Double Trouble | Paige Buecke...

By UndercoverN_

94.6K 2.6K 295

A Nika Muhl & Paige Bueckers x two fem readers Alyssa Knight, the upcoming dual UCONN volleyball & softball c... More

~ One ~
~ Two ~
~ Three ~
~ Four ~
~ Five ~
~ Six ~
~ Eight ~
~ Nine ~
~ Ten ~
~ Eleven ~
~ Twelve ~
~ Thirteen ~
~ Fourteen ~
~ Fifthteen ~
~ Sixteen ~
~ Seventeen ~
~ Eighteen ~
~ Nineteen ~
~ Twenty ~
~ Twenty-One ~
~ Twenty-Two ~
~ Twenty-Three~
~ Twenty-Four~
~ Twenty Five ~
~ Twenty-Six ~
~ Twenty-Seven ~
~ Twenty-Eight ~
A/N part 2

~ Seven ~

2.6K 70 5
By UndercoverN_

Alyssa's P.O.V

Sniper Shot

So like

What's the tea with you and Muhl?



Jealous much are we cait? 👀

Sniper Shot



Relax shorty

I know you have a thing for Kate

Sniper Shot

I'm literally taller than you


Bby girl

                         Ain't no body gotta know

Sniper Shot


Stop avoiding the question



You're a gremlin I swear

I'm telling Kate on you

Sniper Shot

Oh no

I'm so scared, whatever shall I do 😦

Bitch, spill


So pushy

But yeah I don't really know

Don't get me wrong she's beautiful, funny, nice and like really really good at her sport

Did I mention beautiful?

Sniper Shot

Once or twice


"Once or twice"


I don't even know if she likes girls

Sniper Shot

I've played against her

She definitely does

And even if I didn't know her in person

You can tell from the few pictures you guys have posted together


Wait what


Sniper Shot

Figure it out

I just wanted to know who I needed to threaten not to harm you next time I fly out to visit




Sniper Shot

Love ya :)

Read 2:32pm

"UGHHH." I groan out as I finish texting the hawk athlete, tossing my phone to the side and screaming into the pillow laying on the coach. The noise garnering attention from my in person best friend.

"Um. The fuck was that?" Maia asks from her criss-crossed spot on the floor, laptop infront of her as she edited shots to post for the upcoming week.

"Caitlin. That's what." I grumble, stretching out to lay on the full length of the couch, "She was asking about Nika and I."

That captured the red head turned brunettes attention. "Oh?"

"Apparently she could tell I had a thing for her even through my posts."

"She always was good at reading you like an open book."

"A little too good for my liking."

"What'd you tell her?" I toss my phone to the girl asking questions, watching her unlock it before reading the recent texts. She laughs when she finishes.


"First off. I think you're gayer than me, and I'm the actual lesbian." I throw the pillow I'm laying on at her, causing her laughter to grow. "And secondly, Caitlyns getting all protective like she's your big sibling."

I frown up my face at that, siblings did not fake-flirt. Yeah we were very close but there has to be a better wording than that.

"Word choice." I state, gagging slightly before sighing. "I don't know... do you think she has a thing for me? Do you even think she likes girls?'

Maia's face purses which makes me tilt my head, "You know something."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"No," She stares at me. "I don't." I hold the stare down with her before looking away with a huff.

"Hey, all I can say is don't be scared."

"You're only saying that because now Paige is outright flirting with you more! Speaking of which neither of you have really made a move, still!"

She flushes the shade of her natural hair, mumbling something while waving me off, "I need to finish this.." She turns her attention back to her laptop.

"Yeah yeah." I roll my eyes with a chuckle, standing up to go to our designated study room. "If you need me I'll be doing my anatomy homework."

"Got it!"

Once I arrive to the study room, moving to my desk which was on the right side of the area. A L shaped chestnut colored desk accompanied by a monitor, desktop, a few frames of my friends and a simba mousepad, my favorite Disney movie. Quickly settling down I pull up the homework document that I needed to work on, putting my airpods into my ears, starting up a song from my playlist and getting to work.

"Slow dance with me... Moments like this, rarely come around actions do speak louder.." About an hour into my work, I absentmindedly mumble the words of one of my favorite Trevor songs before said sound is cut off, replaced with the song I set for one of my newer, but faster growing close friends. Blinking as I hear the Mariah Carey song blasting, I tap once on my right airpod to answer the call.


"Not Paige, Azzi. My phones dead."

"Are you alright? What's up?" I question, I got along well with the girl so her calling me wasn't out of the ordinary, however her letting her phone die was.

