Always. Hamesha

Galing kay writesunholy

31 8 15

A sad one shot story that's going to take you out on a rollercoaster of a emotions. you are going to laugh... Higit pa


Always. Hamesha

15 4 15
Galing kay writesunholy

A man can be seen cooking in the kitchen, making a variety of dishes for his wife. Arranging them on a tray he proceeds towards their bedroom, smiling when he looks at her sleeping peacefully. Setting up the tray on the nightstand, he caresses her face Calling her out sweetly. 

“Verra, wake up jaanna, look the breakfast is ready”

“Uhmm Vedant, let me sleep no this devil didn't let me sleep the whole night”

“jaanna, that's not a devil that's our child”

Frowning she says,

“say your child huh! Always kicking when you aren't around me”

He chuckles at this and says 

“fine I will tell her to stop troubling you hmm, now come-on get up and eat you need to take your medicines too”

Finally getting up and raising her eyebrows she says 

“how do you know it's going to be a girl, it can be a boy too”

With a grin “dad instincts”

“Huh! Will see this dad instincts after a month”

“sure sure, for now go on brush your teeth till I tidy up the room a bit hmm”

He starts by folding the comforter, settling the bed sheets free of wrinkles, placing the pregnancy pillows for her to sit, and opening up the windows to let natural light in, till she has freshened up and is leaning against the washroom door gazing at him. 

Feeling a stare at himself he turns around only to catch her gazing at him 

“take a picture, it lasts longer” winking 

Coming towards him and encircling her arms around his neck

“what's the need of a picture when I have the whole of you to myself”

Oh the way he blushed, “Chalo let's have breakfast”

With smiles and teasing glances they complete their breakfast, and getting ready he leaves for work, he owns a gym. They had met the first time there, she was one of his first 100 customers. 

He was passionate about fitness and health, and he had a dream of creating a gym where people could not only work out but also feel like they belonged to a community. His gym, named "FitLife," had quickly gained popularity for its welcoming atmosphere and top-notch facilities.

She had recently moved to the city and was looking for a place to stay fit and meet new people. Intrigued by his vision, she became one of his first 100 customers. She was dedicated to her workouts and soon became a familiar face at the gym.

He noticed her determination and friendly nature. He found himself drawn to her, and they struck up conversations whenever she came in for a workout. They discovered they had a lot in common, from their love for fitness to their favorite foods.

As they spent more time together, their friendship blossomed into something more. He admired her dedication to her fitness goals, while she appreciated his kindness and passion for helping others.

One day, he took her by surprise by asking her out on a date. She happily accepted, and their relationship flourished. They continued to support each other in their fitness journeys, pushing each other to be the best versions of themselves.


It's evening, time for him to be back, veera starts preparing coffee for him despite knowing that he doesn't like it but that's love to go to extreme extents for your partner,  caring for each other's well-being, supporting each other through challenges, sharing joys and sorrows, and building a life together based on trust, respect, and understanding.

She feels a hand around her waist and another taking out the cup she was about to. 

“Vedant (smile), how was your day?”

“leave my day, I told you right if I ever see you in the kitchen I will tie you up, didn't I?”

“it's just coffee, Ved”

“doesn't matter, you should be resting”

“how long should I rest, I get tired resting” (pout) 

“well since you are tired why don't you rest”(smiling while pouring out his coffee and her tea in cups) 

She gets angry at this, but it's not her fault too pregnancy has triggered her mood swings leading her to behave like a child in front of him, 

But what's love if you can't behave childish in front of your partner? 

 What's love if you can't be your own true self in front of them?

 What's love if they don't handle your childishness? 

What's love if you can't share your deepest fears and wildest dreams with them?

What's love if you can't be vulnerable and real?,

What's love if you can't find comfort in their embrace?

What's love if you can't laugh until your stomach hurts together?

What's love if you can't be your truest, most authentic self with them?

Vedant loves to deal with her childishness, there are  very few times when she behaves like this and every single time he loves it more. He wants her to be open, to be herself in front of him, he loves that, he loves his veera. 


Currently they were inside the doctors chamber for their final checkup before its time for her delivery, both of them having smiles on their faces along with stress lines. 

