mohabbat kuch anokhi si

By Pinkkitkatobsession1

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What happens when two childhood enemies, while in the act to pretend they like eachother find out they're act... More

😠1) bara aya hero...😠
πŸ™„2) "hot" cousin...πŸ™„
🀨3) maafi?!?!?🀨
πŸ˜†4) deketi pakri gaiπŸ˜†
πŸ˜’5) konsi khushfehmi?πŸ˜’
πŸ€ͺ6) achanak ki entryπŸ€ͺ
πŸ€”7) zyada hi lift...!πŸ€”
πŸ˜‘8) naya azaab...πŸ˜‘
😏9) jealous ho?😏
πŸ™„10) bas drama...!πŸ™„
😳11) "meeru"?!?!😳
πŸ˜‹12) drama ya kuch aur hi?πŸ˜‹
πŸ˜‰13) doubt na karna...!πŸ˜‰
🀭14) "BIWI"?!?!🀭
😊15) hairaan...😊
😢16) haalat kharab...!😢
😳17) itna sharmana...?😳
πŸ˜‰18) impressed...!πŸ˜‰
😏19) kuch horaha hai...?😏
πŸ˜‹21) samja bhi dungaπŸ˜‹
😳22) itni qareeb...😳
🫠23) aihsaas...!🫠
🀭24) m-m-murtasimmm🀭
🫣25) kya dill chata hai?🫣
πŸ˜‰26) uralo hosh!πŸ˜‰

😚20) pakri tou jao gi!😚

334 24 41
By Pinkkitkatobsession1

As time froze and slowed down it seemed, meerub, who had merely taken a quick step in attempts to bounce by murtasim and continue her rushing down the hall, soon found her eyes shooting wide and breath hitching in sheer surprise when warm hands had swiftly slid around the girls waist from behind before pulling her in with a fast move...

A rushed heat racing by her form from his warm touch as the girl soon felt her mind going foggy and knees feeling week when the tug on the small of her waist seemed enough for the dumbstruck girl to go stumbling back. Meerubs heart giving a quick jump as before the slowed down thoughts of the girl could register the act, meerubs stomach soon gave a harsh twist from the way murtasim had swiftly and successfully now twirled the girl to face him and tugged her close to the point meerubs chest went pressing flush to his...

The dumbfounded meerub, who was racing by the hall just a moment ago, now nestled snugly under the warmth of his arms encircling the small of her waist and holding her close, while meerubs hands had now unknowingly trailed to splay over and soon clutch tight to the coller of his jacket from the pull which had the girl sure she would fall. Yet after a moment of confirming she was infact still standing, meerubs eyes, which had squeezed shut in surprise of the tug, soon gently and slowly fluttered open in surprise and from the warmth of his form which pressed flush to hers...

Yet as the girl found senses rushing back and feelings kicking in, meerubs heart gave a jump of surprise once more as her foggy mind began to rush when her gaze shot in a quick exploration over the position the two stood at. His warm hands splayed comfortably over the small of her back while meerubs now fisted up the coller of his jacket for desperate support, her heaving chest snugly pressed to his while distance now barley remained between the two from the position which had meerubs breathing coming to a stop...

When as another wave of unbearable shivers came washing through the girl to shade her burning cheeks pink, meerubs wide and confusion flooded eyes soon shot from darting around the tiles below to now lock eyes with murtasim who watched in amusement. Yet the sight the girl was soon met with didnt fail to rush another wave of racing heat down her spine as meerubs pouty lips soon parted for a shakey breath...

Her gaze now shooting over his face and taking in his overall look as the sight the girl encountered had meerubs breath hitching in her throat...
Murtasim, dressed handsomely in a black suit, found his head tipping close to girl while his dark and hooded eyes glittered, his brows furrowed, eyes narrow and lips parted as his head dropped low and closer to the girl while his ruffled hair brought meerubs heart to skip a beat. The frazzled meerubs wide and surprised eyes flickering over his rugged expression in a quick explanation as the girl felt her stomach knot hard from the realization of pressing flush against him while admiring him wholeheartedly...

Ya Allah... yeh itna acha pehley tou nahi lagta tha...

The thought went rushing and racing by her mind as meerub, with parted lips and a flickering gaze, now for the first time found herself admiring his looks, the looks which she never before seemed to bat an eye about when friends and family would bring them up...

But now, now as the girl's gaze went on to shoot in an exploration, his rugged features, dark eyes, and the gentle pout which tugged to his lips brought her heart to go taking off, while with shakey breaths as meerub attempted to breath in, the huskey scent of his lingering cologne seemed to be the only this filling her senses from so close up and bringing breathing to halt yet again...

When as eyes stayed locked, the air hung heavy with tension and the close position with murtasim almost causally holding the girl so close and infact inching closer with the tilt of his head which had meerubs stomach flooding with erupting butterflies...
Murtasim: Yeh konsa marathon laga hua hai?
His tone low yet tinged with a hint of tease as murtasims brow shot up, his face tipping closer and to the side to swiftly cut off further distance from the mere inches between the two as meerub, when feeling her heart miss beats and cheeks flush from the words, soon gulped hard while frantically shaking her head...

Meerubs mind going blank, lips pursing to a tight line and cheeks now warming up in that unbearable heat as words seemed forgotten for the girl as the moment, yet with a shakey breath and as meerubs mind sped up, it was soon when the girl scrunched up the small of her nose in irritation...
Meerub: Tum- c-choro!
With the words spilling from her lips shakey, meerub spluttered out the first thought which luckily popped to her swirling mind, shaking her head and furrowing her brows in attempts to seem casual while the girl swiftly twisted and wriggled in his firm hold...

