Issei the Dark Dragon God

By Ghostthedestroyer

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issei was mistreated by his family and the orc he have 2 siblings who hate him for not having sacred gear but... More

issei bio
Chapter 1:the beginning
Chapters 2:The Awakening
Chapter 3:unexpected guest
Chapter 4:KFC&training
Chapter 5: fighting phenix part 1
Chapter 6:fighting phenix final part
Harem part 1
Chapter 7:The watchers
Chapter 8:New weapon and the holy swords
Chapter 9:Lust in class and a fiance
Chapter 10:Battle preparation
Chapter 11: 1 side fight
chapter 12 : Love bloom
Chapter 13:Family day
Chapter 14:Faction Meeting
Harem part 2
Chapter 15: Child Play
Chapter 16:AI
Chapter 17:Summer break
Chapter 18: Normal day
Chapter 19:Biju mode and moving on
Chapter 20: north faction meeting
Chapter 21: keep god in check
Chapter 22:unexpected proposal and ghost from the past
Harem part 3
Chapter 23:Shinobi world
Chapter 24: Feel like home
Chapter 25: Black dragon and have a tour
Chapter 26:Copy ninja and the banquet
Chapter 27:Sage Mode
Chapter 28: The fight and the return
Chapter 29:The consert and promotion Exams
Chapter 30: Fear
Chapter 31: Singularity 1 part 1
Harem Part 4
Chapter 32 Singularity 1 part 2
Chapter 34: Singularity 2 Part 2
Chapter 35: Singularity 2 Part 3
Chapter 36: Singularity 2 part 4
Chapter 37: Wake up to reality

Chapter 33 Singularity 2 Part 1

883 27 6
By Ghostthedestroyer

It was another like any other but for Issei who was in bed still thinking about yesterday how Olga and Mash kissed him, he still in denial.

"Partner you being ridiculous now it's just a kiss you had plenty in our world what the problem now".
"It's not just a kiss ddraig we talking about fate having a relationship with me do you know what can change".
"Ohh what would be you are the main protagonist now in this story just think about it now you will go to other singularities think about it from what I saw from your memories you will maybe have Jeanne d'arc and maybe her dark self as your servant and we even gonna meet another version of Fafnir don't you see the opportunity". Issei who think about it now his eyes wide if the story continue like he remembers he would have many things to explain and now his memories surface remember version of artoria in Camelot singularity.

"Who would have taught you having a crush on the king of the knights but seeing the circumstances it maybe good to your favor she having a version of Welsh dragon heart inside of her maybe the biggest cause".
"No it's not that I mean who wouldn't be she's dead gorgeous and her eyes make me melt from it but fate played wrongly for her and Mordred".
"Yea forgetting about her don't forget if we meet the version that want revenge on her it will be crazy encounter".
"No kidding if she knew about Chaldea she would go to fuyuki to phase her mother but I think I need to fix it".

"Ohhh you know entering a women fighting is a death sentence but why are you want to fix it".
"Simple you where right I may will be her master in near future so her problems will be mine I want to bring the end cycle of hate".
"It seems you want to bring everyone together it's not a bad thing but don't forget not all hate can desapear this easily".

"I know that why I will try hard even if I need to drills it to there brains".
"Hahaha there no dull moment with you partner well then it's seems time for the second singularity".
"Yes well I need to go catch you later".

Minutes later.

Issei now who wears his new suit for the jump to singularity in that same minutes mash enters his room she wears her suit also.

"Good morning senpai are you ready". Said mash who still have some pink blush cheeks.
"Yes just checking everything in order let's go right". In that both enter the command room and see doctor Romani with a women stand beside him she have a good figure and elegant Issei knew her instantly.
"Hey you two you both look good with the rayshift suit".
"Do I need to wear this I mean it's so tight".

"Normally I will let you but that's regulations and besides when you go to the next rayshift you will be in your normal clothes and this maybe a dangerous journey for you both she will be in charge monitoring you both let me introduce Mrs Leonardo da Vinci.

"Ahhh yea Leonardo I remembered what about Olga".
"She's doing other things and she says she will monitor you later".
"Well if that is the case nice to meet you Mrs Leonardo".

"Ohh fufuffu nice too meet you too master of mash I heard many things of you many intriguing as Romani say I'm engenire of Chaldea department but I think you know that already".
"You catch on fast the one who loves the Mona Lisa he becomes it".
"Well well you know your stuff very well".

