Whispers Of Regret | Hyunlix

By Cookie_buttereu

8.7K 636 2.9K

In the hushed corridors of a grand mansion, the echo of heavy sobs pierces the stillness. A desperate plea ha... More

Cœur brisé - Broken heart
Chéri(e) - Sweetheart
Je t'aime - I love you
Éternité - Eternity
Fleur - Flower
Doux rêve - Sweet dream
Charmant(e) - Charming
Douceur - Sweetness
Cœur - Heart
Abîme - Abyss
Courroux - Wrath
Chaos - le chaos
Éclatant(e) - Dazzling
Sombre - Dark
Lumière - Light
Grâce - Grace
Ténébreux - Sinister
Désespoir - Despair
Douleur - Pain
Larmes - Tears
Souffrance - Suffering
Amertume - Bitterness
Amour déchu - Fallen love
Brutalité - Brutality
Peine - Suffering
Lueur - Glow
Désir - Desire
Enivrant - Intoxicating
Tentant - Tempting
Étincelle - Spark
Agonie - Agony
Espoir - Hope
Séduction - Seduction
Fleurir - To Bloom
Souffle - Breath
Flamme - Flame
Effeuillage - Petals falling
Apaisant - Soothing
Confiance - Trust
Crépuscule - Twilight
Lien - Bond
Pulsion - Urge

Brume - Mist

163 11 88
By Cookie_buttereu

Dans chaque début réside une magie, une chance, une nouvelle opportunité

Translation: "In every beginning lies magic, chance, a new opportunity."


Four years later

In the grand expanse of a towering building, owned by one of South Korea's most formidable conglomerates, the click-clack of expensive shoes echoed across the marble floors. Leading this parade of wealth was a young man, his silhouette draped in an extravagant Versace suit, his sleek raven hair tied into a stylish bun. None other than the youngest billionaire CEO in South Korea, he exuded an aura of charisma, his icy composure only serving to enhance his already striking features.

With an air of effortless elegance, he strode forward, hands casually tucked into his pockets, flanked by his loyal secretary and a group of sturdy bodyguards. Their presence spoke volumes of his stature and influence within the business world.

As they approached the bustling conference room, where a throng of reporters awaited, he turned to his secretary with a decisive command, "Let's keep it strictly business; no personal inquiries from the press. And ensure every media outlet dedicates the next 24 hours to broadcasting our latest endeavor exclusively. Decline any collaboration offers from those who turned HLH down."

With a nod of understanding, his secretary relayed the instructions to the directors. With a firm demeanor, the young CEO strides forward, the grand door of the conference room swung open by his personal guard.


As he stepped into the conference room, the anticipation that hung heavy in the air suddenly erupted into a whirlwind of bustling energy. Camera flashes flickered incessantly, and the room buzzed with the excited chatter of reporters vying for attention. Amidst the chaos, the ravenette made his way to the podium and took his seat.

With the microphone already in place on the table, he leaned in closer before addressing the crowd, "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen." The response was immediate, a chorus of "Good morning, Mr. Hwang" echoing throughout the room.

Settling into his seat, he prepared to address the eager reporters gathered before him.

Suddenly, an abrupt interruption pierced the air as one of the reporters stood up and posed a question, "Mr. Hwang, is it true that your father's former secretary sold pharmaceutical ingredients to Japan's mafia and substituted them with lower quality ones for medical purposes?"

With a calm demeanor and a stoic expression, the ravenette replied, "Unfortunately, yes. Kim Ki Jung, my father's former secretary, is currently serving time in jail for rape and murder, and he has already been sentenced to death, so there is no need for further legal action."

There was an evident sense of regret in the younger's voice as he continued, "However, we deeply regret the incident. Elixir Pharmaceuticals has always prided itself on integrity, and we acknowledge that we have let down our loyal customers. We are working tirelessly to regain their trust and restore our reputation."

Turning to address the matter of the mafia involvement, he revealed, "As for the mafia involvement, it took us a few years to track them down, but we finally caught the perpetrators. They are currently being extradited to Japan's central jail to face justice." With a subtle gesture, he continued, "If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask."