"Sorta. Paige's car has a flat while we were out at the park running a 2 on 2... She's trying to fix it right now but more than likely she's going to need a tow. Nika, and Kk are here with us. Do you think you guys could pick us up?"

I had placed Azzi on speaker halfway through her sentence as I walked into the living room, letting Maia here most of her sentence. The brunette just nodded at me, motioning for me to grab her keys.

"I still need to finish these but take the car. I'm making dinner later so if they want to get her car towed here after its fixed, they can eat dinner."

"That sounds awesome, thank you so much Maia!"

"You're welcome!" Maia laughs before I close the door to our apartment, walking outside.

"And thank you too Lyz for coming to pick us up."

"What are friends for? Drop me the location and I'll be there in a bit."

"Will do." The girl responds, hanging up before doing just that from Paige's phone.

Jumping into Maia's jeep, I adjust the seat first and foremost because that girl is short as hell. Before connecting my phone to aux, turning on spoitfy and starting my playlist as I drive to the location given to me.

"You guys called for an Uber?" I call out as I arrive, having opened Maia's sunroof, waving to 4 girls wearing different versions of their Uconn gear.

Kk's eyes light up as she sees me, sprinting over, "Girl boo, you are a life saver. I really thought I was about to have to walk back to campus."

"We could have ubered." Paige grumbles after getting off the phone with a tow company.

"Ubering is expensive, I'd rather use the money for food." Kk laughs, already heading into the back of the car.

"I'm assuming Azzi told yall the plan with Maia and I?" I ask looking at the remaining three who were walking over, still standing through the sunroof as I rest my arms on the top. The girls nodding.

"Alyssa please get down before you somehow hurt yourself."

"I'll be fine Nika." I laugh in response, seeing the girls eyes fill with worry as I somehow do trip trying to get back down.

Paige starts to cackle as Azzi hits her shoulder, the two joining Kk in the back seat as Nika just tsks, getting info the passengers before asking if I was okay.

"Nothing but a little wounded pride..." I mumble before handing her my phone.

"You're on aux, Muhl. Show us what you got."


"You do know I'm taller than you right Nika?" I laugh between mouthfuls of pasta, Maia having made Alfredo for everyone that night.

"Mmmm. I don't know about that one." Nika shoots back, the Croatian already on her second plate of food. You would never think the girl could eat based on how fit she was but those basketball workouts would definitely do that.

"Nah I'm with A on this one, I think she's taller than you by a little bit, twin."

"Damn, whose side are you on?" Nika comments with fake shock, hand going over her heart as the group laughs. Paige grinning from where she sits next to Maia.

Azzi speaks up from my left, pointing her fork between Nika and I. "Stand up, we can see right now." She ends the statement by taking a bite of her food, Kk nodding rapidly by her side, mouth filled with food.

Locking eyes with Nika who just shrugs before getting up, I do the same, walking around the table and standing back to back with her. Paige moves over to us, putting her hands over our heads.

"Nah.... Lyz has got you by like a few centimeters." Paige chuckles as I cheer, going back to her seat as I do a mini dance infront of Nika. The girl huffing with fake annoyance and crossing her fingers.

"Yeah sure dance all you want." She jokes

"Oh I most definitely am. Me? Taller than the big east defensive player of the year? Damn straight I'm dancing." I say so, continuing to dance back to my side of the table.

"You're lucky you're cute." I hear Nika speak in Croatian, freezing as the other girl just sits down as if nothing happened. A red tint forms on my face as I try to ignore the comment, sitting down and trying to play it off as I didn't understand the phrase

"What'd she say?" Kk leans over to me, curiosity on the freshmens face as I shrug.

"I couldn't understand it that time. She spoke a bit too fast." I lied, thankfully I'm guessing my blush wasn't too bad as no one second guessed my comment but when I noticed Maia staring at me with a slight smirk which disappeared as soon as I saw it, I knew she had caught me.

"Alyssa do you think you can dunk?" Paige suddenly speaks up, switching the topic somewhat which led me to breathe a sigh of relief at. I hum around the bite of food I had just taken, swallowing before answering.

"Honestly, I'm not too sure. I know I can pretty sure I touch rim with a normal jump. But I'm not too sure how that would translate with a ball in my hands and actually trying to get high enough to dunk it."

"You should definitely try it after our practices one of these days." Paige says and I just nod, volleyball had practices in the mornings while basketball practiced in the afternoon, leading to me usually being able to join. Volleyball also ran practice on Saturdsys when we didn't have games so Nika, Paige and Maia would vist sometimes accompanied by more of the team.