"Of course a Genuine pervert".
"How cruel of you ise chan".
"Ahh well let us get over with it I'm excited now".
After some laughs and giggles Issei and mash enter their own coffin and wait for the rayshift It felt like hours but they were minutes they disappeared and appeared in the second singularity.

"It's seems it worked senpai are you okay".
"Yes I'm fine all in one piece".in that fou who was hidden jump from mash.

"Fouu you came with us".
"Yea it may slipped from mind he will be in most if not all future singularities".
"Ahh what I will do with you". Said mash who is holding fou who turns his face to the side like the innocent he is.

"Not a care in the world hahaha what can you do ,now let's contact the doctor". Then Issei sees his watch and presses a button it shows romani in windows mode.

"Good it's working and you both made it do you like the new update it is more simple to use and operate".
"I know that, now if I remember correctly it's 1431 A.D correct".
"Yes, you are now in DomRĒmy village in the Loraine region of France it's about out of the way but it's within the limits".

Issei then looked at the sky and smirked mash see this and looked up and saw a huge ring Romani saw this was shocked it was some kind witch craft ritual.

Issei then look at the village it was sitting on fire he knew the culprit was he sighed it had beginning.
"But for our information there no record of a huge fire history is changing the ring of light it maybe have caused something".
"Well your half true I already know the culprit of this don't worry so I think our orders is to investigate right". Romani just give a smile.
"You guest it".

Other POV.

In a huge cathedral there are two standing where a woman with small figure blond hair and black plate armor becomes to chant.

"Thou art under my command if thou shalt take upon thy sword in accordance with the will of the grail if you shall obey this feeling this reason then answer, swear it here I shall be the one to spread evil across this unchanging land but those whose eyes are clouded over with chaos you shall serve me thou captured within the cage of madness I'm the one who shall reign in those chains thou the seven heavens clad in the great three powers of the word break free from the ring of restraint! Hand that holds the scales".

After the chant is over a huge light blind all from it comes people who was in there knees.

"You have came my fellow servants I am your master, gillies bring him in".
"Understood". Said the man with huge eyes brought an old man who was shaking from fear.
"Who you all are why are you doing this to me you over there answer me". Asked the old man who want to know why he was there.
"It's been a while bishop pierre cauchon".from her voice the bishop was scared and having a panic.
"No it's impossible you supposed to be dead it must be a dream". Then he felt a piece of metal go through his leg he become to scream from agony.
"Now you still think it's still a dream don't you remember you set me on fire for 3 days".
"Save me save me please I will do anything ". The bishop become to beg for mercy be didn't want to die".then more piece of metal have been pierce through his skin.
"Now now bishop there no room begging right now your life is over you remember you ordered for me to be killed yet your faith is weak as paper do you remember the way you killed me ohhh yes I remember burned to death but you will be burned by fire of hell haha haha ". The woman who become to laught historical see the bishop who scream from agony feeling his skin gone even his bones in his last breath he say.
"Witch this damn witch". And for all want to know the witch name she is Jeanne d'arc.

"I might have enjoyed that a little too much we still have plenty of work to do getting back to business I am your master Ruler Jeanne D'arc I have only one wish for you to destroy this country that called itself french kill as much you want I don't care if it a man a women even if it a child slaughter everyone of them even a saint or a hero there existence is a waste of space show me your devotion". After that and welcoming her servant now it was obvious the holy grail had beginning what will our hero do let's see.

Issei POV

"Our objective is to restore the singularity to do that we need the grail locate it near this Era".
"Don't worry Dr I know the way to it but it will be haptic from here now".
"I know be careful you two".
"Roger that the city seems most dead she really did many number of them".
"Who she senpai". Said mash intrigued.
"Simple Mash the one who died 3 days ago and return from the bonfire Jeanne alter or Jalter for short".

"It's a name she go by think about a corrupted version like we saw in fuyuki city like king Arthur".
"Okay now I get it".
"And DA Vinci chan I know your in command what the status".
"Ohhh you kill joy well from your talk you where right the responsible of this was indeed the maid of Orleans Jeanne d'arc from what we see is still normal you can continue normal investigation".
"Roger that there are still some survivors in the city most men are dead Da Vinci prove me wrong but Jeanne did summon a dragon right".
"You guest it seems she became a master and summoned it, dragons didn't exist in France of this year".