Amidst the flurry of discussions in the conference room, reporters were busy capturing moments and scribbling down notes. Suddenly, a man rose from his seat, his voice cutting through the buzz of the room as he directed his question to Hyunjin

"Mr. Hwang, will Hwang Group and Lee Group's dream hospital project, HLH, pick up where it left off?" he inquired.

For a brief moment, the ravenette's demeanor softened, a flicker of emotion crossing his face before he returned to his usual stoic expression. "Yes," he responded, his tone measured. "We are currently discussing future plans and considering new shareholders. Today, we have a meeting scheduled with Lee Group, and once finalized, we'll provide further details."

The room fell silent as the ravenette scanned the crowd before turning to his secretary. With a nod, he faced the front and announced, "That's all for today. Thanks for coming in. Have a nice day."

Just as he rose to leave, a sudden question pierced through the crowd, causing a ripple of murmurs among the reporters. The ravenette's expression shifted momentarily, his eyes widening before settling back into his usual stoic demeanor.

"Mr. Hwang, you're currently the hottest bachelor in Korea. Didn't you and Lee Group's younger son used to date? Or have you both broken up since you're rarely seen together these past years?" The mention of Felix, his ex boyfriend, sent a pang through the ravenette's heart.

With a calm resolve, he turned towards the reporter and firmly stated, "I've already made it clear that I won't be addressing personal matters. Therefore, I won't entertain that question." With that, he stormed out of the room, his expression betraying his anger.


Entering the office, he made his way to the large glass window overlooking Seoul city. Despite the luxurious ambiance, he found no solace in it. With a heavy heart, he ran his fingers through his hair, only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. "Sir, the meeting with the Lee Group is about to begin. Mr. Lee will be here shortly," his secretary informed him. Letting out a sigh, he turned towards him and nodded.


As he entered the room, he was greeted by a small group of people, including his secretary and several board members from both sides. Returning their nods and greetings, he made his way to his seat, acknowledging the respectful bows of the elders he passed.

Sitting down, he waited patiently for his uncle to join him, the anticipation hanging in the air. Moments later, the click of approaching footsteps drew his attention. Rising from his chair and preparing to greet his uncle with a warm smile, he turned towards the door.

But as his eyes fell upon the figure that entered, his expression shifted from anticipation to shock. It had been four years since their last encounter, yet the older man still exuded a timeless charm. Clad in Gucci from head to toe, he wore a black suit that accentuated his soft chestnut hair, cutting a striking figure.

Their eyes met, and a wave of emotions washed over him as he gazed into those cold eyes. Despite the years that had passed, the connection between them remained evident, stirring memories long buried beneath the surface.

His heart raced within his chest, his eyes shimmering with unspoken emotions as he summoned the courage to speak. With a barely audible whisper, "M-Minho hyung."

The chestnut-haired's demeanor remained stoic, but if Hyunjin hadn't been observing him so closely, he might have missed the subtle shift in his expression. For a fleeting moment, his eyes widened ever so slightly, and his features softened before returning to their icy demeanor.

The older strode confidently towards his seat, his attention focused solely ahead, without so much as a glance towards the younger. Taking his place at the table, he addressed the assembled group in a calm yet authoritative tone. "Good morning, everyone. Appa is busy with some work, so I'll be taking charge of this project from now on," he announced, his words met with a mixture of surprise and respect from the board of directors, who offered their welcoming nods and bows.

Amidst the murmurs of acknowledgment, one of the elders spoke up, his curiosity evident. "I've heard from Mr. Lee that your studies have completed and you've spent a year gaining experience at your branch in Australia. When do you plan to step into the role of CEO?"

With a nod of affirmation, the chestnut-haired confirmed, "Yes, that's right. I'll be taking charge at Lee Enterprises here in Seoul. My younger brother has different dreams, so I'll likely oversee our entertainment and smart appliances divisions within the Lee Group."

The room erupted into applause, the elders expressing their pride and offering warm congratulations towards the younger.

