Love Me Like You Do (Ianthony...

By Youtube___Lover

31.4K 1.6K 875

Anthony Padilla: A 24 year old, attractive, single man. He has plenty of people trying to win his heart, but... More

Chapter 1: Who?
Chapter 2: Him.
Chapter 3: Me.
Chapter 4: Pain.
Chapter 5: Drowning.
Chapter 6: Halloween.
Chapter 7: Friends?
Chapter 8: Fun.
Chapter 9: No.
Chapter 10: Surprises.
Chapter 11: Ianthony?
Chapter 12: Emotional.
Chapter 13: Tension.
Not a chapter:)
Chapter 14: Kiss.
Chapter 15: Christmas.
Chapter 16: 2015.
Chapter 17: Player.
Chapter 18: Lost.
Chapter 19: Okay.
Chapter 20: Happy.
Chapter 21: Feelings.
Chapter 22: Hurt.
Chapter 23: You.
Chapter 24: Learning.
Chapter 25: Planning.
Chapter 26: Date.
Chapter 27: Jealousy.
Chapter 28: Perfect.
Chapter 29: Ready.
Chapter 30: Amazing.
Chapter 31: Hate.
Chapter 32: This.
Chapter 34: Confession.
Chapter 35: Love (FINAL CHAPTER)

Chapter 33: Princess.

659 48 39
By Youtube___Lover

A.N.: Somewhat based off of an old Lunchtime with Smosh and an old-ish Game Bang ;P Also, read the author's note at the end of the chapter.

~Ian's POV~

"I'm not wearing this!" I yelled to Anthony as I held the costume in my hands. 

"You lost the bet. I said you couldn't beat David in a round of Smash Bros., and you couldn't. So put on your costume and stop being a pussy." 

I groaned, stomping down the hallway to his bathroom. I pulled the pink princess dress from it's bag, matching hat included. "Look under the sink!" Anthony called from right outside the door. 

I got down on my knees, opening under the sink to reveal a small pink bag with the words Victoria's Secret printed across the front. "No, no, no. He didn't," I mumbled as I pulled out the pink tissue paper to reveal a pair of blue women's underwear. I'm gonna fucking kill him! I opened the door, holding the underwear in one hand. "This was not part of the deal!" 

He snorted while trying to contain his laughter. "It was that I get to choose what you wear, everything you wear." 

I groaned, slamming the door shut once more. "I hate you. How are these gonna work anyway? I have a penis! These underwear are not meant for men!" I could hear him laughing even louder, "shut up, douche-bag!"  

"Just put the outfit on and stop complaining, we're gonna be late." 

I shimmied out of all my clothes, staring at the undergarment I had to wear. I felt it between my fingers, silky. I'm gonna shoot him. I put them on anyway, feeling awkward not wearing boxers. I slipped the pink dress over my head (and the fabulous pink hat too, of course). 

I breathed in deeply before opening the door. Anthony stared at me for a few moments before he was doubling over and holding his stomach, loud laughs leaving his mouth. "Oh my god! You're a bearded princess!"

I groaned, shoving his shoulder harshly. "Whatever. Let's just fucking leave."

"Okay, I'll get your shoes Cinderella."

"If you got me high heels, I swear to god I'll sit on you and fart 'till you pass out." It didn't faze him in the least, just made him laugh harder. 

He came back with my sneakers in hand, giving them to me to put on. I did so, feeling uncomfortable in the highly feminine outfit. "Wow, Blue Eyes, you're so stylish with your dress and..sneakers." 

I punched him in the arm, "let's just go." 


We were sitting in a drive-thru, waiting for our vegan tacos. He'd made me drive because he'd wanted me to order in my stupid costume before we go hang out with our friends. "I think everyone in there ran away when they saw me." He laughed, gesturing for me to turn and look at the window, just as some girl opened it. I handed her the money that was due and she smiled, clearly suppressing her amusement because she was at work. 

"Oh! That's a cute outfit," she said jokingly. 

I sighed, "thanks. It's my favorite."

I could hear the other workers laughing through the open window, but I shrugged it off. "Here's your food."