"Technicall manager da Vinci we have a problem".
"What the problem".
"We have many lives form approaching".

"Wyvern is coming all men raise your weapon women and children go hide now". Said the soldier who become to rinn the bell".
Then a dragon shoot a huge fireball killed him and the building he was in it.
"Issei stop you know this singularity will be fixed after getting the grail the people who died will come back you two will not of you both died".

"Da Vinci I understand this but don't misunderstand I'm not someone who will let those die even if they return do you think my concuis will be good the answer is no so do your job I will do mine I need to teach this dragon how to respect there elders". Issei eyes have turn to slits his aura become to raise the dragons who feel this was trembling da Vinci who on it's chair after Issei talk had a smile it's seems this master is more intriguing then she enticpated.

"Miss OP, please monitor any magic reaction near Issei we need to deal with anything that happens".
"Already doing it".
"Your fast".
"I was formerly in the medical department Mash trust him so I will trust him also I won't them die".
"Everyone is kind".

Retuning to Issei who was in the sky kicking some wyvern asses and mash was fighting a dragon with her shield then Issei see a child on the ground he picker her up to see where her parents is.

"This kid was been separated from it's parents can you take care of her".
"Roger". A soldier take the child to safty then another soldier become to scream like a crazy person.
"It's our fault we are the one who killed our saints and turn her to a dragon witch she gonna eradicate us". Then a women comes and slap him.
"I don't know who you think you are but don't speak someone else daughter".
"Director she is".
"I know".
"I know she's better than this she is kind not like what you hear".
"Don't mess with me old hag".the soldier would continue off not the dragon who would tear off his head and prepare to shoot the women in that Issei use instant transmission and redirect the fire to its source.

"Full counter". In that the flame return twice the damage incinerate the dragon to oblivion then he see a women in disguise helping the women who would been a kabab if not for Issei intervention she tell her to hide the women see her she was in tears it was her daughter she wants her to stay but she believes in her she goes to hide after that Mash and Issei was following the women with the disguise to the nearest forest.

"I think it's time to talk Jeanne". The woman stopped walking removing her disguise and Mash would attack but Issei held her arm shocked his head She lowered her shield.
"Well it's my disguise have failed I'm Jeanne d'arc ruler class servant".

Minutes later.

"I fear it was mere hour's since my manifestation when I appeard in this Era it's impossible for me to be the dragon witch".
"We already know that you can't be in two place at the same time even for heroic spirit". Then Dr Romani ask about things after that he told her her capability is low for servant.
"Well that would be the case I feel like a rookie servant".

"A rookie servant miss Jeanne what would you do now". Asked mash.
"It's Simple I'm going to save Orleans once again from the dragon witch Jeanne d'arc even if I don't have a revelation from god I swear it even if I have to do it alone". Said Jeanne with a smile.

"Well your resolve is admirable it's seems our turn to introduce ourselves I'm Issei voldigoad and this is mash kyrielight still a rookie servant but she can be more then that hope you believe in our words your not alone in this". Jeanne in the first time in ages her eyes shine and her heart beat from Issei words then raise her hand as shaking position and Issei shake her hand but unknownly the command Issei hand become to give a low shine then return normal.

Hours passed

Issei was thinking about something while mash was in deep sleep.
"You should sleep also you need some rest". Said Jeanne worriedly.
"Don't worry it's not my first time be this late".

"Then Tell me something about you Issei if that the case".
"Nothing to speak really I'm coming from a world where the age of gods still existing to the these days like bibalic factions Greece's north etc ... And now there is a new problem like chaos brigade some wannabes nothing much".

"Then you meet god right". Issei for his unfortunately had a sad face not for him but for her Jeanne see this and asked.

"Ahh in my world god is dead Jeanne from what I heard he died in a great war with 4 Satan's and the heavenly dragons that I was told". This revelation shocked Jeanne to the core god is dead if so does this mean her's also was her revelation was also wrong then she feels a hand on her head she see Issei with reassuring smile.

"Look Jeanne I know how he must be important for you I don't know if he also exist in this world but if not don't let that turn you down you are what you are a strong women who saved many people even with those burned you unjustly you still the same kind and justice women I ever known so don't let that let you down you are Jeanne d'arc saint of Orleans are you not". From Issei word Jeanne was seeing a new light her soul that was crying from grieve have stopped and looked to Issei red eyes she felt comfort she felt alive she felt even stronger his word make her warm from the inside out.