There is a mix of excitement, anticipation, nervousness, and perhaps a bit of apprehension. They are  eager to finally meet their baby and start this new chapter of their lives as parents, yet there is also some anxiety about the labor and delivery process, as well as ensuring the baby's health. 

“Uhmm Vedant, veera please don't panic but we will have to perform a C-section”

Immediately the smiles are wiped off, 

“Is everything okay mam?”

Gathering courage Ved asked, while Veera was trying to calm herself down. 

Doctor: "The baby is currently in a breech position, which means it's safer to deliver via C-section to avoid any complications. Additionally, considering your medical history, a C-section would be the best option for both you and the baby."

Veera "We didn't expect this, but we trust your expertise. If it's the safest option, then we're on board with the C-section."

Doctor: "I'm glad to hear that. I'll explain the procedure in detail and answer any questions you might have. It's important to focus on the health and safety of both mother and baby, and a C-section will ensure a smooth delivery process."

Veera : *nodding, feeling reassured*

Doctor: "Great! Let's schedule the C-section and make sure everything is in place for the arrival of your little one."

Vedant: "Doctor, how long will the C-section take? Is there anything I should know or do during the procedure?"

Doctor: "The C-section typically takes about 45 minutes to an hour. During the procedure, you'll be asked to wait outside the operating room. Once the baby is delivered, you'll be called in to join your wife and meet your new baby."

Vedant : "Will veera be awake during the surgery? Is there anything I can do to support her?"

Doctor: "Yes, she will be awake. The surgical team will ensure she's comfortable and pain-free. Your presence and support after the surgery will be very important for her emotional well-being."

Vedant: "I want to be there for her every step of the way. Is there anything else I should know or prepare for?"

Doctor: "Just be prepared for the unexpected. C-sections are generally safe, but like any surgery, there are risks. Trust in the medical team, and remember that the ultimate goal is to safely deliver your baby and ensure the well-being of both mother and child."

Vedant feels his breath hitching, he can be prepared for anything but not for losing veera, she is his jaana, his only family, his whole world. 

He sat in the hospital waiting room, his hands clenched tightly together, his eyes fixed on the door leading to the operating rooms. His veera, his jaana, was undergoing a scheduled C-section, and he was filled with a mixture of anxiety and fear.

He was a tall man, with a strong, athletic build that belied the turmoil he felt inside. His normally confident demeanor was replaced by a sense of helplessness and vulnerability. He had always been the rock for his wife, the one who could solve any problem and protect her from any harm. But now, faced with the prospect of losing her to a surgical procedure, he felt powerless.

As he waited, his mind raced with thoughts of what could go wrong. What if something went awry during the surgery? What if his wife suffered complications? What if he lost her?

He tried to push these thoughts aside, to focus on the positive outcome he hoped for. He imagined holding his newborn child, watching his wife recover, and starting their life together as a family. But the fear lingered, gnawing at him from the inside.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the door opened, and a nurse emerged. She smiled at him and said, "Congratulations, you have a healthy baby girl." 

He couldn't stop the rush of tears at that moment, the arrival of his little girl, his princess, something so magical, something God has trusted him with. The news hits him like a wave, overwhelming and unexpected. His heart swells with a mix of emotions—joy, disbelief, and an overwhelming sense of gratitude. He had hoped for a healthy baby, but the sheer happiness of knowing he is now a father to a baby girl has brought tears to his eyes.

In Indian culture, the birth of a daughter is often celebrated, but for him, it's more than just tradition—it's a profound moment of realization. He thinks of all the dreams and hopes he has for his daughter, of the love and care he will shower upon her. He is filled with a sense of responsibility, a desire to protect her and nurture her as she grows.

“When can I meet them?”

“we are shifting them to the recovery room, then you can meet them”

Giving him a smile she leaves to help others. 

He stood outside the recovery room, his heart pounding with anticipation. He had been waiting for what felt like an eternity to meet his jaana and newborn daughter. Finally, the nurse came out and beckoned him inside.

As he entered the room, he saw Veera lying on the bed, still unconscious from the anesthesia. The baby lay in a bassinet beside her, wrapped in a soft blanket. His heart swelled with love and pride as he gazed at his daughter for the first time.

He moved closer to his wife's bedside, gently taking her hand in his. He whispered words of love and encouragement, hoping she could hear him, even in her unconscious state. He thanked her for bringing their daughter into the world, for her strength and courage during the birth.

