The New Wind Of Creation [ Hi...

By NomadicLeader13

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This story tells the point of view of Shidou Hyoudou, the adoptive brother of Issei Hyoudou. Everything follo... More

Bio: The New Wind of Creation (Edited)
Chapter 1: The 'normal life' of the Hyoudou brothers
Chapter 2: The Occult Research Club
Chapter 3: Trouble with the Church
Chapter 4: Rescue Mission
Chapter 6: Work as Devil
Chapther 7: Getting a Familiar
Chapter 8: A Fight for your Freedom
Chapter 9: Training Camp
Chapter 10: The Beginning Rating Game

Chapter 5: The Fall of my Brother's Ex-girlfriend

751 22 9
By NomadicLeader13

(Shirou POV)

* ???

We were watching Asia's life slowly fade into that cross as her Sacred Gear got into the hands of that Raynare bitch. This level of cruelty was blinding me, I was about to do something, until I really began to go blind and my body refused to obey me. Before I realized, I was in a totally different place from before.

This place is a large white empty space, even appears to have no end, in addition, there were polygons and hollow geometric shapes of light blue color floating throughout that space, the floor was all interconnected by lines and geometric shapes of the same color.

Shidou: ''What is this place? How did I end up here?''

I started to worry, I was the only one there, and there was no sign of Issei, Koneko or Kiba. I was walking aimlessly hoping to find something or someone to show why I was in that strange place, but there were only geometric shapes where I looked.

Shidou: ''I've never seen so many polygons since the last geometry classroom... But anyway, the rest of the staff must be in trouble and I'm stuck here who knows where! But who brought me here...?''

I looked around me several times and had found nothing, so I thought I could see something from above, when I tried to release my wings, they did not come out, I was confused by this, after all it is not difficult to make them appear.

???: ''I apologize for bringing you to this place at such an inappropriate time...''

I turned back and a person from nowhere had appeared a few feet behind me. I put myself in combat position and tried to activate my Sacred Gear, but to my surprise the Primordia Wind Link did not come to me.

???: ''But you were about to make some hasty decisions due to your emotions, so I had to pull you in before you heard greater damage to your friends and yourself.''

He was just standing with his arms crossed, staring at me without showing any facial expression. His skin and hair were completely white, while his eyes were blue and his pupils white. His clothes were well styled, with a blue hooded coat with golden details and his pants and shirt were white with light blue lines. Besides, he seems to have a halo on his head and holographic wings. This guy doing nothing releases an energy of imposing, no doubt, he would kill me easily.

???: ''You and I have a lot to discuss... But unfortunately this will have to stay for the next time.''

Shidou: ''Why can't I summon my Sacred Gear? What the hell is this place? And who are yo... Wait a moment... That voice... I recognize it... You are the voice of my Sacred Gear when he awoke!''

He just slowly nodded to me.

???: ''You're right, I am the one who inhabits in the Primordial Wind Link... The Emissary and Creation of the Goddess of Magic 'Ishmael'. My name is Ainchase Ishmael, also known as the 'Wind of Creation'!''

I was shocked when he confirmed my suspicions, besides, he said it's a creation of the Goddess of Magic, and this just leaves me with more questions in my head.

Shidou: ''So it's really you! When I was going to be killed by a fallen angel, it was you who spoke to me and made me survive! I have so much to say and ask, but for now... thank you for everything!''

I bowed to him in thanks for everything.

Ainchase: ''Acknowledgements are not required. Also, the talk time will be short. As we speak, your friends have started a fight with those who have been misled.''

Shidou: ''Oh no! Now that I stop to think, this is the worst time to get me out of there. They are at a disadvantage, Asia is dying or even died, meanwhile I'm here, and my body is there, basically like a target on the head!''

Ainchase: ''Don't worry about your body, I took proper precautions when I brought you here.''

I got a serious expression and I looked straight at it, after all it has to have some more reason for him to bring me here, not just to prevent me from doing bullshit.

Ainchase: ''Listen, you have demonstrated great progress in a short time that you have awakened me... I kept quiet until now because I wanted to study you and judge if you were worthy of my true power.''

Shidou: ''Should I assume I passed the test then?''

Ainchase: ''Affirmative... You have shown yourself worthy of your effort and good steels. For this, I will reward you.''

Ainchase lifted his clenched right fist and extended his index finger, then that finger began to glow blue and magic squares formed spinning around his finger. Seeing that, I was a little confused and afraid of what would happen.

Shidou: ''Eeeeh... What are you going to do exactly?''

Ainchase: ''To ensure that my power is not used for obscure purposes... I restricted some of Primordial Wind Link's abilities. When I touch my finger on your forehead, it will be like a key entering the lock and opening the door and nullifying the restrictions... Also, I will take the liberty of passing you some information to your subconscious to be prepared for when you return your mind to the real world.''

Then he started walking towards me pointing his finger at my head. I was a little afraid, but I got rid of this feeling, after all this is a luxury that I can not have at the moment, not when my friends need me now.

Shirou: ''Wait... how do I talk to you again?''

