The Gryffindor Wolf - FredWea...

By 0xBloodyInspiredx0

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Riley is the adopted daughter of Remus Lupin, and her life was pretty damn good, despite the fact that she wa... More



45 1 0
By 0xBloodyInspiredx0

Fred had been awake for a while. It was just starting to get light, the warm glow of sunlight creeping through the edges of the curtains. But he couldn't take his eyes off Riley. She was laying on her side, cuddled into his chest, Bandit curled up in her hair that was gathered above her head.

They had came inside last night just as the final credits were rolling of the film that had been playing when they left. They'd maybe gotten a little carried away in the hottub last night, they didn't go all the way (or very far at all) but they had definitely been a whole lot more comfortable than either had expected. Once they were inside Fred had made Riley take a Conception Potion, claiming that he knew it was unlikely, because they didn't have sex, but he would rather be safe than sorry since they had been grinding on each other when he'd came. She drank it agreeing, silently loving how responsible he had been, and made a mental note to find the book with the recipe in it.

He had Riley lay down and wait for him while he put Jurassic Park on, they made it maybe ten minutes into the movie before Riley dozed off, Fred not long after her. Not that he had been watching it, he was too distracted by her. Just like he was now.

It almost made his heart ache, how much he loved her. He hadn't thought he could love her anymore than he already did, but each day he was mistaken and he fell for her more and more. But last night, after they both found their release, he'd held her close, he'd felt her. She was pumping out her emotions without realising she was. In those few moments that he was feeling what she was, she loved him. Her heart ached the way his does. He couldn't help the question in his head. Did she feel like that because of the moment or does she feel like that all the time? But then he remembered what Remus had said, about her knowing he loved her, is that why she knows? Because she recognises how she felt, in him?

Either way he didn't mind. He didn't really care if it was just the moment. He loved her with everything he was. And that was all that mattered.

George broke him from his thoughts as he turned over, stiring awake. Fred chuckled when his twin got a facefull of Riley's hair, but instead of George moving back, he moved closer to her, slinging his arm over her as he curled around her.

He's gonna shit himself when he wakes up.

Fred smiled as he looked back down to Riley, his fingers twirling a strand of her hair. The girl had a small sleepy smile on her face as she was wedged between the twins, both cuddled up to her, even if one wasn't aware it was happening.

George groaned quietly, he nose twitching as Riley's hair tickled it, and his eyes shot open. It took him a moment for his eyes to focus. But when they did he saw Fred, resting his head on his hand and propped up on his elbow, trying not to laugh.

"Comfy, Georgie?" Fred whispered.

George looked confused until he looked where his arm was, firmly around Riley's waist with his chest pressed to her back.

"Shit." George cursed quietly as he removed his arm from the girl. He shuffled back slowly, careful not to wake her. "Sorry, mate." He apologies.

"You only just moved there." Fred dismissed.

George moved out of the bed carefully, not wanting to wake anyone else. He stood up and rolled his shoulders slightly.

"Tea?" George asked softly.

Fred nodded and smiled thankfully. Once George left the room Fred began slowly untangling his legs from Riley's. As he stood up he tucked the blanket around her and scooped Bandit up from her hair. The girl hummed softly and brought her knees up as she cuddled the pillow.


Fred chuckled slightly and trailed off into the kitchen after George. They didn't say much, George just looking at him here and there and chuckled whilst shaking his head, as Fred mixed Bandit's bottle.

They took their tea's and sat on the bench swing in the garden, careful to open and close the door quietly. Fred lit them both a cigarette once they had placed their cups down. As George took the cigarette from Fred's fingers he laughed again.

"Do I have something on my face?" Fred joked.

"Nah, just something on your neck." George laughed, poking the hickey on Fred's neck. "Have fun in the hot tub last night?" He asked knowingly. Fred's face dropped slightly, had they woken people up? How did George know they had been in the hot tub?

"Did you hear us?" Fred asked slightly concerned.

"Nothing fun, don't worry." George chuckled. "Bandit was climbing all over me wanting a cuddle. Woke up a little, heard you both giggling and the jets." He explained.

"Oh, okay. Good." Fred chuckled.

"You wanna tell me?" George teased. "And don't tell me nothing, I saw you all handsy last night. And i saw that scratch on your back. I know damn well something happened." He chuckled and took a drag of his cigarette.

"We didn't have sex." Fred dismissed

"No shit sherlock." George scoffed. "Did you finger her?" He in hushed excitement. Fred shook his head, no. "Eat her out?" George asked. Fred shook his head again. "Fuck sake. Words Freddie. Details." George demanded. "I'm excited for you." He added proudly, in a weird brotherly way. Fred looked at him for a moment as he smoked and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm not getting out of telling you everything, am I?" Fred asked plainly.

"Fuck no." George chuckled. "C'mon have a bit of pride, man." He laughed. Fred sighed and laughed slightly.

"I had her get herself off on my thigh," Fred started.

"Well that's isn't what I was expecting." George chuckled, blowing smoke as he laughed.

"She got me off," Fred continued.

"How?" George smirked. "She suck you?"

"No, no... She used her hands." Fred chuckled.

"Good?" George questioned. Fred nodded wideeyed, letting out a dramatic sigh.

"Very fucking good." Fred admitted. "If I didn't know her, I'd have thought she'd done it before. A lot."

"Fuck off, really?" George asked shocked.

"Really." Fred chuckled. "Both hands. Massaging my balls, over my tip. The lot."

"So she wasn't all nervy and shy?" George asked happily.

"At moments, but most of the time she was confident." Fred smiled.

"Thats not all that happened?" George smirked.

"No." Fred chuckled and took a drag of his cigarette. "Had her over one of the jets." He said cheekily.

"Yeah, I don't blame you." George chuckled. "Surprised she didn't have you over one." He joked. Fred gave him a guilty look, side eying him slightly, and he blushed recalling just how much he whined over that jet. "You feral little shit." George laughed.

"I lost it a bit, okay? She looked so good over it, watching her just completely let go. Had me grinding on her ass while she got off on it. Once she told me to try, I fucking had to." Fred defended as he laughed.

"Did you come in the fucking tub?" George asked laughing.

"No, I was on the ledge each time I came." Fred chuckled.

"Each time. How much juice did you have in the tank Fred?" George joked.

"Three loads." Fred admitted.

"And her?" George questioned. Fred hesitated for a moment, recalling each time he made or watched Riley come, as he smoked.

"Five." Fred stated.

"Liar. You did not make her come five times the first time you touched her." George scoffed as he blew smoke from his lips.

"Believe me or don't. Couldn't care less." Fred shrugged. "Techinally I only did three. Once on my thigh. Once on the jet. Twice from me touching her. And the last time I was grinding on her." He explained. George looked at him half shocked and half proud.

"You both clearly needed it then." George chuckled.

"I think so." Fred agreed amused.

There was a moment of silence as they both smoked, George chuckling proudly and Fred smiling happily to himself, before George looked at him cheekily.

"She got a good pussy?" George asked grinned. Fred couldn't help but laugh at his twin's outlandish question.

"Yeah." Fred agreed. George looked at him expectantly, urging him to give details and Fred rolled his eyes again. "Neat, small, rosy pink, absolutely soaked." Fred chuckled. "Strangely pretty."

"Hair?" George questioned cheekily.

"She's got a fucking landing strip, mate." Fred laughed slightly.

"Hot." George commented. Fred nodded in agreement as he took a drag of his smoke.

"So you didn't get a taste of her?" George asked amused.

"Only from her mouth." Fred informed.

"She tasted herself?" George asked shocked.

"Sucked herself off my fingers." Fred said smugly.

"She's a little dark horse, isn't she?" George laughed.

"Oh yeah." Fred agreed.

The brothers fell into another moment of silence, both putting the ends of their cigarettes in the ashtray and picking up their drinks.

