TikTok Rizz Party (BluexDingl...

By tiktokrizzlerparty1

4.3K 61 114

One misunderstood Turkish Quandale Dingle, at first trying to get the attention of Group leader, realizes ins... More

Preface or whatchamacallit
The Day Before the Party- Chapter 1
The Big Night of The Tiktok Rizz Party- Chapter 3
After Party- Chapter 4
So Unexpected Dramatic Plotwist(maybe) - Chapter 5

Getitng ready for the Tiktok Rizz Party- Chapter 2

453 9 15
By tiktokrizzlerparty1

It was late in the afternoon and the party began in a few hours. I was extremely excited because I've been looking forward to it all week. This was my night to shine and show everyone who the leader was, who the alpha was, who the GOAT was! I owned the night!

I was currently in my room working on my footwork. I practiced exactly how I was gonna bust it down on the dance floor. I could already imagine the looks of amazement on people's faces as they watched me, clapping in rhythm to the music.

I was hitting the moonwalk on my wooden floor, walking backwards with my white socks. Well actually they weren't really white anymore. I hadn't washed them in a long time so they were looking a bit musty, but who cares, nobody can judge me because I'm the leader.

I strutted around my room, doing some Fortnite dances like the floss or the stanky leg, in the middle of doing the stanky leg, I heard my bedroom door being slammed open. I quickly froze and turned my neck to look at who it was.

"Honey!" My mom spoke, sticking her head into my room, and then her face formed into a weirded out expression when she saw me, acting as if I was a grimace Ohio citizen "Oh!... uhm am I interrupting something?"

"Mom" I whined, fixing my awkward position that I had previously been in to a more normal one "I've told you to knock before coming in, what happens if hypothetically I could've been edging to aDuke Dennis stream"

"I know, I know. I just forget. I'll try and keep it in mind, but your friend's are at the door" she said stepping more into my room.

"Good! I need them to help me get ready, so I can look breath-taking and by the way I call them minions not friends" I reminded her for the umpteenth time.

"Well you might also wanna shower, the smell in this room is very breath-taking. I don't think I can stand being in here any longer" My mom, pinched her nose dramatically, flapping her hand rapidly in front of her nose as if trying to direct the smell away from it.

"That's just the smell of hard work and good dance moves" I stated, crossing my arms at her exaggeration.

"Well maybe you were hitting the stanky leg a little too hard" she bursted out into a fit of laughter, wheezing at her own joke and slapping her knee.

I stared at her with a dull expression on my face. Why do moms have the worst humor ever?

"Alright mom, you can go now. Send my minions up
here by the way" I said, trying to push her out of my room.

"Okay sweetie! Tell me when you're ready, so I can drive you and your friends to the party," She began walking away from my bedroom door and towards the steps of the staircase.

"Minions! Mom. Minions" I called out to her.

"Whatever!" She responded as she descended the stairs.

I huffed and threw myself on my bed, my hair sticking to my forehead, cause I was sweaty from practicing too much. Suddenly I heard a lot of footsteps getting closer towards my room.

I sat up in my bed and saw my minions all here, I also noticed the outcast was here. I groaned internally, I seriously needed to do something about him.

"Hello our glorious king" They all said in unison.

"Great, Hi." I clasped my hands together, jumping off of my bed and facing them all "Party starts in 3 hours, meaning you all must help me get ready."

They all nodded.

"White, I want you on hair duty, since you have pretty nice hair yourself" I snapped my fingers at him.

He blushed, and ran his hands through his hair, at hearing my compliment. Man, do I have a charming effect on people.

"Dingle and Tomato, go retrieve my outfit, iron and steam it and set it on my bed and then polish my black church shoes and make sure to spray a butt load of axe spray on it, I'm sure it'll attract the females" I ordered the both of them.

"Yes, master" They both put their hand to their head as if they were in the army, listening to commands from their chief.

"Good, ima be in the shower." I held a thumbs up and grabbed my towel, that had been hanging on top of my closet door to dry earlier.

"Uhm, my king. It seems you may have forgotten me?" Outcast spoke up, nervously. His voice still sounding like that annoying ass nerd emoji, in fact he even looks like it.

And also, Take the hint! I purposely forgot you!!!

I inhaled deeply, clenching my fist into a ball, trying to retain my posture and not go berserk on him. "You are not worthy of helping me or even worthy of getting a W from the chat, you're just a useless peasant"

I could see a glint of sadness flicker through his eyes. "Oh.. is there anyway I can do to prove myself worthy!"

I looked up to the ceiling, to show I was deep in thought. "You can take those cups and plates by my PC and go wash them in the sink for me" I pointed over to my desk that held my gaming PC, monitor and PS5, lotion, tissues and a whole lotta of dust.

"But they look moldy, what happens if I contract something" His bottom quivered.

Did he think I was that dirty? Those cups weren't even that moldy! The most they have been sitting there, is maybe like 5 weeks? So dramatic.

I turned around dramatically to head to the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom. "I guess you're not up for the task, you can see yourself o-"

"Wait! Uhm, I'll do it, master"

I smirked and then turned around. "Awesome! I might even consider giving you a rank"

His face lit up excitedly, at the words that came out of my mouth. It was so easy if you just told people what they wanted to hear, you could get anything you wanted. That's why I'm group leader cause I'm very manipulative, I'm like Batman.