I grabbed the bag, handing it off to Anthony quickly. "Thanks, have a magical day." 

Anthony burst out laughing again as soon as we started driving. "Have a magical day?! You're my new favorite Disney princess!"


"Oh. My. God. Anthony, what did you do to him?" Mari breathed through giggles as soon as I walked through the front door of David and Matt's house. I shot her a glare, wishing she wouldn't say anymore. At least not everyone was here, just six of us tonight.

"Thanks, Mari. I happen to think I look very pretty in this outfit." I put my hands on my hips, jutting my bottom lip out in a pout. 

Anthony wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Yeah, losing a bet can suck for you but provides constant amusement for the rest of us." He earned a jab to the rib-cage from my elbow for that one. 

"Let's just play the stupid game," I muttered as I slid off my shoes and stomped into the living room, where everyone was chuckling at me. 

"Come on, princess! Don't have a hissy-fit." Mari called, causing me to turn and face her. 

"You shut up and sit down." I sat down beside Matt on the love seat, causing Anthony to shoot me a glare before sitting on the floor by himself. "What game are we playing anyway? And what's the punishment today?"

"Well," David said, "we're playing Trials Fusion. And the real punishment here is that we all have to look at you in that dress." I stuck my tongue out at him. "But, seriously, the punishment is that the winner gets to ride on the biggest loser as if the loser were a motorcycle."

"I hope Ian loses so he can be a pretty pink motorcycle," Mari stated, having way too much fun with bugging me. "Or he wins, so the princess can ride off into the sunset..on her-slash-his motorcycle."

"Let's just start!" I yelled, embarrassment making my cheeks go warm. 

I grabbed my controller, hoping I'm actually good at this game. 


"And the final scores," Matt said dramatically while reading them off his phone. "In no particular order, Mari with eight points, Josh with nine, Anthony with his abysmal five, David with eleven, Ian with fourteen, and myself with..fourteen." 

"A two-way tie..shall we have a bike off?" He nodded picking up his controller again. We changed our vehicles to ATVS and adding a rule that we had to do a flip after each ramp we did in the game.

"Which one of you is gonna have your balls on my back is the real question here," Anthony said, turning to smile deviously at the two of us. 

I gripped my controller, focusing on the screen as the game started. We both went off the first jump, immediately trying to do back-flips. 

The whole round I thought I was the blue, turns out I was red. So, I lost because I was watching the wrong bike, which means that Matt won. I pouted, setting the controller down and crossing my arms over my chest. "Awe, I wanted to ride on Anthony." 

Mari shot me a wink. "I'm sure you did, Ian."

I watched unhappily as Anthony got down to be the motorcycle for Matt to sit on. "So, you've gotta sound as much like a motorcycle as you can Anthony, got it?" I told him. 

"Got it, Princess Blue Eyes." I kicked him in the butt with my foot, causing him to fall forward with Matt still sitting on him. "Uncalled for," he muttered as he got back up to his previous position. 

"Completely justified."


"Okay, see you guys Friday?" I asked as Anthony and I were about to leave after hours of fun and game-play. 

We all agreed to the time and day as Anthony opened the door. "Wait!" Mari called. We turned back to face her, me kind of frustrated because I just wanted to change out of this damn humiliating costume and the uncomfortable underwear that I had to wear with it. "Carry your princess out to the carriage, Prince Anthony." 

I'd just shot her a dirty look, thinking Anthony wouldn't do that, when he scooped me up into his arms. One arm behind my knees, the other around my back. He stepped out the door, sending the group a wink while I flipped them all off. 

He refused to put me down until he put me into the passenger seat of his car. "I fucking hate you," I muttered. 

He got in his own side of the car, shooting me a smile. "Yeah, I like you too."

We sat in a comfortable and tired silence until we got to his apartment, where I was spending the night. And I'd left Daisy with Melanie, so I had no concerns about her. All I was concerned about was changing into comfy clothes, watching a movie with my boyfriend, and sleeping. 

We got into his apartment, me immediately making my priorities clear. "Can I borrow some of your clothes? I hate this fucking dress so much and it needs to be burned."