The ravenette sat in silence, his gaze fixed on his Hyung, a flood of emotions swirling within him. He had missed him dearly, but the older man had cut off all communication since they parted ways. For years, he had tirelessly pursued justice, tracking down the mafia, uncovering evidence of their crimes, and retrieving the pendrive containing evidence of Kim Ki Jung's crimes-human trafficking, drug dealing, and more. The truth was uglier than he had ever imagined.

With the HLH hospital project shelved due to opposition from the health department stemming from Elixir Pharmaceuticals' misdeeds, it had cast a shadow over their efforts, making it difficult to gain approval for the new hospital. But the younger refused to back down.

With relentless determination, he worked to rebuild Elixir's reputation, tirelessly striving to bring the pharmaceuticals back to its former glory. And now, as sales soared and confidence in the brand returned, there was hope on the horizon.

The news of approval for the abandoned hospital project brought a glimmer of excitement, a beacon of possibility amidst the challenges they faced.

He had finally managed to piece everything together, overcoming hurdles and challenges along the way. Yet, one important task remained unfinished-apologizing to Felix. However, it seemed that the younger wanted nothing to do with him. Despite his efforts, the shorter never reached out or showed any interest in reconnecting.

Over the past four years, Felix had stayed away from Korea, preferring to maintain distance even in communication. He made calls to their parents and best friends, but the ravenette was never on the other end of the line. An attempt to visit the younger in Australia was thwarted by his own mother, who conveyed Felix's unwillingness to see him. It was a crushing blow, leaving him heartbroken and struggling to contain his longing for even a glimpse of the younger or the sound of his voice.

Throughout this time, he had also missed the chance to meet Jisung, Minho, and Felix. Now, as he faced the older, who had become a successful businessman, a swell of pride washed over him. Despite the pain of their estrangement, he couldn't help but feel proud of his Hyung's achievements.

As the meeting commenced, he watched his Hyung take charge with a mixture of emotions. Blinking back tears, he resolved to push aside his personal turmoil and focus on the task at hand.


The meeting came to an end, and one by one, the members filed out of the room, leaving only Hyunjin and Lino behind. A heavy silence settled in, broken only by the faint sound of a chair scraping against the floor as the older made to leave. But before he could reach the door, Hyunjin stood up, breaking the silence with his hesitant voice.

"Hyung, can we talk?" he asked, his eyes betraying a hint of uncertainty.

The older's gaze remained fixed ahead, his face a mask of stoicism, yet a flicker of hesitation danced in his eyes. Before it could fully take hold, he drew in a deep breath and replied, "Meet me at Seolar at 9 PM. I have a meeting to attend first."

Hyunjin's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected agreement. Though, in truth, perhaps it wasn't entirely unexpected-after all, four years had passed since they last spoke. Sighing, he was about to offer his thanks when the door slammed shut, cutting off any further conversation.

With a heavy heart, the ravenette cast a longing glance in the direction of the closed door before gathering his composure and following suit, exiting the room with a mixture of emotions swirling within him.


As the vibrant lights and pulsating music engulfed the club, the ravenette checked his watch-it was only 8 PM, an hour ahead of their scheduled meeting time. Deciding to wait for the older, he navigated through the throngs of dancing bodies towards the VIP section. Upon reaching the second floor, he settled into his usual spot and ordered a drink to pass the time.

With his drink in hand, he found himself scrolling through the photos in his phone gallery. Most of the images were of Felix, capturing their shared moments and memories. Each snapshot evoked a bittersweet nostalgia, bringing a soft smile to his lips as he traversed through the photos.

Thirty minutes slipped by as he scrolled through their shared moments, until he stumbled upon the last photo. It depicted a candid moment where he had buried his face in the crook of the younger's neck, playfully leaving hickeys. The memory flooded his senses, and his eyes welled up with tears, which he hastily blinked away before taking a sip of his drink, trying to mask his emotions in the dimly lit ambiance of the club.

No matter how much money he had, he still couldn't figure out how to meet the younger. The shorter had closed every avenue of communication, leaving him stranded in a sea of isolation. He pleaded with his mother to allow him to go to Australia, but even that proved futile as it was hard to find Felix.

