Season Finale

36 3 0

Christina POV.

TD struggled to stand with me helping him. I walked him to the brick wall and sat him down.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Man it your fault I should be the one apologizing your sister trusted me to look after you and I failed." TD said.

"You have nothing to apologize for." I said.

TD called up Reggie.

"Yo. I got Jasmine in the car." Reggie said.

"Hey, knucklehead where my sister at?" Jasmine asked.

"Hello? She's right here." TD said.

"Hey, Jasmine hi Reggie." I greeted.

"What's up bro? What's up little sis?" Reggie asked.

"I'm not good." TD replied.

"What? You good?" Reggie asked.

"We need you man." TD replied.

"Ight bro drop the location. I'm on my way." Reggie said.

"Ight." TD said.

TD hung up.

Jasmine POV.

TD hung up the phone as I was worried about my little sister. Reggie started the car and drove to where Christina and TD were.

Christina POV.

TD was sitting on the ground holding his eye while having his arm wrapped around me. Reggie's car pulled up. Reggie and Jasmine stuck their head out of the car.

"TD/Christina." Reggie and Jasmine said.

Reggie and Jasmine got out of the car and ran towards us. Jasmine pulled me into a hug as I cried in her arms as Reggie helped TD stand up.

"You good?" Reggie asked.

"My arm. My arm." TD complained.

"Who did this?" Reggie asked.

"28th bro." TD replied.

Reggie and Jasmine led me and TD to the car and put us in and put our seat belt on. I was crying. Jasmine and Reggie got in the car and Reggie drove off.

Roman POV.

After getting a car from Tommy I decided to call TD but he didn't answer.

"Bro why isn't he not answering?" I asked to myself.

I called Omarion instead.

"Yo." Omarion picked up.

"Bro, you won't believe who I was just on the phone with." I said.

"Who? Old dude from your driver's test?" Omarion asked.

"No why would I be on the phone with him?" I asked.

"Old people like to talk." Omarion replied.

"Bro no that's just weird I was on the phone with tommy from tulip records I sent him some of y'all music and he loved he trying to meet with y'all tomorrow so he can offer y'all a deal." I explained.

"Bro what for real?" Omarion asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"You told TD?" Omarion asked.

"No not yet um I tried calling but he didn't answer." I said.

"Hold on let me try." Omarion said.

Omarion came back a second later.

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