Ainchase: ''When I release the restrictions, the communication between us will be easier, believe me.''

The moment he touched the middle of my forehead, it was as if a painless ray was passing all over my body. It was like I've been using weights in my arms all this time and now I'm not using anymore. Aside from the information he's also giving me... sword skills?

Ainchase: ''You said you would become the greatest protector this world has ever seen... Let's see then what happens now...''

A flash takes over the whole environment, until I could no longer see anything.


(3dr Person POV)

* Fallen Angel's Church

Back in the basement of the Church, things were getting worse and worse. Kiba and Koneko were facing a small army of priest armed with swords of light. Meanwhile, Shidou standing still stood at the basement entrance in a kind of trance.

Koneko: ''After all, what happened to Shidou-senpai? He hasn't been out of place all this time, and a little help from him would be nice.''

Kiba: ''I don't know... It looks like he's in some kind of hypnosis! His eyes are all blue and there was that mark on his face too. I don't want to complain but this happened at the worst time.''

Suddenly two priests were running towards Shidou, ready to slice him to pieces. As they carried out their attacks, Shidou was no longer there, perplexed by what happened, they looked around and saw him in the same position only more to the side. Without leaving the trance, he raises his hand aiming at the priests who were still confused and quickly releases a wind shock that throws the two to the wall.

Shidou: ''...''

Kiba: ''I don't know what's going on with him, but since he can defend himself, we shouldn't worry so much now.''

Koneko looked a little worried, but nodded. Then the two continued to block the swords' attacks and went on the offensive.

Issei was at the top of the altar with Asia dying in his arms and Raynare taunting him for failing to do anything to warp.

Raynare: ''Yuuma. Meaning 'Evening Daze'. I found it appropriate since my plan was to kill you in the sunset. Let's talk inappropriate... First, you refuse to die, then you replace me with some pious, platinum, nun-slut.''

She began acting jealous to provoke him further, while Issei was speechless on the floor looking at Asia, while having a bitter expression by the sound of Raynare's voice.

Raynare: ''Urg... Issei... I'm hurt... Weren't we special? You makin' me jealous. Ibet you took her on one of your yawn-athons date, too. But I guess for a sheltered little prude, a night with you is a hoot! Ow, Issei. How do you expect to get laid if you keep putting your victims to sleep?!'''

Issei: ''SHUT UP! RAYNARE!''

Raynare: ''I love a man who takes control! Where was this when we were dating?! You might've gotten some!''

Issei's Thought: (I may be a devil... but this bitch is just evil!)

Raynare was about to pierce Issei and Asia with his spear, but at the last second Issei makes a jump with Asia in his arms from the top of the altar and lands on the ground and runs out of there. As he ran, the priests tried to hit him, but all were being blocked by his friends.

Issei: ''Kiba! Koneko?!''

Kiba: ''We got this! Get out of here now!''

Meanwhile, the two dodged multiple attacks and counterattacked them.

Kiba: ''Hurry! Koneko and I will keep them here! Run!''

Koneko: ''Come on... Leave already!''

Issei: ''But wait! Where's Shidou?''

Koneko: ''What do you mean? He's ther--''

Koneko points to where he was or where he should be, the three were surprised that his companion who had come with them was no longer there. By the shock, they both lowered their guard and were about to take a fatal cut in the back. 

But before it happened, two blue spheres quickly hit the two priests who were going to kill Koneko and Kiba, releasing a small blast of air and throwing them away.

Issei: ''What the...?''

Shidou: ''I apologize for the delay.''

Everyone looks to the side and are happy to see Shidou with his Sacred Gear in hand and on top of three unconscious priests, no more in trance as before.

Issei: ''Bro! You're okay!''

Koneko: ''You have a talent for worrying us, you know that?''

Kiba: ''I'm relieved you're back to normal! Now get out of here and take Issei to a safe place! We'll hold them.''

Shidou: ''I'm sorry but I'll stay and take care of these priests and the whorehouse crow!''

The three were surprised by Shidou's confident response. As he walked toward them, more priests jumped towards him to kill him, and then swallowed his hand and swinging the pendulum, he invoked a barrier of winds that defends him and hurls them whirling away.

Shidou: ''Issei! Get Asia out of here now! ''

Issei: ''No... I'll stay and help you!''

Shidou: ''Obey your older brother! The most important thing is to get her out of here as soon as possible and you know it...! Don't worry about me, I have someone by my side.''

Shidou raised his Sacred Gear to Issei, half reluctant he looked at Asia then agreed and ran out of the Church. Soon, he turns to Koneko and Kiba.

Koneko: ''Are you sure about this? You don't have much experience with fights that involve risk of death.''

Shidou: ''Just wait and see.''

As Kiba and Koneko hold the crowd of priests, two of them passed by and tried to attack Shidou.

Shidou/Ainchase: ''Activation Cycle: Physical Mode''

As Shidou spoke, a magic circle appeared beneath them and two magical rings revolved around him, making his body glow and giving him a sense of lightness in the body.

Kiba: ''Look out!''