"It's weird, I kinda thought the first time I touched her would be a bit awkward or we would be really nervous. But it felt so normal, like it had happened a hundred times before." Fred admitted.

"I guess thats what happens when you're both so comfortable and so taken with eachother." George said softly. "I'm glad you were both comfortable." He smiled.

"I love her so much, Georgie." Fred smiled.

"I know, Freddie." George chuckled. George was quiet for a moment, contemplating if he should speak to Fred about Angelina, if he should tell him that she was stuck in his mind. Her smile, laugh, scary glare, her cheeky smirk, the fact she asked to get the him to go shopping with them. "Fred?" George asked.

"Yeah, mate?" Fred turned to George as he sipped his drink.

"How did you know you liked her, at first?" George tried to sound as casual as possible. Fred thought for a moment and then spoke.

"I wanted to tell her everything. I'd get this little kick of excitement when I saw her. I'd get a little jealous if I saw her hugging or laughing with another guy. I caught myself always thinking about her. And I was fucking terrified of her." Fred chuckled towards the end. "Why Georgie? Someone finally cracked that stone heart of yours?" He joked.

"No." George laughed. "I just - watching you with her the past few weeks. I've never really wanted it before." He explained, careful not to lie because Fred would see straight through it.

"And now you do?" Fred questioned.

"I don't know." George admitted. "But even if I did. I can't imagine many girls would be too thrilled by my past." He shrugged.

"As long as you aren't fucking anyone else at the time, I don't think they'd care too much." Fred shrugged.

"Maybe." George half agreed. But in that moment he realised why he was so hesitant about Angelina, and it didn't sit too well with him. Like a punch to the gut, the realisation knocked the air from his lungs.

The twins stayed outside, talking about anything and everything. Fred fed Bandit, and the Baby Niffler stretched out between him and George, and he fell back to sleep.

When Riley woke up she could hear Ron snoring loudly. She chuckled to herself as she reached beside her for Fred. But he wasn't there and the bed was cold. She opened her eyes to see Fred was already up. Yet she smiled when she could hear him and George talking quietly in the back garden. She shuffled out the bed, stretching when she stood up and padded through the house and out the backdoor in the kitchen.

Fred's eyes lit up when he saw her come outside, rubbing her eyes as she walked towards him. She smiled back at him sleepily and crawled into his lap, sitting side on and burying her head in his neck. He wrapped his arms around her, hand instantly in her hair, and kissed the top of her head.

"Mornin' Gorgeous." she mumbled against his neck.

"Morning Princess." Fred spoke softly.

"I'm here too." George joked.

"Mornin Georgie." Riley chuckled.

"Good Morning, Sunshine." George beamed. "Sleep well?" He asked with a hinting tone.

Riley giggled slightly and hummed in response.

George chuckled and took his and Fred's empty cups, walking back off inside giving the couple a few minutes together, to go and make more drinks.

"You okay, My Love?" Fred asked sweetly.

"So good. Still tired." Riley hummed. "You?" She asked as she looked up at him.

"I'm great. Also tired." He chuckled. Riley giggled slightly and pressed her lips to his. His fingers tangled in her hair as he kissed her softy.

After a few minutes George came back out carrying three cups, he placed them down on the ground and sat next to Bandit and the couple.

"Your neck is a mess." George chuckled as he handed Riley a cigarette. Riley laughed slightly and took a drag of the smoke.

There were a few darker marks along the sides of her neck, and a whole lot of small red ones too. She hadn't looked at them yet, but she could feel the slight ache along her skin.

"Should see her boobs." Fred quipped. Riley blushed and laughed guiltily.

"I would love to." George joked.

Fred and Riley laughed at George's remark and they went on to smoking and drinking their tea quietly. Riley was still half asleep, slumped against Fred and laughing slightly along with the odd joke one of the boys would make. Fred suggested she go back to bed, to which she answered only if come with me. Of course Fred couldn't deny her, so they went back into the living room, Fred set up Ghost Busters again since no one watched it the night before. When he lay next to her, Riley cuddled into him instantly. George and Fred both watched the film quietly, Fred smiling down at the sleeping Riley in his arms, Ron still snoring and Ginny flat on her stomach. Eventually Fred drifted off again too, leaving George to watch the movie which his eyes were glued to.

As the last few scenes played out of the movie Fred woke up again, feeling much more refreshed than he had earlier that morning. He was spooning Riley, arm across her chest as she cuddled into it, her back pressed firmly to his chest. Her fingers were slowly stroking over his knuckles, Ginny and George were sat up, Ginny much more slumped and tired looking. Fred stayed still, enjoying the feeling of Riley so calm against him, while the movie played out its last few minutes. Once it had finished George stretched and Ginny groaned quietly.

"You guys want tea?" Riley asked George and Ginny, not yet realising Fred had woken up.

"I can do it, Howler." George chuckled.

"We will go" Fred dismissed softly. Riley turned to face him with a grin on her face. She pushed her lips to his gently, Fred smiled into the kiss as he moved his hand to cup her face.

The couple moved into the kitchen, not having to worry about being to quiet because Ron slept thought pretty much anything. The second they were in the kitchen Fred grabbed her quickly and lifted her up by the back of her legs, pushing his lips to hers as she gasped, and sat her on the counter. She giggled into the kiss, hands on his chest and in his hair, while his hands rested on her hips.

"My Gorgeous Girl." Fred hummed softly as he smiled happily against her lips. Riley laughed and hummed, placing another kiss to his lips.

"All yours, Handsome." She spoke softly. Fred chuckled cheekily and moved his hands to her ass, pulling her quickly to the edge so she was pressed against him.

"You'd best be." He smirked. He kissed her softly cupping her chin with his hand before lacing it in her hair.

"For now." Riley joked. Fred gasped in faked offence and laughed as he carried on kissing her.

Fred eventually let go of Riley and began making cups of tea for everyone, and they moved back into the living room, putting on another movie to play in the background. Ginny chose the one with the cute dinosaurs, which was The Land Before Time. It was almost late morning, Ginny was still half asleep but watching the movie, when Riley and the Twins went back outside for a cigarette. They joked a little about the movie Ginny had chose as the smoked, and then Riley and Fred decided to go for a shower. To wash off the last of the previous nights activities.

They picked out their clothes, still opting for lazy outfits, Riley a pair of black leggings and one of Fred's flannel shirts and Fred just took grey joggers. Fred couldn't help the small smirk that spread across his face as Riley climbed into the shower, completely naked. He stepped in behind her, joining her under the water as he held her around her waist from behind. She sighed happily and leant against him, he kissed her cheek softly as he reached for the shampoo and she moved to stand infront of him.

The feeling of Fred washing her hair would never get old, she loved feeling his fingertips moving through her roots. And the look on her face would never get old to Fred, she always closed her eyes and smiled happily, leaning into his hands.

"Still think you're going to start purring while I do this." He chuckled.

"I might." Riley giggled. "Though I don't think wolves purr." She said thoughtfully as she moved under the water.

"Well this one does." Fred quipped as she rinsed her hair off. "Especially when she's horny." He joked.

"I do not purr." Riley defended.

"Liesssss." Fred hissed playfully, and pecked her lips.

"Well you whimper like a puppy, sooo."Riley teased as she began washing his hair.

"Oh, you loved it." Fred accused.

"I never said I didn't." Riley shrugged with a grin. As she lathered the soap in his hair she chuckled slightly. "You know I never thought you'd be someone who would be happy to do as you're told. With your mean streak and punishments." She admitted thoughtfully. Fred chuckled slightly and thought of an answer for a moment.

"It's fun to be on the other end, I guess. I didn't think I'd like it until you started teasing. I like being in control too though." Fred half explained. "I didn't think you would either. Didn't think you'd want to do what I said, give up that control." He grinned. Riley guided him back under the water.