Desperate to see the younger, he went to Felix's grandmother, hoping the younger would come to visit her. Yet, despite his month-long stay, the younger didn't come, his whereabouts shrouded in secrecy. The heavily guarded surroundings of his house made any attempt to see him futile, leaving him with only memories and regret.

With each passing day, the younger's absence weighed heavier on his heart. Lino's updates earlier in the meeting provided little comfort knowing the younger was pursuing his dreams. Sighing heavily, he drowned his sorrows in another bottle of expensive liquor, the passage of time marked only by the diminishing contents of his glass.

As he reached for his fifth bottle, contemplating another round, the entrance of Lino interrupted his thoughts, offering a glimmer of hope in the darkness of his despair.


Entering the opulent surroundings of their former spot, the familiar setting flooded him with memories, transporting him back four years. He couldn't help but recall the carefree days spent in South Korea, the laughter shared with friends, and the countless adventures they embarked on together. From their spontaneous trips to Seolar after school to their playful pranks, every moment felt like a precious relic etched into his mind.

However, his trip down memory lane was abruptly halted when he spotted the younger struggling to maintain his balance. The sight of several empty bottles scattered across the table hinted at the extent of Hyunjin's intoxication. It was a rare sight, given the taller's usually high tolerance for alcohol. Yet, here he was, clearly drunk after indulging in an excessive amount of liquor.

Letting out a resigned sigh, the chestnut-haired approached his best friend and settled down beside him.

The ravenette struggled to keep his eyes open, his gaze fixed on the older before him. Despite the haze of alcohol, his emotions swirled, and tears gathered at the corners of his eyes. With a hiccup, he managed to utter, "Hyung, I miss you so much."

The older's face softened. The taller moved closer and reached out for the older's hand; with trembling hands, he placed it on his chest. "It hurts here a lot," he confessed painfully.

A flicker of emotion crossed the older's face, but he quickly averted his gaze, a single tear escaping down his cheek. Withdrawing his hand, he took a gulp from the almost-empty bottle, his eyes distant and hollow. The younger's gaze remained fixed on him, pleading silently for an understanding that seemed to slip further away with each passing moment.

"Stop looking at me," the older murmured, his voice tinged with sorrow.

But the ravenette hiccuped softly, tears streaming down his face unabated. "I can't... I don't want to," he confessed between sobs. "It feels like I'm trapped in a never-ending nightmare. Like I'll open my eyes, and you'll vanish into thin air."

Before the chestnut-haired could respond, the younger dissolved into soft, heart-wrenching sobs, the sound filling the room with its grief.

The air in the room hung heavy with sadness as the older sighed softly, his hand gently resting on the younger man's back. "Yah, do you wanna eat tissue?" he asked. The younger shook his head, tears welling in his eyes as he sniffled. "Then stop crying," the chestnut-haired urged. "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. But you better start talking and give me an explanation."

Looking up at the older man with wide, watery eyes, the younger's expression shifted into a pout, his lips trembling with emotion. With a sob, he threw himself into the older's arms, seeking solace in the comfort of his embrace. "Hyungie..."

A soft chuckle escaped the chestnut-haired's lips as he returned the hug, his hand gently patting the younger's back in a soothing gesture. "Not now, you're drunk. Let's get you back home," he suggested gently, trying to steer the conversation towards a more appropriate time.

But the younger vehemently shook his head, his grip tightening on the older's shirt. "No, Hyung, I want to talk to you now. I've been waiting for years. Please don't leave me," he pleaded, his voice filled with desperation.

With a heavy sigh, the older stood up, his resolve firm as he took hold of the younger's wrist. "I won't leave," he reassured, his voice soft but firm. "I'll be in Seoul from now on, and we have plenty of time ahead. Now, get up before I ask the receptionist for an air fryer."

Wide-eyed, the younger immediately complied, following the older man like a kicked puppy.


The sunrays filtered into the room through a small gap in the curtains, casting a pale golden and orange hue across the cozy space. The chandelier, adorned in green, shimmered as it caught the sunlight. At the heart of the room, nestled in the plush bed, a figure stirred beneath the covers.