“thank you so much veera, I don't have words to describe this feeling but just know that I'm one lucky bastard to be blessed with a daughter (wiping his tears) oops sorry now I will have to tone the cursing a bit yeah”

He then turned his attention to his daughter, leaning over the bassinet to get a closer look. She was perfect, with tiny features and a peaceful expression. He reached out a trembling hand to touch her cheek, marveling at the miracle of her existence.

As he stood there, torn between his desire to be with his wife and his need to bond with his daughter, the nurse approached him. She explained that his wife would be asleep for a while longer, recovering from the surgery. She encouraged him to spend time with his daughter, to hold her and begin the bonding process.

With a grateful smile, he picked up his daughter and cradled her in his arms. He marveled at the weight of her tiny body, the warmth of her against his chest. He whispered words of love and welcome, promising to be the best father he could be.

“hey precious, it's me your daddy, or papa whatever you wanna call me, I'm so grateful to you to chose me as your father, I promise to be the father you deserve, I will always love, be with you in every step, scare away boys who trouble you (chuckles) teach you everything you want, will be the best friend you need, my precious”

Tears stream down his face, but they are not tears of sadness—they are tears of pure, unadulterated joy. In that moment, he feels like the luckiest man alive, blessed with a daughter who will bring light and love into his life in ways he never thought possible.

In that moment, despite his wife's unconscious state, he felt a deep sense of gratitude and joy. He was grateful for the gift of his daughter, for the strength of his wife, and for the love that bound them all together. And he knew, as he looked down at his sleeping wife and his precious daughter, that his life would never be the same again.


Veera and Vedant are standing outside their residence, while his secretary opens up the door and welcomes them inside, not before taking the footprint of our little girl on a white cloth. There are a few times when veera misses her parents, this moment being one of them but she is grateful for the family she has now.

“so what have you guys decided, what will be the name of this cute angel”

Aniket, Vedant's secretary asked with a goofy smile. Gazing at each other with a smile both of them utter it in sync 


“wow! That's a really good name, any thoughts behind it?”

Vedant:  “The name Diya means light. 
I see her as a source of light and brightness in our lives, bringing warmth, joy, and positivity. The name also carries a spiritual significance, reflecting the hope that our daughter will illuminate the world around her with her virtues and values.”

Veera is in tears listening to him, vedant has always asked for a daughter the reason,  he envisions a special bond with a daughter, imagining moments like walking her down the aisle, sharing father-daughter dances, or simply experiencing the world through her eyes. He feels that raising a daughter offers him a chance to impart important life lessons, to be a strong, positive male role model, and to teach her about self-respect, confidence, and independence. 

Her trance is broken by the Diya's loud wailing, indicating her hunger while she goes inside to feed her Vedant walks Aniket out explaining to him a few things that need to be taken care of while he is on his paternity leave. 

Aniket “don't worry I will handle it all”

Vedant “I know you will, I trust you”

Aniket “BTW how does it feel, hmm?”

Vedant “ I can't even begin to describe the overwhelming emotions I'm feeling right now. From the moment I held her in my arms, I knew my life had changed forever. There's this incredible sense of responsibility and protectiveness that I never knew I was capable of. I look at her tiny face, and I feel this overwhelming love and joy that I never knew existed. I can't wait to watch her grow, to be there for her every step of the way, and to show her the world. It's a feeling unlike anything else."

Aniket “man I have seen men whipped in love for a woman, but never seen someone fall so deep for their daughters”

Vedant “haha, when you will have a daughter then you will understand my friend”

Aniket “hmm let's see, alright bye meet you soon”

Vedant “bye”

Latching the door, he washes his hands properly and quickly walks into the room only to find Diya asleep in her crib.

Vedant (pout) “she slept?”

Veera “Ved, she is a newborn of course she is going to be asleep most of the time”

Vedant “I wanted to spend some time with her”

Veera “you will get plenty of time with her”

Vedant “hmm that's true, now we have our whole life to spend with her”

Do they??? 


Diya is now 7 weeks old and today due to some emergency Vedant had to visit the gym that's why she was cranky, these past few weeks both of them have formed a beautiful bond sometimes Veera gets jealous from her saying Diya has stolen her husband only to get a laugh in return from him. 

