Double Trouble | Paige Buecke...

By UndercoverN_

98.7K 2.7K 303

A Nika Muhl & Paige Bueckers x two fem readers Alyssa Knight, the upcoming dual UCONN volleyball & softball c... More

~ One ~
~ Two ~
~ Three ~
~ Four ~
~ Five ~
~ Seven ~
~ Eight ~
~ Nine ~
~ Ten ~
~ Eleven ~
~ Twelve ~
~ Thirteen ~
~ Fourteen ~
~ Fifthteen ~
~ Sixteen ~
~ Seventeen ~
~ Eighteen ~
~ Nineteen ~
~ Twenty ~
~ Twenty-One ~
~ Twenty-Two ~
~ Twenty-Three~
~ Twenty-Four~
~ Twenty Five ~
~ Twenty-Six ~
~ Twenty-Seven ~
~ Twenty-Eight ~
A/N part 2

~ Six ~

2.8K 73 12
By UndercoverN_

Maia P.O.V

"Lyz are you almost done? Paige is outside waiting for us!" I call out, the blonde having offered to drive us to the club we were meeting her team and Alyssa's at. The D1 player saying, and I quote, 'You've driven me twice, time for me to return the favor'.

The memory makes me roll my eyes fondly, it's been two weeks since I officially started as a part of the media team for them and despite it only being two weeks, I was getting along with the team very, very well and I could see Alyssa was as well.

"Yeah once second!" I hear my best friends voice call out from her room, before hearing a few things crashing around behind the door making me flinch slightly. I blink, making my way over and knocking on the shut door.

"You alright in th-" The door quickly opens with a half dressed Alyssa pulling me into the room.

"More Masc or more fem?" She asks quickly, looking in her closet, various amount of shoes on the floor. I laugh, Alyssa's day to day was a mixture of both honestly so I just shrugged and spoke the first word that popped in my mind.

"Fem." She nods at my choice before grabbing an outfit from her closet, disappearing into the bathroom.

"Give me five!"

I laugh again, moving to sit on her bed as I feel a vibration in my purse that's around my shoulder. Removing the strap from off my shoulder and sticking my hand into the bag I take out my phone, smiling at the name on it before answering.

"You guys alright in there?" The voice on the other side of the line jokes,, I can feel my smile growing a bit just from hearing the girl talk.

"Oh you know, Lyz is just having a last minute indecisive spree. Nothing new." I answer, looking at my nails before fixing my black halter top. When getting ready I had decided on a white halter top, black jeans and some black and white converse, nothing too fancy but definitely enough to catch certain eyes at a club. "We'll be out soon, I promise. Sorry for being late."

"Don't worry ma, I'm in no rush. Just wanted to make sure my girls were alright. I'll be out here." Paige responds with a laugh before ending the call, my heartbeat speeding up from the tone and word choice she had used before shaking my head and running a hand through my hair. After practice yesterday, I had convinced Alyssa to help me dye my hair, so as I look into the standing mirror Alyssa has in her room, I smile at the brown, chestnut hair looking back at me.

I wonder how Paige is going to react...

"Alright I'm ready, sorry." Alyssa speaks, coming out of the bedroom door with ripped denim jeans and a black crop top on, the garment being short enough to definitely show off her abs that were usually hidden underneath a longer shirt or sweatshirt. The volleyball player moves across the room, reaching over me and grabbing a pair of silver earrings and a necklace. The girl putting the earrings on before handing me the necklace, bending down slightly. "Can you?"

I nod, moving to clip the jewelry around the back of her neck before patting her shoulder when I was done. Watching the other stand up to her full height. "Not too shabby, Knight." She grins back at me.

"Why thank you Miss Parker." She drawls, holding out a hand towards me. "Shall we? I believe your knight in shining armor waits outside." The comment causes me to roll my eyes with a blush, but I take my best friends hand.

"We shall."


"You look really good. I'm loving the new hair." Paige says to me as we walk into her view, the older female moving to open her car door for me as I smile at her, noticing the tint on her cheeks.

"Whatttt, nothing for me P? Aw that's cold." I hear Alyssa joke as I get inside the vehicle, leading to Paige stuttering out a 'You too' before pouting and grumbling something as the black-hair girl stated she was just playing around.

"Now remember. If it gets to be too much we can just leave okay Lyz? We can get an uber." I state as the girl sits behind me in the backseat, knowing how bad her anxiety could get in crowded rooms. Not hearing a response, I turn around to the freshman picking at her fingers, a nervous habit that I swat at her fingers to get her to stop. "Lyz..."

"You guys won't even have to get an Uber. I can bring you guys back if she needs to leave early, no sweat, I don't mind it as long as she's alright." Paige offers as she keeps her eyes on the road, GPS taking us to the destination of the club.

"Alright... Alright I'll tell you guys if I get overwhelmed I promise." Her gaze switches between me and Paige. "Thank you."

"Of course love," I smile at my best friend/pretty much little sister.

"You got it, Knight." Paige nods her head in the rearview, garnering a smile from my friend who leans back in the backseat, pulling out her phone.