"I'm down. Our first game is this Saturday though so if I hurt myself I'm blaming it on yall." I joke, the table suddenly getting quiet as I blink looking around.


"Your season is starting already?" Azzi questions, the team only now really getting used to tracking the volleyball scheduled because I played.

I nod, "Volleyball could really start before school even starts depending on the league the school is in. We're just lucky it's a few weeks into school."

"Shit.. and I thought our season quick into school. Nevermind then." Paige laughs and I join her.

"True but Geno also has you guys playing like weekly scrimmages atleast so it goes alot faster for you all." The basketball players nod at that before Paige pulls out her phone, typing out something before nodding with a smile as she puts it away. Azzi, Nika and Kk's phone ding from their pockets as they just turn to the blonde, assuming it was her.

"What did you just send the group chat Paige?" Nika raises an eyebrow.

"Telling the team that Alyssa has a game on Saturday and to be ready to rep." She ends the statement with a flex, causing Kk and Azzi to laugh, Nika to shake her head and Maua to just smile at the juniors nonsense. Myself on the otherhanf just pick at my fingers as my nerves start growing a bit. Now knowing not only would it be my first game infront of a college crowd but also my first game infronr of the basketball team who I wanted to impress.

Especially Nika.

"Hey..." I hear her voice from across the table, looking up as the Croatian native speaks. "You'll do amazing, I know it." She offers me a smile and I give a shy one back.


Paige moves, getting up and grabbing her own plus Maia's empty dish, before doubling back and grabbing mine. Both Kk and Nika still eating.

"Paige you don't have to do that I can-" Maia starts, halfway getting to from her chair to wash the dishes as she saw the blonde pulling the sleeves up on her white Uconn basketball shirt.

"It's alright pretty girl. You cooked for us, I can wash the plates." She shoots her a smile as Kk walks over to put her dish in the sink, Nika following not long after. "Thank you and thank you."

"Thank you for the food Mama M." Kk hugs Maia around her shoulders from behind while pressing her cheek into Maia's, making the older girl laugh as she brings up a hand to the top of the freshman's head, patting it.

"Of course my darling daughter. Now do us a favorite and go put on whatever stranger things episode we ended on last time?"  Kk's eyes light up at that as the girl says a quick 'bet', jogging into the living room and basically hopping over the couch to get the remote and start her search for the show.

Nika and I look at each other before laughing to ourselves at the energy shown, Azzi going to join Kk and Maia went to join Paige with the few dishes left.

"Come on let's join them before Kk starts the episode up and you miss your Sadie Sink." Nika teases as she watches my cheeks turn bright red. I scratch the side of my face feeling the warmth as I look at her bashful.

"What... Sadie's hot." I concede making Nika laugh, the girl grabbing my hand gently and pulling me along with her.

She's hot but you're beautiful and all the more Nika...

I think to myself as I follow behind her a bit, looking down to where our hands were interlocked.

We seemed to be doing that a lot more often now. Whether it was just to guide each other through crowded areas, if we wanted to show the other something or even just try and calm the other down. I don't know when it started but it seemed to be an us thing.

Where Maia was energetic with most of her hugs and touches unless I was having severe anxiety or something else, Nika's touch was always soft and careful, like a breath of fresh air from wherever I was. Something I never wanted to end and always missed as soon as it was over.

I knew I definitely needed to try and do something about my feelings, talk to her about them in some way as I could feel them growing stronger everyday, during every hang out and each look we shared.

"Please at least like girls..." I mutter quietly to myself where I know, no one else can hear me, not even the girl dragging me to the living room. At least if she rejects me then I know I'm not falling on a straight girl.

Taking a seat next to Nika on the couch as Azzi and Kk sit on the floor in front of us, I hear the familiar start up of Netflix as Stranger things begins to play. Taking the opportunity to lean against the girl beside me, head on her shoulder.

Nika moves as I do so, causing me to instantly jump away, thinking I had done something wrong. Panic starting to show on my own face slightly.

"Shit, no sorry. You were fine." She speaks up as if reading my mind, the girl says with an apologetic expression, reaching towards  the arm rest to grab a blanket we had laying across. The Croatian opening the cover before gesturing for me to lay back where I was, which I do.

"I was trying to do this." She laughs to herself quietly, using the blanket and wrapping it around our shoulders, enveloping both of us in its warmth. I smile comfortably as I lean into her a bit more.

"Thanks Nika.." I mumble with a small yawn. I feel Nika's head lay on my own gently. I see Paige and Maia join us in the living room in the corner of my eye as I yawn again.

"No problem Lyz..."

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