kinigra deon the neighborhood

By JayJayrock35

899 25 1

It's best of kinigra deon the neighborhood More

The neighborhood
Got my back
The after party
School gassip
The Setup
Season Finale
Shots fired
Blame Game
The Fallout

Unexpected visitor

30 1 0
By JayJayrock35

Christina POV.

Roman, Ari, Seraph and I were at our lockers.

"Uh have y'all talked to Omarion and TD?" Roman asked.

"Nope." Seraph replied.

"Yeah, last night." I replied.

"Have you?" Ari asked.

"No. Not since they argued in the park the other day. I just want to make sure everything straight." Roman replied.

Galli came over to us.

"I know this sounds fun or whatever but he ate that song up." Galli said.

"What song?" Roman asked.

"Look." Galli said, showing us her phone.

It was a distrack. But how? I was over there, but I was knocked out so I didn't really hear the song.

"Yeah. Um can you excuse us for a sec?" Seraph asked.

"Yeah. Sure." Galli said, walking away.

"Uh, did y'all know about that?" Roman asked.

"No." Seraph replied.

"I was at the studio but I was knocked out." I replied.

"Should be asked you." Ari said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Roman asked.

"What that mean is you didn't tell us about the deal else could you be hiding? You doing all this just to be the best manager." Ari said.

"You think I caused all this drama over some petty manager stuff." Roman said.

"I don't know what to think anymore." Ari said.

"Man whatever." Roman waved her off.

"I don't even know why TD would do something like this, this isn't even how you solve problems plus Omarion said it wasn't his fault." I said.

"You know who's ever fault it is it needs to be solved fast." Roman said.

"This is too much for me I'm going to go to the restroom." Seraph said.

"Same." I said.

Seraph and I walked away.

Roman POV.

I turned to Ari.

"Did you know about this? Ain't you supposed to be a manager?" I asked Ari.

"It's up to you "the best manager." Ari said.

"You said "best manager" too, dang." I said.

Christina POV.

Seraph and I walked into the bathroom and see Taylor, Tay and zpaige singing the song that Galli showed us.

"Where did y'all that?" Seraph asked.

"Girl it's all over the school." Paige replied.

"Well don't sing it." Seraph said.

"Seraph please shut up." I muttered.

"We're singing her man song, what's the big deal?" Taylor asked.

"Her man?" I asked confused.

"He's not her man." Seraph said.

"And He's yours." Taylor said, looking at me.

"Girl look at you why would he want that when he could have all of this." Taylor said.

"Word around the street he dropped you and like a stack of potatoes." Taylor said.

"Taylor, where youe waive at?" I asked, smirking.

Taylor didn't say anything.

"Just shut up. You don't even know what y'all talking about." Seraph said, annoyed.

"No you don't know what you're talking about because you're too busy being a crack baby." Tay said.

"You say one more thing about my mom and it's gonna being a problem." Seraph said, stepping forward.

"Or what? What are you going to do? Hit me? I dare you to." Tay asked.

Taylor and Paige got on Tay side.

"See y'all not about to jump her. If y'all think y'all are then y'all better think again. And y'all pussy, y'all don't even know know to fight one on one." I said.

Roman POV.

I leaned against the lockers as Ari was on her phone.

"You think Omarion's coming to school today?" I asked.

"I don't know but he should if you're trying to settle them rumors." Ari replied.

"Well, if I was him I stay home until everything calmed down a bit." I said.

"We know exactly what you ya scared self will do." Ari said.

"Ari, you always trying to make jokes chill bro this is serious."  I exclaimed.

Omarion walked over to us. I stood up straight and looked at him.

"Tell us what happened right now." I said quickly.

"Man all you need to know is when I see TD it's up." Omarion replied.

"So look I know you probably mad about the little disc or whatever but y'all just need to calm down and settle it get the video taken down." Ari said.

"I ain't stuttering that weak disc track it's what he said in that disc track that shoot out at the party is true. They shot up my house up." Omarion revealed.

"He did what!?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah trap was killed." Omarion exclaimed.

"Oh my God." Ari said.

"Yeah. It definitely ain't no coming back now." Omarion said.

TD and his crew walked over to us. I tried to hold Omarion back but he snatched away from me and stood in front of TD.

"TD." Omarion said.

"What?" TD asked.

"Don't what me you know what you did." Omarion said.

The girls came out of the bathroom to see what was going on.

"What I did Omarion? Oh wait I know what I did I just dropped a bunch of dead weight. And that's pretty funny considering what happened last night." TD replied.

"You know you talking hard behind these sidekicks of yours. You'regonna keep talking on the side of your mouth or you're gonna do something." Omarion said.

Before anything can happen further s teacher came out into the hallway.

"What y'all doing out here? Y'all need to get to class. Get out this hallway." The teacher said.

Everyone went to class.

Christina POV.

I sat outside with Seraph on my phone texting my sister.

"Yo Seraph, Christina." TD said, getting ready to dab us up.

"Do I look like one of your friends?" I asked.