"I trust you." She shrugged. "Most people are a little scared of me sometimes, and they cower, I could overpower most people." She started explaining. "But with you, I want to give that power up. Most of the time atleast. I don't want to fight it. Something about you makes me melt." Riley spoke sweetly.

"Even though you're a brat?" Fred asked teasingly.

"Yeah, but that's fun." She smirked as her hands fell to his chest.

"It is." Fred agreed and pushed his lips to hers.

Fred started washing her body, his hands running over her shoulders and arms, circling slowly as he worked down to her hands. He was fully aware that it was unnecessary to to circle every inch of her so thoroughly, but he would never miss an opportunity to touch any part of her.

Fred took her hand, lifting it above her head, guiding her to twirl around dramatic as if they were dancing. Riley giggled happily and gathered her hair as he began washing her back. He let his hands trail along her sides and hips, massaging soap into her ass cheeks and giving them small sqeeze, and giving a playful slap to one globe. She turned back around to face him, and he waited no time in circling soap over her chest and stomach, running his thumbs over each mark over her breasts as he massaged them too. His fingers trailed up her neck as he circled each mark he left there too.

"I think your Dad is going to kill me, My Love." Fred chuckled. "I might have went a bit far with the love bites." He admitted.

"He will probably want to heal them before we go home, but I don't think he will mind too much, Darlin." Riley chuckled. He smiled slightly at her referring to his house as home.

Fred's hands traveled to the top of her thighs, thumbs circling soap to the top of her mound, barely brushing the line of neat hair.

"I really like this." Fred admitted grinning, as his thumb trailed over the short hair.

"Angie dared me to do it," Riley chuckled. "I quite liked it so I kept it."

"When did she dare you to do that?" Fred laughed.

"Just after your birthday party." Riley shrugged. "We were all in the showers chatting, It just kinda came up." She giggled.

"Do you lot regularly take showers together?" Fred asked amused

"I guess, do boys not?" She asked as he began rubbing soap down her legs.

"Not on purpose. Sometimes me or George will sit on the sink whilst the other showers, if we are talking." Fred chuckled. There was a moment of silence, Riley running her fingertips over Fred's shoulder as he knealt infront of her. "Can I ask you something, My Love? You don't have to answer if you don't want to." Fred asked softly.

"Anything, darlin." Riley chimed.

"Being inside you, I completely understand," He started. "But why are you nervous about me eating you out?" His tone was curious and light, doing his best to make sure she didn't feel pressured into answering.

"I was nervous about not smelling or tasting very nice or you not liking the taste." She answered without hesitation. Fred nodded slightly, like he was half expecting that answer.

"Do you still think that after tasting yourself?" Fred asked softly as he stood infront of her.

"Not really, no." Riley admitted. "Could you, taste me, when you kissed me after?" She asked softly.

"A little, yeah." Fred nodded smiling. Riley blushed slightly and looked down. Fred lifted her chin to look back up at him. "You tasted amazing." He grinned. "I won't go down on you until you ask me though, okay Beautiful?" He said clearly. Riley nodded smiling softly and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Why don't you want me to go down on you yet?" She asked softly.

"Don't want to get over excited and push into your mouth." Fred chuckled sheepishly. "Wouldn't want you to get hurt or anything." He smiled softly as he stood to face her again.

"I don't think you'd hurt me, Freddie." Riley smiled softly as she began lathering his chest with soap. "I won't ask for a while though, My Love." She reassured. "Cause I know you won't ask me to do it." She giggled.

"What makes you think that?" Fred challenged.

"I don't think you'd want to put me on the spot." She reasoned with a smile.

The pair got out of the shower, brushed their teeth still wrapped in towels, and got dressed. When they trailed back down the stairs George was in the kitchen making more drinks and Riley began collecting things for Bandit's bottle.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?" Riley smiled.

"Anything." The twins chimed.

"So helpful." She rolled her eyes playfully. Once she had mixed Bandit's bottle she started collecting various things and placing them on the side. Pots, frying pans, jugs, serving bowels. Fred watched her happily as she began cracking eggs into a jug and bowl, adding flour and a few other things he didn't quite catch into the jug. He watched her mix the eggs and what he assumed to be pancake mixture, before she went on to lining trays with bacon and sausages.

"Want help, My Love?" Fred asked sweetly.

"Depends. You hungry now? Or do you want this tea first?" She asked softly.

"Tea first." George answered for them. "Ron's still sleeping."

"Ron will sleep until he smells food." Fred chuckled. Riley laughed slightly and silently agreed.

"Can you go get Gin, please?" Riley asked neither of them in particular.

She gathered a few other things from the fridge and moved to the sink to wash strawberries. Fred couldn't help but wrap his arms around her waist and place a kiss to her shoulder.

"Is it bad that I love seeing you in the kitchen?" Fred asked quietly.

"Not bad. Maybe a little odd." She giggled.

"I don't know what it is" Fred chuckled as he kissed along her neck. "But it might be a bit of a turn on for me." He admitted quietly into the crook of her neck. Riley smiled and laughed gently, putting the strawberries on the side and turned to face him.

"Like a domesticated girl, Freddie?" She teased.

"I think it's because I wasn't expecting it. You're untamed most of the time, a little wild," He smirked down at her and lifted her up onto the counter again. "And here you are, prepping breakfast like it's second nature."

Fred's hands were firmly on her hips, absentmindedly squeezing and massaging, his face right infront of hers with their noses brushing eachothers.

"It is second nature, My Love." Riley giggled quietly.

"You make my head spin, Darlin." Fred said lowly and pressed his lips to hers.

As their lips and tongues moulded and moved together Fred's mind drifted to what he thought last night. About never letting her go. About marrying her. He knew she would hate it if he told her he was thinking about it. But God's. Everything she did, seeing her completely comfortable in her own home, all her secret little talents, mixed with everything he already knew. Her power, feistiness, attitude, intelligence, humour. How could he not think about keeping her forever?

"What did I do to get someone like you?" Fred smirked against her lips. "You're so bloody perfect, Riley." He almost whispered as he went back to kissing her.

"I leave you two along for five fucking minutes and you couldn't help but snog her on the kitchen counter?" George asked amused as he and Ginny came back into the kitchen.

"Fuck off." Fred chuckled as he kissed her gently before pulling away.

Ginny looked between the couple, excitement pouring from her and onto Riley, as she caught sight of her best friends neck and the scratch along Fred's shoulder. Riley looked at her instantly, knowing exactly what Ginny had noticed.

"No. Not now." Riley chuckled.

"Later?" Ginny asked hopefully.

"I suppose." Riley agreed.

The twins looked between the two girls and then eachother, both confused and a little shocked that they could have a full conversation with so little words.

"Why did you want me? Gonna let me help?" Ginny asked still looking at the older girl smugly

"No, you are coming outside with us. Where you are going to wake up and sober up." Riley chuckled as she hopped down from the counter. Her body brushing against Fred's as she moved.

The four of them were sat on the patio again, Bandit going around in circles to each of them for fuss. Ginny still seemed exhausted, far more than usual, and the Twins and Riley knew exactly why.

"How you feeling, Ginny?" George taunted.

"So tired, so thirsty." She chuckled as she kept blowing on her tea to try and cool it down quicker.

"It's from smoking, hun." Riley said knowingly.

"Is it?" Ginny asked confused. "You guys are always up so early after, and you seem fine." She stated.

"We smoke a lot," Fred shrugged. "We are used to it."

"Takes more than a few drags to get us high now." Riley added.

"Well you could have warned me." Ginny rolled her eyes playfully.

"You'll be alright after you've drank a lot and ate." Riley reassured.

