Double Trouble | Paige Buecke...

By UndercoverN_

98.9K 2.7K 303

A Nika Muhl & Paige Bueckers x two fem readers Alyssa Knight, the upcoming dual UCONN volleyball & softball c... More

~ One ~
~ Two ~
~ Three ~
~ Four ~
~ Six ~
~ Seven ~
~ Eight ~
~ Nine ~
~ Ten ~
~ Eleven ~
~ Twelve ~
~ Thirteen ~
~ Fourteen ~
~ Fifthteen ~
~ Sixteen ~
~ Seventeen ~
~ Eighteen ~
~ Nineteen ~
~ Twenty ~
~ Twenty-One ~
~ Twenty-Two ~
~ Twenty-Three~
~ Twenty-Four~
~ Twenty Five ~
~ Twenty-Six ~
~ Twenty-Seven ~
~ Twenty-Eight ~
A/N part 2

~ Five ~

2.9K 82 10
By UndercoverN_

(Hey yall, let me know if you like my first person writing better or third person. I'm going to make this entire chapter third just to show yall. Plus I've gotten a different way of writing the insta posts)

(AYO??? #25 for Paige and #2 for Nika stories already is crazy, thank you!!)

Third Person P.O.V

The girls had ended up binging Stranger Things, getting through half of the first season before it was late enough for most of the team to knock out, which they did. And as for it being Saturday, most of them didn't have anywhere to go and could gladly sleep in.

Well, most of them.

"Fuck, fuck shit goddammit." A curse slips from one of the girls quietly, tip toeing thrown the mess of body's thrown across the floor as the women's basketball team slept. The dark-haired girl blinks at a certain sight, taking her phone out and snapping a picture of Maia and Paige cuddled on the couch under a blanket before continuing to her own room.

"I can't believe I overslept, what the hell happened to my alarm." Alyssa grumbles, rushing to get ready as she had practice in less than thirty minutes and she had wanted to be there at least 10 minutes early to make a good impression, which meant she really only had about 15 minutes to get ready and 5 minutes for travel.

"Lyz? What's wrong?" Maia appears in the doorway of said girls room, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"I have practice in like, 20 minutes, my alarm didn't go off, I have no clue why. I'm actually sort of glad cause it didn't wake everyone else up but it fucked me over. Shit I'll just get dressed in my practice gear there. Can you drop me off?"

Maia nods, "Let me just brush my teeth and throw something on really quick."

By the time Maia was done with that, some girls had waken up to go back home while a few girls still lounged around, talking and lazing around.

"Alright I have to go take Alyssa to practice. I'll be back soon, help yourself to whatevers in the fridge and if anyone wants to brush their teeth there's extra tooth brushes in the cabinet in the bathroom."

"Wait, can we come to your practice? Paige asks, the blonde still slightly laying on the couch but sitting up a bit to peer at the redhead and dark haired girl.

Alyssa shrugged. "I don't see why not, you guys are athletes and popular ones at that. As long as you don't interrupt." Paige grins.

"I wanna come. Nika wanna come?"


"Alright alright. You guys get ready, I'll drop Alyssa off and come back for you guys, deal?" Maia says, already grabbing her keys and walking out with Alyssa.

"Deal!" Paige calls out before saying bye to the last of our teammates who had been leaving with Maia and Alyssa.


"Alright you two ready?" Maia asked Paige and Nika, the shorter girl having gone back to her apartment after dropping her best friend and actually putting on make up, a red crop top, white jeans and brown uggs. The whole process took about 45 minutes which means their was about 2 hours left of Alyssa's practice.

Paige nods, sitting on the couch, having been changed into a white crop top, black opened shirt and green pants and Nika nods as well, having grabbed another outfit from Alyssa's collection. Simple gray sweatpants, paired with her own gray sports bra, a denim jacket and some gray Nike dunks. (References below)

Maia whistles slightly, eyes dragging down both of the basketball players bodies, her gaze going back towards Paige more than once however before ending back on Nika.

"Yeah shes definitely fruity a little bit." Nika thinks, smiling inside for Paige.

"You know Nika, I'm starting to think Alyssa's wardrobe looks better on you then it does on her." The redhead laughs causing a blush to rise on the Croatians face. "Alright yall." She claps, "Let's go."


"How long has Alyssa played volleyball?" Paige questions, "I'm assuming a while considering everything she's accomplished." She adds, speaking about the professional over seas playing as the trio of girls walk through the volleyball facility towards the sounds of shoes squealing and balls being it.

"She's been playing volleyball since she was 9, and softball since she was 12. She had a love for both and was blessed to be talented in them as well."