"I'm going to text the girls that we're on our way. Or, at least my girls, I'm assuming you've told the basketball team already?" She speaks out, looking at the back of Paige's head, who just nods again. I take the time to take in the girl's outfit, a basic gray crop sweat short combo that showed off all the right toned muscles (The stock X collab). As my eyes scan up I notice the faint make up on the girl's face, highlighting her cheekbones and bringing out her already impossibly blue eyes.

Screw me looking good, she looked amazing.

"Sweet." Alyssa responds to Paige's nod, fiddling around with her phone before placing it back down. The small device vibrating multiple times in a row as the girl sighs. I raise an eyebrow, turning around a bit to glance back at her.

"Volleyball team group chat. I texted that we were coming and now a few girls are asking me if I'm with Azzi and Caroline." Paige's eyebrows go up at that before she starts laughing.

"No way, some of your team likes Azzi?"

"I plead the fifth."

"Oh I have to tell her that." Buecker's laughter grows at the thought of her best friend having fans.

"If you do, it didn't come from me. Does she even like girls?"

"Oh she's definitely woman lover for sure. I don't know if she has her eyes on anyone as she kinda stays quiet about that sort of stuff. More interested in butting in my own 'love life'" She quotes, fingers straying from the steering wheel for just a second before going back. "But she's a certified pussy eater."

My eyes widen as Alyssa starts cackling, I move to hit the girl in the shoulder, not hard obviously, she's driving but still hard enough to be felt. "Paige!"

"What? I just speak the truth!"

"I'm so changing Azzi's name in my phone to Certified Pussy Eater."



About 20 minutes later, multiple dirty jokes from the two college athletes with me, and many eye rolls and head shakes from me, may I add. We arrive to the night club that Alyssa's team had planned to go to.

Exiting the car after Paige finds a parking spot is the easy part. Trying to find the two D1 college teams is a little bit more difficult. The data in the area absolutely SUCKS. So we're stuck trying to look for any familiar faces in the crowd, which you wouldn't think would be too difficult since we're looking for super tall girls, from either team, but at last it seems like luck isn't in our favor.

"Hey guys!"

Or maybe it is. I see Paige turn towards the voice, face brightening as Azzi walks towards us.

"It's about time you guys got here. We we're about to send out a search party." The girl laughs, hugging Paige before winking at me and Alyssa. Alyssa waves and I accept the hug Azzi throws my way.

"I'm so sorry we're late. Wardrobe malfunctions."

"No apologies! I was just playing with you guys, come on. The teams are already together, we found a big ass booth for all of us."

"Sick. Lead the way Fazzi." Paige grins at Azzi who shakes her head at the nickname before taking us to the area she was talking about.

"Okay Knight! I see you!" One of Alyssa's teammates call out, obviously a few drinks in as they clap their hands on the table, bringing attention to the girl behind me.

"Muscles for days! I knew your quads were something else but look at that stomach." A girl stands up, taking a moment I remember her name as Jess as the girl hugs a blushing Alyssa.

"Yeah yeah, I put on something that's not covering my stomach and everyone goes bonkers." She jokes, pushing Jess away slightly as the girl had been stumbling back into her. "I can see you guys didn't waste any time."

"We have tomorrow off because it's Sunday! It's a Saturday night, why not?" Jess calls again, raising up a glass in her hand before moving to go sit back down. Alyssa's eyes dart to mine and I raise my hand, mimicking a breathing motion as bring it back down slowly.

"Breathe." I mouth, "You'll be okay." Alyssa nods.

"Hey, we saved you guys some seats. Cute hair." Evina appears from around the corner, Caroline standing next to her as she gestures to a side where a few seats are open, Nika on side and one of Alyssa's teammates on another. I grin and thank the girl.

"I call the one next to Nika." Paige sits down, whispering something to the brunette who just blinks before moving to the seat on the other side of her, which would leave her sitting next to Alyssa and Paige next to myself.

"Did something happen?" Aaliyah asks

"Yeah I like stretching out and there was a bar underneath my seat, I just asked Nika if she wouldn't mind switching." She waves the girl with braids off, causing Aaliyah to stare her down, not believing the blondes words as Paige gives her a sheepish grin and a shrug. I take the moment to sit down in the seat next to Paige, Alyssa sitting down next to Nika.

Once I place my bag on my lap, I lean forward slightly to see Alyssa talking to one of her teammates next to her as Paige makes conversation with Nika. I really really hope that Alyssa will be alright tonight, usually I would stick close to her during outings like this but she really will need to learn how to hang out with others, especially with her team. I know she hasn't been around them long but she has stated how it was easier to be herself around the girls basketball because I was still around. I'm not around her team as much as she is around the girls I do media for, so I'm hoping everything will be fine tonight.

"Penny for your thoughts pretty girl?" Paige's voice makes me snap out of my inner turmoil, I shake my head with a soft laugh.

"It's nothing."

"You sure?"

"Mhm." I smile at her and the blonde smiles back.

"Alright... Do you want anything to drink? I'm going to go get one." She motions, beginning to stand up and I nod, moving with her.

"Sure, I'd love one."