The group all curled up on the sofa again, Riley had put the sausages in the oven to start cooking on the way through, and were watching Jurassic Park. Ron was half awake, shifting between dozing back off and groggily watching the movie. Riley got back up, despite Fred's protests, and put the bacon in the oven too.

She set the table, silently and carefully so Fred wouldn't catch her, placing jams and syrups, salt and pepper in the center of the table. As she was placing the last of the cutlery on the table, she heard a snap echo out the front.

Riley grinned happily when she peered out the window to see Remus trotting up the stairs, and oddly enough knocking the front door. Riley walked to the door with her eyebrows knitted together, Fred and George in the doorway of the living room looking as equally confused.

Riley opened the door, to see her Dad smiling happily, not at all seeing the issue with knocking the door to his own house.

"Why are you knocking?" Riley asked. Remus just shrugged and smiled wider.

"Well I don't know what you need to hide from me, and I didn't know if you were asleep and didn't want to scare you." Remus reasoned as he stepped inside.

"Strange man." Riley stated as she closed the front door behind him.

"Morning, Boys." Remus chimed towards the twins.

"Morning, Moony." They coursed happily. Ginny appeared behind her brothers, smiling sleepily.

"Why so tired Ginny?" The older man chuckled.

"I -err" Ginny stuttered.

"She had her first puff of a joint last night." Riley informed. "You," The older girl said sternly as she pointed at the youngest Weasley "Had better get quicker at lying before you see your Mother." She warned before turned back into the kitchen. 

"Oh, is Molly not allowed to know?" Remus asked excitedly as he followed his daughter into their kitchen.

"No. It's best not." Riley chuckled as she filled the kettle.

"Mum isn't a fan of smoking." George chuckled, the trio close as they followed the pair into the kitchen.

"Want some PepperUp?" Remus asked the young girl sweetly. "My family didn't like it either, PepperUp really helps." he grinned.

"Please." Ginny giggled.

"Ronald!" Riley called as she made cups of tea. Riley heard Ron gasp in shock from the living room as he woke up and chuckled to herself.

"Y-Yeah?" Ron scrambled as he made his way into the kitchen.

"PepperUp. Off Dad. You drink." Riley ordered playfully. Ron nodded and took the vile Remus offered him from the cupboard, not hesitating in drinking it.

Remus caught sight of Fred's back when the boy turned around to hit George in retaliation, after the younger twin had shoved his head. He rushed back to Riley's side, grabbed her chin in his hand and moved her head and hair to see her neck. Remus' eyes visibly widened as he pulled at the collar of Riley's shirt. Shock and discomfort, slight amusement, all raiditating from him as he held Riley still by her chin.

"Dad!" Riley groaned as she tried to moved her head away from him.

"You two. Out the front. Now, please." Remus instructed, panic adding to the mix of his emotions as the coggs turned in his head. Fred was frozen, fear clear on his face. George started laughing, Ginny holding her fingers to her lips to stiffle her giggles and Ron didn't have a damn clue what was going on.

Riley huffed and rolled her eyes, passing Fred his tea and grabbing her cigarettes and drink from the counter before smiling reassuringly at Fred.

As Riley lead Fred outside, while he watched Remus wide eyed, the other Weasleys all sniggered and George made a few comments. Only worsening Fred's anxiety.

What Fred didn't realise was Remus was just as anxious. He didn't know what to expect leaving a group of teenagers unsupervised in his house. In truth he expected a huge mess in his kitchen, cans and bottles all over the living room, wrappers from snacks on every surface. But that wasn't what he got. The kitchen was spotless. He obviously wouldn't be so lucky to just find a mess, would he?

As the front door was shut behind him, he quickly plucked a cigarette from Riley's outstretched fingers, Fred was too busy staring at Remus in apprehension to notice she was offering him a cigarette.

"Smoke, Freddie?" Riley asked gently, breaking him for his daze slightly.

"Er- thanks, My Love." Fred mumbled, offering her a half-smile as he took the cigarette.

Riley clicked her fingers and lit all the smokes, all too aware that Ron, George and Ginny were leant up the other side of the front door to try and listen in. They all placed their drinks down, and Remus wasn't wasting any time as he reached for his wand and pointed it to his daughter.

"Episky." the older man tried to speak clearly. "Turn around, Fred." he sighed. Fred nodded quickly and turned his back to Remus. Riley tried to keep a straight face as she was faced with Fred's back, showing the three lines running from the top of his shoulder blade down and around to his ribs. One was worse than the others, the one in the center, and had broke the skin along the whole length.

"I know your a Werewolf, Pup, but is there a need for that?" Remus joked and then cast the spell.

"He liked it." Riley shrugged.

Fred turned around panicked as he felt the slight sting fade, not quite understanding why she was telling her Dad that he liked her scratching him.

"And you!" Remus accused. "Are you a bloody vampire?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Remus I'm so-"

"Do not tell me you're sorry." Remus dismissed.

"Stop scaring him, you prick." Riley chuckled. She kicked the front door slightly. "You three, move it!" She called to the other.

"What?" George asked through the door.

"Shut up." Ron hissed.

"I can hear and smell all of you right behind the door. Go on, Fuck off." She laughed. She heard the three Weasleys all huff and stand, beginning to walk into the living room.

When she turned around she saw Remus trying to hold back a laugh as he watched Fred look at the ground with his face bright red.

"Took a potion. Wasn't drunk. All good." Riley informed her Dad.

"You sure?" Remus asked uncomfortably.

"No, I was pissed, I just remember drinking from a tiny little vile. Could have been anything." She spoke dryly.

"Okay, okay. I just didn't expect it with Ginny here." Remus defended.

"They were all asleep." Fred answered quickly, not wanting Remus to think they made it blatantly obvious to his little sister what was happening.

"Where did you all sleep?" Remus asked curiously.

"Sofa bed." Riley chuckled.

"And you two snuck off upstairs?" He asked grimacing slightly.

"No. Not exactly." Riley tried to hide a smirk.

Fred hid his face, which was now as red as Rileys hair, and nervous laughter began to fall from his lips. Remus looked between them for a moment, slightly confused and then horror flashed over his face.

"The fucking hot tub?" He gasped. "I just put fresh water in that for you all. And then he's - oh God's. Did he?-" Remus rushed in a hushed voice.

"Did he what?" Riley taunted.

"I can't say it." Remus shook his head.

"Go on." Riley urged smirking, feeling every ounce of discomfort pour from the man.


"Ask and I'll answer" Riley chimed.

"It's fine. I'll empty it." He dismissed.

"You don't need to." She chuckled.

"I think I bloody do." Remus shot

"Dad?" Riley smirked.

"What?" The older man sighed.

"He didn't come in the hot tub." She laughed.

Remus visibly grimaced at her statement. He knew the day would come where she would speak about such experiences, but he wasn't expecting it to make him so uncomfortable. He knew damn well that if she wasn't a girl it wouldn't phase him, and that made him feel a little guilty.

Fred was still chuckling nervously as he leant against the fence and looked everywhere but at Remus. He was shocked that Riley had taunted her Dad the way she had, and so relieved Remus wasn't angry or annoyed. He'd have thought the older man would have thought he had took liberties, being in his home for the first time and waking up the next morning with Riley's neck covered in dark bruises and his back scratched in such an obvious way.

"Sirius does not get told you lot were here without an adult. And he does not get told about your late night hot tub activities." Remus said after a few moments. "I don't care if your family know, but I couldn't take you home covered in marks." He reasoned as he gestured to Fred when he spoke about his family.

"I wasn't exactly planning on telling Mr Hypocritical." Riley chuckled.

"I have no idea how it will go if he finds out." Remus sighed.

"Does he have to know? It's not really any of his business is it." Riley stated irritably.

"He's going to kill me, isn't he?" Fred asked seriously.

"Over my dead body." Riley scoffed.

"He would have to get through her first." Remus joked.