"Which one would you say she was better at?" Nika asks, thanking Paige who holds a door open for both Maia and herself.

Maia eyes glance around before finding a few other athletes lounging about, either watching the girls play as their seemed to be a scrimmage going on, doing homework, or even just chatting it up with some athletic trainers, they weren't the only ones there. With a smile she goes to a spot on the higher bleachers, both basketball players flowing her before she sits down and answers the question.

"It really depends, it goes back and forth. When she's mad, she's undeniably a beast at both. But on a day to day basis, I'd say volleyball. She has more heart in this sport then softball, she loves the game don't get me wrong, but she's had way more toxic experiences in that community that always makes her a bit skeptical, especially in new surroundings."

"That's understandable." Paige speaks and Nika nods in agreement. "I know basketball definitely has its fair share of toxicity and drama. It can get to you pretty hard sometimes."

"Mhm. And most of it she experienced when she was super young like 14 and 15, so you can imagine how it shaped her view about the people around it."

Nika nods in understanding, "With all you're saying, I'm surprised she's still playing it." The Croatian says, eyes glancing around the gym to try and find her friend.

"Yeah, like I said though she loves the game. So it's been outweighing the environment around it for her."

"Got it got it.." Paige nods to herself, Nika humming along the blonde as they settle down next to Maia.

"There she is.. Lord, she's already hurt herself a bit." Maia points in front of them, indicating the girl jogging out of the locker room. White athletic tape buddy taping her middle and ring finger together on her right hand.

"Her fingers?" Nika questions and Maia nods.

"She used to break her fingers a lot in high school, I don't think they ever fully healed so it's easy for her to sprain or even just bruise them."

Nika nods absentmindedly, taking in the freshmen running back to the court. The chocolate eyes of the junior drop down the body on the court, taking in the gray UConn volleyball shirt the girl was wearing, followed by the fitted blue spandex and finally some white Jordan court shoes, her eyes drift back up towards the spandex which had a number '2' on them.

"How long you think it'll be until she catches a fly in her mouth?" Paige leans over to Maia, whispering and causing the shorter girl to giggle as she shoots an answer back.

Nika hearing the two whispering and laughing looks over, cheeks red. "I can hear you, you know."

"Hey Nika wants a pretty girl. I get it" Paige laughs as Nika rolls her eyes.


"Alright everyone, with Alyssa back Let's switch up the team's a bit!" The coach, Kimball, claps, bringing the girls into a huddle.

"Isabella, Jess, Eli, Carly, Doga and Alyssa on one team. Carly you'll serve for yourself when the time comes. Emma, Taylor, Maggie, Leila, Ryan and Erica you're on the other side. We'll play one set to 21, now let's get out there."

"Hey Coach?" Alyssa questions walking up to her coach.

"Yes Knight?"

"Do you want me at libero, or outside for this match?"

The coach thinks for a minute before placing Alyssa in the outside position, "You played libero last set, let's get you set up with outside timing for now."

"Yes Coach." The black-haired girl says, jogging over to her side and high-fiving her teammates as she gets to her position by the net. One hand up to her right as the other came to cover the backside of her head as Eli started a float serve.

"I got it!" Ryan, calls her teammates off on the other side of the net as the float serve makes its way over, passing a perfect pass to their setter.

"Watch, then react, watch, then react." Alyssa thinks to herself, eyes watching the ball soar through the sky and connecting with the setters hands.

"Bingo." The girl mutters, watching her teammates back curve backwards the slightest amount.

"Five. Five, it's a back set!" Alyssa calls out, moving away from the next and covering the front right of the court for a tip as her two teammates on the front of the net move to block. Leila, the other sides right side hitter tips the ball short, causing Alyssa to dive for it but successively getting a good pass to their setter.

"I'm up, I'm up!" Alyssa calls out scrambling up from her dive and running back to get an approach. "4!" She calls for the play, watching as the set comes her way before jumping, hitting the ball and smashing it through a hole in the block, watching as the ball lands between their libero and another player before they can react.

"LETS GO!" Alyssa cheers with a small fist pump before going into a quick huddle with her team, tapping the backside of her settee. "Nice set, babes."

"I was actually going to ask about Alyssa playing the spot she is with her being shorter for volleyball standards... " Paige mumbles to the girls she was sitting with away from the court, having some knowledge of the game as she was an athlete who watched a bit of everything. "But now I see her vertical and goddamn. I wouldn't be surprised if she could dunk."

