Transmigrating Between Two Wo...

By xiaoniania

114 16 4

After reading the preface, Aneilia falls asleep and is transported into the world of a historical romance lig... More

Chapter 1- Get To The Point
Chapter 2- Sound of Fate
Chapter 3-Sleep Beside Me
Chapter 5- Li Xian

Chapter 4 - Will You Stay

20 3 2
By xiaoniania

Chapter 4- Will You Stay?

Xian had been holding onto her wrist when their quiet moment was pierced by familiar voices from the courtyard, unmistakably the Du sisters. "Young Miss Lan Hua," their call rang out, stirring a mix of anticipation and wariness. With a gentle nod to Xian, signalling her brief departure, Lan Hua moved gracefully to welcome them. Their arrival was not without purpose; they brought an invitation from the village head, a gathering where Scholar Li's presence was requested in five days. The significance of the town hall loomed large, suggesting matters of weighty concern or communal decision-making were at hand. As Lan Hua ushered the Du sisters into the chamber where Xian was resting, their expressions were a blend of respect and urgency. Upon seeing Xian, they bowed slightly, their traditional greeting underscoring the seriousness of their visit. "Scholar Li," they began, their voices harmonious yet filled with a weighty concern, "the elders request your presence. There are matters regarding your marriage and your role within our village that necessitate discussion." The implication was clear: the upcoming town hall would shape not just Xian's future but potentially the fabric of the community itself. "My wife and I will attend," he declared, the term 'wife' resonating in the air. It was the first time he had called her that, for Lanhua being referred to as his wife ignited a blush and a joyous smile she couldn't hide. Xian, witnessing her reaction, felt a smile tugging at his own lips, a gesture he subtly restrained, yet the warmth in his eyes betrayed his suppression of emotion. This gentle interlude, observed by the sisters, was a testament to the blossoming connection between Xian and Lanhua. "Ruzi, your loyal servant, hasn't returned yet, though he was expected to be here, so managing everything alone must be quite challenging for you," remarked Du Ming, her tone laced with concern. "Oh, not at all," Lan Hua replied with a polite smile, her voice soft yet firm. "My husband has been exceedingly kind, and we've managed quite well together. But thank you for your concern." Her response, graceful and composed, slightly impressed Xian.

After the Du sisters had left, Lan Hua turned to Xian with a thoughtful look. "They seem quite nice, don't they?" she mused. Xian's response was cautious, his voice carrying a note of warning. "It's best not to fully trust anyone here."

LanHua, undeterred, met his gaze squarely. "I know you don't fully trust me either, but you should," she said, her tone earnest."Trust is something that develops over time," Xian replied, his expression softening.

"But I feel like I must have known you in a past life because my gut says I can trust you," LanHua confessed, fully aware of how cringy her words sounded. Just then, her stomach betrayed her with a rumble, breaking the intensity of the moment.

Laughing, Xian quipped, "Your gut telling you to trust me won't feed it" Lan Hua couldn't help but laugh at herself with him. This man who is like an ice statue is capable of laughter? It was almost like he heard her think this and abruptly stopped. "We need to prepare for the meeting," Xian said sternly, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them. "They'll want to verify that you've been taking care of me. They might even probe about your past." He paused, his gaze firm on Lan Hua's. "Maintain that you have amnesia from hitting your head, but assert your noble descent."He continued, confidence threading through his voice despite the gravity of his words, "Ruzi will return with my medication soon, and I will be able to attend the meeting."

"Read the book on women's customs you found earlier," Xian advised, softening slightly. "It will help you understand what's expected of you and how to navigate their questions."LanHua nodded, absorbing his words. The weight of the responsibility, the intricate dance of maintaining their facade, pressed down on her.

As the day waned, Lan Hua busied herself in the kitchen, preparing a simple yet comforting meal of egg fried rice and omelette. With dinner served, she broached the subject of their dwindling supplies. "I need to go to town for groceries; we only have rice," she explained, her voice tinged with concern. To bolster Xian's recovery, she also prepared warm turmeric milk, renowned for its health benefits. Xian, understanding the necessity, offered. "I'll give you some money to buy food, clothes, and whatever else you might need," he said, reaching for a small chest by the table beside him. Lan Hua hesitated, the thought of navigating the market alone daunting. "I must go alone?" she asked, seeking reassurance. Xian's expression changed, regret lacing his voice. "My leg is too inconvenient for me to accompany you, but Ruzi will go to ensure your safety."

