Mystic Obsession

By tarawrts

1.2M 97K 15K

Alvin Romano an Italian ruthless mafia and a successful businessman. A billionaire who is no less than an ani... More

Characters Description
Characters Aesthetics
2. First meet
3. Scary Night
4. Punishment
5. The hideouts
6. A letter
7. Trail room
8. His Family
9. The Gift
10. Unexpected meeting
11. The Slap
12. Mission
13. Caring or heartless
14. The kiss
15. Care
16. Endurance
17. Mysterious man
18. Breakdown
19. Madness
20. Truth or delusions
21. Ishita agreed to Alex
22. A Memorable Night |
23. A Memorable Night ||
24. Alvin caught Ishita?
25. Ishita trust Alvin
26. New day
27. Ishita is scared
28. Alvin is worried
29. Game of domination 1
30. Game of domination 2
31. Ishita Confronted Bella
32. House Tour
33. Past
34. Alvin Cooks
35. Ishita leaves with Alex
36. Hook or crook
37. Married
38. Alvin
39. First Night
40. Family meet up
41. Reception Party
42. Abhimanyu came
43. Family Reunion
44. Longing
45. Face off
46. Confrontation
47. Ishita meets Naina
48. Proposal
49. Pre Wedding
50. Wedding

1. Fire and Water

44.8K 2.2K 275
By tarawrts

Spotify playlist is here, just scan it and enjoy your reading

Warning ⚠ * This story is full of voilence, smuts, blood and the male lead is a red flag, please proceed with your convinience.

Author’s pov

It was a morning,the sun was shining bright. A girl was standing near the window taking in the view of early morning. The ray of sunlight fell on her face making her brown skin shine like gold. It was her way of enlightening her world with lights as her world is full of darkness. Weird right that someone has to seek actual lights to feel a little ray of hope in their life. She smiled sadly remembering that there is no way she can escape this fear in this life.She has accepted the fact that no matter how much darkness her life holds but she still has to survive with this fear for the rest of life.

Her attention diverted to her phone when a notification pinged, taking her all attention. She smiled widely and grabbed her phone and immediately opened the text as expected it was her brother,her only family she had. It’s not like she doesn't have a family,yeah she has a big and caring family but it is her who has distanced herself from everyone. She loves them but the guilt inside her never allows her to talk to them, weird right ? but sometimes we have to pay for the deeds for which we are not even responsible for. Ignoring her thoughts when she opened the text,she found herself smiling “ Happy holi Ishi baby” said her brother's text,it was none other than her dearest brother Abhimanyu Singh Rathore the king of Jodhpur and a CEO of Rathore’s group.

Her eyes filled with tears, her emotions overwhelmed thinking how her brother never forgets her. Despite pushing everyone away from her but her brother never let her be successful in that. He has managed to keep her involved in each family matter. He never let her feel alone, her smile grew wider when she got a video message.She played the video immediately already knowing who it was, the video played.

“ Hapi Oli ishii bua” said her nephew and her smile grew wider,it was none other than her only and beloved nephew Abeer Singh Rathore,the next heir of the Rathore group. Yes, it’s been three years   since her brother got married. It was an arranged marriage but seems like he got his whole world in that marriage. She kissed her phone screen, she knows her brother doesn’t want her to go away from her,he is doing every possible thing to make her feel included even from that far. She resumed the video

“ Happy holi meri Pyari Ishita,look even Abeer is missing you now,please enjoy and celebrate we will wait for until you decide to meet us,i hope we will celebrate our next holi together” said her sister-in-law,Siya.She wiped her tears and texted back the reply, “ Happy Holi” she took a deep breath and kept the phone aside.”

I don’t have the courage to face you all,I have destroyed everyone’s life enough. I don't want to make you all suffer with my bad luck.I am the worst luck that anyone could ever have” she said to herself wiping off her tears. She moved to the washroom to freshen up.She took a cold shower relaxing her mind which was just experiencing fear every night since she was born. She is so used to these nightmares,that peaceful sleep is fictional for her.She took a bath and came outside wearing a bathrobe, she applied moisturiser to her hands and legs.

