Insomniac Marvel Spider-Man x...

By HeriocLizard630

27.6K 913 558

Best Friends with Peter Parker, Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson (MJ) you when with Peter to Oscorp where yo... More

Y/N L/N Bio
Spider-Man and Scarlet Spider VS Kingpin
My OTHER Other Job and Keeping the Peace
Don't Touch The Art
Marvel Spider-man and Scarlet Spider Trailer
A Shocking Comeback
Wheels Within Wheels
Straw, Meet Camel
Dual Purpose
Up the Water Spout...
Scarlet Spider VS Tombstone
Cat's Cradle
Collision Course
Prison Break
Spider-man and Scarlet Spider vs Electro and Vulture
Am I High?
Step Into My Parlor...
Heart Of The Matter
Be Better
Honest Question

The One That Got Away

598 35 13
By HeriocLizard630

[Y/N and Peter stand before a rooftop. They then call Yuri]

Spider-Man: Yuri, tell me you've got a lead on Martian Li's location.

Yuri Watanabe: We have footage from a guy at a coffee shop, looks like he hopped into a black sedan after the crash.

Scarlet Spider: Black sedan. Great. Anything else?

Yuri Watanabe: Yes, we have a partial plate, and one of my patrol guys just found a matching plate, black sedan, in a parking lot near Canal and Hudson.

Scarlet Spider: Thanks, Captain. We're m on our way.

[They take off to swing but get a call from Dr. Michaels]

Morgan Michaels: Spider-Man, Scarlet Spider, hello? Is this working?

Spider-Man: Dr. Michaels? How are you calling?

Dr. Michaels: "Borrowed" one of Sable's radios. Listen: transit hubs are the most likely release points for Devil's Breath. Airports, bus terminals, train stations.

Scarlet Spider: Wait, did you say train stations?

Dr. Michaels: Yes, It'll spread like wildfire if released there.

Scarlet Spider: What about Grand Central? How bad would that be?

Dr. Michaels: Very, very bad.

Spider-Man: Why the hell is Oscorp developing a bioweapon in the city? Shouldn't this be in an arctic bunker?

Dr. Michaels: Devil's Breath is personal for Norman - It's been his obsession for decades. The project breaks every state and federal regulation on the books, but he doesn't care.

Scarlet Spider: Because if the city found out, he can kiss re-election goodbye. And maybe even his entire company.

Dr. Michaels: Nevermind re-election - he'd be tried in the Hague for war crimes.

Scarlet Spider: Okay, but why are you telling us this? Aren't you just as guilty for this as Norman?

Dr. Michaels: Yes. Completely. But Li's actions have been a wake-up call. We've ignored the project's risk for too long. I trust both of you. You're the only ones trying to do the right thing. Please: protect the city from our mistakes.

[Michaels hangs up. As they get a voice-mail from Otto]

Otto: Parker, L/N, I wanted to thank both of you-your work on the neural interface has been invaluable. I wish you could see what that means right now. But it's beginning to dawn on me just how powerful and insidious the forces arrayed against true visionaries are. I promise you, though-it won't be long. Succes will come, whatever it takes.

Scarlet Spider: "Powerful and insidious forces?"

Spider-Man: I don't like the sound of that, Y/N. We need to check on Doc when this is over.

[They take off to go find the black sedan. Once arriving they look and see nothing in the sedan]

Spider-Man: Damn. Devil's Breath is gone.

Scarlet Spider: Fuck, okay I think I have a lead.

Spider-Man: Which is?

Scarlet Spider: MJ said something about Grand Central. I'll give her a call.

[Y/N tries to call MJ, but it goes straight to voice-mail]

"This is Mary Jane Watson. Please leave a detailed message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

[Y/N hangs up]

Scarlet Spider: Dammit, MJ. Not now...