While her gentle movement and protest seemed to no luck when as meerub fluttered her gaze to the tiles below the two, murtasims brows only knotted as the boy's mind rushed, tease glimmering in his eyes as before meerubs wriggling could go on, murtasims moves grew swift when firmly tugging at her waist to pull the girl flush against his chest and closer once more...

Murtasim: Kiu?
He questioned with the tilt of his head, murtasim brows raised when gazing to the girl with a pout tugging to his lips as meerub, with her own wide eyes now shot to him once more, soon found a pout playing over her own lips at a thought which brought with it a load of embarrassment...

Meerub: Kiu ke agar tumhari mehbooba ke ilaawa kissi ke yeh scene dekh lia...
With her tone betraying her, meerubs words came out as a failed warning when being spoken in a whisper almost, the girl shaking her head from the realization of pressing to his form and standing mere inches apart in the hall where anyone could walk by from as a heat soon raced to meerubs cheeks from the mere thought...
Meerub: Tou main tumhey nahi chorungi!
The girl finished in a warning, widening her eyes and tugging her pouty lips to a line once more while sucking back a breath...

While murtasim, who found his brows furrowing at the words, soon found curiosity racing by his thoughts as an idea soon had his mind lighting up...
Murtasim: Is scene ko choro...
He began with a soft nod, inching closer in a swift move when burning the girl with his gaze which now sparkled from slight suspicion bringing meerub to gulp...

Murtasim: Pehley yeh jo scene hua hai... uskpe zara elaborate karey!
With his brows shooting up, murtasim went on with the question when swiftly gesturing to meerubs frantic and annoyed racing after saba, curiosity sparking within him as murtasim watched with dark and suspicious eyes when gazing to meerubs who's face dropped slowly at the words...

The frazzled girl finding herself speechless and out of bluffs to shoot, as meerub simply shook her head before averting her gaze to flicker over the tiles in embarrassment once more. While murtasims eyes only further narrowed at the act sparking further suspicion within him as it was soon when a gentle curve dared to play over his lips from a thought...

Murtasim: Hua kya hai madem...?
Murtasim, when wagging his brows and dropping his head closer, questioned once more when feeling his heart flutter, yet as the curve dancing over his lips tugged wide, meerub, with slight annoyance bubbling within her, soon found a huff escaping her lips as the girls brows knotted when her gaze rapidly shot to meet his once more...

Meerub: Jo bhi hua ho...
Began meerub with her eyes narrowing down, her tone soft and bringing murtasims smile to simply twitch wide as the girl went on...
Meerub: Tumhey kiu taqleef hai?!
Questioned meerub when keeping eyes locked in that charged exchange, wagging her brows and pulling her lips to a line of annoyance when gazing to murtasim with a huff. Tho her words and the thought racing by his mind seemed enough for murtasims tease laced expectations to gently shift...

The idea ringing by his form and bringing his smile to fade, eyes to to dark and mind feeling foggy as a soft breath soon left the boy when tilting his head closer and in a near daze...
Murtasim: Yeh tou mujhey khud nahi pata...
Without second thought and as eyes stayed locked, the words spilled from his lips in no less then a whisper as murtasims eyes hooded, his gaze burning the girl unbearably as his hold grew firm over her waist when feeling his heart flutter and mind go blank...

When meerub, with her doe eyes shooting over his shifting expressions and mind taking in his whispery words, soon found a rush of shivers racing up her spine from the intensity of his gaze and his warm touch over her waist which just grew firm as the girl's breath soon hitched once more, her throat dry and stomach twisting when admist her frazzled state, meerub soon found a thought racing by her mind as the girl tugged her lips to a pout...

Meerub: Tum- choro aur rastey se hato!
With her mind swirling, meerub blurted out the words when cutely scrunching up the small of her nose once more, shaking her head and averting her gaze to flicker over the coller of his jacket which she unknowingly and nervously still clutched to tight fists as her pulse echoed throughout her form...

While as murtasims brows furrowed from the words, it wasn't much later then a wave of tease racing by his mind had murtasims lips twisting to a curve and eyes gleaming from growing mischief...
Murtasim: Himmat hai tou churwao aur hatao!
With a breath and tone laced with tease, the boy spoke the words when wagging his brows and gazing down to the girl with a growing smile. When as meerub took in the words, a wave of annoyance soon rushed by her form at his teasing...

Her lips tugging to a line and brows furrowing down when as meerubs thoughts rushed, it was soon upon a striking thought admist her irritation and frazzled state, when a sense of mischief rushed by her own mind. Meerubs harsh expression gently softning down from the growing idea which left her stomach churning, when it was soon as the girl's brows shot up while a cheeky glint now lit up her growing eyes...

And so with a gentle breath and as meerub brushed away hesitations despite the twists her stomach gave, the girl soon found her brows furrowing in a playful manner while a gentle curve of delight mixing with tease now creeped up her lips...
Meerub: Aur agar...
Started meerub with a breath, her tone gentle and moves swift when the girl slowly brought her gaze fluttering up to meet with his. Meerubs head tilting to the side, eyes glimmering and smile tugging wide as when murtasim watched in amusement, meerubs dainty hands which clutched to his coller soon slowly let go of the fabric...

Her moves slow and gentle as with a thumping heart, meerubs fingertips now gently and slowly traced a path over his coller and towards the tie which wrapped to his neck, her gaze glued to the soft movements of her fingertips now grabbing and the fabric of his tie firmly as murtasims breath hitched from her tingly act...
Meerub: Churwa ke... hatalia...
The girl went on in that whispery tone, her head tilting to the side as meerubs gaze now went flickering to meet with his once more...