The light swords were about to accrete Shidou, but he quickly moved to the side and in less than a second took up combat pose and punched the right priest in the face causing him to collide with the other side of him and pose on the wall making a crater.

Kokeko: ''That was pretty cool. It felt like something I would do.''

Kiba: ''I have to agree! But what was it exactly? After all, when we trained together, you didn't have this strength.''

As they talked, more enemies tried to hit them, but without any success.

Shidou: ''What you saw was one of the abilities of my Primordial Wind Link. It's call 'Activation Cycle'! This ability converts much of my magical power into physical abilities and attributes. In other words, while my magical attacks and magic resistance lose strength, my physical strength, speed, endurance, reflexes and etc increase dramatically. It's like I'm a knight and a rook at the same time!''

Kiba: ''You really are a box of surprises, I'm impressed... but what is this glow of your Sacred Gear?''

Shidou: ''What...?''

When he looks at his Sacred Gear, he suddenly begins to glow and his form changes to something different. Soon, from a pendulum, it takes the form of a sword. And this amazes Shidou, Koneko and Kiba.

Shidou: ''That's what I'm talking about! Let's get this over with... Kiba, Koneko, come with me!''

The two nodded their heads and followed him towards the army of armed priests.

Shidou spun his blade cutting through the air. He dropped the first one, then a second priest, then a third. His body moved like a deadly dance, dodging attacks and slashing his opponents. The cries echoed around him, but he remained undisturbed.

Koneko was bouncing around the priests, hitting one time at each of them behind the head and in the bump with all her might.

Kiba was advancing quickly past everyone and acting like a guillotine, cutting each one that got in the way, ending with a smile on his face. Soon, he turns to Shidou. 

Kiba: ''Shidou, your sword technique is impressive, I had no idea you were so skilled, who was your master?''

Shidou: ''Believe it or not, my friend, Ain, taught me to fight with the sword.''

He raised his Sacred Gear to Kiba, who was confused at first, but soon understood what he meant. Meanwhile, Koneko kicks a priest in the back of the head and then stops attacking.

Koneko: ''That was the last one.''

Shidou: ''Perfect... Now it's your turn to fall your winged witch!''

Shidou raised his sword and pointed it to the top of the altar where Raynare was supposed to be, but there was no one else.

Shidou and Kiba: ''Huh...?''

Koneko then started sniffing to find Raynare.

Koneko: ''She's no longer here.''

Kiba: ''Damn it! We got distracted with the priests she took advantage of and went after Asia Issei! Let's go then!''

Shidou: ''Hold on, I got an idea!''

Shidou went to Koneko's side and to her surprise, he took her in his arms as a bride, which made her blush very confused. Meanwhile, Kiba stared at the situation without understanding what Shidou was trying to do.

Koneko: ''W-What ar-are you doin'?''

Shidou: ''We need to get there as soon as possible, me and Kiba at the moment are the fastest, but you'll be left behind, so for you to get there in time, that's the way!''

Koneko: T-This is too embarrassing, can we think of something else?

Shidou: ''Against that army? No time. Run Kiba!''

Kiba: ''Wait, army?''

Kiba turns and sees several fallen angels flying near the altar from a portal. As fast as the wind, the two started running towards the exit. But they were stopped by a dozen spears striking and blocking the stairs.

Shidou: ''On second thought, I guess we have no choice but to fight.''

Shidou puts Koneko on the ground and the three take up positions preparing to fight to the death.


(3dr Person POV)

The trio of Kalawarna, Dohnaseek kept throwing their spears together in Rias and Akeno. However, Akeno blocked them with her barrier.

Kalawarna: ''That's gonna get old real fast.''

Dohnaseek: ''And exactly how long do they intend to hold their shield? Not very well-thought-out tool, is it? That's gonna be draining.''

Mittelt: ''Tell ya what... Put those barrier things down and we'll let you go. So kidding... Get comfy' cause you're gonna be here awhile. Man I bet your minions think you've dropped 'em like a bad facelift. Omigod... Especially that horn-ball who thought Raynare wanted his corn nuts and the air-head masochistic who likes to throw himself in the middle of our light lances... I bet she's crunched their asses by now!''

Rias: ''If I were you, I wouldn't underestimate them. Let's just say... They are the most powerful pawns I've ever seem.

Losing patience, the fallen angels began to attack Rias with their spears, but Akeno jumped forward and triggered her barrier, but is thrown back by force.

Dohnaseek: ''It doesn't matter what that morons's abilities are; they doesn't stand a chance against Lady Raynare. Even if this two unite to fight her.'''

Mittelt: ''And even if she is one of them ex-girlfriend... Hahaha... Oh, we heard all the tragically lame details of their little fling! Even though the older one of them was acting like a freak and was following them all the time... I think he's the pervert of the family apparently!''

The three continued laughing, while Rias was not very happy.

Dohnaseek: ''Now, stop! Mittelt...! You're evil!''

Kalawarna: ''What a joke!''

The three fallen angels flew higher, then formed more spears and fired them combined in Rias.