Spider-Man: What are you up to now, MJ?
[It fades to MJ being at Grand Central Station as she starts to walk down the stairs she says]

MJ: Standish said the Demons are looking for something at GCT... but what could they possibly need here? Should probably call Peter and Y/N and let them know what I'm doing...Actually, scratch that. He'd probably just tell me to go home and chain myself to my laptop. I'll just check things out quick and let them know what I find.

[She walks around the place and then is before some werid device]

[She presses a button as it says what is is]

"This Gaia Microbe Dispersal Device releases specifically formulated microbes into the atmosphere, and im turn leaves our oceans and rivers cleaner than when man first walked the earth."

[As MJ listens to this, Martin Li walks up behind her. She turns around and sees this. She just says]

MJ: Mr. Li.

[Li doesn't show any emotion. All he does is walk forward while his eyes start to glow]

Martin Li: This will be easier for everyone if you remain calm, and do as I say.

[MJ turns to the right and yells to the police]

MJ: Police! Over here!

[The police guard goes to help. Li grabs MJ's arm. The guard is about to restrain Li, but a Demon comes out of literally nowhere and hits him on the leg]

MJ: No!

[After this, he grabs his leg in pain as they bash his head in knocking him out, of course. They grab the device from where MJ saw it. A Demon then grabs MJ by the arm and pulls her away as he says in Chinese]

Martin Li: Èmó! (Demons!)

[Demons nod and close the gates to the train stations, preventing anyone from escaping. Everyone looks confused as more come with guns and start to round up civilians. A Demon throws MJ on the ground and places the device directly in the middle of this hostages. Li then calls Osborn's office, vial of Devil's Breath in hand]

Norman's Assistant: Mayor Osborn's office.

Martian Li: I would like to speak with Mayor Osborn.

Norman's Assistant: Who's calling?

Martian Li: [brief pause] The man he is looking for.....

[After another brief pause, Norman says]

Norman Osborn: What do you want.

Martin Li: I want you at Grand Central Termial in thirty minutes. By yourself.

[Martin turns around and says]

Martin Li: Or there will be more blood on your hands.

[Li crushes the phone in his hand. He then puts the Devil's Breath in the device. MJ watches this sneakily type a message to Y/N and Peter]

*Party at GCT*

*Wear your best suit*

[MJ puts away her phone. It then fades back to the others as they get the message from MJ]

Scarlet Spider: What the hell-?

[Y/N and Peter call MJ]

Spider-Man: MJ! We're on our way. Are you hurt?

MJ: No, I'm fine. Just hurry.

Scarlet Spider: Oh, okay, cool...then why the fuck did you think it was a good idea to go to GCT alone knowing the Demons would be here?!

MJ: Well, I didn't exactly know what they were planning. But listen--Li's going to release Devil's Breath.

Spider-Man: You've gotta get out of there!

MJ: He's not going to do it until Norman Osborn gets here.

Scarlet Spider: That exactly makes a werid amount of sense. Have Norman release the Devil's Breath himself sk that people would blame him instead of Li.

MJ: Sort of makes sense--in a twisted psychotic way.

[Y/N and Peter land on the roof of GCT]

Spider-Man: Okay, we're here. Coming into the terminal now.

Scarlet Spider: I don't exactly have a layout of the building. Anything we should be on the lookout for?

MJ: Looks like he's got some drones patrolling--guess he's prepared for you.

Scarlet Spider: First rockets now drones. What is with this city?

Spider-Man: We're in the ventilation system. Can you see a safe exit point?

MJ: Southwest corner.

Scarlet Spider: Thanks.

[Y/N and Peter come crawling out of the vents and then zip to a vantage point.

Scarlet Spider: Those drones are everywhere. And if we get to close, the Demons of the drones will stop us.

MJ: See that tablet I'm looking at? That controls the drones.

Spider-Man: Think you can snag it?

MJ: Yes...if you can distract them. And not get shot.

Scarlet Spider: No promises.