As night fell and her eyelids became heavy. Recalling the ordeal from the night before Lan Hua hesitantly got into the shared quilt. "Move closer" she heard a deep voice. She popped up to look at Xian. He had his eyes closed, and his expression was blank. "The quilt is not sufficient for two people if you sleep on the other end of the bed," she recalled how he had none of it because she pulled it while asleep. She moved her pillow closer and said nothing. Soon enough, she was asleep. Xian woke up in the night only to find his arm gripped by Lan Hua, her head on his pillow. This woman really had no shame. First, she stole his quilt, then his pillow. He noticed she had been sweating; her face glimmered in the moonlight. She mumbled audibly, her face reflecting a struggle. She was definitely having a nightmare. What had this woman experienced? Why was she unconscious in the reservoir? What could possibly frighten her so much? Not having anyone to call her own, not remembering anyone.....that was harsh he acknowledged that it was indeed harsh. 

He was acquainted with experiencing harsh realities, but the thought of her feeling even a fraction of his pain sent shivers down his spine. He had only known her for a few days, but he felt that he was always meant to know her. A sceptical scholar like Xian had really found himself wondering if meeting this girl was fate. A concept he loathed didn't seem all that bitter, especially if it explained her warm embrace on his body. He fell back asleep without any resistance to her encroaching on his space.

Lan Hua woke in Xian's arms. She squealed a little. This was Aneilia's first relationship that too, as a girl called Lan Hua...with a fictional character. She was a little taken aback, but her heart was fluttering nonetheless. Hearing her squeak, Xian woke up. She lied, saying she awoke from a nightmare too ashamed to admit what had actually startled her. Xian laid back down he told her to cover herself with the quilt. "Ruzi, come in." 

She was perplexed how he would know Ruzi was back. Did he have telepathy? A young man, a  little younger than Xian, muscular and bright entered the chamber. "This is lady Lan Hua.. my wife please treat her with respect and kindness. She is new to this village, so take care of her." he could have let her get dressed and then introduced her what Lan Hua was thinking. Ruzi bowed . 

"Ruzi is like my family. We have grown up together. He will make sure you are taken care of." he paused and said, "You need not worry about menial tasks that are not fit for a lady of your status. He will take care of me." 

Lan Hua replied, "Taking care of you is a task that precisely fits my status." Xian didn't reply to her. He looked towards Ruzi and said, "Find a maid who can assist the lady at the earliest". Ruzi replied that he would complete whatever was expected of him. "Young master Physician Yao from the city has made the journey to treat your wounds. He has also concocted an antidote for the poison this time." Xian handed Lan Hua his silk shawl, and she understood what he wanted, wrapping it around herself. She stood up. Physician Yao entered the room with his head held high. Xian greeted him and mentioned that Lan Hua was his wife. Yao gave her the obligatory bow and told her to exit the room. Lan Hua protested, "But I should know my husband's condition.. Its only fair." 

"She took care of me I don't mind her presence," Xian said politely.

 Physician Yao was like a stubborn horse. He demanded that only the men stay in the room while the wounds were inspected. He had witnessed enough women puking from unsightly, gory wounds, and he was in no mood to see such a scene unfold again. He said Lan Hua may enter again after. She simply left feeling like there was no point arguing. She planned on eavesdropping on the conversation, so she exited the room and just put her ear to the wall. She assumed that the physician removed the gauze she had used to dress Xian's wound.

 Yao exclaimed, "Oh my, you must thank the man who drained the abscess so cleanly he saved your life with barely any tools, and this use of turmeric was an excellent choice as it is readily available." Xian replied coldly, "It was Lanhua whom you just sent out." Yao looked perplexed and defeatedly asked Ruzi to bring her back in.

