Serendipity-Phase 1

De Lugo108

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(Undergoing some much needed editing!) Sasha Williams is NOT your stereotypical rich girl who struts about t... Mais

Author's Note
Phase 1 | Basketball & Baes
Chapter 1 | Nightmares & Clichés
Chapter 2 | The New Guy
Chapter 3 | "Date" Night
Chapter 4 | Fast Feelings For a Certain Someone
Chapter 5 | Too soon to like?
Chapter 6 | You should take a chance, when you can.
Chapter 7(Part 1)| New School, New Beginnings(Matthew's POV)
Chapter 7(Part 2)| New School,New Beginnings(Matthew's POV)
Chapter 8 | Apologises & Additions to the Lunch table
Chapter 9 | Shocking Crushes & Open flirting
Chapter 10 | Texting, The Conversation & Thinking about Carpooling
Chapter 11 | The Group Lunch
Chapter 12 | The Party
Chapter 13 | Hangover & The bully returns
Chapter 14 | Too many compliments for little ol' me.
Chapter 15 | Introspection & My 3-G's Journal
Chapter 17 | The new couple & The neglected team
Chapter 18 | Can this day get any more worse?
Chapter 19 | The Model Ex & Insecurities
Chapter 20 | Spiralling Downwards
Chapter 21 | Detention & Dribbling
Chapter 22 | Dealing with first hand embarrassment
Chapter 23 | Another Admirer
Chapter 24 | The inevitable tears
Chapter 25(Part 1) | Getting Closer
Chapter 25(Part 2) | Getting Closer
Chapter 25(Part 3) | Getting Closer
Chapter 26 | Invites & Mood swings
Chapter 27 | Party 02...Halloween Edition
Chapter 28 | Twisted curveballs
Chapter 29 | The Aftermath
Chapter 30 | Now I Know...
Chapter 31 | The day after the party
Chapter 32 | Everything goes wrong on a Monday

Chapter 16 | Mortifying Memories through Mad Libs?

20 4 1
De Lugo108

"Fuck!" I rasp as I get up from bed.

The pain in my knee is not that bad. It is manageable but I know it's gonna hurt like a bitch when I have to put on jeans or tights.

Oh god.

I've got to settle with rompers or something that doesn't reach below the knee.

"Wow, you look fancy...What the hell is that on your knee?" Georgina asks me with shock as she drops the pan from her hand.

"Morning Georgina! I kinda fell yesterday, scraped my knee, and decided on a romper to prevent irritation. " I say, grab my car keys, take the huge ass bottle of orange juice that I love, and get out the door.

"Matt get out!" Anne warns Matt who simply shrugs and crosses his arms across his chest.

"No can do. First come first serve"

"Matt, sweetie, pretty please? I don't want to sit with that asshole."

"I'm right here you know and I apologized to you a million times. I'll say it again, I'm sorry baby" Jacob says from the back seat.

"Anne come on, we gotta leave" I try to reason with Anne but I already know that's lost cause.

"I'm not moving, I deserve some comfort. So, Matt, this is the last time I'm going say it, Move or..." Anne says and Matt just glares at her.

"Or what?" Matt taunts but Anne just smirks.

She grabs a fistful of Matt's grey t-shirt, yanks him out of the car, pulls him to the backside of the car jogs to the front of the car, sits on the passenger's seat, and locks the door.

"Anne, what the hell was that?" Matt complains, still standing outside.

Nathan, Jacob, and I try our best to not laugh at Matt's annoyed expression.

"That's going to do a whole lot for your ego," Jacob says, making Matt glare.

"Where am I going to sit now?" Matt asks

"I would offer my lap but let's be real, that's not gonna happen," Jacob says and I howl in laughter.

"Sasha, you're the owner of this car...Can you please help me out here?" Matt asks, looking at me expectantly.

I love it when he calls me Sasha.

Stop it, Sasha. Focus!

"Matty, as much as I would like for you to sit here and jam with me to the awesome songs on my playlist...I don't have the heart to say no to Anne" I say, feigning sincerity.