Spider-Man: Tell me when.

[After a pause she says]

MJ: Okay, I'm ready.

[Peter then shoot a web at the clock causing a loud BANG to be heard]

Demon: Zài nà biān (Over there!)

[They go to investigate as MJ sneaks past all the hostages and is at the tablet  she grabs it but a guy says....]

"They're not gonna take me without a fight."

[He goes to punch the Demon but the Demon knees him in the side. And then holds a gun to his face planning to kill him]

Demon: Bìxū shì yīngxióng... (Had to be a hero...)

[MJ then puts her hands up and says]

MJ: Wait!

Scarlet Spider: MJ, what the hell are you doing?!

[Y/N whisper shouts. The Demon points a gun at MJ]

MJ: Let's all just relax.

[The Demon points a gun at the hostages head]

Demon: Tíngzhǐ. Bùrán wǒ yě kāi qiāng dǎ sǐ nǐ (Stop. Or I'll shoot you too)

MJ: Listen, I'm a reporter. I have a direct line to Mayor Osborn. I can help make sure he arrives--on time.

Demon: How?

MJ: First. Let him go.

[Another Demon gets on a radio with Li]

Demon #2: Lǐ xiānshēng, jìzhě shuō tā zhīdào rúhé zhǎodào ào sī běn. (Mr. Li, this reporter says she knows how to find Osborn)

[The Demon nods and says "Yes, sir" he then throws the guy back over to the hostages and then signals for her to follow him. She walks forward as the Demon pushes her. Once outta view Y/N grabs the Demon from above and webs him up]

Spider-Man: They're coming--jump over the railing!

[MJ quick vaults over the railing. She stumbles a bit. As there is a Demon right up the stairs. She walks to the left stairs to avoid being seen she stops once Drones are on the secondary level]

MJ: Uh-oh.

Spider-Man: Drones! Get to cover!

[She hides behind a crate and pulls out the tablet]

Scarlet Spider: Use the tablet, quick.

MJ: On it.

Scarlet Spider: Better work, fast.

[She starts to type on the tablet]

MJ: Okay, I got this. C'mon...c'mon..almost there.

[The turrets on the drone turns off as does the red lights]

MJ: I did it!

[Peter then hangs upside right infront of MJ as does Y/N]

Spider-Man: Good job. Now let's get you out of here.

MJ: What about the Devil's Breath?

Scarlet Spider: I'll handle it. We just need to get you to safety first.

MJ: We're partners, remember?

Scarlet Spider: Yeah, and partners protect each other. This is not your fight.

[Peter looks at the both of them and says]

Spider-Man: Can you both argue later?

MJ: Look, Y/N, If we don't help those people, they could die.

Scarlet Spider: And so can you, I won't let that happen.

[Y/N says offering her his hand]

MJ: No. No, I got myself into this, I'm getting myself out.

Scarlet Spider: What do you mean you got yourself into this?

[Y/N says as they both go back to the wall ceiling. Y/N then gets In a vantage point]

Scarlet Spider: Okay, if you're gonna be so hard-headed, can you at least get them in my line of fire?

MJ: Got it.

[MJ throws a lure In the right direction causing a Demon to walk away. This gives Peter and Y/N then opportunity to grab both of them]

Spider-Man: Okay, all clear.

Scarlet Spider: Down the stairs.

[She heads down the stairs but stops halfway]

Spider-Man: See if you can break up that group.

MJ: I'm gonna try and separate them.

Scarlet Spider: Cool, that will leave them open for a takedown.

[MJ throws a lure to the left and another to the right. Once the two are at a far enough distance, Y/N and Peter take the two down. As she walks down and past the stairs, Y/N says]

Scarlet Spider: MJ, be honest with me, did you know Li would be here?

MJ: Not exactly.

Scarlet Spider: What the hell is that suppose to mean?

MJ: I thought somehow might happen, but not like this.