When as murtasim barley manged to catch his soft yet harsh breaths or calm his heart which gave a jump at the cool of her fingertips as they had gently brushed against his neck in the process of grabbing at his tie, the glimmer in meerubs doe eyes only grew as with a growing smile and rushing mind, the girl soon gave a harsh and suddan pull to his tie, bringing murtasim to go inching closer...

Meerub: Tou...?
Her tone whispery and eyes glittering as meerubs heart thumped from her own act when tugging him close, when as murtasim, with his eyes slightly wide in surprise of the act which had his heart fluttering and smile twisting wide, soon found a rush of tease racing by his own mind as his eyes gently narrowed down when the boy swiftly and slowly tilted his head closer and to the side...
Murtasim: Tou phir pakarna itna mushkil nahi hai meeru...
He shot the words as murtasims tone grew huskey, shaking his head gently with his smile now spreading wide from delight when gazing to the girl with dark, glinting eyes...

While despite her stomach twisting, meerubs heart soon gave a jump from a rushed and cheeky thought which had her smile growing wide as the girl breathed a soft breath before tipping her own face to the side...
Meerub: Pehley...
Meerub began in a whisper, her gaze fluttering over the softness of his features in a quick exploration with a curve playing over her gleaming face, when as murtasim watched in amusement and when feeling his heart drum a tune from the proximity and act, meerubs eyes soon glittered from growing mischief which spilled from her lips...

Meerub: Pakar ke dekhao...!
The words left the girl with the swift wag of her brows, tease glittering over her face and gleaming in her wide, playful eyes as meerubs smile tugged to a grin of mischief, when as murtasim, when falling to a trance and listening close to her gently said yet cheeky words, found his brows slowly furrowing when his mind failed to take in the tease, meerubs smile only grew wide as with a thumping heart, the girl didnt miss a beat before giving his chest a harsh push...

A gentle giggle escaping her lips when taking advantage of his soft hold as meerubs moves grew swift and quick when the girl pulled away and twirled around to rush down the hall. Yet as murtasim, with his lips parting in surprise, his eyes wide and locked to the sight, soon found his mind catching up and registering the act, the boy's lips soon tugged to a grin of delight which coursed through his form as his face lit with mischief...

Murtasim: Meeru ki bachi!
The yell leaving the delighted murtasim in a soft chuckle as his lips twisted to a grin, and so as meerub had dashed away down the hall, murtasim didnt miss a beat before sprinting behind with another chuckle escaping his lips...


The lit up halls of the havaili echoing and chiming from laughter as meerub, with a drumming heart and grin of delight, went sprinting by the halls after swiftly pulling her act. Gentle giggles of glee escaping the girl when feeling her stomach twist from the trill of rushing away while murtasim, with a grin etched to his own face, now rushed behind the girl with chuckles of delight...

His eyes gleaming and heart full when sprinting after the girl through the halls like how the two would play and chase eachother after meerubs usual antics and then eventually fight during childhood, the thought bringing murtasim to just beam from glee as a grin etched to his face when speeding up his pace to catch up to the girl...

When as the halls rung and hearts thudded in the midst of the racing, murtasim, with fast moves had soon nearly caught up to the girl, his grin growing and face lighting from delight as when meerub slowed down just a hint front harsh breaths and once feeling she had lost him behind, the girl, while managing to catch her breaths and calm her thumping heart with a grin of sheer delight, soon found a gasp of utter surprise spill from her lips as meerubs eyes shot wide...

The girl's form tensing up in shock as her stomach gave a twist harsh enough to hurt when murtasim, who had sneakily caught up behind the girl with a smile of pure mischief, now didnt miss a beat as his warm arms lunged to grab at the small of her waist from behind, the tingly and blazing touch of his arms now tugging and pulling her in soon being just enough for meerubs mind to shut off at the unbearable shivers which rushed up and down the girl at the feel...

Meerubs heart thumping a rapid beat and face growing hot as before the girl could process the feelings and sensations, her back was soon pressed flush against the hard of his chest. The act soon bringing her mouth to drop open as the girl's mind raced at a pace too fast to keep up with...
Meerub: Yeh kya-
Spluttering out the frantic words in a rush, meerub was soon cut off by the sharp breath of her own gasp laced in surprise as the girl's eyes shot wider when murtasims warm hands splayed to her stomach bringing in to churn under his gentle touch...

Meerubs heart skipping a beat and mouth falling to an "o" of surprise as murtasim, with a cheeky smile of delight and fluttering heart, soon dropped his head onto the girl's shoulder bringing meerub to shudder under his touch. When as the girl's senses kicked in once more, the tingly feel of his warm hands roaming her stomach at their own accord soon had meerubs breath coming to a stop while a laugh of sheer delight threatened and dared to escape her lips from the rush of tingles at the ticklish feel...

When as murtasims head which rested to her shoulder dropped closer and near her ear, his hold growing firm over meerubs waist soon seemed enough for her eyes to squeeze shut at the unbearable tickle which raced through her as a giggle, laced with delight and soon spilled from her lips unknowingly...
Meerub: C-choro!!!
Wriggling and shifting under his tight, warm and snug hold, meerub twisted and squirmed in protest and with hopes for her knotting and painful stomach to calm down while the girl's head unknowingly fell back from the shivers and tickles eliciting a giggle of delight from the girl...

