I loved you in secret - walte...

By omrslyrics

2.8K 134 119

how Walter and Henry fall in love during the events of young royals, how they keep their relationship casual... More

And you kissed me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever
All this shit is new to me
And we know it's never simple, never easy
I'd go back in time and change it but I can't
Burning brighter than the sun
Wrap your arms around me
Unless you're choosing me
Now I'm all about you
Our secret moments in a crowded room
Baby, what happened? Please tell me
You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded
I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
But you weren't even listening
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
Were you standing in the hallway, with a big cake?
Swirled you into all of my poems
I chose you, the one I was dancing with
Wrapped up in your arms

My hand was the one you reached for

193 8 11
By omrslyrics

TW: vomiting, no graphic description


I woke up to my alarm, feeling Henry laying in my arms.I was puzzled for a second until I remembered what happened yesterday. Henry came back into our room, hugged me and never let go of me.

"I miss you"His words lingered. I turned my head a bit to see him. He was awake but had his eyes still closed, pressed together. The sun made his blonde hair glow in golden, strands of it falling into his face. I brushed them away, seeing his eyes blinking open for a millisecond.

"Good morning"I whispered, leaning closer to Henry.

"Good morning"His voice was raspy from sleep. He turned to me, now we were so close our noses were touching, only then opening his eyes, just to close them again afterwards.

"It's so bright"He groaned,"My head hurts"

"It's bright like this every day"I chuckled.

"It's not"He pouted.

"Whatever"I nuzzled my nose against his.

Silence filled the room for a couple of minutes. I enjoyed Henry's presence, radiating warmth next to me.

"Hey"He broke the silence,"Can we please go back to normal again?"His voice barely above a whisper, eyes opened but looking down on his hands.

"I would love to go back to normal"I started,"But I just feel like you won't tell me anything...and I just can't keep doing it this way."

Henry was quiet for a bit, I could see his face sadden a bit, then he spoke up,"I...I would love to tell you everything...but sometimes I just can't-"He stopped for a little,"It feels like I can't speak up anymore...and I'm just so scared."

"You don't need to be scared, I will never judge you"I put my hand on his chin and pulled it up so he had to look at me.

"I know"He avoided looking into my eyes,"It just scares me sometimes. No one knows anything about my parents and it's hard to talk about it."

"You don't have to tell me anything as long as you're not ready"I took his hand into mine,"But tell me you're not ready. I don't want to do anything to hurt you."

"I do. And I'm sorry I snapped like that on Friday, it was just...too much"He sounded truly sorry.

"I know. Next time please tell me"

"I will"Henry promised and then he finally closed the gap between us, kissing me.

I immediately kissed him back, our lips finally touching again. It felt like it's been ages since we last kissed and at the same time it felt like coming home. He entangled our hands and put his hand on my cheek, pulling me closer to him. I got lost in the feeling of Henry this close to me. I didn't want to stop kissing him ever again, it was all I ever needed. His soft skin brushing against mine, his breath striking my face, making me shiver and the touch of his hand still lingering on my fingers. I let my hand slide through his hair, pulling the blonde strands of hair behind his ears just for them to fall back into his face again. Then I put my hand on the back of his neck, pulling him as close as possible into the kiss.

I broke the kiss, looking directly into Henry's eyes,"I love you. And I don't want you to ever feel like you can't tell me anything or like you have to say anything for my sake. I want you to tell me everything when you're ready."I looked at him seriously, meaning every word I said.

Henry looked at me with big, happy eyes, a smile creeping up his face,"I love you"Then he leaned in and kissed me another time. This time only a short kiss before he turned around and got up,"We need to go to class."

"Noooo"This time it was me, groaning, not wanting to leave this little bubble we just built up again.

"We can't skip today"He said while he was looking through my closet.

"I knowww"I stretched my arms before I left the bed. I went to the closet as well, hugging Henry from behind.

"What are you doing?"I asked while laying my chin on his shoulder.

"Looking for a sweater that smells like you"He leaned his head to the side against mine.

"Isn't that too obvious?"I questioned, looking slightly up at him.

"As if anyone knows what your sweaters look like"Then he took a red sweater with a checked pattern out. He closed his eyes again and took a deep breath.

"I'm feeling so dizzy"Henry admitted.

"What did you do yesterday?"I was curious, keeping my voice low.

"They wanted to accept Wille into The Society. Some kind of initiation party for him."

"And you decided it was a good idea to do that the day before school?"I chuckled.

"Wasn't my idea"He groaned.

"You can stay here, if you don't feel well"I suggested.

"No, I can't. We can't give the teachers any suspicions"He took his head away from my shoulder, turned around and looked at me.

"I don't think they would get it if you don't go"

"Maybe, but I'm way too scared of August finding out that I skipped. He said we have to go to school"

"Okay but if you're feeling worse, please go to our dorm."

"I will"Henry turned around and went to his own closet. He put on a shirt and my sweater over it while I changed into normal clothes as well.

"You look cute wearing my clothes"I told him while he walked up to me, his face starting to blush.

"Shut up"

Then he pressed a kiss to my lips.

"Let's go, we're already late"

Henry reached for my hand and I gladly accepted, joining our hands. We left the room and quickly entangled our hands in the floor again.


I sat down on my usual seat in this class next to Wille. Though I would prefer to sit next to Walter right now, hold his hand secretly under the desk and adore him. With Walter sitting behind me, it wasn't even possible for me to look at him. Walter was talking with Alice and Elias, who were sitting behind him. I only barely knew Elias from forest ridge and I didn't know Alice at all and I didn't feel like talking to strangers right now.