Lanhua had rightfully gained some respect from Yao. This was reflected in the way he interacted with her. Now, his gaze was softer, and his eyes were no longer looking down upon this young woman. Yao continued to explain Xian's condition. There are several poisons in your blood stream. Most have been detoxified, but the 1 that remains is unknown and deadly. We have managed to concoct a medicine that will slow its ill effects down, but it will greatly seep your vitality if not identified and detoxified soon. The meridian of your right leg remains shattered from the arrow that pierced a vital nerve. You may still continue to use that leg with assistance. Ruzi brought out a deep green jade cane with silver detailing and placed it by Xian's nightstand. 

Lanhua chimed in, "Physician Yao, how can the poison be identified? Where can we obtain an antidote from." Physician Yao chuckled at her naive question. "It is only the royal palace that has private physicians who may concoct an antidote that is strong enough to remove all toxins; however, only the high-ranking royals may access it." Lanhua listened intently. She was curious "his leg?" 

Yao replied, "It has been this way since I first met him. Unfortunately, I am not able to help more....but your husband remains a very capable man, young lady!"Lanhua looked at Xian, and his expression did not waver. He looked extremely calm. She felt like he was testing her, like he wanted her to be exposed to all this information at once and then see her reaction.

 "Can you give him something for his pain? His leg still hurts." The room fell silent. Xian didn't expect her to notice. He was surprised she knew it was his leg that ached. Yao added, "Xian never mentioned anything about his leg hurting." Lanhua interjected, " His pride aching hurts him more." Yao sighed and gave them a vile of a herbal concoction and told her to mix two drops with water and drink it whenever either of them experienced pain. After Yao and Ruzi left the room, Lanhua looked at Xian, expecting him to say something, but he stared at her silently for a while. 

"I told you I cannot help you," he claimed. She retorted "And I told you that I will help you, please tell me who tried to posion you?" 

"I have forgotten about the life I once led. A comfortable life in this remote village is all I can offer you, so you may take as much money as you want and run away if you please." He avoided her question. Don't tell me about the poison now if you can't, but before you start thinking all these horrible things, just know that I am happy with you regardless of what you are offering me," she said with sincerity. 

"Isn't that foolish?" he replied, thinking there was no way she would say something absurd like falling in love with him at first sight.

 She cleared her throat "The reason these villagers saved me was to be wedded to you otherwise I would have been eaten by the wolves.. No matter how I see are my second chance at life, Xian ... so.. if being loyal is foolish, then I may as well be a fool."

"What if my existence is a threat to the very life I helped save?" his voice wavered.

"My existence is now tied to yours" she declared.

Xian laughed loudly with his gaze fixed into the distance. His eyes were cold and unforgiving. It looked like he was staring through her soul. Lan Hua lightly closed her eyes and said, "You are all I have, and I need you as much as you need me" She really did need him to escape this novel. She figured Xian needed her. If he wished to continue living comfortably in this village, he would have to respect their sentiments and traditions. As absurd as it sounds, she was their gift to him. These villagers really believed marrying him to someone would erase his misfortune and poor health as his New wife's luck would be able to bear half of his struggles. Such was the custom in this village. They were immensely superstitious. The elders believed that Lan Hua's unexplained appearance in the medicinal reservoir was a sign from the heavens that she was sent to this land to save their beloved scholar's life.

"Then I must respect your choice. His face dawned a painful smile " I even kindly gave you the option to leave my side with abundant wealth and no consequences." Xian knew that he must remain cordial with Lan Hua to maintain his position in this village. After all, he had been recuperating peacefully here away from prying eyes.

"Thank you!" she hugged him quickly with teary eyes.

He had given this crazy girl her chance to escape. Really, she could have run away at any point. She was intelligent and bright and clearly of noble birth. She could have tried finding her family or running away from this sickly, pitiful man. An ordinary woman would curse her cruel fate on being married to a cripple, and if she did oblige and accept the marriage, she would exploit his power and wealth, but Lan Hua did not possess that intent. She really had chosen to stay with him; he was not entirely sure why, and fated love was not a satisfactory explanation.

He had always found fate to be twisted because everything he had ever adored—his family, his little sister, his position—had been lost. Now that this strange woman had entered his life, how long would she last? 

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