing over me.

Yet, despite Anushka's cry, no blood flowed from her vein. The nurse's brow furrowed in frustration, her hands shaking slightly as she attempted to adjust the needle once more. But try as she might, the result remained the same - an absence of the vital fluid that was needed for the test.

Anushka's tears flowed freely now, her pain and frustration bubbling over as she struggled to cope with the ordeal. "Vi, I can't do this anymore," she whispered, her voice trembling with exhaustion.

The doctor's expression softened with sympathy as she gently intervened, placing a comforting hand on Anushka's shoulder. "I understand Mrs. Kohli," she murmured soothingly. "However these tests are necessary to determine what deficiencies you have. I believe that only to be the reason for lack of blood flow. Let's give it shot with a slightly bigger needle this time." She said pulling out a giant needle

I really wish I could take away her pain

She managed to nod clearly very shaken by the size of the needle. I gently thrusted her hand forward while pulling her into a soft hug.

Second time with the large needle was when luck struck. We could get some blood for test but as I glanced at Anu beside me still in so much pain everything seemed unhappy.

"Well done Mrs Kohli. I'm so sorry that we had to go through that. Mr Kohli, she may be experiencing quite a bit of pain and fatigue due to this process I trust you will take care of that." The doctor concluded indicating we could leave

"Come on Anu, you were so brave now let's go home so you can rest baby. Your two kids at home must be waiting for you." I said softly to her as I picked up my delicate wife into my arms."

"It's okay Vi, you don't have to carry me. I will manage to walk." She said as I lifted her from the car to our doorstep

"I know Anu, but only the best for my queen." With my words I could feel her tired body sinking into my Arms.

As I opened the main door an excited Sammy rushed to me.

What when did this happen?!

I shared a curious look with Anushka before I noticed Ro and Ritsy standing there with soft smiles. "I'm sorry but Rohit had so much fomo that we had to come visit." Ritsy said with a grin.

Our smiles grew wider as I put down Anushka in the ouch and shared a long hug with Ro while Ritsy sat beside Anu and they made fun of us.

"Guess our sautans are reunited Anu." Ritsy joked.

"Yep now Virat bhaiya has to two lovers to tend to." Shubman teased

"Yep, Don't forget about me Vi now that you're one true love is here." Anu joked

"Shubman, how about you make up with your 'lover'? He was been very upset since you left for London without telling him." He said making Shubman shut his mouth before continuing

I'd kill this monkey if he forgets about you Anu! Hey, why do you look so drained? Is everything okay? Are you okay? Is the baby fine?" Rohit instantly put up so many questions as he noticed Anushka's pale face and tried body

"Yeah Ro it's all good, the baby and I are both healthy. It's just that the nurse had to insert the needle like 8 times in my arm to get some blood and I'm in just in pain beacuse of that and it's just taking a toll me. I just feel tired that's it."

"Hey......I'm so sorry you had to go through that Anu." He said gently hugging her before telling her to go to our room and rest.

Ritika and Shubman went to the park with Sammy and Vami. Anu was still alseep wearing off from the tiring ordeal. Ro and I decided to cook something for everyone.

"Ro look I found this amazing salad recipe it's like apples and walnuts and aree this thing, I don't know how to say it but it's going to be amazing."

"No Vi, we are making Anus favourite pesto pasta and Gaelic bread with it just how she likes it."

"But ro- this new recipe it will be amazing, superhit in fact."

"Okay so A) that salad of yours sounds disgusting Vi, I wouldn't feed that to mine and your wife and kids. B) you're not the one who had to take so many pokes in her arm and carry a child so you don't get a say."

"Fine, but you always do this."

"Papa, Ro chachu. We're back, We had so much fun. I built this castle in the sandpit with Sammy di and Shub chachu it was so much fun." Vami's excited voice came from the hall

"I'm sure it was beautiful bacha but why don't you and Sammy go clean up and then we talk at dinner. Vi you also wake up Anushka."

"No need, I'm up." Came Anushka's sleepy voice

"Hey love, how to you feel now? There is pesto pasta for dinner, maybe it'll help you feel better baby." I said while grabbing some water for her.

"I'm okay guys, also thanks for making the pasta Ro."

"Why Ro, why not me or Ritsy baby. I know Shubman se toh expectation hi nahi hai" I whined

"Cuz Ritsy looks like she was out and no offence Vi but the day you suggest pasta for dinner, I will have to get you checked at a hospital and also Ro always knows what I want to eat."

"Whatever you're mean to me." I grumbled as Anu high fied Ro.

We all sat down for dinner. Sammy and Vami told us about their day at the park and Ro and Ritsy filled us in on everything we missed out on back in India. I felt so content and grateful. I can't believe how lucky I got to have Anu and Vami but also Shubman and Samm, Ritsy and that panda Ro.


So this definitely ended up being longer than I estimated
Also I feel the story kinda lacked an actual plot

It's just more like a fully filler
(Which is so my thing but idk most people would prefer a plot right?"

So yeah regardless I hope that Ro's cute care for Anu and Sammy,Vami duo made it tolerable
Also ROHIRAT ❤️😭

To everyone reading I hope you enjoyed, show some love if you can ❤️
Requests are open

Also a lot of you guys have requested for ShubSara,
I don't write shubsara in general but I do have an OS in my drafts so I will publish it next ig
(It's pretty long too hehe)

Until next time

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