Yet still holding to the wriggling and shifting girl tight, murtasims heart flooded with glee as his grin grew wide when keeping his chin resting snugly to her shoulder with eyes lighting from mischief...
Murtasim: Churwa ke dekhao...!
Laughed out the boy playfully, tightening his hold over her waist and giving meerub a tug closer to go pressing flush against his chest once more which only drew a breathy gasp of surprise from the girl who's heart dared to stop...

Gentle giggles escaping her lips admist the twisting of her stomach and as meerub endlessly wriggled and squirmed in his hold, yet her every twist and attempt to get free brought murtasims hold to playfully tighten around the girls waist drawing soft breaths and gasps between her laughter...

When as the halls went on to chime, meerubs head thrown back and mind gone blank with her eyes squeezing shut, murtasim only dropped his head closer to her ear, eliciting a load of shivers to go rushing through the girl as the feeling seemed unbearable. Yet as his playful assault and meerubs protest with giggles escaping the girl went on, the silence of the halls soon rang with gentle footsteps which the ears of the two had blocked out...

When suddanly, admist meerubs chiming giggles which brought murtasims heart to flutter while the drumming of her own heart took over all senses, kinza, unknowingly strolling into the hall to be welcomed by the surprising sight, soon found her eyes shooting wide and jaw dropping at the scene she encountered...

Murtasim, with a grin of delight painting his lit up face, stood holding tight to the giggling meerub as she wriggled and twisted in his hold, his head resting over her shoulder while giggles of sheer glee went on to spill from her upturned lips with meerubs heas thrown back at the delightful tickle of his warm touch, when as the dumbstruck kinza watched in sheer annoyance mixing with a surprise, a huff soon left her followed by a cough to get their attention as it was soon after when the trance the two fell in shattered...

The cough leaving kinza to ring around the area bringing meerub who giggled away, to soon find her heart dropping and stomach flipping harshly from a wave of embarrassment when realization hit her, while murtasims gentle movements over her stomach seemed to halt as the boy felt his own breath hitch. When with mind speeding up and heat of embarrassment racing through the two, it was soon when meerubs wide shot eyes darted to the girl standing with her arms crossed as she eyed the two...

While murtasims gaze also flickered to the sight as his jaw had dropped when gazing to kinza who's eyes flickered between the pair. When as realization of their intimate position hit once more, the frazzled and burning meerub who's cheeks grew red, didnt miss a beat before swiftly and frantically pulling out of his softened hold...

Meerubs heart pounding when scrambling away in a rush as the girls lips parted when gazing to kinza while now standing a step away from murtasim who awkwardly straightened up. When admist the frantic states of the two over the fact of getting caught in an intimate position when it wasn't intended this time, kinza, with a huff and her gulp soon began awkwardly...

Kinza: Wo... maa begam tumhey bula rahi thi...
The girl blurted out, looking to murtasim with her lips pulled to a line as her tone stayed stern, while her words soon brought the dumbstruck murtasims lips to curl to a sheepish smile as he nodded with his mind rushing...
Murtasim: Han main... unsey mill ke hi nikal raha tha...!
Said the awkwardly smiling and inwardly delighted murtasim as the scene which just took place ignited both embarrassment along with a tinge of glee within him...

When as kinza, with another huff simply nodded, it was after the girl threw another glance to the pair before kinza twirled around and stomped off in irritation, leaving murtasim to simply sigh a breath of relief while meerub, with wide eyes and burning cheeks, found her own chest heaving from a shakey breath...

Yet as the frazzled and embarrassed meerub, with a gulp, attempted to catch her breaths while calming her drumming heart, murtasim, standing just behind the girl, soon found his gaze flickering to her frazzled state as a thought soon had his lips daring to tug to a smile from mischief...

And so with meerub barley catching up with her thoughts when registering the scene, murtasims hands held behind his back and moves grew swift when the boy slowly took a step closer to the girl with his eyes growing dark. Inching closer in a swift step as with the girl still clueless, murtasim soon leaned down and near her ear with a gentle breath...
Murtasim: Bhag lo jitna bhagna hai meeru...
His tone huskey as murtasim began, while his words, tone and the gentle, warm caress of his breath over meerubs ear soon had her breath hitching once more...

Murtasim: Pakri tou jao gi...
Murtasim finished swiftly and cheekily as his face dropped lower, yet the huskey of his cologne and warmth of his form hovering so close, along with his words which brought meerubs eyes to shoot wide, soon had her heart giving a thump as meerubs cheeks grew a gentle pink when registering his words...

When watching her frazzled reaction and gentle shift in meerubs expression from over her shoulder, murtasims smile only tugged wide from a thought which had the boy beaming as he leaned closer once more...

Murtasim: Khudaahfiz...
The gentle murmur left murtasim in a breath as his head dropped low, when as meerubs lips tugged to a line from the way her stomach flipped, it was soon when with a growing smile, murtasim swiftly pulled away from his leaned over position, not wasting a beat nor a moment as the boy, with a fluttering heart of delight, soon made his way down the hall with casual steps...

Leaving meerub, who watched with her wide shot eyes darting around rapidly, to soon find her eyes squeezing shut from a wave of embarrassment racing down her spine in the form of a blazing heat as meerubs lips threatened to plaster to that grin from the scene repeating in her rushed mind...

When finally with a huff in hopes to control her knotted stomach and rapid pulse, meerubs hand soon shot up to playfully facepalm herself as that smile daring to play over her lips soon twisted wide...
Meerub: Uff!!!
Cried out meerub with a burning face as the girl's nose scrunched up, when with the shake of her head and as the scene went on to repeat, it was soon when meerub, with shakey legs also went rushing down the hall when praying her burning face and red cheeks wouldn't give away her embarrassment too much...