"Okay. I'm gonna go shower now" I said turning around, swinging my towel over my shoulder and heading into my fancy bathroom.


I was currently sitting in my chair, dressed in my black shirt and black pants and shiny church shoes, that I had Dingle and Tomato prepare for me nicely. Not a wrinkle or smudge in sight.

Now White was blow drying my hair, trying to get it as fluffy and bouncy as possible. I checked myself out in the mirror, I was like the hottest guy I've ever seen.

"Your hair is very soft, my glorious king, if you don't mind me asking what shampoo do you use" He asked, ruffling my hair, as he combed through it with the blow dryer. Since then blow dryer had the little brush part attached to it.

"I used this 1 in 20 soap, it's really good. I would say the brand, but part of being the group leader means you gotta gate-keep" I shrugged notchantly.

The 1 in 20 soap is seriously game changing. Bathing with that and just spritzing myself in axe, does so many wonders. I even use the 1 in 20 soap for my fries, since ketchup is added into the ingredients.

"That makes sense" he said nodding his head.

After he finished blow-drying, he added some hair spray and fluffed my hair out with his fingers. I watched him through the mirror. But I also noticed dingle in the background watching us intently. What was up with him?

When he locked eyes with me, he flinched and averted his gaze towards my dying succulents in the dark corner of my room that I forgot about. I got them from a gift my from grandmother. Not sure why though, since I don't even like plants, hell I don't even like touching grass.

"Dingle! What is up with you?" I asked, looking at him in the mirror.

"Uhm nothing, My glorious king. I was just spaced out and so happened to be looking that way" He raised his shirt up to cover his cheeks that were becoming red. I would say tomato boy got some competition. He was almost as red as him!

I raised my brow suspiciously. Odd... He's obviously hiding something. I would get down to the bottom of it...After the party of course! I don't got the time to be playing Sherlock Holmes detective shit or whatever.

"I'm done, my king" White shirt boy said stepping backwards, to give me space to look at my hair. I stared at mirror, hello sexy. I loved it so much. But obviously I couldn't tell him that, or that would gas him up and but that would give him the confidence to think he could rule my gang.

I cleared my throat, wiping the impressment from my face. "It's giving sigma, I low key fuck with it." I said the bare minimum, so I could humble him.

"Thank you, your words mean a lot to me" he smiled, putting a hand to his chest, emotionally. Jeez it was never that serious but ok!

Again I could see Dingle staring at us through the mirror. I couldn't properly decipher the look on his face but it was like, mad? Maybe a sprinkle of sadness. I was confused, but I couldn't be. I'm meant to be group leader, the know-it all. I decided to let go and not bring it up, because now we needed to get a move on to the party. No distractions must get in our way.

"My mother is downstairs, follow me at once my servants" I clapped my hands and they followed me in an organized line as we stepped down the stairs.

When we got down there, my mom was sitting at the table on her phone, probably reading news as she always did, trying to keep up with todays modern world as she calls it.

I also noticed Outcast, still washing my mountain of dishes that I had accumulated in my room. I smirked at that.

"Dear mommy, we're done. Please drive us to venue for the Jessica bop's rizz party!" I asked my mom.

"Alright!" She said looking up from her phone and grabbing her keys and walking to the door to slide on some sandals.

"Wait master, I'm not done washing the dishes!" Outcast quickly said, still scrubbing away at a plate, the bottom of his shirt drenched.

"Well then you better hurry" I shrugged, not caring. My mom opened the front door and we followed her out towards our white Tesla. Owning a Tesla was something I often bragged about at school. It made everyone so jealous.

My mom unlocked the car door and as usual my campions squeezed in the back while I sat comfortably at the front.

I connected my phone to the aux and scrolled through my playlist for a good song. I didn't wanna hype myself too much in the car and waste all my party potential, so I went for a more relaxing song. I decided to play Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood. Even though it wasn't as skippdi such as Drake or Yuno Miles songs, it was still such a rizzler song.

My mom had shoved her key into the ignition, and was ready to pull out the driveway when Outcast ran out of the house. My mouth opened agape, how the fuck did he manage to finish so quick! Wait that sounded a bit a dirty... lemme reword that. How the fuck did he wash the dishes that fast?

"Wait for me, leader!" He ran to the car, waving his hands like an idiot.

I pinched my nose in deep embarrassment, he was so pestiferous and such a confounded nuisance. Yes I had use big boy words, but I have to cause in this situation, Outcast was getting on last my nerve.

My mom stopped the car and unlocked it and Outcast opened the car door and squished his way inside, kinda sitting in the lap of tomato boy. I was about to comment that it was kinda gay. But I quickly realized they were wearing socks. So never-mind.

"Thank you for not leaving me!" He rubbed his hands together, as if he were praying.

"Mhm" I gave him a tight lipped smile.

My mom began driving the car, in the direction of Jessica Bop's venue. I leaned against the window sill, staring outside, like a Disney character who's dream is to become a pop star and make it big like Miley Cyrus and hoping to see their name on Hollywood signs one day.

cause it's tooooo colddddddd for you hereeee

A/N: if there's mistake,  sorryyyyyyy. I've proofread this like maybe two times and plus it's like 1AM so I dunno.  🙆🏾‍♀️

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