"Very funny." Fred rolled his eyes. The way he spoke making it painfully obvious that he wouldn't willingly cower behind Riley.

There was another moment of silence as they all puffed on their cigarettes. Both Remus and Fred were looking at Riley as she watched her foot which she was tapping on the decking, completely unable to stay still without speaking. They were giving very different looks though, Fred was smiling softly at her, his hand on the back of her arm and circling gently with his thumb, and Remus he looked a little concerned. Riley could feel it, his concern and worry.

"Are you hurting, Pup?" Remus finally asked. His voice soft and quiet. But Riley looked at him like he had just asked the most out-of-the-blue question possible.

"Why would I be hurt?" She almost laughed.

Remus' brows knitted together and he just gestured to Fred. Then Fred realised what Remus was referring to and he started nervously laughing again, leaving Riley to look between the pair confused. She sighed, once she saw her Dad's hinting expression, and rolled her eyes.

"We didn't have sex." She said plainly. Remus looked at little shocked and then confused again.

"Really?" He asked.

"Really." Fred and Riley answered together.

"Oh right." Remus chuckled. "Can you give us a minute then please, Fred?" He asked politely. Fred nodded happily and placed a kiss to Riley's head before grabbing his tea and heading off inside.

"Sit, Pup." Remus instructed.

Riley did, passing her Dad another cigarette as she went. He took a seat next to her on the bench and sighed deeply. She could feel he was nervous again, she had no idea why but it was enough to have questions dancing in her mind. Expecting it to be along the lines of Ancient Magic or Prophecies.

"I'm sorry I'm so uncomfortable with talking to you about these things." Remus started.

"That's alright. I can't imagine it's easy for a dad to talk to his daughter about it." She dismissed with a chuckle.

"There are a few other things you need to know, aside from the usual talk most people get." He spoke quietly.


"I'm not sure how it will effect you, with you being a Faoladh," He sighed. "But I guess I should make you aware of what I know myself. "

"It's a wolf thing?" Riley asked confused.

"Yes." Remus nodded and took a desperate drag of his cigarette. "Ermm, well, the closer it gets to the full moon, usually, the more... goodness sake." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in defeat.

"You're really bad at this." Riley commented.

"I know. I'm just trying to think of a better word than horny." Remus rushed.

"Well you've said it now." She chuckled.

"Okay fine. The closer it gets to the full moon, the hornier most Werewolves seem to get. It's going to be due to the whole animal instincts situation." He caved and shuddered.

"Well done." Riley teased.

"You're not helping." Remus chuckled. "Anyway, the few days before the full moon, it's harder to ignore. And more primal and consuming." He drove straight back to the point. "If you know what I mean?"

"I think I get the gist." Riley nodded.

"I know female Werewolves get like it too, and when they're ovulating. But I've never met one properly to ask about it." He added.

"Faoladh's can only get pregnant a couple times a year." Riley pointed out.

"Yes I know. So I'm not sure how that changes things for you." Remus said carefully.

"Okay, so why are you telling me now?" Riley asked curiously.

"Because it might start to kick in now." He spoke cautiously.

"Why now?" Riley pushed, enjoying his torture a little too much.

"Because you and Fred. I don't know what happened. I don't really want to know details. But I'm assuming its further than you both have went before and the moon will start to have an affect at some point." He explained quickly. "That's it. That's all I have to say. Do you have questions?" He asked almost pained.

"No, I'm good." She laughed.

Remus nodded a little and took a sip of his tea, Riley doing the same. Yet Riley could still feel apprehension coming from the older man, like he still had something to say.

"Spit it out." Riley encouraged gently. Remus glanced at her and sighed again. Shaking his head slightly as he went, almost trying to focus himself.

"I. I just want to make sure you're okay, after whatever happened." He spoke cautiously.

"Yeah. I'm okay" She smiled as her cheeks turned pink slightly. "It felt normal. Comfortable. He looked after me, afterwards." She half explained softly. She watched the end of her cigarette burn as she smiled to herself. Remembering the consuming wave of love she felt for Fred afterwards. Remus could see the little smile on her face, could almost hear the contentment in her voice.

"Good. Good. That's how it should be." Remus acknowledged happily, a small jolt of relief pulsing from him.

Ron, Ginny and George were sat at the dining table, Fred making drinks, Remus was putting sausages and bacon into serving dishes and making toast. Riley, was piling up pancakes onto a dish as she cooked them, and slowly stiring scrambled eggs. Fred was smiling to himself as he watched Riley again, she was poking fun at her Dad for getting distracted while he dished out the food, she was laughing away smugly. Remus placed the serving dishes on the table, and turned back to see Riley spooning scrambled eggs into another. The older man took the cups from infront of Fred, smirking a little when he saw the younger boy had his eyes locked on Riley so sweetly. When Remus turned around again he saw his daughter reach out to Fred dramatically and the red head didn't hesitate in wrapping his arms around her, her back flushed to her chest, swaying slightly to the Metallica album George had picked out.

Remus admittedly liked seeing his daughter so loved up with Fred. He had liked it for a long time now. He trusted all the Weasleys without question, and he was quite relieved that she was with one of them. It could have been a whole lot worse, he had seen first hand the students she could have fallen for in Hogwarts, there was probably a handful that were smart enough to keep up with her and even less than that which seemed trustworthy. They actually made quite a sweet couple, Fred and Riley, matched eachothers wit and humour, playfulness and smarts, rebellious spirit and caring nature. Even if she did look no taller than Bowtruckle next to him.

When Riley placed the last pancake on the plate, Fred unwrapped his arms from her and placed a soft kiss to her lips. He took the plate from her hands and stuck his tongue out playfully at her, holding it above her head when she reached to take it back.

Once they were all settled around the table, they all dove into telling Remus every little detail about their previous morning with the horses as they ate. Ginny was obviously leading the conversation as she loved it so much, the young girl seemed to come out of her shell more and more each time she spoke to Remus properly. Riley thought it was quite nice to see, and she inwardly thanked Merlin that Ginny wasn't there that night on the full moon for her to see the side to Remus which he so desperately hated.

Remus of course, listened to every word the group told him, and couldn't help but laugh at Fred's expense when George told him about Mikey and how Riley hadn't said anything about him being gay. Fred resting his head on his hand to hide the fact his face was bright red again.

"It's not funny." Fred protested halfheartedly.

"Oh, but it was." Riley teased.

"I was getting so pissed off." Fred admitted.

"That's why it was funny, My Love." Riley teased as she mushed up a strawberry and chunk of banana to see if Bandit wanted to try it. She had read that he would be able to start trying bits of fruits and veg, and the odd root from about five weeks old, and it had been almost three weeks since they found that two-week-old Niffler.

As Bandit sniffed at the fruit, from his place between Fred and Riley on the table, Remus was updating them on what the rest of the Weasley family got up to last night. Making jokes here and there that it was probably not as fun as what the teens did, holding his gaze on Fred and Riley for a moment. Apparently Percy was at his Girlfriends again, Bill and Charlie had gone on a pub crawl through Diagon Ally and Muggle London, and Molly and Arthur had gone on a fancy dinner date and watched a movie in a Muggle cinema. He laughed guiltily as he told them that Sirius instructed him to arrange it for them and to prepay for everything.

"Molly was so thankful but so angry." Remus chuckled.

"People don't always like it when they're not given a choice with others paying for things." Riley said hintingly.

"You need to let that go." Ginny giggled.

"I will never let it go." The older girl said rather stubbornly.

"He's your dad, let him pay for things." Remus teased.

"I don't need him to." She shrugged.

"And I don't need you to cook for me, but here we are." the older man spoke dramatically. Riley gave him a smug look, small smirk and raised eyebrows.

"But you do need me to cook for you, don't you?" She asked calmly.