"And don't yo Seraph and Christina us why did you make a disc on Omarion?" Seraph asked.

"Because I thought he had my back but he didn't. He's a traitor." TD replied.

"Are you serious right now? He said he didn't do it." I said.

"Plus that's not how we handle situations in our group." Seraph added.

"Okay but why are you defending him?" TD asked.

"I'm not I'm just saying." I defended myself.

"It ain't much to say he had me set up and you were there being held back by his brother and so we're not cool no more end of discussion." TD said, walking away.

I rolled my eyes, got up and walked away to with Seraph. I stood with my three friends, waiting for my sister to come pick me up.

"Look everything's going to go back to normal once we just settle things how we did in kindergarten okay then we're gonna walk home from school together." Roman said.

"You crazy if you think things gonna go back normal that fast." Ari said.

"Right, this is different." I said.

"Very different." Ari agreed.

Omarion came to the bus stop.

"No, it's not." Roman disagreed.

"Everything's going to go back to normal and everything'sgonna be cool." Roman added.

"Omarion. Omarion." Roman called to him.

Omarion looked at Roman.

"Come here." Roman said.

Omarion walked over to us annoyed.

"Arevyou seriously just gonna ignore us right now?" Roman asked.

"Look, I appreciate the concern really I do but I just need to finally clear my head." Omarion replied.

"Whatever." Roman said.

"Look we still cool now." Omarion said.

"Sure." Roman said.

Roman and Omarion did their hand shake. A car was driving by and it was TD throwing up gang signs.

"All y'all some opps." TD said.

I started crying because of the hormones.

"We're gonna catch y'all after school." TD said.

The car drove away as I continued to cry. Seraph and Ari hugged me knowing I was pregnant. Jasmine car came into the distance.

"Hey, sis. Get in." Jasmine said.

"Bye y'all." I waved at my friends and got into the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt.

"Do any of y'all need a ride?" Jasmine asked my friends.

Roman, Ari and Omarion shook their head no. Jasmine nodded and drove away. Once we got home I quickly showered and got into my pajamas.


I was on the phone with Seraph and Ari while doing my homework.

"Apparently they killed trap last night too." Ari revealed.

"Oh, my God." Seraph said.

I felt like I was going to throw up so I got up and ran to my bathroom.


And threw up in the toilet. After throwing up my food from the lunch, I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth before going back to my friends.

"Sorry guys, I threw up my food from lunch." I said.

"Are you okay?" Seraph asked.

"Yeah, I got a doctor's appointment tomorrow." I replied.

"Oh I thought he only mad about the diss track but they killed someone." Seraph said.

"Yeah it's crazy." Ari said.

"And the thing is hold on Seraph and Chris. I'll call you girls right back." Ari said.

"Okay. Later." I said, hanging up.

I went back to my homework.

Ari POV.

I went downstairs and opened the door since someone was knocking on the door. There was a girl on the other side.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Hey." The girl greeted back.

"Um, how can I help you?" I asked her.

"I'm looking for Soldier." The girl replied.

"Why you looking for my daddy?" I asked her.

"Because he's my father." The girl replied.

"Come again?" I asked.

"He's my father." The girl repeated.

I told my mom and she's having us sit at the table waiting for my dad.

"I like your nails." Kylie said.

"Oh thank you." The girl said.

I rolled my eyes.

"What did I do?" Kylie asked.

My dad came home a few minutes later from work.

"What's going on family? How y'all doing?" Dad asked.

Dad into the kitchen and the came back into the dinner room where we were.

"Oh hey." Dad greeted awkwardly.

"Kylie go to your room." Mom said.

"But what?" Kylie asked.

"Go to your room." Mom repeated.

Kylie got up from the table and went to her room.

"What's happening? Miya whatcha doing here? What's happening here?" Dad asked.

"Where you going?" Dad asked Kylie.

"You in trouble." Kylie whispered.

"Obviously." Dad whispered back.

"Um, care to explain?" Mom asked.

"I can't." Dad replied.

"You know what just save it is this where your money been going?" Mom asked.

"Now hold on." Dad tried to explain.

"Huh what happened savings account so that you can get us out of this place or was that a lie to?" Mom asked.

"It wasn't a lie it was just you." Dad started.

"You know what? Just save it." Mom slammed her hand on the table and stood up.

"If I have to hear one more lie from you, you know what I want a divorce." Mom said, walking away.

"Come on baby. Baby." Dad said.

I didn't say anything.

"Dad? Is this true?" I asked.

"I mean, yeah she's your sister. I just hate y'all had to find our this way." Dad replied.

I got up from the table and walked away back to my room.

Miya POV.

"Look if it's to much of a problem I can go back to Texas. I have family there that I can stay with." I said.

"I mean, well what happened? Didn'tyou get the money I sent you?" Dad asked.

"No I did but my mom she's sick and in the hospital and I didn't have anywhere else to go and I didn't know what else to do." I said.

"It's okay. We'll figure everything out. Um, tonight you'll bunk with Ari and we'll figure else in the morning." Dad said.

I nodded.

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