The Alpha Twins and their Run...

By lovelycrowsong

1.6K 416 5

Another sequel to Hannah: and her happy harem, after the original sequel Light in a storm. However, neither i... More



24 9 0
By lovelycrowsong

Ariel kept reading her book through touch. Learning more than was truly reasonable in such a short amount of time. "It's really just my bad dreams you want?" More than happy to continue to part with them to enjoy peaceful sleep. The last note she read in the first few pages were an introduction from her familiar. Three Hours Past Midnight's gift was a simple note: The Baku speaks true.

"Only your nightmares, in return I will ensure your care and comfort for as long as you desire. Nothing more asked in return." Honest and open. He could care for her, and his parasitic nature could flourish on her nightmares. An arrangement that should suit both well.

She ran her finger over a line in her book again. He could almost lie to himself and say that he could feel her thinking. Her nightmares, behaviour and words were all he had to understand her. With some scant information provided by his new friends the occasional crows and other black birds who wished to have anything to do with him.

He had never truly envied the dragons, empaths, or psychic supers who could see into other people's active thoughts and desires. Binh had only needed nightmares. Done his best to ensure those he was feeding from did not continue to suffer. That they could live with enough security to have a chance to dream again.

Binh paid a higher than living wage. Provided housing at affordable rates, and ensured that his employees always had at least one hot meal every single day. Binh felt like he was quite good at taking care of humans. So many nightmares consumed and so many dreams returned. Yet The Council called him demon still. Demon's had needs to fuel themselves, same as any other creature. Fae, Dragons and especially humans all got to pretend they were better than his kind. One and all had the choice of free will and how to meet their needs. All had representatives in their histories who had committed atrocities. Yet no other class were currently expected to sign contracts to exist in public freely.

Binh had negotiated his own separate terms three years ago. Having been found by a particularly nosy succubus who had found him out. Considering his long standing presence had gone largely unknown; Binh had not been required to bind himself to The Council with a contract. This gesture of "Goodwill and trust" revealed to him like it had been a gift he should be grateful for by the pushy sex pest demon.

Binh knew that until he found a place he could relocate to and start from the ground up once again he was going to be watched. Worse, he would need to keep all his plans of relocating entirely secret from any public part of his existence. The Council had spies everywhere, and more leaks than a colander. Generating countless more eyes who wanted to learn things they should not. Binh longed for the days of printing presses being needed to share information broadly among humans. Times had been simpler then.

Sadly once those annoying little wolf pups managed to woo Ariel, she would be heading to their home pack. Binh knew he couldn't change or fight fate, they would find a way to have her fall in love with them just as Selene desired. A pack where of course The Council already had its fingers deep into the pack pie. Perhaps he could set a false trail for The Council. Clearly, he was already paying attention to Ariel, those fools would easily believe he would leave his establishment and follow her when her little pups took her home.

Everything was working out exceptionally well for Binh. Perhaps he could stay in touch with Ariel in the dream world when she learned to walk the shadowed plane. Out of sight of any prying eyes and away from the twins who would never understand all of what Ariel had lived through. Not like he did. He would keep her until she wanted to go. Binh knew the two brats come sniffing after Ariel had more than ample resources. Money could never buy everything, but it still did a lot of heavy lifting.

Binh was going to ensure money alone would not be enough to attempt to pitch woo for Ariel. She was worth the effort. Ariel finally closed her book. She had already learned too much too quickly. "What time is it? I'm hungry?" She said, avoiding talking about what had happened today. Ignoring the slightly scorched room around her. Knowing if she looked at what her magic had done she would only see the dire cost of each item she had destroyed.

Binh did not pry her for details about her experience manifesting. That had been a private, personal rite of passage. It was not for him to know unless shared freely. "It would be a silver tide at many establishments at this hour, but it can loosely be considered time for the evening meal." He told her. Not wanting to shock her with the time that had passed since she had left for her simple walk this morning, and now.

Ariel snapped her fingers and the book vanished in a flash of fire. She was an exceptionally quick learner, or perhaps her magic was rushing to make up for lost time. Binh had no idea which option was true. She should have been with family who knew and were ready for her particular strain of magic. Failing family; Witches of her kin or type were supposed to have found her to guide her through this process.

She had none save a single Baku and a devoted raven on her side. Neither of whom were capable of truly helping her learn her magic. If she wanted to be fed, that was at least something Binh could easily help with. "Tell me what you want, and we can have it. Order in, go out, hire a chef. Just name it Ariel." Binh told her, meaning every word. He had been treated to the most exquisite gift today. He had seen a witch come into herself. He could pay tribute for this gift by ensuring she ate whatever she desired. A proper sacrifice to her cause.

Ariel, for her part was feeling bold, nearly high on the sense of magic and power that had opened up to her. She had felt so full of power, of magic and strength. "Steak, the kind cooked on a real grill, with fire." Ariel said and Binh nodded. She wanted to taste and live in her magic today. Her magic was fire, and it was strong.

Ariel let Binh lead her to the doorway, taking a jacket that wasn't hers from the coat closet by the door and it fit her perfectly. If Ariel wanted steak, had named a meal and desire, then Binh was going to give her the best version of it that he knew. Leading Ariel to his car, driving her across town to the best steakhouse he knew in this city. The steaks were supplied by an ethical farm. All the beef was pasture raised, allowed to forage on natural grasses, clover and alfalfa.

The grills were cast iron grates over wood burning fires. Smoke and flames were built into everything about the restaurant he planned to take her to. He was known, a table should be easily found. It was close, technically it was a spare table added far too close to the back of house where the kitchen met the floor.

Ariel was not the type of person to notice that this was not an ideal table. She was just happy to be allowed in. That no exchange had to happen for her to enjoy a meal out. Ariel was trusting Binh, she was actually, truly, trying to trust him.

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