Vedant was back just now around 5 mins ago and straight away he went to take a shower wanting to be germs free as quickly as possible to pick his princess in his arms. Whereas on the other side since she has caught a sign of Ved she has been crying nonstop.

Veera “Shh stop crying my love, daddy is gonna be here any moment now”

Vedant “I'm here” carefully taking her in his arms and rubbing her back 

Veera “Ved at least dry your hairs properly”

Vedant “she was crying jaana”

He sits down on the couch with her while veera dries his hairs with the towel, giving a cheek kiss to him only to witness a beautiful smile from Diya, her first proper smile. 

Vedant “did she just?”

Veera “yes she did”

Vedant “hey princess can you smile once again for daddy?”

But Diya doesn't smile at him, raising her arms towards Veera indicating to be picked up by her. 

Veera “Aww my baby just had her first smile huh?”

Diya smiles again, looks like though she loves her daddy she is gonna be a mommy's girl.

Veera “Ved quickly go get the camera, let's capture this moment”

Vedant “(pout) she didn't smile at me”

Veera “Ved go, she won't keep smiling, now she will feel hungry and take the house on her head

They click many pictures with her smiling, labeling it as first time 

And to many more firsts. 


Diya : 6 months old

It's Diya's annaprashan, the ceremony where we feed solids for the first time to babies.

Vedant “jaana aren't you ready yet?”

He asked, coming inside the room only to get starstruck watching both of his precious girls twinning and posing for selfies. It's a heartwarming sight that symbolizes the deep connection and bond between the two most important women in his life.

Veera “yes we are ready, let's go”

Vedant “give her to me (picks diya up) my princess looks so good today, just like an angel hmm”

He nuzzles his nose in her chubby cheeks emitting a laugh from her, walking out with her towards the seat arranged for her, near the priest where the smoke won't reach her. 

The priest starts by chanting some holy mantras, applying Chandan on everyone's forehead, and then offering the kheer or rice pudding to the God first which is to be fed to Diya. 

Priest “now the mother should feed the baby”

Veera fed her a small spoonful of kheer, but Diya didn't like it. 

Vedant “haha she is just like you, doesn't like kheer”

Veera “obviously she is like me because she is my daughter, not our neighbors”

Vedant “Veera (wide eyed)”

Both of them chuckle, making Diya look at them both. Poor Diya must be thinking how did I get them as my parents. 


Diya : 11 months old 

It was Sunday today, vedant and veera were cuddled up on the couch while diya played on the carpet with her stuffed  toys. 

 Veera had her eyes closed listening to his heartbeats while Ved was gazing at both his lady loves with a smile, sometimes even laughing when Diya gets frustrated that her toys aren't eating. 

When suddenly she looks towards vedant and holding his pants tries to stand up, but falls down. 

Vedant “veera look”

Both of them gaze down as Diya finally stands up on her wobbly legs but quickly falls down, crying out loud. 

Vedant “Aww my baby, it's OK, it's OK daddy's here, my good girl, my strong girl, you stood up all by yourself that's such a good process, my princess”

He continues to coo at her, sometimes kissing her cheeks when he hears a click, looking up front he found veera with her camera taking the pictures 

Vedant “jaana she is crying and you are clicking pictures?”

Veera “I'm storing memories ved,  come-on help her stand let me take a pic”

Till now diya has stopped crying too, and is looking at veera with a pout maybe cause she didn't pick her up. 


Diya : 1 year old 

It's Diya's first birthday, though she can't eat many things yet her favorites are prepared for breakfast, after which all three of them go out for a stroll eventually reaching the park where they lower Diya down to play, encouraging her to walk only to come up with nothing. 

Where veera is tensed that she can't walk, vedant doesn't really care he can roam around with his daughter in his arms all day long and not get tired of it.

Back home veera and diya go upstairs to give diya a bath and get her ready while Vedant bakes a cake for his princess. Yes she can't eat it but can taste the cream at least. He wants everything to be perfect for her first birthday. 

There is going to be Aniket(his secretary) and Nandini (Aniket's fiancee),along with of course our couple and Diya.

All of them sing the happy birthday song to her as she looks around in amazement, from the candle on top of the cake, to the balloons hung around and stopping at last on the hat she is made to wear.