I was still feeling dizzy, just glad I could sit now, hoping the teacher won't make me present anything and the lesson will end soon.

"Have you done the homework?"I turned around to Wille when he sat down on the seat next to me.

"Only parts of it, do you need it?"

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks"I said, a bit embarrassed.

"No problem"He opened his notebook and showed it to me. I looked through it and was about to copy some of his notes when our teacher entered the room. Everyone got up and stood behind their chairs.

"Good morning"She greeted us.

"Good morning, Miss Ådahl"Everyone sat down on their chairs again and the lesson started.

It was a torture. I counted the minutes for school to finally end. I was feeling so nauseous and couldn't concentrate on anything the teachers said at all. Luckily Walter had the same class as I most of the time and he could tell me everything I missed later. Everything around me was spinning and I was wondering how Wille could look this calm when he took around the same amount of drugs as I did and drank similarly much.

Walter looked at me many times, asking if I was okay. I told him I can get through the lesson every time even though I was not sure if I could actually do it without needing to throw up. And I don't think he really believed me as well. I tried taking deep breaths to keep calm.

I was glad when today's lessons finally finished because that meant I could go back to our dorm room.

"I'm going back to our dorms"I informed Walter before we left the classroom.

"I'm coming with you"He told me immediately.

"You don't-"I didn't want him to end all his plans for the day, just to sit in our dorm room with me.

"No, it's okay. I don't want you to be alone when you're sick"He interrupted me.

"Are you sure?"I was still sceptical that he really wanted to come with me.

"Yes, I do"He reassured me.

Then we took our things and made our way to the room.

"Oh, hey!"Maddie greeted us as we met her on our way upstairs.

"Hey"Walter and I said. She looked back and forth between the two of us.

"What's up?"Walter asked her, seemingly also having noticed her looking weirdly at us.

"Oh, nothing...Where are you two going?"She changed the topic.

"Henry's not feeling well so we're going to our dorm"Walter explained.

"Sure"She pulled the words weirdly long,"Have fun"And then she walked by next to me.

We turned around, looking at her in confusion,"What was that?"I was chuckling.

"I have no idea"Walter shook his head in disbelief.

As soon as we reached the room, I changed into more comfortable clothes before I laid down onto Walter's bed. He knelt down next to me, stroking his fingers through my hair.

"Do you need anything?"He looked concerned at me.

"No"I told him,"I just feel very dizzy and nauseous"

"Do you think you need to throw up?"He held his voice low.

"I don't know...I'm so tired"I told him honestly.

"Okay, then sleep a bit. I'm gonna stay here if something happens"He gave me a comforting smile.

"Thanks"I closed my eyes, hoping I would fall asleep soon.


I knelt in front of my bed for a while already, caressing Henry's cheek and his hair.

He didn't look like he was feeling well all day, his skin was pale and he didn't seem to be able to concentrate on anything. but he insisted on staying in class so I was happy when we could finally go back to our room.

Now he was laying there, sleeping peacefully, hopefully feeling better when he woke up again. I could admire him for hours, not caring about any kind of schoolwork I had to do. I was never really active on doing my schoolwork but especially not when I could spend time with Henry. Or rather adore him.

Being with him is one of the best things that I have ever felt like and I wouldn't want to change anything about it. I always believed that something like real love or a soulmate doesn't exist but Henry's the first person that I've seen who's proven that might be a lie. Having him with me is all I will ever need and even though we sometimes have our problems, I hope I never lose him, I hope it never ends because he is my forever.

Henry woke up a bit later, still looking like he was feeling like shit.

"How are you feeling now?"I kept my voice low, not wanting to startle him.

"I think I need to throw up"He uttered.

"Okay, then get up"I stood up in front of him, reaching for his hand so he could do so too. Instead of taking my hand, he got up on his own and rushed to the sink next to the door. I went after him, caressing his back and holding strands of his hair back, out of his face while he threw up.

"Is it better now?"I asked after he finished.

"I think so"Henry's voice was hoarse. He looked up and turned around to face me.

"Wanna go back to bed?"I suggested, reaching for his hand.

"Yeah"He nodded, taking my hand in his. I leaned into him, giving him a kiss on the forehead before we walked back to the bed.

"Can you lay down with me?"Henry asked after he laid in bed.

"Always"I smiled at him and laid behind him, spooning him until we both fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to Henry's phone beeping. I couldn't believe we slept through the rest of the day yesterday and the whole night. Henry's phone was beeping again.

"Ugh, why is your sound on?"I groaned, turning around to Henry laying next to me.

He was hastily searching for his phone on the nightstand, finally reaching it and opening his message.

"What's it?"I asked him, as he frowned his brows, looking down at the screen.

"It's August",when I heard that, I let out an annoyed sigh,"He wants to meet in the palace after our history exam. Probably about Alexander."

"What happened to Alexander?"I asked curiously.

"I don't really know. You know about the meeting after our history test yesterday?"

I nodded.

"He somehow got caught with drugs or something, I couldn't really concentrate on anything he said but I think they decided to blame Simon so Alexander can stay here."Henry explained.

"Ah, okay"I sounded a bit sad. I didn't know him that well and he was really outspoken but when we worked on our poem project together, he was really nice to me and also he really seemed to care about what happened with Henry. I knew the third years hated him but I don't see any point in blaming him for something he hasn't done.

// Author's note:

hope you liked this new chapter :)

took me a bit longer and the next ones will take longer as well since school started again and I have less time for writing now

I might or might not have quoted alley rose by conan gray here(with one word changed) cause it's an amazing song, go listen to it right now!!!

and cornelia street by taylor swift is also hidden in the text

credits to vicky for deciding the names of alice and elias(thanks<3)

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