Nika's P.O.V

The moment I saw Alyssa, Maia and Paige walk in my eyes were glued to the volleyball player. The outfit she was wearing was simple, not too much but the way her jeans hugged the curve of her body and the way her crop top showed just the right amount of muscle and skin.. The way her hair was curled giving her an almost messy, sexy appeal...

"Sup twin! So I'm going to say this right now before they get the chance to sit down but if you want to sit next to Alyssa you should sit on the other side of me because I'm pretty sure she's going to sit in the seat where she has a volleyball teammate on her side." I blink absentmindedly, mind still on how good Alyssa looked but I just nodded slowly, switching to the other seat that Paige had said.

I hear Paige give Aaliyah some half-assed excuse about why we switched seats. I wasn't sure exactly what she said but I'm sure Aaliyah didn't believe her, knowing her, I wouldn't either shit.

"Hi there." Alyssa smiles at me as she sits down, her eyes looking with mine as I return the expression.

"Hi." I respond back, really? That's all I could come up with to respond back, hi? Lightening come strike me down now.

"Have you guys been here long? I'm sorry we took so long." She rubs the back of her neck as she looks at me, avoiding eye contact with a blush. My smile grows at the sight and I move my hand to gently took her head back to me, making her look me in the eyes.

"It's fine, if we have to wait for a beautiful sight like this, I'm always going to be more than patient." Her eyes widen slightly before softening, grinning at me as I look at her. Where this confidence was coming from I have no clue because my heart was definitely trying to fight it's way out of my rib cage and through my skin. Even with the music blaring around us, it sounded muffled as I looked at her.

"Well I'm glad I could impress you." She says, moving to grab my hand in her own and squeezing it slightly before letting go, brushing some of her hair behind her ear. "You look beautiful tonight as well."

Ah, there's the blush from me again.

"T-Thank you." I stutter, and shit, there goes my confidence too I guess. She laughs at the stutter and looks like she was going to say something again before her attention was drawn away by one of her teammates again.


I stop myself from glaring, however an annoyed huff escapes my mouth as I go back to nursing the drink in front of me. I hate how I act the moment her attention is on someone else, or honestly not even that, I just don't like Jess. She's bad news, I can feel it.

Feeling a gaze my direction, I glance to my right to see Maia looking at Alyssa before Paige says something to her and the two get up, heading to the bar. Looking back down at the cup of vodka in my hand, I sigh, tilting the cup up and downing the rest.

I could definitely hold my liquor, benefit of Croatian heritage I guess. But even though it took me ALOT to get even drunk. I blame me potentially being tipsy, I wasn't I knew this, but that's what I told myself as I stood up with a confidence I didn't even know I had outside of my friends and the basketball court as the warmth of the vodka stays in my throat. Turning to Alyssa and tapping her shoulder, the girl looks up to me, breaking her attention away from her teammate as her brown eyes look into my own. I hold out a hand.

"Wanna dance?" I ask, once again in my native language, and when she tilts her head I ask again, a bit louder so she can here me over the accent. A lightbulb clicking as she understands the language, a smile coming onto her lips.

"I'd love to." She responds back in Croatian, taking my hand as I pull her out of her seat. I take the moment she's distracted to stick my tongue out at Jess before we turn away, going to the dance floor.

Yeah this girl is going to drive me crazy, but that's okay because I wouldn't want it to be anyone else.

@TheRealKnight Saturday Night Lights ft. Maia Pookie, A dance with Nika and @UconnWBB @UconnWVB @NikaMuhl @Parker.M

Liked by @Paigebueckers @NikaMuhl @CaitlinClark and 10,427 others


@Parker.M Hottie, can I have your number?
@CaitlinClark Parker.M She's mine, we're getting married on her birthday

Liked by creator

@TheRealKnight CaitlinClark Damn I didn't know that, I missed the memo to my own wedding to THE Clark? shit thats messed up

@CaitlinClark TheRealKnight You can make it up to me later baby girl

@TheRealKnight CaitlinClark LMAO baby girl is crazy

@NikaMuhl I never really knew that she could dance like that :)

Liked by creator

@TheRealKnight NikaMuhl She make a man wanna speak spanish~

@user5 I don't know if I like her better with Caitlin or Nika anymore

@user7 user5 didnt her and Caitlin and her have a thing when they were younger

@user8 user5 user 7 did they????

@BucketsNIce Nika and Alyssa were dancing like they were drunk despite being one of the ONLY few sober ones. Oh and also, pretty girl @YouHaveMaiaHeart new hair <3

Liked By @LyzBeHonest, @AllAboutNika, @AaliyahSings and 122 others

@AllAboutNika Don't hate on the moves twin

@BucketsNIce AllAboutNika I wish there was something to hate on yall have none

@HeyItsArnold BucketsNIce FOUL

@YouHaveMaiaHeart Thats why you had your phone out while we were waiting for our drinks omg

@BucketsNIce YouHaveMaiaHeart 🤭

@LyzBeHonest BucketsNIce YouHaveMaiaHeart Gay

@YouHaveMaiaHeart LyzBeHonest You're one to talk

@LyzBeHonest YouHaveMaiHeart 🫥

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