"Yes." Remus caved with a sigh.

The Weasleys were all laughing along, shifting their glances between Riley and Remus as they each spoke. Fred's hand on her thigh, squeezing gently every so often.

"Anyway," Remus chimed. "Everyone is back at The Burrow now, Bill and Charlie are a bit groggy, but I spoke to Molly and Arthur," He started. "You guys can come stay here each weekend, if you want to, Ginny and Ron can only stay a night at a time without someone checking in and Molly doesn't want them in the town because it's so far from the house."

"You get more hot tub time before school, Freddie." George teased.

"Will you shut up?" Fred hissed, his face red yet again. Remus thought it was hilarious, as much as he never wanted to step foot in that hot tub again, he couldn't help but enjoy Fred getting teased. If Remus was being totally honest with himself, he couldnt really blame Fred and Riley for fooling around in the hot tub. He knew he would have jumped at the chance at their age.

"Obviously next weekend you lot can't come here because of Riley having the procedure and the full moon." Remus continued. "But the weekend after, Bill will bring you here when you're done shopping in London." He chimed.

"Gin, remind me to talk to your mum when we are home." Riley said sweetly to the girl beside her. Ginny nodded happily as she reached for another strawberry.

"Harry still doesn't know if he can go, his Aunt and Uncle haven't mentioned it, and he doesn't want to push it since they seem to be being quite nice." Ron informed.

"Yeah I know, I'm not sure he will be able to see Sirius on Wednesday either." Riley sighed.

"That's okay, he will see him at least once before school starts. We have a plan." Remus chimed with a cheeky wink.

By the time they finished their conversations and eating, it was early afternoon. Bandit hadn't eaten any of the fruit but he seemed to enjoy making a mess of himself with it and licking it off his paws. Ginny, Ron and George all disappeared off to go and get changed and gather their things, while Riley turned off the filter of the hot tub and cleaned up Bandit, leaving Fred and Remus to tidy up after breakfast. Much to her disapproval. Once the others were ready she went around to grab a few things she wanted to take to The Burrow with her, a few different cassests, a bikini for when she got her tattoo done, her Acoustic Guitar which Ginny had convinced her to bring and the book with the recipe for the Conception Potion.

She had to climb up onto the banister at the top of the stairs to reach the book, treading carefully so Remus wouldn't catch her taking it and tease her. She wasn't even sure if she was supposed to know that it was there, but the small book had lived ontop of the bookshelf for as long as she could remember. She had snuck a peak at it a few times over the years out of curiousity but she never quite remembered what all of the contents was about.

Sex Magic: Every Spell and Potion to Have Them Begging For More.

Riley laughed quietly to herself at the title of the book. She was definitely biting off more than she could chew with this book but she needed that recipe. In fact the girl was looking forward to seeing exactly what secrets the book had inside. It was only a small book around the size of her hand, but it was relatively thick considering it was such a specific topic.

Riley stiffened when she heard someone walking towards the stairs, but relaxed when she smelt Fred. She turned around sheepishly just as he looked up to see her balancing with one foot on the banister and the other on the bookshelf.

"What on earth are you doing, My Love?" Fred whispered with an amused expression as he approached her. She showed him the book and he smirked. "And what is it that you want out of this?" He asked smugly, still keeping his voice down. 

"Conception Potion Recipe." Riley giggled as Fred's hands found her waist to help her down.

"Mum would've wrote it down for you, Darlin." Fred chuckled as she put the book in her bag.

"Don't feel like asking your Mum." She admitted.

Fred and Riley went back into her bedroom to retrieve the trunk full of clothes that she was giving to Ginny. Yet before Fred could bend down to pick it up, Riley pushed him down onto the bed lightly. He had a strange mixture of amusement and fear on his face once he saw the smirk on Riley's lips. She crawled over him, straddling his hips, and his hands instantly found her waist.

Riley pushed her lips to his, running her tongue over his bottom lip, coaxing his mouth to part. They both sighed into the kiss and Fred moved his hand to her hair. She rolled her hips slightly, completely on instinct, and a small moan escaped their lips.

"Fucking hell." Fred groaned. "Your Dad is downstairs." He reminded as he kissed her. Riley hummed in response, but didn't move herself off him, still moving her hips to grind against his now hard crotch.

It wasn't long before Fred was panting and whimpering beneath her. His hands squeezing her ass, guiding her down onto him a little firmer, rubbing up her back and into her hair, pulling at her roots gently, and groping her breast through her shirt. She was moaning softly too, revealing in what she could do to him in a few moments and thoroughly enjoying how comfortable he was touching her body. She broke the kiss and her eyes locked on his, as her hands found the back of his hair and pulled at it from the roots.

"Oh. Fuck, Riley." Fred groaned, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment. His eyes shot open when he felt Riley's weight lift from him quickly. She was smirking looking at him, panting with his back flat against the bed, his dick forming a tent in his grey joggers. He looked at her confused for a moment, she was fixing her hair slightly.

"You gonna get that trunk then, Gorgeous?" She asked innocently.

"Er, yeah. Yes." Fred stumbled.

"Should probably try hide that-" She gestured to his crotch. "Before coming down stairs." Riley quipped. Fred nodded. Riley turned to walk out of the room and Fred realised she had done that on purpose.

"You're fucking evil." He chuckled.

"You fucking love it." She said smugly and disappeared from the room.

Fred flopped back down on the bed for a moment, laughing quietly to himself as he heard her patter down the stairs. He rubbed his hands over his face in an attempt to ground himself.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Fred sighed amused.

"You good?" Riley asked the younger girl beside her. Ginny was clutching onto Riley and her stomach at the same time as she gagged from Apperating back to The Burrow.

"I swear, if you're sick again I will never let you live it down." George chimed amused as he walked back the group with the truck of clothes.

"I'm not gonna be sick." Ginny hissed and then shuddered. "I just need a second." She groaned and sunk to the ground. Riley knealt beside her and moved the girls ginger hair over her shoulders. Fred smiled down at the girls, ran his fingers through the top of Rileys hair and trotted off down the path with Bandit and Riley's guitar. Remus crouched next to them and passed Ginny a piece of chocolate. The girl mumbled her thanks and ate it without hesitation.

After a few moments Ginny stood back up and they all walked into the front garden. Bill and Charlie were sat at the table out the front, both wearing sunglasses and weakly waving as they leant their heads on their hands with cigarettes hanging from their lips.

"Over indulge boys?" Riley teased as they approached the house. The pair nodded slightly and grumbled. "Pathetic. Speak from the chest, lads." She spoke loudly. They both cringed at the loud noise.

Riley sat on the grass infront of the table, Riley pulling her own sunglasses out of her bag and placing them on her face. Ginny and Remus carried on inside, to say hello to Molly.

"Why don't you two go back to sleep?" Riley asked curiously.

"We have only just woke back up." Bill chuckled.

Riley pulled out the book about Ancient Magic from her bag, and flicked through it quickly to one of the pages she had marked. She had read something a couple days ago, it was about healing and pain removal through using a certain technique. It didn't sound very pleasant when she had read it, but she thought now might be a good time to test it out.

"Can I try something?" She asked in hushed excitement.

"Depends on what." Charlie shrugged.

"I read about removing sickness and pain from people, using Ancient Magic. And well, it sounds a bit horrible. But a hangover wouldn't be a terrible place to start." She explained quickly.

"I don't feel well enough to help if it goes wrong." Bill dismissed.

"No but Dad is here and your Mum is awake." Riley reasoned.

"So are Ginny and Ron." Bill reminded.

Riley focused for a moment, really trying to tell where everyone was in the house. The twins were in the kitchen, boiling the kettle, she could tell that easily. But the others were further away, in the back garden, right at the bottom. Ron and Ginny were telling Molly all about the horse riding and movies that they watched, as she watered her plants and vegetables patches, and Remus mentioned how well behaved they all seemed to be in the house.