Maia laughs at that with a slight nod, "Yeah I mean she's tall and the real world and normal for basketball but volleyball is definitely a different breed. She had to work on her jump a lot as a kid but now she looks like superman when she plays so it works out."

"You can say that again." Nika speaks out absentmindedly, still watching the game going on in front of her, her eyes never leaving Alyssa's figure for long.

"Oh shit." Paige suddenly says, watching as a ball gets passed terribly by one of Alyssa's teammates.

"I GO I GO!" Alyssa yells, calling off her teammates again as she dashes towards the ball which is completely away from the courts, using the speed and momentum to pass it backwards with an arm, letting her team get the final 3rd touch to send it over, not before crashing into some of the nearby chairs however.

"I'm fine I'm fine." The girl speaks quickly to one of the trainers that were on the bench, looking at her with concern as the player runs back to the court.

"3. 2. 1. UP!" Alyssa listens to the command from her middle blocker, jumping to block the ball as it was getting hit over, completely shutting down their right side as the ball rebounds off of Alyssa and her middle blockers hands and bouncing down on the opponent's side for a block.

"YEAHHH BUDDY!" Alyssa cheers as does the rest of her team, winning the set 15-21.

"Okay yeah, I see how she was able to play over seas." Paige whistles, leaning back and man spreading on the benches causing Maia to look over and freeze momentarily before nodding with a hum.

Nika, however, was still trailing the girls figure. Only looking away once she disappeared onto the facilities hallway, the team going to their respective locker room.

"Someone's got a lady boner." Paige teases, avoiding the hand that was coming to slap the back of her head by a grumbling Nika. The blonde starts laughing.

"You can't even lie Nika. Your eyes did NOT leave that girl the entire time she was playing, do you even know what the score was?"

"15-21." Nika shoots back with a slight glare. Maia laughs softly.

"Paige leave her alone. You're upsetting her."

"I know and it's so fun too."

"Oh, fuck off." Nika says, this time accompanying it with a breathless laugh at her best friends antics, "You're unbearable."

"Mhm and you love it, twin." Paige grins throwing an arm around the Croatian's shoulder as the other playfully rolls her eyes.

"Or so you think."

The duo continues their light banter as Maia watches with a fond smile, laughter every now and again before she looks over, noticing someone approaching them.

"Oh hey Lyz. Great practice." Maia comments, drawing the rest of the girls attention to their approaching friend and the girl behind her.

"Thanks." Alyssa shoots them a grin before introducing the girl behind her. "This is Jess everyone by the way, one of my teammates." She nods to her, the girl waving as Nika, Maia and Paige wave back.

"I have to do laundry and some homework so I can't go out with you guys tonight but u can definitely join you guys next weekend?"

"Alright, sounds good. See you Lyz, great practice." Jess says, moving to hug the girl, a bit too long for Nika's liking before moving to leave.

"Going out?" Nika questions.

"Yeah they're going to some house-warming party later today. And I know some of the girls were talking about going clubbing next weekend."

"You? Going clubbing?" Maia laughs

"Mmmm yeah but I felt bad about not going today, plus I figured I could invite some more friends, I'm sure the volleyball team wouldn't mind the basketball team coming? Especially since some of them have their eyes on a few of yall?"

"Ayo?" Paige says, sitting up that, causing Maia to grumble to herself as Nika just shoves her shoulder gently.

"Down, Bueckers."

"Nah, I'm just playing. I already have my eye on someone else and it isn't them." The blonde spares a quick glance at the redhead next to her before pouting as she see the girl didn't notice.

"Damn, where's that confidence coming from P?" Nika laughs, watching the flirting attempt gone wrong before looking back at Alyssa.

"Yeah I'm sure the girls would be down. I know Kk, Azzi, Aubrey and Aaliyah would for sure be down , then the rest will probably still tag along." She shrugs.

"Rest including you right?" Alyssa says suddenly, her eyes raking down Nika's figure in her own clothes before quickly meeting the girls eyes again, seemingly have an embarrassed expression from getting caught. Nika blushes.

"Well duh, I wouldn't miss it." Nika shoots back.


@TheRealKnight: Year 1, number 4 signing in @UconnWVBB

Liked By @CaitlinClark, @NikaMuhl and 10,532 others


@CaitlinClark Number 4 on the court, number 1 in my heart

@KateMartin20 caitlinclark OUR HEARTS

liked by creator

@NikaMuhl Star <3

@TheRealKnight NikaMuhl thats all you babes :)

@Parker.M how to ride off your roomies fame, wikihow with pictures, google search

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@user5 Her and Caitlin seem a little close

@user6 user5 they would be so cute together but I think Alyssas straight :(

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