As afternoon had fallen upon the havaili in a gold hue glittering in through the curtains, the living room in which sat the kids who chatted away soon boomed from a mix of conversation and delight as saba, seated on the floor with a grin and with the shopping bags flooded with festive clothes she had gotten for the kids surrounding her, as saba had just announced the small event of a suddan dholki...

Saba: Aur yeh meerub ke liey!
Chirped the girl in delight, pulling over a shopping bag and passing it to meerub who still seemed to gaze at saba with playfully narrowed eyes bringing the delighted saba to soon pout her lips in playful annoyance...
Saba: Yaar maafi ke sath tofa bhi de rahi hu! Aisey tou na dekho!
Whined the girl with furrowed brows and a huff, pouting her lips to meerub who soon shook her head while playfully rolling her eyes with a small smile...

Meerub: Thank you...!
Chirped the girl with a sense of excitement lingering in her soft tone when taking the bag from saba and eliciting a grin from the girl...
Saba: Kaisey hain???
With the wag of her brows and eyes lit from delight, saba questioned when flickering her gaze around the kids who held up and admired her choice of festive and the colourful display of dresses...

Haya: Bohat pyaarey yaar! Maan gaye tumhari choice!
Giggled out haya when gazing to and grinning wide at a colourful dress she held up, when as her words drew nods of agreement from the kids, saba soon sighed out with a smile before going on...
Saba: Yaar mainey socha ke itna achanak ka event hai... tou kaprey sarey meri taraf se!
Chirped the girl proudly when wagging her brows, gazing around to the grinning kids before meerub, who sat with her eyes slightly narrowing began with a smile...

Meerub: Wesey yeh mehndi ke aik din baad dholki kiu? Dono sath hi rakh letey!
Asked meerub when wagging her brows at the suddan event as the announcement had been both delightful along with surprising, to which saba simply hummed and nodded along with a soft pout...
Saba: Rakh tou saktey they...
She began softly, sighing gently before sabas lips upturned to a wide smile of excitement once more...

Saba: Laikin phir utna maza kaisey aata?
Said the girl with the wag of her brows, now grinning ear to ear and eliciting soft giggles from the kids who watched in glee...
Saba: Aur yaar meri ikloti behn ki shaadi hai! Enjoy tou karley!
Saba went on when knotting her brows and shooting her gaze around playfully, when as the kids seated around grinned and nodded at the words, it was soon when a racing and striking idea had sabas lips curling to a cheeky grin as her eyes glittered when slowly flickering her gaze towards the smiling meerub...

Saba: Ab aapki shaadi pe bhi aisey hi function ke baad function karna hai...!
With the swift wag of her brows, saba teased when gazing to and grinning wide at meerub in a soft tone, yet just for meerub, upon catching the words, to soon find her smile fade to a pout and brows knot playfully as the girl huffed out with narrow eyes...
Meerub: Saba!
Warned meerub when gazing to the grinning saba with her lips tugging to a tight line, yet only eliciting a cheerful giggle from the girl who soon turned to the kids once more...

Saba: Acha yaar bas ghar mein hi event hai...
She began with a nod, gazing around to the crowd with a growing smile before the cheekily beaming saba pointed a finger as a playful warning...
Saba: Sab ponch jana!
Saba finished, raising her brows and shooting her glittering eyes around as her words were quick to draw a click or the tongue from arsal who lay lounging back on a couch with a smile of mischief...

Arsal: Hum you ever ready hain madem...
Began the boy with furrowing brows to which grins soon spread around in delight...
Arsal: Upar se university se aik aur din ki chooti bhi hojaye gi!
With growing mischief in his tone, arsal shot the fact with the wag of his brows as giggles soon erupted from the crowd...

When admist the gentle laughter floating around, a suddan and familiar tone soon came ringing through the room when anila, with a gentle smile and upon catching the words strolled in...
Anila: Chooti kis khushi mein bhai?
With a gentle, playful laugh, anila spoke when walking in with her gaze flickering between the kids, when as all eyes darted to her form, it was soon when a smile spread over meerubs lips as she began...

Meerub: Wo mama, saba ne saboor ke liey dholki rakhi hai!
Meerub began cheerfully, smiling wide and gazing to anila who's brows shot up upon the delightful words...
Anila: Acha?
Laughed out anila when darting her gaze towards saba who gazed up to her and grinned wide...
Saba: Ji aunty! Kaal ka event hai!
Chirped saba with a nod, her words soon bringing anila to grin wide and nod along in delight...

Anila: Chalo achi baat hai...!
She spoke cheerfully and as soft smiles spread over the faces of the crowd, when as chatter went on, a thought soon rushing and ringing by anilas mind brought her brows to furrow down when her narrowing eyes shot to meerub...
Anila: Wesey meerub, tum tou kuch der pehley hi saba ke ghar se nahi ay thi...?
with the thoughts floating around her mind, anila questioned when tilting her face to the side, knotting her brows and awaiting an answer to her curiosity from meerub who's smile soon faded when catching the words...

Meerubs eyes slowly growing wide and lips parting while her mind rushed when it seemed bluffs nor explanations popped in her head at the moment, when as the girl's mouth aimlessly opened and closed with meerubs wide eyes stuck to the confused anila, the kids, with grins growing wide and eyes lighting with mischief, soon swiftly and cheekily darted their gazes to saba who watched in surprise...

Mariam: Hmmm... wesey saba...
With a cheeky hum and when narrowing down her eyes, mariam began when tilting her head to the side and gazing to saba who's wide eyes shot to the girl...
Mariam: Jab meerub wahan hi thi... tab kiu nahi yeh sab de dia...?
Wagging her brows with her smile twisting wide, mariam went on with the cheeky questioning which had anila also gazing to saba when awaiting an answer while meerubs breath had now completely hitched in nervousness...