After that she slipped into her White Anarkali, surprised but this is how she usually dresses up , in Indian attire. Maybe she has moved out of her country but she kept her tradition and culture alive in her heart.It’s not like she did it just to preserve her culture but her heart only approves these dresses,she is deeply in love with traditional outfits.She moved outside of the room and headed towards her temple, she did her prayed and lit up the diya and allied Gulal to her Kanha, he is the only hope for her survival. From childhood she has relied on him thinkin he loves her and one day he will end this torture.

She got up and moved towards the kitchen,she was about to cook something but the doorbell rang indicating a visitor. She came outside of the kitchen and moved towards the main door, the moment she opened the door someone engulfed her in a tight hug. She was taken aback by a sudden hug but soon she hugged back the person happily. “ Happy holi Ishi……” Shouted her best friend Manya while she giggled in happiness and replied, “Happy holi Manu '' She said and broke the hug. She headed towards the kitchen to cook something for both of them as her friend is this

early then it is clear that didn't have her .

“Uff Ishi everyone is going to the Holi party and you’re planning to spend your day by staying at home” she said while potin but Ishi’s face turned serious after listening to her talks she couldn’t stop herself from having a flashback.


“ MOM please open the door,i am sorry i will never touch colours, please mom i am scared of darkness” she kept shouting and she didn’t even realise when everything went black in front of her eyes and soon she collapsed on the floor.

Flashback end

“ Ishi… Ishi where are you lost” said her best friend while budging her from her shoulder and Ishita came back to reality,Manya looked at her sadly as she knew she had pressed a wrong nerve knowingly or unknowingly. Ishita sighed in relief and looked at her ,giving a reassuring smile that she is fine.

“ Ishi till when you will torture yourself for the things you never did, i know it’s hard but move on” she said while Ishita glared at her like are yous serious look.

“ Ok fine, we should focus on today. I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you,” said Manya while tears filled in her eyes thinking how she could hurt Ishi. Ishita noticed her sad face and this is the last thing she would want to witness.

“ It’s fine Manu, it’s not your fault don’t be sad and what were you saying at the Holi party,hmm… sounds interesting let’s go” she said, making Manya jump in happiness,she smiled looking at her. She can do anything for her.




It was early morning when a man came out of the basement. His Aura screamed darkness and power, the men stood in the corridor shivering looking at him. He has a dirty smirk on his face, his eyes are dark, and he has a sharp jawline. His sleeves were folded till his elbows, the veins were popping out of his skin.

His Shirt was covered with blood indicating that he had just tortured someone to death. He threw the rod in the corner, till then his man arrived with a towel and fresh pairs of clothes. He took off his shirt, showing his eight biscuits.

He took the wet towel and cleaned up all the blood from his body, then he took the dried one and wiped the excess water from his body, he ruffled his hairs with a towel wiping off his sweat, making him look devilishly handsome. He is AlvinAlvin Romano, one of the richest men of Europe, He is the owner of the Romano group which was the top most company in Europe. The whole world knows him as a Cold, rude billionaire but only if they could know this is not the whole truth, he is the most powerful and ruthless mafia of Europe, from which the world is unaware of. His group name is famous as AV, people fear this name, nobody will dare to do a single thing which will make AV Angry.

The politician and government officials took help from him, to win the election or to get his help in their cases. He has all the world in his fists. His life is full of darkness, he is not scared of darkness. infact, he loves darkness, it's his favourite time to pass to gotire people at night. He couldn't sleep at night due Insomnia, so he has made darkness his friend. It helps him to execute his plan. Darkness is his friend, darkness is the thing which had made him this much powerful. He is the most eligible bachelor of Italy, girls drool over his psychic and his features. Not their fault, god patiently made him in the summer holidays patiently.

But he hates girls, hookups and any other thing which will distract him from his goals, he has mastered controlling all his desires and hormones because he knows these things will take him close to the verge of losing his power. The less he has the weakness the more he will be powerful. He is hungry for power and his goals. He was wearing his shirt when his best friend Austin entered the corridor. He looked at him in disbelief.

“ Why don't you kill him, I can't believe you are still keeping him alive, you're torturing him since last year, doctors might not be able to keep him alive” Said Austin in concern, while Alvin cared less.

“ People fear me because of my torture, killing someone is easy but making them regret their action every second is much fun. People might be scared of death but they want their death from me because death is the precious thing I could give it to someone” He said in arrogance while Austin shook his head, not knowing how much it would take for that person to die naturally.

“ Anyways what's the progress about Smith” He asked while Austin remembered his actual reason for his arrival.