Akeno: ''Watch out!''

However, so much to hear the insults directed to his servants, Rias had snapped. A powerful aura surrounded her making her hair lift with the energy going through it all her. This caused the spears to be repelled.

Kalawarna:  ''She deflected it!''

Rias's eyes could even cut their souls so sharp they were. She clearly lost her patience and was pissed.

Rias: ''They're not a joke... No one laughs at my servants.''

Akeno: ''Look what you did, now... Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to taunt her like that. Whoopsie on you.''

Rias fire off her magic of destruction in the fallen angels, With no way to deflect such power, they could only do one thing... scream.

Fallen Angels: AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

(Back to the Church)

Inside the Church, Issei and Raynare were fighting each other. Issei non-stop was coming at her with rage blinding him, activating the power of your boosted Gear and doubling your power, but Raynare just flew and deflected as she continued teasing him.

Raynare: ''You don't pay attention, do you? There's nothing you can do to win even if you tripled the power you have.''

Issei charged o her, but she flew again.

Raynare: ''And you're still trying to test me.''

Raynare flying over, creates two spears of light and throws them at the same time, piercing Issei's two legs, making him scream in pain.

Raynare: Light is toxic to devils. Just touching it scorches your bodies. It said... to be the most intense and worst pain a devil can endure. So what do you think? Is it true?

Issei: ''What do I care if it is? This is nothing... Nothing compared to Asia went through!''

Issei took the two spears stuck in his legs, even with the burning in his hands he tore them off and the spears disappeared.

Raynare: ''You know I really am impressed... A lower class-devil making it this far? That power is something to be reckoned with.''

Barely able to stand, Issei falls back.

Issei: ''What's happening?''

Raynare: ''Not that it's gonna do any good, though. I just wanted to make sure you got your kudos for doing so much better than expected from a devil of your class.''

And then Issei starts to cry.

Issei: ''That's it. God isn't going to help me. I'm a demon now-- what was I thinking...? I need to call Satan. I'm a devil now, too, so what do you say? Just this once, I need a little help.''

Raynare: ''What are you mumbling about over there...? I all the pain driving you mad?''

Issei: ''I'm begging you. I won't ask you for anythink else after this.''

He was slowly rising from the ground as his Sacred Gear radiated its green light. Raynare widened her eyes in confusion.

Raynare: ''What's he doing?''

Issei: ''Turn this around on her... Let me destroy her ass!''

Issei stood fully and released his demon asasde, shocked Raynare ends up backing seeing this.

Raynare: ''How are you able to stand? This is impossible. That light should be burning you to inside, out! Tell me how you're doing that. You don't have the power to temper light...! You are nothing!''

Issei: ''Don't get me wrong... It doesn't tickle. Even with this strengh I feel like I'm about to pass out. But I don't care. I'll fight through it if if means I can take you down!''

At that moment, the sacred Gear of Issei began to shine brightly, thus spreading by his hand covering her showing his true form. So Issei lifts her Sacred Gear upwards releasing a large green flash.

Issei's Sacred Gear: ''EXPLOSION.''

Raynare: ''That energy wave is at least second level. His Sacred Gear should be nowhere near this strong...! It's... It's just a Double Critical!''

Issei slowly got closer to Raynare and she was slowly going back frightened by the power he showed and his hateful look at her. Not knowing what to do, she turned back and tried to fly away.

Shidou/Ainchase: ''Activation Cycle: Magical Mode''

Then a stream of luminous wind hits Raynare head-on preventing her from flying anywhere. With a desperate look,she seeks the conjurer of magic, then she turns to the side and sees Kiba and Koneko and from among them was Shidou with his Sacred Gear swinging in his pendulum form.

Shidou: ''You're not going anywhere until you get what you deserve.''

Raynare: ''How do I?! Let me go!''

Suddenly, Issei grabs Raynare's arm.

Issei: ''You won't get away... bitch!''

Raynare: ''No! I have the supreme power!''

Issei: ''This one's for Asia!''

Issei then lands a punch in Raynare's face strong enough to throw her high and break the church window.

Issei: ''That felt good.''

aIssei was Prester to fall, but Shidou arrived on time and wrapped his arm around him preventing him from falling.

Shidou: ''I just gave you a little help in the end, other than that, you've already learned to handle things yourself! Be proud, Issei.''

Issei: ''Yeah, thanks... What held you up?''

Shidou:  ''When I got here, I was about to throw myself in and slice her into pieces... But then I saw you putting up with everything she threw at you and still shaking her with your determination, I had to hold on a little so that you could overcome your limits.''

Kiba: ''He was the only one of us who could step in, while we were instructed to stay behind... Rias's orders, sorry.''

Issei: ''Seriously?''

Rias: ''Seriously.''

Soon, Issei turns back in surprise and sees Rias standing against the wall.

Rias: ''I believe in you. I knew you would defeat her. Even telling Shidou that he could join your fight, I knew he would not intervene in your growth.''

Issei: ''You did?''