Matt sighs defeatedly and shakes his head.

"Come here my love, we can gossip," Nathan says in a high-pitched voice, making Matt smirk a little.

Matt finally sits in between Jacob and Nathan.

"This is extremely claustrophobic," Matt says and I just send a sympathetic smile through the rare view mirror.

"Stop being so whiny, Sam adjusts just fine," Jacob says and all of our eyes widen in realization.

We totally forgot about her.

"Where is she going to sit?" Matt asks, leaning forward so that he can smirk at Anne.

Anne's face visibly pales cause she knows how terrifying Sam can be when she's angry.

And Samantha Dawson is definitely going to be angry when she notices the new seating plan.

"Looks like it's your lucky day Nathan," Anne says and chuckles nervously.

"Good morn—What's this?! Why are you sitting here Matt?" Sam asks, looking confused.

"Well, Anne here decided she needed a break from Jacob so she kicked me out. So..." Matt says and smirks evilly in Anne's direction.

"I don't care, Anne come back here" Sam yells as she tries opening the passenger door but it's locked.

"Open the door, bitch!" Sam yells again and knocks on the door impatiently.

Anne rolls down the car window a little and says;" I'm going enjoy my comfort...You can sit back there without me" and rolls up the car window.

Sam's mouth opens, looks at the watch on her hand and taps her foot.

She hates being late for school.

She moves to the backside of the car, takes one look inside and her gaze settles on Nathan.

"You don't mind, right? Thank you." She doesn't even wait for a response and just settles on Nathan's lap shocking everyone in the car but mostly Nathan.

"Can we leave?" Sam asks, looking at me.

I nod dumbly, turn on the ignition, and begin driving.

"A-A-Ar-Are you c-com-comfortable?" Nathan stutters, not looking at Sam.

"Yeah, are you? I'm sorry I sat without asking, I didn't want to hold everyone up...I'm pretty sure this is temporary, right?"

"Right..." I say and try my best to remain serious.

"Yeah...I don't mind" Nathan says and manages to give a weak smile to Sam.

She smiles back a little.

"Is it just me or am I missing something here?" Jacob asks, looking at Sam and Nathan.

Nathan and Sam's head snapped in Jacob's direction and glared at him.

"You've got to learn to shut up Jacob" Matt whispers and elbows Jacob in the ribcage.


We reach school ten minutes earlier than the actual time.

"This can't be right," Sam says as she looks at her watch.

"What?" Matt asks.

"The time..."

"We're ten minutes early?!" Jacob shouts and I glare at him.

"This is a new record, Sasha," Anne says and I flick her forehead.

"You know a thank you would be nice..." I say and huff.

The rest of them chuckle and get out of the car. I quickly send a message to my dad, turn off the car, and follow the others.

"Your leg...What happened?" Anne asks as she looks at my knee.

"I scrapped my knee yesterday," I say and begin walking with them.

"It looks really deep, are you sure you're okay?" Sam asks and I nod.

I suddenly remembered the events of last night and that I had brought my triple G journal and so I smirked to myself.

Let's just say lunch is going to get a whole lot more interesting.

"You still have this?!!" Anne asks, her eyes wide as she looks at the book in my hand.

I'm so glad that it's lunch cause now I can open my most important journal and go through all the embarrassing memories of my friends.

Trust me, it took a whole lot of self-control to not crack open the book and begin reading yesterday or today.

"What's this?" Matt laughs and I glare at him in response.

"This is my most precious possession, Matt, This journal contains a ton of my random ideas, bucket list, and most importantly my genius creation of the Memories Mad Libs"

"No way in hell you're reading that," Sam says, and I just smirk.

"Oh no no..Let's just consider this as my little payment for our carpooling...You didn't think that I was doing that for free did you?" I ask and look around.

"Sasha, I'll actually pay you...Just don't read it" Sam pleads but I shake my head no.

"I make my rules" I simply say and shrug.