“ Oh yes, he is at a party, there is some Holi party going on” Said Austin while Alvin's Aura turned dark.

“ Count your free breaths, I am coming soon” Said Alvin and drove towards his Mansion.

He entered the mansion, and suddenly everyone went silent. The house helpers started working carefully, their hearts beating fast with fear. This was their daily routine. They tend to fear Alvin as they are aware of his anger and he will not hesitate to kill them on their silliest mistake. He took a cold shower and changed into his well fitted tailored suit. His perfectly gelled hair and few strands falling on his forehead making him look more handsome, a six course meal. He sat on the dining table and the maid served him the food carefully, her hands were trembling but the fear of death stopped her from making any mistake. The moment she was done she took the long steps and ran into the kitchen. Alvin did his breakfast, it was normal for him. To be honest he liked this fear in people. For him he believed he could get anything with his fear. He was living in his pride that nobody has the power to rule him.

He stood up after finishing his food and text Austin, “ Catch the bastard i am on the way, I want him on his knees”

“ Don't worry, it's already done.” He smirked looking at the text, and he walked outside. The moment he stepped out of the main door his special trained bodyguards started walking behind him at a safe distance, he sat in his car and the car drove off, while Almost ten Roll Royace was behind him. Soon they reached a very crowded place. First he was confused about what is going on,

“ Sir, this is the festival of colours, Holi. People celebrate it signifying the victory of good over evil” His secretary filled him with information, as this much information was enough for him.

“ Then I guess, we will set another example of victory of good over evil” He said while smirking while his secretary nodded.

Ishi's pov

We reached one of the biggest Holi parties in Italy. Well there is no reason for me to celebrate this festival, nor i want to celebrate, i am here only for my Manu. She has been there for me since I came here. Never in my dreams I want to hurt her. I came out of my thoughts when she dragged me with her.

“ Hey Ishi,look our classmates are also there” saying she smiled Chirply,i smiled back and greeted them. Well they were here to enjoy the celebration,some of them were here with their Indian friends. I saw Lucas was standing there smiling at me with his dirty smirk. I felt disgusted by his stare so I made my way towards an empty space,I was here for Manu. Once she is done playing holi we will head to home and also she is a heavy drunkard,i am sure she will drink here so one needs to be sober or we can be in trouble. Before I could move, someone applied Gulal from behind and I knew who it was. I turned back while both my hands were on my waist. My face has turned pink and green.

“ Bura na mano holi hai” she said and started laughing like a maniac. look, already drunk i sighed in disbelief.

“ Aww my beautiful Ishi, you're looking so beautiful” she said while laughing and  I smiled looking at her. Suddenly I felt the urge to colour her face and take my revenge. I filled the gulal in my both hands and ran towards her while she ran to save herself.She got lost in the crowd while i started searching for her,i came to the backside of the venue in her search but the scene in front of me made me shocked as hell.Aman was tied in rope, he was crying and shivering in fear.I saw his pants wet, did he just pee in his pant out of fear.His eyes shined in hope when he looked at me, i went towards him while he smiled at me weakly.

“ Child please open this rope, they will kill me. I’ve my childrens at home waiting for me” he said while i got confused, “ who is going to kill you ?” I asked while he shivered in fear. “ AV, i took some money for business but my business went into loss, i told him that i will return his money but he said he don’t give second chance, please save me” he said while my heart clenched at his situation,yeah i know AV who doesn’t, he is the most dangerous and powerful people among the world.

I thought for a second, because this will affect me too but i won’t let some innocent die in hunger of money. I have seen the result of both and I hate this type of people who use their power for their illegal and dark world. I didn’t think for a second after that and I opened his rope but it did not open, it looked like it had been made of some special material and only for this purpose,I saw a knife near the food counter.

I ran and took the knife and came back. I started cutting it, it took me almost two minutes to cut it. We heard the sound of feet approaching us, I signed him to run and he ran immediately. I heard their angry scream i tried to run but before i could i big and strong arm held me tightly and pulled me towards him harshly, i turned back and collapsed in his hard chest my hands rested on his chest in order to balance myself, I closed my eyes in fear when

“ HOW DARE YOU ?” he shouted on top of his lungs and kept a metal thing on my forehead as of now i figured it out, it was a gun.

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Next chapter is updated on scroll stack and will be updated here on Saturday.

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