Spider-Man: Why didn't you tell us? I thought we were partners.

MJ: Partners trust each other, Peter.

Spider-Man: What do you mean? I trust you...

MJ: Yeah, when I'm sitting at home behind a laptop.

Scarlet Spider: Yeah, because you don't have powers and you nearly got yourself shot several times.

Spider-Man: Okay, you two, can we get back to saving a city, please?

MJ: Sure.

Scarlet Spider: Whatever...

[Once MJ makes it to the crate just near the Devil's Breath, Li comes out from the gates with two Demons with him]

Martian Li: Jìzhě zài nǎ'er? (Where's the reporter?)

Demon: Tā jiù zài zhèlǐ de mǒu gè dìfāng……wǒmen hěn kuài jiù huì zhǎodào tā. (She's here somewhere... we'll find her soon)

MJ: Gotta get past him.

Scarlet Spider: I have an idea.

MJ: Okay, do it.

[Y/N drops down from the ceiling around a foot from Li and and Demons]

Scarlet Spider: Um, excuse me.

[They all aim their weapons at Y/N but Li tells them to hold their fire]

Spider-Man: Y/N, what are you doing?!

Scarlet Spider: I got separated from the tour group. Does anybody know where I can find the leader of the Demons?

[One pulls out his gun ready to fire as Y/N says]

Scarlet Spider: Woah, didn't you hear? I've come to join you? That coward Spider-Man was always so weak. So I thought way not join sides?

[Li looks at this and just says]

Martin Li: Start the timer.

[He says walking away to the trains. Y/N just says]

Scarlet Spider: Well, so much for that plan.

[A Demon runs for the device and starts a two minute timer. Y/N then says to fight them. All while doing so MJ is at the bomb. She inspects it]

Spider-Man: Do you know what you're doing?

MJ: No. But that wasn't stopped me before. Looks like the blue is connected to the battery. And yellow to the fan. Red one has a little exclamation mark.

Spider-Man: Okay, you'll want to detach the wires completely the battery first. Trace the wires to the other end and unplug them from there.

[She does that but it changes to thirty seconds]

MJ: What?! The timer just changed to thirty seconds!

Spider-Man: Argh, it's a collapsing circuit.

MJ: What comes next--the fan?

Spider-Man: Yes, then the last wire, but you have to hurry!

[She disconnects the last wire it shuts off]

MJ: Got it!

Spider-Man: You did it. Wow.

Scarlet Spider: Hey, Spider-Man!

[Peter sees multiple Demons surrounding Y/N]

Scarlet Spider: A little help?

[Once Y/N and Peter finish enough of them MJ yells]

MJ: Everyone follow me!

[MJ says as they all run out the Termial screaming. Y/N and Peter turn around and go for the Demons. They get a call from MJ]

Spider-Man: MJ, did you make it out?

MJ: Yeah. Everyone's safe.

Scarlet Spider: Cool.

MJ: Hey, Y/N.

Scarlet Spider: Hm?

MJ: When you both are done in there we should all talk.

Spider-Man: Yeah. We should.

MJ: But first, find Li and kick his ass.

Scarlet Spider: Now you're speaking my language.

[MJ hangs up]

Spider-Man: Feel bad for anyone who's on the wrong side of MJ.

Scarlet Spider: I wonder which side I'm on right now.

Spider-Man: Probably the bad.

[They then turn to the Demons]

Spider-Man: Ok, guys. Trivia time. Did you know that Grand Central has the LARGEST basement In New York City?

[They don't answer this]

Scarlet Spider: I know, crazy right? You could fit like half the Brooklyn Bridge in there.

[They don't answer to this either]

Spider-Man: Ha! I agree--they sure don't make 'em like they used to. That's old school New York gumption, for you.

[After a couple minutes of silence Y/N says]

Scarlet Spider: Well, this was fun, but we gotta stop your wing nut of a boss from destroying the city. Time to wrap this up.