With a groan, the ravenette struggled to open his eyes, his head throbbing with the remnants of a night's sleep. His hand fumbled for his phone on the nightstand, but it was nowhere to be found. Confusion clouded his senses as he realized he wasn't in his usual surroundings-the bedside table was unfamiliar, casting a sense of disorientation over him.

Casting his gaze across the room, he spotted a table a few meters away, where his phone and car keys lay in plain sight. Checking the time, he noted that it was already 9:00 am, much later than his typical waking hour. A sigh escaped his lips as he processed the situation, his mind racing to piece together the events of the previous night.

His attention was drawn to a pile of clothes on the nearby table, accompanied by a sticky note. As he read the message-"Dress up and have breakfast with me"-a wave of familiarity washed over him. The handwriting was unmistakably that of the older man, bringing a sense of reassurance amidst the confusion. He breathed a sigh of relief and headed to freshen up.


Stepping into the living room of the older's penthouse, the ravenette took his time to explore the lavish surroundings. The luxurious furnishings and the breathtaking view of the Han river from the window was calming. It was evident that the older's home was a reflection of his taste.

As he marveled at his surroundings, the sound of utensils clicking caught his attention. Turning towards the source of the noise, he found the older setting the table with meticulous care.

"Come, sit down," the older beckoned, gesturing for him to join. With a nod, the ravenette complied, his head still throbbing from the remnants of last night's drinking session. Taking his seat, he was greeted with the sight of a tablet and a bowl of hangover soup placed before him.

Before he could utter a word, the older intervened, pushing it towards him. "Eat first. We'll talk after breakfast," he insisted, his tone gentle but firm. With a silent nod of understanding, the two men began to eat, the clinking of utensils breaking the silence of the room.


After assisting the older with the dishes and tidying up the table, they made their way to the living room. Exhaling heavily, the older cast a discerning gaze upon the younger, taking note of his appearance. Still as dashing as ever, albeit with a noticeable absence of sparkle in his eyes, leaving them colder, more distant.

With a heavy heart, the chestnut-haired sank onto the couch, arms folded, and uttered, "Alright, spill it," he urged, his tone laced with both concern and authority. "Tell me everything, and then I'll decide whether to throw you in the oven or air fry you."

The younger squirmed in his seat, fully aware that the older's words were never empty. If he says he'd do something, he will do it. Gathering his courage, the ravenette let out a shaky breath.

With a nod, he began to speak, his voice quiet but resolute, each word a step towards honesty and understanding in the warm glow of the sunlight streaming through the ceiling-high glass walls of the living room.


As time stretched on, the older, struggling to hold back tears, and the remorseful ravenette sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Eventually, the chestnut-haired individual gathered himself, his voice heavy with emotion as he muttered, "You idiot, why didn't you speak up when I asked? You've driven us all away, leaving you to suffer alone. Do you even realize how hard it was for Lix? Both of you have been enduring this pain for years. Why didn't you reach out to us when they were locked up?"

With a painful sigh, the ravenette met the older one's gaze, their eyes reflecting pain and regret. "I tried countless times, but they never allowed me to see Lix or any of you."

In a sudden realization, it struck him. He had indeed instructed his secretary to keep everyone at arm's length, given the relentless scrutiny of the paparazzi. He never anticipated that Hyunjin would be looking out for them, especially after being the one to end things with Felix. Whenever their parents brought up the subject of Hyunjin, they swiftly diverted the conversation, avoiding any confrontation.

Eventually, their parents decided to step back and let the youngers to work through their issues on their own, opting not to pry. Yet now, he regrets avoiding the topic though. With a heavy sigh, he glanced over at the taller before rising from his seat, making his way towards the younger one. Placing a reassuring hand on his back, he spoke softly, "Hyunjin-ah, Hyung is sorry."

Shaking his head, the younger muttered, "Don't apologize, Hyung. It's not your fault, it's mine. I deserved it..... Please, don't apologize."

With a heavy sigh, the older pulled him into a tight embrace, offering comfort with gentle pats on the back. Stepping back, he noticed the hesitation in the taller's eyes. Sensing his uncertainty, he gently inquired, "Is there something you want to ask?"