He nodded quickly, walking off into his kitchen to get himself a glass of water. I wandered to his room, pushing the door open with my hip. I flicked the light on, revealing his clean and organized room. I went into his pajama drawers, grabbing a pair of fluffy blue pants and a baggy white t-shirt. The hat was flung off my head to somewhere across the room, but I was having trouble undoing the zipper of the dress. 

Eventually, I groaned in defeat. I called Anthony in to help me get it off, seeing as I couldn't get the zipper down myself apparently. He pulled it down tantalizingly slowly, making me want to hit him all over again. It was down though, finally, so I slid out of the dress without really thinking that Anthony was still right behind me and that I..was wearing women's underwear.

His breathing hitched from behind me, causing me to turn and face him as I finally remembered I wasn't just wearing my usual boxers. No. I was wearing a silky pair of blue underwear. I decided to get him back for all the teasing he'd directed at me earlier, except with a different kind of teasing. 

I leaned close to his ear, my breath ghosting across his skin as my finger trailed up his clothed chest. "You a little..distracted, babe?" 

He swallowed thickly. "It's-It's kind of hot in here!" His voice was higher pitched than usual, making me suppress a giggle. 

I pulled away, looking around the room slowly. "I don't know, it's a nice temperature in here. It's not too hot, and it's not too cold either. Just perfect. If you're too warm, you could go take a cold shower."

His tongue swiped over his dry lips as his hands grabbed at my hips, pulling my body against his. "N-No, I'm good."

"You sure about that Anthony?" My hand pressed over his heart, feeling it's quick-paced beat. "Because your heart is beating pretty fast and your skin's pretty warm." 

He breathed in deeply, "I'm fine!" Oh, poor Anthony. That high tone of voice is doing nothing to convince me you're being honest. 

I leaned up to his ear once again as my hand trailed it's way down to his belt. "I know what you can do.."

"What?" He seemed all too eager to know my answer, he may be disappointed.

"You can get out so I can finish getting changed." His mouth gaped open when he realized I'd slowly moved him closer to the door, me giving him a shove on the chest gently so that I could shut and lock it behind him. I heard him hit a fist against it from the other side. 

"You're a dick!" 

"Don't make your boyfriend dress like a girl and then tease him about it, then I won't tease you in another way." I laughed when I heard his bathroom door shut, the shower turning on a few moments later. 

So, he was taking the cold shower I'd suggested. That's what he gets. 

I changed into my masculine clothes, much more at home and comfortable in them then in the dress and..other item. After a while, Anthony knocked softly on the door. "Ian? Can I come in?" 

"No, but I'll come out." I opened the door, walking past him while brushing our shoulders against one another's. 

He followed after me, flopping down beside me on the couch as I flipped his T.V on with the remote. I began to scroll through Netflix, trying to decide on a good movie. Anthony's arm went over my shoulders, a soft kiss being pressed against my temple a second later. "I'm sorry for teasing you," he mumbled. 

I smirked, turning my head to peck his lips with a gentle kiss, feeling his wet hair press against my forehead while doing so. "Sorry for teasing you too, how was the cold shower?" 

"Cold. I could sure use some cuddles to warm up." I nodded, pressing close to him with my head on his chest while I flicked through the movie choices. "But could you lose bets more often?" 

I looked up at him, eyebrow raised. He blushed and avoided eye contact. "You're a very pretty Princess."

I frowned, wrinkling my nose. "I'm never wearing that dress again, and when I win a bet next I'm gonna make you wear it as revenge. But," I lowered my voice, "if you're nice enough and you deserve it, I might wear those underwear again. Just for you."

He grinned, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "Did I ever tell you how awesome you are?" A boom of thunder sounded from outside, alerting us to the rain that was now falling. "I think the skies are trying to say we belong together."

"No, they're saying that you're a nerd."

A.N.: Short and shitty chapter, I know. But..this story is coming to an end. Only two more chapters left, I believe. I decided to give you this comedic and short chapter to prepare you for what's coming in the finale of this story. I wish it wouldn't have to end, but everything does. The last chapters are going to be very long and feels-inducing. So prepare for that;P It may take a while for them to go up, I want them to be as good as I can make them. Thank you for reading:3 

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