"They're distracted. Can hear them." Riley grinned.

"Fine. You can try." Bill caved.

"Yes!" Riley chimed, both boys flinching again. "I'm sorry. Give me your hands." Riley instructed Bill.

He huffed and held out his hands. Riley quickly moved to sit on her knees and held onto his wrists, then instructed Bill to grip hers too.

"This is looking uncomfortably similar to an Unbreakable Vow." Charlie pointed out.

"Shut up. I need to focus." Riley dismissed. "Alright, Billiam. I need you to focus on everything that hurts and how ill you feel." Riley spoke softly. Bill hummed and nodded in response.

Riley took a breath, praying to the God's that this didn't go badly. She let the static wash over her body. That strange energy in the air came over her easier now, she didn't have to find it anymore, she just had to welcome it. Almost like it found her. Once it was almost overwhelming she focused everything on Bill. His pulse, his breathing, the emotional drainage he felt from the exhaustion.

"da mihi dolorem tuum, da languorem tuum" The girl spoke clearly and quietly, over and over. Charlie was watching half terrified, he didn't know what on earth she was saying or what she was trying to actually do. Never mind what language she was speaking. Yet Bill didn't seem phased, like he already knew.

She felt a thud in her head, it wasn't like any other headache she had felt before. It was like a whisper, a reflection. It was Bill's. Riley focused on it, welcomed it, the pain becoming stronger and slowly she could feel her mouth drying out through dehydration. The blood rushed around her ears. Her stomach felt like it was flipping. She could almost taste the Whisky in her throat.

It was a minute or so before she felt completely hungover herself. Like she had been on a three day bender. Every muscle ached, her head throbbed something terrible, and she craved nothing but water, darkness and silence.

"How you feeling, Bill?" She asked in almost a whisper.

"Fantastic," Bill answered softly. "Completely gone." he confirmed. Riley nodded slightly and let go of Bill's wrists.

"Let go." She instructed gently. He did, stopping her from taking on any more physical effects from him.

Riley kept her breathing steady despite feeling utterly exhausted from the ailments she had welcomed into her body. She sat back on her heels and held her hands, palms up, just beside her.

"ego expellam dolor, qui non est meus. ego expellere languorem qui non est meum" Riley uttered. She tilted her chin up and let out deep breath.

Charlie couldn't believe his eyes. As the girl infront of him blew out, a small cloud of dark smoke escaped her lips. It was almost as if she had taken a drag of a cigarette. It fell from her mouth densely and dispursed into the air, dancing smooth swirling patterns as it spread out into nothing.

When Riley opened her eyes again, she gasped and fell back onto her butt. She didn't hurt, or feel sick, or need a drink. She didn't even have a slight headache. Her hand flew to her nose to check for blood but there was none there. Though her body felt a little heavy.

"Are you okay, Lil Wolf?" Bill asked softly and he leant towards her.

"Yeah." She answered breathlessly, a big grin on her face. "Heavy" She half explained as she got comfortable on the floor. "Give me a few and I'll do you Charl." Riley offered.

"You don't have to." Charlie dismissed.

"I want to." She chuckled as she rummaged in her bag for a bar of chocolate. She took a chunk and put it in her mouth whilst she took out her cigarettes.

A few moments later the twins came outside holding cups of tea, closely followed by Molly and Remus. Ginny was putting away the clothes Riley had given her and Ron was told to tidy his bedroom a little. Bill and Charlie both moved out of the chairs for Molly and Remus to sit down, Fred sat himself behind Riley and wrapped his arms around her and George dropped down next to them.

Remus looked at the book and chocolate bar that was beside Riley's bag, when the girl handed him a cigarette. He was raidiating unmistakable confusion as he read the title of the book, craning his neck slightly as the girl moved around handing out cigarettes. She clicked her fingers and lit all five cigarettes without blinking an eyelid.

"What you reading, Pup? You've barely been here for five minutes." Remus chuckled.

"I just had to check an incantation." Riley smiled happily.

"What for, dear?" Molly asked intrigued.

"She just got rid of my hangover." Bill said proudly. "Not a drop of blood, first attempt."

"How'd you do that?" Remus asked excitedly.

Riley stuttered for a moment, not really thinking that telling Molly or her Dad would be a great idea. But both stared at her expectantly. The girl sighed in defeat.

"I had to take it on. His ... symptoms. Then force it out." she explained light heartedly.

"Is that a good idea, Howler? Taking on someone else's pain?" George chuckled.

"I suppose a hangover is the nicest way to attempt it." Remus shrugged. "Wait," He said quickly. "You did it first try?" Riley nodded. "Show me that section of the book." Remus instructed.

Riley opened the book to the page again and passed it over to her Dad, slumping into Fred when she sat back. She smoked as she watched Remus' eyes flick over the page, Molly leaning over to read it too. She forgot what was going on for a moment, too wrapped up in the feeling of Fred's arms around her waist and his breath tickling her neck.

"How has the Empathy been recently?" Remus asked once he finished reading.

"Not really any different. It's no worse or no better. I was a bit lost in it when I was going through London and Dublin last week. But that's it." She explained

"Your focus is doing really well if you can do this." He grinned.

"When you go into London next, I want you to try and create a faux layer. Like you do in training." Bill instructed.

"You think it will quieten it already?" Riley asked confused.

"Maybe. Can't do any harm at least." Bill grinned.

"I still don't like all this," Molly sighed. "It really isn't fair on you, dear." She spoke sweetly to Riley.

"None of us like it Mum." Fred almost chuckled. "Doing great though, aren't you love?" He grinned.

"Suppose so." Riley shrugged.

"Suppose so." Fred mocked. "Did you fix Charl?" He asked sweetly as she took the last drag of her cigarette. She shook her head, no.

"You wanna show us, Sunshine?" George asked cheekily.

"If you make sure Ron and Gin don't come out." Riley chuckled.

"Don't over do it, Riley." Molly rushed.

"I'm okay." the girl smiled as she moved from between Fred's legs.

Riley knealt infront of Charlie, who felt uncomfortable and a little anxious. She put her cigarette butt into the ashtray on the table and smiled encouragingly at the man.

"It's alright Charlie. I won't hurt you." She reassured.

"I don't want you feeling rough because of me." Charlie responded.

"It only lasts a moment." She dismissed. "None of you speak until I'm done please. Don't feel like having Charl's hangover for the rest of the day." Riley chuckled. The group all agreed in a second flat, and Fred kept Bandit close so he couldn't distract her.

"Focus on everything that doesn't feel right, take you hands off me after a moment of me letting you go." She instructed. Charlie nodded and doused his own cigarette.

Everyone watched quietly as Riley and Charlie held eachothers wrists. The girl taking a few breaths to center herself. When Riley spoke, so clearly and fluently, Fred noticed her head twitch the tiniest amount. Her shoulders tensed and her breathing became deeper. The pair stayed like that for a few moments, each second that passed Riley's breaths would shake a little more.

"It's gone, Paws." Charlie spoke softly. Riley hummed in response and a couple seconds later she let go of the man's wrists, a few seconds after that Charlie let go too.

As Riley sat back on her heels and moved her hands beside her again, the whole group practically leant forwards in anticipation. When she spoke again, Fred felt his heart flutter. He knew she could speak other languages, actually he knew she could read other languages. But hearing it, whatever language she spoke, it sounded so beautiful. Her tone calm but firm. Yet he couldn't help the surprise when she tilted her chin up and breathed out a cloud of almost-black smoke.

Riley slumped back again, leaning on her hand for support. Her other hand checked her nose again, but she wasn't bleeding. It was a habit she assumed she would have for a long time now. The self-doubt, of thinking she couldn't manage what she was doing, automatically taking over.