[Y/N  and Peter look around and sees they are all knocked out. They hear a train coming]

Spider-Man: Li's escaping on a train.

Scarlet Spider: Let's go!

[Y/N and Peter run past and gate and swing right through the window. They land as Li turns to face them, a smile on his face]

Mister Negative: Finally.

Spider-Man: Sorry we're late.

Scarlet Spider: It's kind our whole deal.

[They both then start to double team Li. Y/N then charges Li and tackles him through the door and onto the ground. Li gets up as two Demons walk near him]

Scarlet Spider: Why the shock are you doing this?

Mister Negative: Paying off an old debt.

[Li then drains the Demons dry (Ayo) they collapse on the ground as Y/N says]

Scarlet Spider: I forgot you could do that.

[Li then wave of energy at them. They dodge to the left and right side to avoid this]

Spider-Man: Better stay clear of that...

[Li sends another and another wave of energy. He then gets down look tired]

Spider-Man: He's tired now is our chance.

[They start to attack him. He then recovers and goes to hit them but they dodge all the punches. Li then sends a wave of energy but this time on the ground. They jump to the ceiling instead]They do this until Li looks tired again. Y/N then zips to Li and starts to punch him. Li grabs Y/N]

Scarlet Spider: Look, I can get you the help you need Martian!

[Peter goes to fight him but he grabs them both and jumps to the next train]

Scarlet Spider: Shiiiiiit!

[Li tackles them on the ground and starts to punch them. Peter webs his face and then kicks him in the face. Li gets back as Y/N and Peter get on the other side. Li goes a series of attacks each more quicker than the last. They then see Li ready an attack which will give them an opening. They web zip Li. Li shoots a blast at Y/N knocking him. He then starts to beat Peter]

Spider-Man: I don't wanna hurt you!

Mister Negative: Nothing can hurt me. Not anymore!

[Li readies a blast but Y/N comes in and tackles him. Y/N then picks Li up and throws him into the controls. Li screams and then falls on the ground unconscious. They look at Li and then sees the controls are destroyed]

Spider-Man: No brakes?

Scarlet Spider: No problem.

[Y/N steps up and starts to web up the left and right side and then holds on dear life. And starts to hold his hands to the left and right]

[They snap from the sides]

Scarlet Spider: What?! That totally worked last time.

[Y/N Looks around]

Scarlet Spider: I got an idea. Pete help.

Spider-Man: On it.

[They jump up and and start to shoot a web line to the tracks]

Scarlet Spider: Yuri--they still doing construction on 42nd and 1st?

Yuri Watanabe: Streets closed for another month. Why?

Scarlet Spider: Perfect!

[They start to pull the tracks up causing the train to come crashing to the surface. Li then comes crawl but he stops. Y/N and Peter land ontop of the train and says]

Spider-Man: Next stop--prison.
[It shows Li being strapped and on his way to the Raft for treatment. While doing this, Sable Agents secure Devil's Breath for containment. As a Sable Agent says]

Sable Agent: Get that cargo back to the lab--let's move!

[The Devil's Breath and Li trucks all drive off. All while doing this, Y/N tries to call MJ]

"This is Mary Jane Watson. Please leave a detailed message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

Scarlet Spider: Hey, MJ it's me. Can we all talk about the whole....Standish thing? Just....tell me when you're ready to talk.

[Y/N sighs as Peter puts a hand on Y/N's back. Peter then gets a text from. MJ Instead]

*I'm not rdy to talk to you guys yet*

[Y/N Looks at this and they both look confused]

Spider-Man: Texting isn't talking?

Scarlet Spider: Right? Weird...

[Peter then texts her back by saying]

*OK. It's over, btw.*

[Y/N Looks at with a confused look]

Scarlet Spider: Um, Pete?

Spider-Man: Hm?

Scarlet Spider: You do understand how that looks right?

Spider-Man: What do you-?