Rias: ''Once my business was finished, I found my way to the basement and arrived just in time to see Kiba, Shidou and Koneko having a free-for-all with a bevy of fallen angels.''

Kiba: ''I don't know that we  would've gotten out without you... Still, Shidou was doing well until you arrive.''

Shidou: ''I had all the luck in the world by my side, when all the spears just grazed me. I thought I was gonna die like four times.''

Issei: ''Aw man... I'm sorry I missed it.''

Soon, the church doors open showing Koneko carrying a beaten up Raynare.

Koneko: ''Did someone order this?''

Koneko throws Raynare before Rias. She looked up and met her by her gaze.

Rias: ''You must be Raynare. Lovely entrance. I am Rias Gremory... Also known as the next head of the Gremory house.''

Raynare: ''Gremory...? You gotta be kidding.''

Rias: ''It's wonderful to meet you... What a shame we don't have time to chat... But sadly... It's time for you to join your friends I disposed of earlier.''

Rias raised her hand and threw three feathers of fallen angels. Raynare looked at it in pure shock.

Rias: ''They were rather rude to me.''

Issei: ''So you killed them?''

Kiba: ''Rias's fuse is long, but when pushed, she lives up her title as Empress of Annihilation.''

Issei: ''Dawn... Didn't known was part of such a hardcore group... Neat. Wait... Where's Akeno?''


Akeno was seen still sweeping up the forest of fallen angel feathers.

Akeno: ''So many feathers! It looks like the forest is molting!''

(Back to the Church)

Raynare: ''Why would the the heiress of Gremory dare such a thing?''

Rias: ''Well, since you ask... After Dohnaseek attacked Issei and Shidou, I discovered multiple fallen angels had plans to attack this town... Normally, I would have stayed out of it, but they seemed insistent on targeting my team.''

Issei: ''So... You did it to defend us?''

Shidou: ''Rias... I don't even know what to say.''

Rias then turned to Issei and Shidou, and she gave out a little gasp in surprise.

Rias: ''Look at you...! I didn't see your Sacred Gear?''

Issei: ''Yeah... I don't know what happened, it just freaked outand turned red.''

Shidou: ''Brother, I'm not an expert on Sacred Gears but I think what you have is not a Twice Critical.''

Ainchase: ''Indeed. It's the well-known Red Dragon.''

A strange voice suddenly appeared, taking everyone by surprise, except for Shidou who had already realized who he was.

Issei: ''Huh...? Who said that?''

The pendulum emitted a strong light that caught everyone's attention. Shidou then raises it and faces it. Remembering what Ainchase had talked to him, Shidou decided to do a test.

Shidou: ''Is that you, Ain?''

Ainchase: ''Ain... It's kind of strange to be called that, but since it's you, then I allow it... It is as I had spoken to you earlier... I opened the way of communication between us. If you wish to contact me at any time, our communication channel will always be open.''

Shidou nodded with a smile in the face.

Rias: ''So you are the being who dwells within the Sacred Gear of my dear pawn... I've been anxious to meet you.''

Shidou: Oh, yeah! Could you introduce yourself to my friends, Ain?

Ainchase: ''Gladly. It is a great pleasure to meet my host's associates, especially you, Rias Gremory, heiress of the Gremory house. I am the Wind of Creation, Ainchase Ishmael... The Emissary and Creation of the Goddess of Magic 'Ishmael'.''

All, except Rias and Shidou, widened their eyes upon hearing that he was a creation of the Goddess of Magic herself, even Raynare was not believing what she heard.

Rias: ''The pleasure is all mine... Gotta' say, I had my suspicions, but I really didn't expect a second great powerful personality to join my peerage.''

Issei: ''Uh...? What do you mean by second?''

Ainchase: ''Going back to the main subject... You, my host's foster brother, Issei Hyoundou. The gauntlet you carry in your left hand has the ability to automatically doubles it's owner's power every ten seconds, allowing you to transcend both God and Satan at will... It's one of the thirteen varieties of Longinus. The strongest level of the Red Dragon Emperor, name's Ddraig, also known as Booster Gear!''

Issei: ''Now that's some OP stuff I'm talking about!''

Raynare's Thought: (So this Sacred tool with the ability to destroy God is in the hands of a child?!)

Rias: ''But that's not all... What you have Shidou, is also not just any Sacred Gear.''

Shidou: ''Hm? You know what kind I carry with me?''

Rias: ''When I went searching, I had trouble finding matching information. But in the end, I found it and confessed that I was a bit surprised... A Sacred tool with the full power of aerokinesis, possessing not only elemental power but also grants the bearer the gift of creation magic and the ability to exchange your physical and magical attributes as you wish.... Creation, State Change and Elemental, three categories in one place... Besides having an autonomy of its 'guest'... No one would think that something like this exists, this information is extremely protected so that its power is not coveted, but fortunately, I know a high-ranking devil who gave me this information... This is one of the five Rebels Sacred Gear of Ishmael. A power that rivals and can surpass the most powerful Sacred Gear of Longinus. The Primordial Wind Link!''

Shidou widened his eyes to this news, looked down and stared at his sacred tool.