She moved back between Fred's legs again, taking another chunk of chocolate and nibbling on it, leaning her back into his chest. Fred was smiling proudly and placed a soft kiss to her neck.

"You okay, Beautiful?" He asked gently.

"Yeah." She hummed.

"That was amazing." He praised.

"It was" Molly chimed.

"You're doing fantastic, Pup." Remus beamed.

"That was really strange," Charlie chuckled. "Feeling it just vanish." He stated. "Well, not vanish. More disperse, melt away." He corrected himself. "I can't believe you can do that so easily."

"It's harder to find something she can't do." Bill chuckled.

"Occulmency." Riley spoke. "I still can't do Occulmency." She laughed.

"Isn't Occulmency supposed to be one of the hardest things someone can do?" George asked.

"Yes." Molly nodded. "It takes focus, selfawarenss, confidence," She listed.

"And much more." Bill chuckled. "But you're already ahead of where an Adult would be." He encouraged.

"Have you tried Legillemency?" Remus asked curiously.

"Why would I?" Riley asked confused.

"It might give you a better understanding of how to close your mind, if you've been in another's." Remus said thoughtfully.

"I can't use my wand though can I?" Riley chuckled.

"I don't think you'd need it. You're welcome to try at some point if you want to." Bill offered.

"Maybe." Riley smiled. She was half distracted again, playing with the tips of Fred's fingers and petting Bandit who had crawled into her lap.

At some point Molly had gone back inside to tidy somewhere that probably didn't need tidying. Remus was preparing to head back to Grimmauld Place, Riley passing him the containers of the left overs from the night-before's dinner from her handbag.

She could feel mischief pouring from Remus when he came back outside from saying Goodbye to Molly, Riley had stood ready to hug him Goodbye herself when she felt it.

"What?" Riley asked half confused and half amused. Her mind whirling to try and figure out what he was planning.

"Nothing. Nothing." Remus dismissed unconvincingly. "Bill, can you make sure her neck is clear before she goes to Harry's and her Dad's on Wednesday?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah. Ofcourse." Bill laughed.

"Keep an eye on them, will you?" Remus hinted. "They seem to have turned a corner." He chuckled.

Bill looked at him plainly, not understanding what he was hinting at. Though George and Charlie were laughing, Riley and Fred blushing.

"They really enjoyed the hot tub last night, apparently." Remus hinted.

"Okay, that's enough. Time to go, Dad." Riley rushed. Bill stiffled a laugh, finally understanding what was being hinted at.

"Oh, I see. Have fun did you?" Bill asked Fred smugly.

Riley shoved Remus up the path, scolding him playfully as they went. Once they were at the top by the gate Remus pulled Riley into him and hugged her.

"I'll see you Wednesday, Pup" He spoke softly. "I'll meet you there"

"Okay, Moony." Riley smiled as she hugged him back.

"Your post is already there," He whispered. "Only two letters." He clarified. "I know you were hiding one. Who are they from?" He asked quietly.

"Tell you Wednesday." Riley chuckled.

"Is there any errands you would like me to run?" He asked smiling.

"Now you mention it." Riley grinned. She held out her hand and her bag came tumbling through the air.

Fred watched smiling to himself as Remus and Riley shared hushed words between them whilst she rummaged through her bag. He wondered for a moment why they were whispering, but he was far too distracted by the cheeky smile on her face.

"Fred?" Charlie laughed.

"Yeah?" He asked absentmindedly. "I mean. Yeah, charl?" Fred repeated a little more enthusiastically.

"Are you gonna tell us what happened?" Charlie asked excitedly.

"We didn't have sex. You still don't win your bet." Fred chuckled.

"Fuck sake." Charlie huffed playfully.

"Bill?" Riley called from her place by Remus. Bill turned his attention to the girl, raising his eyebrows in anticipation to see what she wanted, hiding the fact that they were teasing Fred a second ago. "When are you next in work?" She asked happily.

"Tuesday. Why?" Bill chuckled.

"Just wondering." Riley beamed and turned her attention back to Remus.

"Wonder what she's up to." George laughed quietly.

"She's always up to something." Bill shrugged.

When Remus left everyone moved to lounging in the back garden. Bill and Charlie were changing between sitting at the table and sitting on the floor, the rest of them were sat on the grass chatting happily. Ginny was gushing to Bill and Charlie about the horses and how amazing Riley was on the huge angry animal.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like a job with me and the dragons?" Charlie asked cheekily.

"If it wasn't in Romania, I'd consider it." Riley chuckled.

"What's keeping you here, Lil Wolf?" Bill asked teasingly.

"Piss off." Riley laughed.

Molly came outside holding post. She had a small smile on her face when she sheepishly admitted that they had came Friday and had completely forgot to let them know. She handed one to Ginny, Ron, George and Riley. Ginny and Ron both stood up without another word and disappeared back into the house to go and answer their letters. George began reading his, which was addressed to both of the twins but Fred didn't seem too interested.

At first Riley was confused about who had written to her at the Wealsey's house, but once she saw the writing it made a whole lot of sense.

Hello Riley,

I thought I should let you know, I've not been spending every day in the house. My Aunt has been telling me to go out, as long as I'm back for dinner. I'm not really sure why. So I've been going for walks and things around my area.

I was just wondering, if she tells me to go out on Wednesday, is there somewhere you'd like me to wait for you? Or will you be able to find me easily enough?

Would you be able to send Misty with yours and Ron's letters, Erroll is a bit less discrete and I don't want my Aunt and Uncle to hear him. I'll leave my bedroom window open so she can come straight in.

See you soon

Love Harry

Riley chuckled to herself, pleased to hear that Harry is getting out of the house a little more. She rummaged in her bag for some parchment and a pencil, not really wanting to set herself up at a table to use a quill and ink. As she began writing her reply George passed the letter he was reading over to Fred. It was mere moments later that Fred sighed slightly.

"I won't." Fred shrugged.

"Oh come on, don't make me go on my own." George groaned.

"What is it?" Riley asked curiously as she wrote.

"Lee has invited us to stop over his Monday and Tuesday." George answered quickly.

"Why don't you want to go, My Love?" Riley laughed slightly.

"You have training." Fred spoke softly as he passed out cigarettes.

"So?" Riley asked confused. "You should go, Darlin."

"Not while you're here." Fred dismissed with a smile.

"Whipped already Freddie-boy?" Charlie teased.

"Piss off." Fred rolled his eyes.

"You should go Fred. She's doing great in training, she will be alright for two days." Bill chuckled.

"C'mon Freddie." George coaxed.

"I'll spend time with Ginny. You should go. You haven't been anywhere so far this summer." Riley smiled as she turned to face him.

"I went to yours." Fred in a matter-of-fact tone.

"That don't count" Charlie reminded.

After a while of convincing Fred, he finally agreed to go and spend some time with his friend. He wasn't thrilled about leaving Riley. He didn't want to leave her while she was training, he didn't really want to spend nights away from her. If it was just for a day he would have said yes instantly, but they had slept next to eachother every night for almost nine months.

If Riley was being completely honest, she didn't really want to spend a night away from Fred either. But she wanted him to spend time with his friends so she kept that small detail to herself. She wasn't sure she was going to sleep great while he was away, but she was looking forwards to spending some one on one time with Ginny.

When Fred finally caved, Charlie went inside to go and straighten Ginny's bedroom up a little. Since that's where he was sleeping for the past few weeks, and he was leaving Monday afternoon. Once Charlie was out of earshot Bill informed the trio that they were having a bonfire tomorrow night. Percy was going to be forced to stay home and they were going to have one last little get together before Charlie went back to Romania.

It didn't take long for Bill to change his glance to one of questioning. He had an eyebrow cocked and a small smirk on his face.

"So," Bill started. "The hot tub?" He asked teasingly.

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