[MJ then texts back by saying]

*Over? OK fine.*

[Peter then looks at this]

Spider-Man: N-n-no-no-no-no, not that kind of over!

[Peter then texts her again]

*I meant Li. Me and N/N beat him*

[They then swing to the next building]


[Peter groans]

Scarlet Spider: Dammit Pete, hold on...

[Y/N pulls out his phone and texts her]

*Look, do you want this partnership to be "over?" As Pete put it*

[Peter puts his hands on his head]

Spider-Man: Please say no, please say no.


[Peter looks at this and puts a fist in the air]

Spider-Man: Hah! Okay, okay...we're cool.

[Y/N then gets another text]

*But Maybe it should be*

[Y/N just looks down]

Scarlet Spider: Fuck...

Spider-Man: Aaaaand not okay...

*Need some time to figure some things out*

Scarlet Spider: What the hells there to "figure out?"

[Peter then texts]

*Sure. Me took*

[MJ then texts back]

*I think we all had different ideas about this 'partner' thing]

Scarlet Spider: Well, I mean, I mostly thought of it as a Barbara, Batman not the killing joke type of deal but you get the point type of deal.

*I need to do some work, I'll call tomorrow maybe*

Scarlet Spider: You're in the dog house, dude.

Spider-Man: Really? I had NO idea. [Sighs] Great.

[The two sit on the edge of the rooftops. Yuri then calls]

Yuri Watanabe: You both did it--Li's off to the Raft, the Devil's Breath is safe with do you both feel?

Scarlet Spider: Still kinda regretting that giving it to Sable.

Spider-Man: And me? How much time do you got?

Yuri Watanabe: Not much. Heroics for you means paperwork for me. But I just wanted to say...good job.

Spider-Man: Thanks, Yuri. I kinda needed that.

Scarlet Spider: Til next time, Captain.

[They sit there for a good hour before Peter says]

Spider-Man: I think it's time we head to the lab. Put our time there.

Scarlet Spider: Yeah.

[They get up and swing off to the lab. They arrive and walk in....]
[Once inside they look around and can't find Otto]

Peter Parker: Hello?

Y/N L/N: Hello?

Otto Octavius: Parker! L/N!

[Otto comes in wearing a suit with three mugs in his hands. He chuckles and says]

Otto Octavius: Just in time.

Y/N L/N: Oh, hey Doc. You look better?

Otto Octavius: Oh, I'm feeling wonderful Y/N. Better even. It's time to celebrate.

[Otto walks up to them and the two look confused]

Peter Parker: Celebrate?

[He hands the two the coffee mugs which they accept. Peter notices the arms are gone]

Peter Parker: Wait, where are the arms.

[Otto smiles as two giant mechanical tentacles come from his back]

[They both get back as Y/N says]

Y/N L/N: Whoa.

Peter Parker: So cool.

Y/N L/N: Wait how did you--

Otto Octavius: Intra-cranial neural network.

[Otto's mechanical arm goes for a bottle of whiskey. And it give it to the other arm]

Otto Octavius: Neuro-transmission speeds under one nanosecond.

[Otto says as pours whiskey into the mugs]

Otto Octavius: Faster than signals travel inside the brain...never mind to an external prosthesis.

[Otto says as the arm puts the whiskey bottle back]

Otto Octavius: We did it, Peter, Y/N.

[They all toast to this as Otto says]

Otto Octavius: No one can take this away from us...

Peter Parker: Amazing...

Otto Octavius: [points the two] And both of your works on the neural web was the key...

[Y/N looks unsure of this as Otto goes to the table with the tablet]

Y/N L/N: But, Doc, how do you know it will function like that? We were barley at two milliseconds-

Otto Octavius: It works beautifully. C'mon take a look.

[They both look at the tablet and Otto walks away. A image of Otto's head pops up and shows the chip being REAL close with his spine]



[Peter presses a button which starts the diagnostic. It stops at 24% at the motor cortex]

Peter Parker: Hm. Little error thought.