Ainchase: ''I can assure you that the source of your research is correct, Rias Gremory.''

Shidou: ''Ain... You're awesome!''

Raynare's Thought: (This can't be happening... Such power, here, and I missed it! I missed it!)

Rias: ''Now, getting back to Boosted Gear... The one downfall is that it requires a decent amount of time to start due to it's immense power... The only reason he was able to beat you was because you let you guard down. If only you'd learned that lesson earlier.''

Yuuma: ''Issei, please...''

Issei gasped in shock. Everyone see that Raynare turned into Yuuma Amano, Issei's first girlfriend.

Yuuma: ''I'm sorry, I know I said some mean things to you but I didn't have a choice I had to fulfill my role as a fallen angel!''

Issei: ''Yuuma!''

Yuuma: ''I mean... If I really didn't care... Would I still be wearing your gift? Please don't tell me you forgot... Tou brought it for me, don't you remember?''

Issei: ''No way. Why do you still ahve that thing?''

Yuuma: ''How could I possibly get rid of this? It reminds me of you.''

Kiba: ''Koneko... You ready?''

Koneko nodded and the two are ready to attack, Rias put her arm out together with Shidou and stopped them. However they questioned why Shidou did not want anyone to interfere either.

Yuuma: ''You wouldn't let them hurt me... would you, Issei?

Issei: ''Shut up... I don't buy it.''

Issei turned around and walked away.

Issei: ''Rias. Please... I can't do this.''

Rias: ''Gladly.''

Suddenly, Shidou puts his hand on Rias' shoulder and she turns to him.

Shidou: ''Actually Rias, I'd like to do this myself... Do I have your permission?''

Rias: ''Well, since you were also targeted by her, you're within your rights. You have my permission.''

Shidou: ''Thanks for giving me this chance!''

With his head down, Shidou was walking until he stood in front of Yuuma, soon he crouched and is the same height as her. They all hears five seconds of silence, until out of nowhere, Shidou violently and forcefully grabs Yuuma's face, who in the blink of an eye was terrified without being able to move. Then he lifts his head showing her a murderous look of pure hatred.

Shidou: "After all you've done... the people you've hurt and who lost their lives for your egoism and rot... Even you went after me and my brother, toying with his feelings... Don't expect mercy and pity from me. It's like they say... If you're going to kill, you must also be prepared to be killed!"

Raynare tried to scream but Shidou's hand was covering her mouth.

Shidou: ''Please, after that, tell me what it's like to have your lungs blown up like balloons when they're filled with too much air.''

Just as he had spoken, he hurled his winds into her mouth to her lungs, in an instant destroying her body with pressure, killing her immediately. Her feathers exploded everywhere and Issei looked up at them.

Finally killing Raynare, Shidou gets up and walks until he is on Issei's side. Soon, he puts his hand on the side of Issei's head and leans against him, consoling his brother.

Shidou: ''Is over, Issei... Is over.''

Rias looked up and saw the Twilight Healing ring slowly falling along with the Raynare feathers. She picks them up and turns to Issei who comes out of Shidou's shoulder and turns to her.

Rias: ''These are beautiful. Shall we return them?''

Issei: ''Yeah.''

The group went to Asia's body and returned the rings, putting them on her fingers.

Issei: ''I'm sorry... You all came to help me... I fought as hard as I could and still... I failed... She's gone... Asia, please forgive me.''

Rias: ''You have nothing to apologize for. This world is still nwe to you. Nobody here is placing blame, least of all, Asia.''

Issei: ''But... But... I''

Rias: ''Now, this may not makes any sense, but I'd like to show you something.

Rias proceeded and took a bishop in her hand.

Rias: ''Have you ever seen one of these before?''

Issei: ''A chess piece.''

Soon after, In a magic circle Akeno appears behind Rias in her school uniform again.

Akeno: ''Uh huh. That one... is called the bishop.''

Issei: ''What does that mean?''

Rias: ''The bishop's position of power is to protect and heal the other devils in the household. Perhaps the timing is perfect. We could use a good clergyman.''

Issei: ''Wait... Are you serious...?''

Rias: ''Our good Sister is about to be born again into the underworld.''

Rias set the piece at Asia's chest and start the ritual. A magic circle appeared under Asia.

Rias: ''In the name of Rias Gremory, I call to Asia Argento... Hear my command. Return thy soul from the shadows of the death to the human realm... Rise once more as my demon servant. Rejoice! For you have been given new life! Wake as my healer and clergyman!''

At that moment, the bishop sank inside Asia and the mgic circle disappeared. The Twilight Healing returned to its true owner.

Issei: ''So what now...? Is she gonna wake up?''

Rias: ''Just wait.''

Asia's eyes slowly reopened and she then awoke, but looking confused.

Issei: ''You're alive!''

Asia: ''Huh?''

Issei: ''Wait... is that... really her?''

Rias: ''It is. I don't make a habit of reviving the deceased but her power may be useful... From here on, you are her protector... You are the senior devil, after all.''