With a heavy sigh, the younger averted his gaze before speaking up, "Hyung, c-can I see li-" Before he could finish, the tranquility of the living room was shattered by the sudden ringing of a phone call.


Lino rose from the comfort of the couch, his attention drawn to the ringing phone on the table. Recognizing the caller as his boyfriend, he quickly put the device on speaker and greeted, "Jaagi, what's up?"

"Hyung, I miss you so much," came the whining voice of the quokka on the other end. Anticipating the younger's pout, Lino chuckled and replied, "It's only been a day since I came back, and you're already sulking."

Another whine echoed through the line, causing the ravenette's heart to race and his eyes to glisten. It had been four long years since he last heard his best friend's voice. Deep within, he felt a profound sense of longing for the younger, realizing just how much he missed both of them. But above all, his thoughts drifted to someone else, someone he held dear.

Before he could immerse himself further in his emotions, a sudden question interrupted his reverie. "Where's Lix? Usually, you ditch me and go bug him all day. Where is he?" Lino inquired gently to his boyfriend.

With a heavy pout, the quokka replied, "He's not here. He went on a date with Hyung. If he were here, do you really think I would call you?"

The older chuckled softly, his eyes shifting to the frozen figure of the ravenette before him. With a furrowed brow, he was on the verge of asking what was wrong when it dawned on him that the ravenette must have overheard about the date.

Letting out a sigh, he decided to talk with Jisung later and bid him goodbye. Turning his attention back to the younger one, he spoke gently, "Hyunjin, about what you heard about Lix-"

Before he could continue, the ravenette offered a strained smile, cutting him off. "You don't have to say anything, Hyung. I understand... four years is too long, and I hurt him badly... I- I," his voice faltered, and he blinked back tears, unable to meet his best friend's eyes. "I understand if he still hates me, and I'm sorry for asking you to meet up. Lix might get angry. You can tell him I forced you to talk with me."

Shaking his head, the older intervened, "He doesn't hate you, Hyunjin. You know how Lix is. He can't hate anyone. He's too good for this world. And as for him being angry with me, it won't happen. He told Jisung and me to give you a chance to speak whenever you're ready. He doesn't want whatever happened between you guys to affect us."

With widened eyes, the ravenette felt a surge of emotion welling up within him, causing his eyes to shimmer with unshed tears. He knew deep down just how kind-hearted Felix was, and the ache of missing him weighed heavily on his heart. Each passing day seemed to drag on endlessly as he was looking forward to meeting him. But as the truth dawned upon him, his already shattered heart fractured even further upon learning that Felix had already found someone new.

The pain, a constant companion throughout the years, had become so familiar that it left him feeling numb and hollow. The realization that he had lost the one he loved most left him adrift in a sea of grief. With each passing moment, the prospect of seeing Felix again grew more distant, leaving him with no reason to wake up each day.

Knowing that Felix now had a life with someone else squeezed at his throat, a lump forming as tears welled up in his eyes. With a heavy heart, he came to the painful realization that he should be happy for his love, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness. Who was he to interfere with the younger's happiness and dredge up the ghosts of their past?

With a heavy heart, the taller snapped back to reality, his thoughts interrupted by a voice speaking nearby. "-So that's it, it's not like what you think it is," the voice said. The ravenette, lost in his own world, only caught the last few words. With a forced smile, he muttered, "I understand, Hyung. It's his life, and he has every right to choose what he likes. We can't dwell on the past forever; our love story has ended, and there's nothing more we can do."

The chestnut-haired's eyes widened with a heavy heart as he gazed at the younger. After what felt like hours, he looked down and murmured, "If that's what you want..... let's not bring this up again." The ravenette silently nodded and rose from his seat. With difficulty, he gathered himself to walk forward, despite the ache in his heart.

The older followed him to the door. Before the younger left, the chestnut-haired said, "We'll meet again, yeah?" With a genuine smile gracing his features, the ravenette replied, "Of course, Hyung. Let's catch up on what we missed."


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