Dinner is filled with laughter and cute antics of Diya while she plays with the soft toy of a caterpillar that Aniket and Nandini got for her. 

Veera was cleaning the table up when she saw Diya standing up on little bit steady legs, taking a very small step towards vedant before she wobbled but balanced herself before she fell. 

Veera knows if she calls Vedant Diya will be diverted and will fall so as quietly as possible she takes her camera kept on the top shelf and clicks a picture.

Diya looks back at the sound falling back on her butt but instead of crying she laughs watching her mumma smile. 

Veera's eyes welled up with tears of joy. She kneels down, opens her arms wide, and with a beaming smile, calls out, "Come to Mama, Diya!"

Diya, with a look of determination and excitement, takes a few more wobbly steps and then collapses into her mother's embrace. Veera wraps her arms around her daughter, feeling the warmth of their connection and the pride of this milestone. She whispers words of love and encouragement, showering Diya with kisses and praises.

In that moment, time stands still as Veera savors the feeling of holding her daughter close, knowing that this is just the beginning of a lifetime of shared triumphs and cherished moments.


Diya : 14 months old 

Veera: “Ved What are you doing? Diya is asleep alone in the room”

Vedant : “ I know jaana but don't you think it's been a long time since we have spent some quality time hmm?”

Veera (teasing smile) “So what do you have planned Mr Awasthi?”

Vedant (grinning) “well if Mrs Awasthi allows, I would like a dance with her”

 Veera “but Diya is asleep won't she wake up due to music?”

Vedant “why fear when I am here”

He adjusts one of the airpod in Veera's ear while the other is fixed in his, playing ‘Tum ho aaye’ and swinging slowly with her, looking deep into her eyes, perhaps trying to find himself in her eyes, seeing a reflection of his hopes and dreams, his fears and uncertainties. But how can he? 

When not only her eyes but her whole being is his, In her innocence, in her laughter, in her every breath, he sees reflections of his own soul. She is not just a part of him; she is him, an extension of his love, his dreams, and his very existence. As he holds her close, he knows that he has found himself not in her eyes, but in her heart, forever intertwined with hers in a bond that transcends time and space.


Diya : 20 months old 

*Doorbell rings*

Veera opens the door since Diya isn't leaving Vedant even for a bit, It's the postman carrying a letter for her. 

As she opens the envelope, her heart skips a beat. Inside is her duty joining letter, a testament to her dedication and service to her country. A mixture of pride and determination fills her eyes as she reads the letter, knowing that her duty calls.

Vedant “who is it jaana?”

She looks up, watching her family play, and a wave of emotion washes over her. She knows that her duty will take her away from them, perhaps for a long time, but she also knows that she carries their love and support with her wherever she goes.

She walks over to her husband and daughter. They stop their play, sensing the change in her demeanor. She kneels down, embracing them tightly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Veera "I have to go, but I will always come back to you. You are my strength, my reason for everything I do."

Her husband nods, understanding and pride in his eyes. He knows the sacrifices she makes for her duty, for their country, and for their family. He kisses her forehead, and their daughter wraps her tiny arms around her mother's neck, a silent promise of love and understanding.

Veera (taking her daughter in her lap) “I promise mumma will be here for your 2nd birthday hmm, I love you my precious” 

She hugs her tightly, wishing for the moment to freeze, to always be present in this moment but her duty is important too, especially when Major Khanna has mentioned a important mission. 

Vedant hugs them both together, his heart feeling heavy, there have been times when she has been gone for her duty but this is the first time his heart feels like this, was it indicating something? 

It's night time when  Veera is packing her crucial stuff, sensing a gaze she turns around to see Vedant leaning against the doorway, memories of their time together flooding his mind. 

Veera: "Thank you for understanding, love. I know it's not easy for you when I have to leave."

Vedant: "I'll always support you jaana , no matter what. Your dedication inspires me, and I know you're making a difference out there."

Veera: *placing a hand on his cheek* "I couldn't do it without you. You're my rock, always there to support me."

Vedant: *smiling* "Just promise me you'll stay safe and come back to me,to us."

Veera: *nodding* "I promise. I'll be counting the days until I can hold you and Diya in my arms again."

