The after party

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Christina POV.

TD picked me up from my house and together we went to the park and sat on the bench waiting for the others.

"So, why you think Roman made us all meet up here he made it sound urgent or something?" I asked.

"I don't know Roman makes everything sound urgent he probably need help choosing an air freshener for his car so." TD replied.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Speaking of college, are we still going to the same college?" I asked.

"You know we are." TD replied.

"We are going to be inseparable and what you did for Roman helping him pull up his grades that was pretty sweet and sexy." I said.

"So you think I'm sweet and sexy?" TD asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"So you think I'm sweet and sexy as in like soft?" TD asked.

"No I mean, sweet as in nice and sexy as in your hot." I replied.

"Oh. Are you?" TD asked.

"Nice and hot? I like to think I am." I replied.

"So look if I asked you for a favor right you'll do it." TD said.

I thought about it for a second.

"Depends on what the favor is." I replied.

"What if I asked you for a kiss?" TD asked.

"Boy didn't you get enough of you kissing me earlier?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Never. So would you?" TD asked.

"Are you asking?" I asked.

"Yeah." TD replied.

TD and I both leaned in for a kiss but Roman walked up to the table and interrupted us.

"Okay so.....What are you guys doing?" Roman asked.

"Um, just thought I saw something on his face." I lied, as I reached out to touch TD'S face.

"You got it off?" TD asked, as Ari and Seraph joined the table.

"Yeah I think so." I replied.

"What's up?" TD asked.

"Okay, anyways I think I found out the perfect solution for our studio funding problem." Roman said, as he sat down.

"What?" TD asked.

"All right show em." Roman said.

"Check this." Ari said, showing us her phone.

"All right, look, it's open contest right." Roman said.

"Yeah." TD said.

"And you can enter as a solo or a group and y'all will obviously be entered as a group and get this the winner gets 10 hours of studio time." Roman explained.

"10 hours?" TD asked.

"Yes." Roman replied.

"That's almost like a rat. Y'all tell Omarion?" TD asked.

"Uh, no, not yet." Roman replied.

"Tell me what?" Omarion showed up at the table.

TD handed Omarion the phone.

"Check that out." TD said.

Omarion looked at the phone as his eyes widened.

"Oh this is it if we can enter this we can record our mixtape." Omarion said.

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