"What about Matt? He doesn't have anything embarrassing in there" Jacob says and I look at Matt.

"I'll think of something but in the meantime, shall we?" I ask and the others except Matt and Nathan groan.

Hence are walk in the mortifying memory lane.

Exactly 12 minutes later;

"Baby, this is ridiculous! I was 13 for god's sake" Jacob pleads as he tries his best to control his mirth.

"Molly, of all people was your crush? I hated that girl. As a matter of fact, I still hate her. Like a lot." Anne huffs and Jacob bites his lip to prevent laughing further.

"This is a book of doom Sasha, throw it away," Jacob says and I glare at him.

"The hell not. It's my baby and one more insult could lead to a potentially deadly injury" I say and smile evilly.

"Alright now, time for Sam" I announce and Sam closes her face with her palms.

"Note that everything I said in that damned book was when I was thirteen at the time, so no insults," Sam says

"Okay, hush! Now let's begin;

<Cue the flashback>

5 years ago

"Sam! I created my own Mad Libs yesterday...Do you want to try it?" I asked Sam who was sitting alone on the park bench.

"Sure! Should be fun" Sam said and grinned at me.

I asked her all the questions that filled my Mad Libs and began reading out my "story" to her.

"I saw bright white lights for the first time in the hospital on 11th December (birthday).

You can call me Samantha Dawson (full name) and I can be described, in a word, as brave (adjective to describe yourself).

I like anything green (color) in color.

I love spring (my favorite season) and I like to bike around my neighborhood (favorite thing to do that season) during spring.

Though I love my name, I'd like to be called Sam(nickname).

My favorite movie of all time is Alice in Wonderland (favorite movie) and I love the red queen(favorite character in the movie). I wouldn't mind dating Romeo and Juliet—Leonardo DiCaprio (celebrity crush) if I ever got to see him.

My best friend in the whole world is Anne(best friend's name) and I like her because she is kind (adjective to describe the best friend).

The most annoying thing my best friend does is that she touches her hair every minute(annoying habit of best friend).

As embarrassing as it is to admit, my crush is....(crush's name)

<End of flashback>

"Nathan?!" Anne shouts, again, causing the whole cafeteria to look at our table with irritation. Again.

"I told you I was thirteen for god's sake" Sam exclaims and throws her hand up in the air.

I glance at Nathan and he seems to be having an accomplished smile on his face.

"I thought you'd have said that your crush would've been Tim" Jacob says and Anne nods.

"Well, I didn't meet him at the time, and...can we just drop this?

"But it's going so strong... I want to hear the rest" Anne says and shakes Sam's arm.

"Nope," Sam says and continues eating.

"Sasha don't listen to her, just keep reading," Jacob says but I don't listen to him. I didn't want to embarrass Sam more than she already was.

"Alright we gotta do this the hard way," Anne says and makes eye contact with Jacob.

Jacob just nods and begins to pick up his fork but the next thing I know is that the book is swiped from my hands in one clean motion.

"Hah. Loser" Anne says and rapidly claps her hands.

"Jacob! You piece of shit, give me the book back" Sam says and begins getting up.

Jacob and Anne lean in together to read the last part of the "story" and Anne says "Aw" as she reads the rest.

"Now I'm super curious," Nathan says grinning, and Sam glares at him.

"You smug bastard you're enjoying this a lot aren't you?" Sam says and slaps Nathan's arm but he just continues to laugh. Sam tries to remain serious but a small smile threatens to break out of her face.

"No..but for real, what does it say?" Matt asks as he looks at Jacob.

"Matt! What the hell? You're throwing me under the bus here" Sam whines.

"But this has piqued my curiosity..." Matt says and shrugs.

"Okay that's it, fun's over..." Sam says as she gets up, grabs the book from Jacob's hands, and leaves hurriedly.

All of us call out her name but she doesn't reply and just storms out of the cafeteria.

"So who's gonna talk to her?" I ask but all of them just look at me.