Yet before the awkwardly smiling saba could blurt words out, haya, with a cheeky smirk and click of her tongue, soom chimed in with eyes lit from mischief...
Haya: Yaar usney personally gifts deney hongey na!
Joining with a smirk, haya spoke when playfully furrowing her brows, gazing to mariam who teasingly hummed along while meerub, when watching the scene unfold simply gulped...

Arsal: Aur batao... tyaaria tou sari hogai thi na...?
As arsals lips twisted to a smirk of sheer mischief and eyes gleamed, the boy soon joined in when wagging his brows and gazing to the dumbstruck saba who's brows gently furrowed when catching the words her rushed mind failed to register...
Saba: Tyaaria...?
The girl repeated in confusion, her eyes narrowing when gazing to arsal as her mind seemed to go foggy, while meerub, with growing eyes and slight annoyance bubbling within her, soon let out a soft, knowing cough while praying saba would get the hint this time since anila stood watching the scene in utter confusion...

When as sabas eyes shot wide from the realization hitting her, the girl's gaze soon shot to meerub who threw her a warning glare before sabas lips twisted to a sheepish grin...
Saba: Uh- han han!!
The girl spluttered out while nodding frantically, her gaze shooting around the crowd of cheekily smirking and delighted kids before mariam, with a growing smile and her head tilting to the side, chimed in once more...

Mariam: Murtasim bhai ne bhi kaafi madat ki hogi...
Her tone low and words tinged with tease as mariam questioned with the arch of her brow, yet with sabas mind shutting off once more, the girl soon found her brows furrowing and eyes darting around from the words...
Saba: Wo bhi aya tha...?
The mumble of confusion soon escaping her lips in a soft tone, as when saba raced her thoughts to try and recall if that was the bluff or not, a sharp breath and another warning cough from the frazzled and nervous meerub soon brought sabas eyes shooting wide in realization...

Saba: M-matlab han! Wo bhi aya tha na!
The nervous and awkwardly smiling saba soon spluttered out the words when catching realization with a frantic nod. While as meerub, when watching the scene with wide eyes and a twisting stomach, sighed a breath of relief, it was soon when arsals mind raced as he soon chimed in...
Arsal: Ab itni der laga di tyaario mein... kaafi baatey bhi ki hongi...!
With his smile growing, arsal shot the playful question with the wag of his brows when his narrow and gleaming eyes flickered between the two...

When as meerubs eyes shot wide once more, sabas lips tugged to a gentle pout as the words brought a load of mischief racing by her own mind...
Saba: Yeh tou meerub se hi poocho...
The words left the cheekily pouting saba in a playful breath which brought meerubs lips to soon part from the slight blush which raced to her cheeks...
Saba: Kaafi baatey ki hongi... haina meeru?
With her lips tugging to a soft smile of mischief, sabas brows soon raised as the girl twisted in her position to gaze up at meerub with a gleam in her eyes as all eyes soon fixted to the frazzled meerub who gulped...

When with her mind further rushing from both embarrassment along with annoyance, meerubs lips soon tugged to a line as a huff escaped the girl when playfully narrowing her eyes...

Meerub: Zara mama ko idhar udhar honey do... phir batati hu baatey...!
Her tone low and no less then a playful warning as meerub leaned near saba and shot he girl a sarcastic smile bringing saba to soon let out an awkward laugh, yet as the utterly confused anila watched the scene with knotted brows and narrow eyes, it was soon when the kids went bursting to gentle laughter upon catching meerubs warning which had saba playfully gulping from nervousness...


As time had fled bringing a grand lunch to soon grace the living room of the lively havaili, the clinking of plates, chirping of chatter and tempting smells of the lunch drifted around the lit up dining room in which everyone had taken their spot soon after sabas departure from the havaili...

When as the kids and adults sat cheerfully chatting away, it was soon admist the conversation and as they indulged in food when soft yet quick footsteps approached the dining room. When as the crowd didnt pay much attention to the footsteps, it was soon when eyes and attention all darted to the entrance of the dining room when murtasim, once arriving to the havaili, made his way inside with a smile...

Murtasim: Asalamualaikum maa!
Greeted the delighted murtasim with a nod, the smile playing over his lips seemed plastered to his face as it refused to fade after the event that had taken place before his departure, when as the boy stepped and strolled in, it didn't take long for meerub, who watched the sight with widening eyes, to soon find that gentle heat race to her cheeks once more as the scene she had somehow managed to fade from her mind came rushing back...

Maa begam: Walaikumasalam beta, ao betho!
With a smile and nod, maa begam soon gestured for murtasim to take a seat as her words soon drew a nod from the smiling murtasim who made his way towards the seat. When upon slipping into his position, it wasn't long later when murtasims gaze unknowingly and instinctively trailed to the chair facing him where meerub sat...

The sight bringing him to sigh out softly and in delight as eyes of the two met for a fleeting second with meerubs lips pulled to a pout and doe eyes glimmering, yet as murtasims smile dared to grow from the slight hint of blush coating her cheeks, it didnt take long for the frazzled meerub to frantically dart her gaze away with a sharp breath...

When admist the worsening state of meerubs blush and murtasims smile just spreading from the scene, Anwar's booming and delighted tone soon brought murtasims gaze shooting to meet with his...
Anwar: Kaam hogaya beta?
Asked the smiling anwar when turning his towards murtasim, yet his words soon eliciting a smile from the boy who nodded once snapping to his senses...