Vedant: *pulling her into a hug* "I love you more than words can say. Take care of yourself out there."

Veera: *returning the hug* "I love you too. I'll call you whenever I can, and I'll be thinking of you every day."

Vedant “we will always be together right?”

Veera “Always hamesha”


Diya : 2 years old 

It's Diya's 2nd birthday, veera had promised to be here today but there were no traces of her, she hasn't even called for the past 2 weeks.

Vedant was a bit worried, especially since he doesn't have a clue where she is, her duty demanding secrecy even from partners. 

*doorbell rings *

Vedant smiles wide “look Diya maybe mumma has come huh”

Diya “maa”

Vedant “let me open the door hmm”

He opens the door to find  soldiers standing solemnly,  with the heart-wrenching sight of her coffin draped in the Indian flag. 

One of the soldiers steps forward, his expression sympathetic yet firm. "Sir, we are deeply sorry for your loss. Your wife... she won't be coming home."

Vedant's heart breaks as he tries to comprehend the words. His daughter, sensing his distress, looks up at him with innocent eyes, unaware of the tragedy that has befallen them.

Tears stream down his face as he collapses to his knees, clutching his daughter tightly. He is overwhelmed with grief, knowing that his beloved wife, his jaana will never return to them. The soldiers offer their condolences and support, but the husband is lost in his pain, trying to come to terms with the devastating loss of his wife and the mother of his child.

He suddenly Clutches the left side of his chest, a sharp pain shoots through him. The overwhelming grief and shock of his jaana's death has taken a physical toll on his body. He gasps for breath, trying to stay conscious for his daughter's sake, but the pain is too much to bear. 

With a final, desperate effort, he holds his daughter close, whispering words of love and comfort to her. But the pain is relentless, and he feels himself losing consciousness. He tries to fight it, wanting to stay present for his daughter, but his body betrays him, and he collapses to the floor, unconscious.


Diya : 7 years old 

Little Diya runs towards her father's room only to witness him sitting on his favorite rocking chair in front of the window, caressing a picture of her mother on his mobile phone and saying. 

“But now 

I miss you jaanna 

Every day and night 

I miss you when I drink your favorite chai 

I miss you when I gaze at our pictures 

I miss you when I cook your favorite dishes 

I miss you when I see you in my dreams 

I miss you jaanna 

I miss you”

Diya has tears lining her eyes seeing her daddy still love her mumma as he did years back, She feels a sense of helplessness, wishing she could take away her father's pain. She clutches a stuffed animal tightly to her chest, seeking comfort in its familiar presence.

Wiping her tears she calls out her father “Daddy”

Vedant wipes the moisture off his eyes before turning to face her with a smile, beckoning her towards him, she runs and sits on his lap giving him a tight hug trying to offer some silent comfort. 

He kisses her forehead and asks “why aren't you asleep princess, it's late”

Diya “can I sleep with you today?”

Vedant “have I ever said no to you?, go on get up on the bed I will be back in a minute, let me use the restroom”

When he joins her on the bed he finds her trying to fight sleep.

Vedant “sleep princess, you have school tomorrow”

He starts patting her head, when she kisses his nose telling him good night, just the way Veera used to. 

Fighting back tears he continues to put her to sleep, trying to find his sleep too that has been lost since Veera left him. 

Vedant's heart still bears the weight of her absence. Time has softened the sharp edges of grief, but her memory remains a constant presence in his life.

He has learned to live with the ache of her absence, finding solace in the love they shared and the daughter they raised together. He often finds himself lost in memories of their time together, the laughter and the tears, the moments of joy and sorrow that defined their relationship.

He has found ways to honor her memory, keeping her alive in their daughter's heart through stories and photographs. He visits her grave often, talking to her as if she were still there, sharing with her the milestones and moments of their lives that she has missed.

He has also found strength in his daughter, who has grown into a remarkable young woman, a reflection of her mother's love and spirit. Together, they navigate the complexities of life without her, finding comfort in each other's presence and the memories they share.

 years have passed, he knows that he will never fully heal from the loss of his wife. She was his partner, his confidante, his love, his jaana and her absence is a void that can never be filled. But he also knows that her love will always be with him, guiding him through the days ahead, a beacon of light in the darkness of his grief.

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