"Why me? You are her "best friend" I say and huff.

I'm not mad that I was not Sam's best friend at the time but it's fun to pretend.

"Awww...Is little muffin hurt?" Jacob says and I only scowl at him.

"You go talk...Your curiosity is what got her all riled up" I say and Anne just groans.

We continue eating for a while until I hear the ear-splitting shout of someone calling my name. That sound can only belong to..

"Willowwwwww!" I call back but much more quietly.

Willow skips across and literally pushes Matt out of the chair and gives me a huge hug.

I laugh and return the hug, "Had a good day?" I ask and she grins after pulling away from the hug.

"I had the best day and all thanks to you bitch!" She says and I look at her with confusion.

"What'd I do?"

"The essay, you silly...I just had English Lit and Mrs. Sandra gave us an A, that's like super impossible" Willow says and squeals in happiness.

"No way," I say and look at her with wide eyes.

"Oh my god Sasha, you're a freaking genius," Anne says.

"Are you sure?" I ask Willow and she nods enthusiastically.

"Sasha honey, you just made my fucking day... This is gonna put a huge smile on my mom's face. Ahhh...This is just amazing" Willow says and I just shake my head.

"Willow this was a team project, we did this together so you get half the credit."

"I know but you made my lazy ass work and you edited the essay so now it looks all professional and stuff. Mrs.Sandra told me she had to run it through the plagiarism checker twice..."

"That's a harsh thing to say," Nathan says and everybody else nods

"I know, but this is Mrs. Sandra and she can be a real pain sometimes. Anyways, I've got to run now but I owe you big time sweetie" She says, gives me one last hug, and runs away.

"Is that—Oh my god, is that what I think it is?" I ask Matt who is standing right next to me.

"Ewww...Here? Are you like really sure?"

"Listen to it yourself"

Matt brings his ear close to the door next to my locker and strains his ear to listen to the sound.

"Okay yeah...This is disgusting" He whispers and backs away from the door.

"Oh don't be so high and mighty...This is high school, what'd you expect?" I ask as I begin rummaging through my locker to find a pencil.

"No, I get that...But doing it in the closet? In the janitor's closet? That's not too hygienic right?" He asks and I just roll my eyes.

"Don't ask me, I don't do anything risqué...But people here can be very.... Wild" I say and scrunch my face up in disgust.

"You know what? I'll give you fifteen bucks if you'd burst open that door and say something random to the couple" Matt says and I look at him with wide eyes.

"I'd rather die a slow painful death," I say and he chuckles.

As if on cue, the door opens slightly and I push Matt away from the locker and both of us hide behind the wall.

"Should we leave?" Matt whispers in my ear and I shudder,

"Huh?" I ask in a daze while looking at him.

"Muffin I think we should leave" Matt whispers with some urgency and his eyes still pinned ahead.

I can hear nothing that he's saying because I'm too busy admiring the perfection of his hazel and amber orbs that dart in every direction. His wandering eyes make it hard for me to focus on the topazes that he possesses and I'm trying my very best to not get him to just look at me so I can observe the god-given eyes with admiration.


I didn't just think that did I?

"Sasha?" Matt calls out to me in a breathy voice.


"Are you okay?"


"You sure?"


"Come on, let's go" Matt finally says, takes my arm, and pulls me away with him.

Did we just...have a moment?

Is that what happened right now?

I think this chapter had a lot of shifting in locations and scenes... So I hope it wasn't too confusing.

Also,I kinda love the chapter name... What do you think?

Fun fact! I actually purposefully left out Sasha's Mad Libs...Yes she made her own and yes she filled it out for herself, so let me know if you guys ever want to read it.

Quick story time! 👵 

Mad Libs was super fun when I was growing up and it used to be such a big deal back when I was 13...The Mad Libs that is featured in this book was actually something I created back when I was in 7th grade as a way for me to make new friends. 

Did it work? 


Let me know your views in the comments, please vote and share and blah blah blah...

Love you all❤️❤️

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