Murtasim: Ji chacha saab, sara kaam dekh lia tha!
He answered with a swift nod and growing smile as murtasim gazed to anwar who hummed along. When admist the gentle conversation which floated between the two, mariam, with her eyes shooting wide and lighting from glee, soon found a thought and realization bring the girl to begin brightly...
Mariam: Bhai kaal ke liey tou apna schedule open rakhey!
Said mariam when raising her brows in a playful manner and gazing to murtasim who's brows furrowed at the words...

Murtasim: Kis khushi mein bhai?
Asked the confused murtasim, narrowing his eyes and arching his brow in a teasing manner when his gaze flickered between the kids who playfully clicked their tongues...
Haya: Wo kaal saboor ke liey dholki hai na!
Announced the girl with a huff, knotting her brows and gazing to murtasim with excitement laced to her tone bringing his eyes to just further squint from the surprising news...

Murtasim: Han? Yeh kab hua?
With the wag of his brows and as surprise peaked, murtasim blurted out the question when gazing between the kids who now smiled wide before arsal, seated and indulged in lunch, soon chimed in...
Arsal: Saba ka tou pata hai na, jo karti hai achanak hi karti hai!
He joked when wagging his brows and smiling wide at the dumbstruck murtasim, arsal shaking his head and bringing soft laughter to ring around the room while murtasim simply sighed out with a growing smile...

When admist the soft chatter of the kids, maa begam, who had caught the words and found her own smile tugging wide from realization, soon spoke up with the tilt of her head...
Maa begam: Dholki?
The question left the smiling maa begam in a gentle laugh, her gaze flickering between the smiling faces as meerub, with her gaze darting to meet with hers, soon spoke with a growing grin of excitement...
Meerub: Ji maa begam! Kaal subah rakhi hai!
The girl spoke with a nod and sweet smile, her words eliciting nods from the adults before masooma, who listened in with confusion bubbling up, soon began...

Masooma: Laikin itni jaldi tyaari kaisi hogi?
She asked in confusion and with a playfull laugh, gazing to the kids and bringing meerubs brows to go shooting up before the girl went on with the explanation...
Meerub: Aaj ussi ke liey saba ne humarey kaprey bhi le liey they, wohi deney ay thi!
With a growing smile and nod, meerub spoke when gazing to the adults who hummed in response, while murtasim, listening in to the conversation with furrowed brows, soon found his mind lighting with realization of the reason behind sabas suddan shopping spree as his brows soon shot up and eyes glimmered with growing mischief...

Murtasim: Acha... tou is masroofiat ne bera ghark kia hai...
The gentle mumble of sheer tease soon went spilling from his lips as murtasims gaze glued to his plate, his lips tugged to a pout and eyes glittering from a mix of delight and growing tease when nodding cheekily. Yet meerub, upon catching the tease, soon found her smile fading and eyes shooting wide as the girls lips soon parted in slight embarrassment once more...

When as meerubs rushed embarrassment was replaced by a sense of annoyance at his mischief from her racing mind, it was soon when the girl's eyes grew narrow and brows furrowed down as with a soft sigh, meerub shot her gaze to meet with his while pursing her lips to a line. Yet just for murtasims dark and glittering eyes to go fluttering up to meet with hers in a cheeky exchange...

When as gazes locked with his dark one glued to hers, meerubs narrow eyes and harsh expression didnt take long before slowly softning in response to his deep and cheeky gaze which soon brought a hint of pink to play over her cheeks. Meerubs expression shifting and lips parting as the girl felt her breath hitch from the way his smirk tugged wide while murtasims eyes grew dark...

Yet as meerubs eyes began to grow from her senses betraying the girl once more, a blazing question ringing through the dining room soon had eye contact shattering and breaths hitching in surprise as anila spoke...
Anila: Bhai yeh rohail kahan reh gaya hai?
The question left her anilas brows furrowed, her eyes narrowing in confusion as admist the crowd of delighted and chirping kids, it seemed rohail was absent...

Arsal: Wo janab tou aaj kaal kaam mein hi dum rehtey hain!
Arsal soon began with a soft, cheeky sigh while shaking his head, smiling softly and furrowing his brows as soon after the boy uttered the words, a familiar tone soon came booming through the dining room as eyes shot to the entrance once more...

Rohail: Itna bhi gum nahi rehta!
The laugh soon left rohail as with a grin, he soon strolled into the dining room in delight and eliciting smiled from the crowd...
Maa begam: Ao beta, betho!
Said maa begam softly and sweetly when gesturing for rohail to take his seat as with a grin of glee, he soon went strolling to and slipping into his seat...

Wakas: Bhai rohail, kaam kaisa jaa raha hai? Aaj kaal tou ussi mein masroof rehtey ho!
Asked wakas with a smile when gazing to the boy and raising his brows, yet just to draw a growing grin of excitement from the boy who soon boomed...
Rohail: Bohat acha uncle! Mujhey tou lagta hai yahan business bohat jald set hojaye ga!
He proudly spoke with a nod and grin when gazing to wakas who's smile grew wide, his booming tone soon bringing murtasim to also nod before rohail went on...

Rohail: Bas kaam itna hai kiu ke sath sath meeru ki bhi tou setting kar raha hu!
The words left his lips brightly as while the adults nodded, his words soon brought murtasim, who now went on with lunch, to soon find his brows furrowing, confusion rushing by his form as murtasims gaze shot to the boy with his eyes narrowing. While meerub, upon catching the words found her brows brows knotting in confusion as her own gaze went darting in surprise...