Asia: ''Issei...? Uh... Am... Am I here?''

Issei threw himself and hugged Asia, while crying with joy that she had come back to life.

Issei: Yes, and I'm so happy...!


* Occult Research Club

The next day afternoon, Rias was sitting on the couch alone drinking her tea. Soon, this changed after Issei and Shidou arrived there.

Shidou: ''It's ya pawns in the area!''

Rias: ''Hi! I'm surprise you're here today. How you feeling?''

Issei went and sat on the couch opposite Rias, while Shidou stood behind the sofa Issei was sitting on.

Issei: ''Great! Thanks to Asia's power, it's like it never happened.''

Rias: ''Fantastic, she's already proving how useful she can be. It's no wonder all those fallen algels were so threatened by her power.''

Shidou: ''I think so, but apparently they were not very smart when doing their research.''

Issei: 'So question. If you don't mind... If... we're named afeter chess pieces, does that mean all positions are represented?''

Rias: ''It does.''

Issei: ''Then if Shidou and I are pawns, that would mean that you have or can have like, six more of us on you board? Which is totally cool. I undersatnd if we are not enough for you.''

Rias: ''Hm?''

Rias stared in a concerned matter, Issei waved his hands up with a smile, what made Shidou hold his laugh.

Shidou: ''Relax, he's just joking. Besides, what he said is right, we are calm and safe with our positions. Rias can add six more pawns if she wanted to.''

Rias smiled back and put his tea on the plate on the table.

Rias: ''You're the only pawns I'll ever need, boys.''

Issei: ''Huh?''

Shidou: ''Eh?''

Rias: ''When a human becomes a devil, the number of Evil Pieces they consume varies. It just depends on what special abilities that person has to contribute.''

Issei: ''Consumed?''

Rias stood up and hugged Issei from behind.

Rias: ''For you two, the pieces I had remaining, were one knight, one rook, one, bishop, and eight pawns... So that is what I have to choose from... After I knew I wanted to bring you back as my servants... I decided to use all eight of my pawns in order to save you.''

Both Shidou and Issei were surprised by this.

Shidou: ''Wow...''

Issei: ''So... You sacrificed six other to have us?''

Rias: ''It was a gamble... I had a feeling your power alone was strong enough to replace every one of the others. Humans with that potencial are hard to find so I considered the sacrifice to well worth the risk. Now that we known you posses the Boosted Gear of Longinus and the Primordial Wind Link, I'd say it was worth it. You both are worth it.''

Issei: ''Boosted Gear... The highest level of the Red Dragon Emperor.''

Rias: ''The crimson haired Princess of Ruin, the user of the Red Dragon and the host of the Wind of Creation... I don't know if we could be more perfectly matched.''

Issei: ''Yeah... Go, Team Red!''

Shidou: ''No... Go, Team Creation and Annihilation!''

Issei: ''In your dreams!''

Shidou: ''Think what you want.''

Rias: ''Strive to become the mightiest pawn... I have complete faith in your abilities to achieve this... Consider it an order, my dears servants.''

Shidou: ''I swore I would protect each and every one of you and that's what I will do, get stronger every day and one day I will be the closest to being invincible!''

Issei: ''I can totally do that! And now I'm closer to my goal! Oh wow, what are you doing?!''

Suddenly, Rias leaned in and kissed Issei on the forehead.

Rias: ''Just a little spell to strengthen your stamina.''

Issei: ''Sweetness... I've always wanted porn star stamina!''

Suddently, Shidou hit Issei's head with a karate chop.

Issei: ''Ow! What's that for?!''

Shidou: ''Since we were kids, dude... SINCE WE WERE KIDS I taught you to always be respectful to women and you go and say something like that?! What did I do wrong as a brother?''

Rias: ''You'll need your strenght to better fulfill my orders and I'm going to have to stop coddling you or our newest member will become jealous.

Issei: ''Jealous?''

Shidou: ''Issei...''

Issei turned to Shidou who had an awkward expression facing him, then he pointed back at them with his finger and Issei again turned and sees Asia in a Kouh Academy school uniform. She seemed extremely shy... and jealous too.

Asia: ''Uh... What's going on?''

Issei trembled and stood up for surprise.

Issei: ''We're just talking?''

Asia: ''That's how it always starts. It's okay. I know she's prettier than me. And she'll probally do things I won't, so it makes sense that you like her more... Oh! I shouldn't say things like that! I swear I'm not jealous! I'm just insecure! 

Asia joined her hands to pray.

Shidou: ''Hold on Asia, you can't pr--

Asia: ''Dear Lord, please forgive my sins of lust and envy--''a

As expected, Asia widened her eyes and crouched holding her head. She yelped and began to cry a little.

Issei: ''Asia! Are you okay?!''

Asia: ''I feel like a knife just ran through my head.

Rias: ''God's not very receptive to the prayers of demons.''

Shidou: ''I had warned you earlier about that.''

Asia: ''I forgot. He's probably angry that I became a devil, huh?''

Rias: ''How do you feel about it?''