Y/N L/N: Nothing that can't be fixed.

[After fixing the motor cortex it starts again. It shows more errors]



Y/N: Shock me. This is worse than I could have thought.

[Y/N quickly fixes this, but yet again it pops up with the following]



[Peter puts a hand on his head]

Peter Parker: Dammit. The spike is cascading...

Y/N L/N: [turns to him] Pete, I don't know If I can fix this.

Peter Parker: Let me try.

[Peter takes Y/N's places and tries to fix it. But it pops up again with,]



Y/N L/N: No!

[It pops back to the Intercranial neural interface]








[They both look at each other shocked and then they turn around, tablet in hand]
Peter Parker: This is bad...

[They look and can't find Otto]

Y/N L/N: Doc?

[Otto comes back from somewhere as his smile never fades]

Y/N L/N: Hey, Doc we found a potential....issue--

Otto Octavius: Everyone has issues if you look hard enough.

[Otto says completely disregarding Y/N's concern. He turns and says]

Otto Octavius: But fortune favors the bold.

[Two more arms come from Otto's back lifting him up. As he says]

Otto Octavius: It's time to show the world what we've done!

Y/N L/N: Doc--Otto. These changes are very concerning. These could cause permanent physical and psychological damage to your body. It isn't functioning how we design it. The neural web isn't isolating your motor neurons.

Peter Parker: It could be affecting other parts of your brain: your inhibitions, your mood.... I just think we need to do some more testing.

[Otto moves closer and the two back away fro him shocked]

Otto Octavius: We've done enough testing! For the first time in my life I don't feel like a failure.

[Otto's personality changes from slightly angry to happy]

Otto Octavius: I feel like me!

[Y/N puts his hands up]

Y/N L/N: Doc, you're not a failure. But this is bad, this could do more damage  to you than your neurological disorder.

Peter Parker: Please.

[Otto looks at this his smile disappears as he says]

Otto Octavius: Right.

[The arms let him down as he unplug it from his spine]

Otto Octavius: Right.

[They both walk up to Otto]

Peter Parker: Don't worry. We're close.

Y/N L/N: You just gotta wait a bit longer.

[Otto nods and then smiles]

Otto Octavius: I'll keep at it. [Deep sigh] Work out some bugs.[motions for go] Go.

Y/N L/N: Are you sure?

Otto Octavius: Of course. Go.

[They both nod and walk away... but not before Otto]

Otto Octavius: Peter , Y/N.

[They stop and look at him]

Otto Octavius: Thank you. For...everything.

Y/N L/N: [nods] Anytime.

[They walk off]
[And that would have been it if Otto didn't hear the someone say]

Reporter: We now take you live to Grand Central Termial where Mayor Osborn is about to address the media...

[Otto looks at this. And he walks up while Norman says]

Norman Osborn: Martin Li is behind bars. When I make a promise to this city, I keep it.

[Otto looks at the door and then back at the tv and turns the arms back on]

Norman Osborn: The people of New York will soon make a decision that could change the course of this city forever. So when you're casting your vote, remember what I've done.

[Otto looks at Norman will pure disgust]

Norman Osborn: We are all safer now than we have ever been--

Otto Octavius: LIAR!

[Otto's mechanical arm quickly destroys the tv. As he says]

Otto Octavius: You have no idea what you're In for....

[It fades to black]

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𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝘃𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗬𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗖𝗶𝘁𝘆? 𝗥𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗺𝗼𝗻�...
12.7K 121 23
One-shots Stories about Peter and MJ from the PS games. Spider-man. No character is owned by me. Be aware of adult themes and language. Chapters ar...
37.2K 1.1K 51
Warning; slight violence and smut (First chapter is Peter's perspective and switches to MJ's every other chapter) 1st book of series-takes heavy insp...