Meerub: Hain? Meri?
Question meerub in confusion, looking to rohail who only grinned wide as a laugh soon left his lips...
Rohail: Han yaar! Wohi further studies!
The boy explained with a nod, gazing to meerub with wide and glittering eyes as the words soon brought murtasims brows to further knot and lips to go tugging to a line while meerubs brows shot up in realization...
Meerub: Uh- han...!
The girl blurted out, nodding and shooting his a small smile before straightening up on her seat...

When as murtasim, with his gaze fixating to the plate resting infront of him, soon found a huff leaving his lips at a rush of suddan annoyance which went racing through the boy, his lips tugging to a pout and jaw tensing up when as lunch went on with conversation continuing, maa begam, with an idea striking her, soon brought all gazes shooting to her once more when speaking...

Maa begam: Wesey beta... kya khyaal hai dholki mein tum logo ke sath hum bhi chaley?
With a soft laugh, maa begam shot the suggestion which had eyes growing wide in surprise, her words bringing the kids to soon shoot around glances before Anwar chimed in...
Anwar: Han bhai! Ab Qureshi sahab se milley bohat der hogai!
He spoke with a nod, looking between adults and kids who hummed along before mariam, with a gentle smile spoke up...

Mariam: Kiu nahi maa!
Chirped mariam with a grin and nod, the agreeing words bringing smiles to soon spread around the crowd while murtasim, who listened in with furrowing brows, soon found his eyes shooting wide from a realization. The thought of the adults being present at the event bringing murtasims brows to knot as the idea of getting no time with meerub thanks to their alert gazes and sharp senses soon had murtasim gulping...

Since with the kids it felt easy to spend time and openly admire the girl, the acts would definitely be difficult with the presence of adults. And so as murtasims mind rushed and raced from the thought, an idea striking the boys mind soon had his brows shooting up and eyes going wide...
Murtasim: Uh- laikin, phir tou do gario mein jaana parega!
His tone rushed and frantic when murtasim spluttered out the words as his gaze shot to the adults...

Anwar: Han bhai! Baki garia workshop mein hain laikin do tou ghar pe hi hain na!
Smiling wide and with a laugh, Anwar shot the words when gazing to the frazzled murtasim while meerub, with eyes narrowing also listened close. Yet it was soon after Anwar's words when murtasims mind rushed with a thought and idea once more which had the boy starting in a frazzled tone...
Murtasim: Wo tou kharaab hai...!
Blurting out the suddan and surprising words, murtasims wide eyes stuck to the adults as brows shot up in surprise while meerubs only knotted in slight confusion mixing with suspicion...

Wakas: Hain? Kharaab?
Wakas's eyes shot wide and brows knotted as he shot the words of surprise, yet just eliciting an awkward smile to go spreading over murtasims lips from his bluff as the boy's mind soon lit with a thought..
Murtasim: Ji! Bata arsal!
He swiftly shot as murtasims gaze darted to the clueless and dumbstruck arsal for support in his bluff, yet his words only bringing arsals gaze to go drifting up admist his indulgence in the food to even pay attention as his brows soon furrowed...

Arsal: Huh? Main kya batau?
Shot the boy in confusion, his eyes narrow when gazing to murtasim in surprise as his clueless state and words soon had murtasims expression growing harsh, murtasims smile fading, jaw tensing up and eyes narrowing in slight annoyance as a huff left the boy when shooting arsal a glare...
Murtasim: Ke gari kharaab hai...
With his tone low, murtasim grinded out the words of annoyance through his teeth when shooting a knowing look to arsal...

Yet just for the boy's eyes to shoot wide in surprise as arsals jaw dropped at the bluff and hint to play along which he failed to register...
Arsal: Kharaab kab hui?!
The boy spoke in sheer confusion, his gaze darting around and brows knotted in surprise which only elicited a huff of sheer annoyance from murtasim who's jaw tensed up and eyes went dark while meerub watched in growing suspicion and narrowing eyes...
Murtasim: Arsal...
The murmur of his name in a dangerously low tone while murtasim shot the boy a warning glare, soon seemed enough for realization to snap back as arsals eyes shot wide...

When as the boy's mouth fell open when realizing to play along, arsals lips soon twisted to a sheepish grin when his gaze shot to the adults...
Arsal: H-han han!!! Mainey khud dekhi hai! Kharaab hai...!
Spluttering out the frantic words in a rush, arsal nodded and grinned awkwardly when gazing to the crowd who sighed and hummed out...
Anila: Chalo koi baat nahi, lagta hai hum sab phir shaadi pe hi jayengey!
With a small smile and nod, anila soon spoke when shooting her gaze around and earning nods of agreement...

While murtasim, who breathed a sigh of relief from the words, soon found his smile tugging wide as his expressions grew soft...
Murtasim: Ji ji... zaroor...
The boy breathed out, nodding and smiling wide, when as murtasims relaxed gaze drifted around, he soon found his eyes flickering and locking to the utterly suspicious meerub who gazed to the frazzled murtasim with narrow eyes...

Meerubs lips tugged to a pout and brows furrowed with her face lit from suspicion, when as murtasim, with an awkward smile, found his gaze flickering away, the act only seemed to heighten suspicion from the girl who huffed out...

Ya Allah... is hero ke dimagh mein chal kya raha hai...?


A/N: first of all, an early Eid Mubarak to everyone! 💗💗💗 the initial plan was to post the chapter on Eid, but then with plans changing, perhaps something new might be coming for then...? 😉 hoping you guys enjoyed the chapter, feedback is very much appreciated, and do tell what y'all think will happen now?

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