Asia: ''Oh me? I don't have any regrets at all! The best part is that Issei and I can be together forever now, and that's all I ever really wanted.''

Shidou: ''Aww... Issei finally has a girlfriend who doesn't want to kill him... or me... I'll call our parents and prepare a party in celebration!''

Issei: ''Uh huh, that's nice, now about that outfit you've got on.''

Asia swirled showing off her uniform.

Asia: ''What do you think?''

Shidou stood up and went to Asia's side and started headpatting her gently with a smile and closed eyes exuding an aura of peace of mind.

Shidou: ''I think I want to have you as the little sister I've always dreamed of having one day. I swear on my life that if someone touches you improperly I kill that person in the most brutal way...! Do you like pudding...? When I get home, I'll make you the best pudding you've ever eaten in your life!''

Asia: ''Oh! Thank you, Shidou-senpai!''

Issei: ''I think is great on you, but... does it mean you go to our school?''

Rias: ''It does. My father is on the school board so getting her enrolled as a transfer student wasn't a problem.''

Issei: ''That's cool. I didn't know that.''

Then the doors of the room open and arrive Koneko and Kiba.

Kiba: ''Good morning, everyone!''

Koneko: ''I'm almost glad to see you're not dead.''

Shidou: ''With me around, that witch would never kill my bro... again... Anyway, what matters is that Issei and Asia are now alive and well.''

Kiba: ''But that's true, Shidou-senpai! Your determination to save everyone is admirable. It's a pleasure to have you as a comrade.''

Koneko: ''Yeah. It's nice to have you with us... And Shidou...''

Koneko called Shidou with his hand as well, when he approached her, she suddenly punched him in the stomach, which causes him to fall to the ground in shock.

Koneko: ''Don't carry me like that way all of a sudden again!''

Shidou: ''Fo-Forgive m-me for being rude that time...''

Asia: ''Shidou-senpai!''

Asia came running to Shidou's side and began to heal him. Koneko turns to the side with his face half angry and shy looking sideways.

Koneko: ''Baka.''

Soon, Akeno arrives in the room with a cart with a cake on top.

Akeno: ''Oh, perfect! You're all here! I brought cake so we could officially welcome our new member!''

And then the celebration begins, everyone gathered around the cake to celebrate  Asia becoming the newest member of the Gremory house. Everyone was chatting and socializing, while Shidou was eating her slice of cake in peace, looking out the window, until...

Rias: ''Shidou.''

Shidou: ''Call?''

Shidou was going to turn to Rias but could not, because she hugged him from behind. He was able to feel her big boobs being pressed on his back and leaving him flushed.

Rias: ''Don't think I've forgotten about you!''

Shidou: ''Ah...? W-What are you talkin' about?''

At that exact moment, Rias put her head over Shidou's shoulder, turned around, and then the girl known as one of the Kuoh Academy's Great Ladies kissed Shidou on the cheek, what made your eyes widen.

Rias: ''You did a great job Shidou... Kiba and Koneko informed me how much you've been training and improved. I'm very proud of you.''

Then suddenly, Akeno holds Shidou's arm making him stand between her breasts, leaving him embarrassed, but before he can say anything, he feels on his cheek a kiss from Akeno, making him blush even more. So, getting the kiss of the other Kuoh Academy's Great Ladies.

Akeno: ''I could not stand myself... When I saw Rias rewarding you I felt that I had to do the same, after all... You are one of those who sought to improve more.''

Akeno then approaches his ear and whispers something.

Akeno: ''Just one other little thing... If by any chance you enjoy S&M too, just talk to me and we will arrange something between us, okay cutie?''

Akeno licked her lips. In a matter of seconds, Shidou's face turned red like a tomato and began to smoke so hot that his face was.

Shidou: ''Hehehe... Thanks. I will continue to fulfill the expectations that you have in me... The sky is blue and the ocean too... Hehehe.''

By his reaction and how he responded, they let him go and began to hold the laugh, but they could barely. Soon, they returned to talk to the others.

Shidou shook his head and put his brain to work again. Then he summoned his Primordial Wind Link and stared at him to talk to Ainchase

Shidou: ''Partners for life, Ain?''

Ainchase: ''Indeed. Partners for life, Shidou.''

He chuckled of happiness. So he went to where the others were and started talking and celebrating with them.


Then strangely, a red parrot appears watching the group. However, through his eyes, what he saw was transmitted to another place. They being watched by a blonde man surrounded by women.

???: ''Well isn't that a sweet ending? Gag me.''

The man began to laugh evilly from the sight before his very own eyes.

To be Continue...


Curiosities of High School Dxd: The New Creator Spirit :


Raynare secretly gathered and led an independent group of Fallen Angels and Exorcists who assisted her in attempting to steal Asia's Sacred Gear; , believing she was better suited for its powers, and could thus better serve her leaders. Her loyalty may come into question as she tends to take action without their consent, believing it's for the good of all Fallen Angels.

Twilight Healing

Twlight Healing has the ability to heal Humans and Angels as well as other supernatural beings such Devils as and Fallen Angels.


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