"Thank you Issei thank you your right even if he isn't here I will be the same".
"That the Jeanne I knew now I will sleep now get some you two you need it also even for heroic spirit. Issei then returned near the tree and closed his and slept next to mash Jeanne just chuckled from this and slept also while still thinking of Issei word no man have ever say this word to her no man make her heart jump from this what was this feeling she didn't know but she didn't dislike it she remembered her mother please to see her face and calling her Janet but Jeanne still walking in her heart she was sad see her mother like this but she still walking it was for the best.

Hours later.

The sun have rissen Issei and mash still sleeping Jeanne who about to wake up.

"What a nice morning". Jeanne who heard this have open her eyes and listen more.
"It's time to go everyone I know you all aren't morning person's but I don't care".
"A voice someone voice is streaming in".
"It's doesn't matter if you are a vampire or not dead apostol aren't they is that right? Who cares if you going to kill make sure to turn the area under the flag of hell". The sound stopped Jeanne her eyes widen she removed herself form the ground and screamed.
"Wake up you two". Issei eyes opened and mash they go up also prepare themselves.

"We have confirmed there more evil lifeform coming few kilometers away there a town called charité go to there seek refuge ". Said Romani Issei see Jeanne is pale it's seems her mana is go down because she doesn't have a master then Jeanne become to sprint to the town Issei and mash go after her after they where there there was a huge dragon and many wyverns he was charging his fire to shoot Jeanne was shocked she see her mother in the city Issei moves fast and do hand signed.

{Earth Style earth cacoon} in that that dragon shoot his flames and hit the caccon was protecting the people.
"Mother". Shit Jeanne was gonna going to her mother aid but mash stopped her Issei then use instant transmission+ sage mode to transfer people to new place the cacoon was destroyed dark Jeanne was laughing from the scenario infront of her then she notice her other self there.

"Well now I didn't think this will happen how small and pathetic other me".
"Jalter". Said Issei with serious eyes that turn slits Jalter see this take a step back why her body moved by itself but she shook her head.
"What was that even smaller things a new attendant to replace gellie Ill have to introduce mine then come now my servant". Jalter have summon her servant make Jeanne shocked and see she outnumbered.

"Master we are surrounded and all are hostiles".
"Mash and Issei get out of here those are all servants".
"Easy said then done when all of them in every side".
"What with that face and the small thing over there was that face to funny it's so ridiculous I may die from laughter so before that I need to to kill you first". Said Jalter with a sadistic grin.

There five servant not that they do much for me but for Jeanne and mash they are allot Issei was thinking what to do he may go overboard if he wants too it may do bads then good for now.

"What with the look of your face little mice I wander what you all thinking". Said Jalter make fun of them Issei just sighed from her antics yes she is ruthless like always.

"You are you really me". Asked Jeanne see a copy of herself but was darker.
"I don't understand why are you doing this why are you destroying France I ask you again are you really me".
"I'm shocked from your words have you forgotten what they did to you how thyr burn you and declare you as. A witch even a child can see the poetic justice I will turn french to what it must be in the first place a town with corpses and despair if you can't see that then your aren't me well now the time talk is over die country girl with your accomplices". Said Jeanne who will attack but then a sound came stoping.
"Vivan la France". A carriage came down Issei see this smile the other servant have come in that they see the ring other servant have came to aid them Jeanne was mad.
"Don't kid your self in that Jeanne send a huge blast almost hit them but in good reflexes all gone to the carriage and disappeard.
"Ahhh whatever we will meet again".

Return to Issei

After carriage sat down and Issei descend from it he look at the servants.
"You 4 should take your sweet time".
"You knew we will come".
"Of course I can sense a servant with a mile".
"Wow never heard someone like you Mr".
"Ohh sorry I'm Issei voldigoad, this mash and Jeanne".
"Okay Issei it's our turn to introduce ourselves".

"It's nice to meet you all I'm Mary Antoinette classs rider".
"Your really said your name and class well whatever I'm Wolfgang Amadeus class caster".
"Elizabeth bathory class is lancer".
"I'am called kiyohime my class is beserker".

To be continued.

With all of the introduction what will our hero do after the destruction of the town stay tuned to the next part

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