( LGBTQ) The Icy Billionaire


1.4K 113 11

After being dumped by her ex girlfriend Veronica, Layla forgets about love and climbs the ladder of success. ... Еще

Kicked out
Back to work
light in the mist
Devil in angel's body
Karma is my girlfriend
One for the team
Devil at the door
Jig is up
unexpected feelings
Honey moon phase or Volcano ?
360 degrees change
Wealthy Beginnings
Queen of my heart.
Layla the seductress
Kicked out 2: Consequences
Repenting: Turning a new leaf
The initiation test
All or Nothing
Friends or?
When it's so obvious
Is blood thicker than water?
Too Late to Apologize
Tornado in the ocean
Death or dishonor?
expect the unexpected
Honey moon phase
Preventing a flood
Fight for us
Power of magic
Inner Ice
Streamy meeting
What are you willing to do?
Twice as Mature
Mistress of cruelty

Karma is my ex girlfriend

28 3 0

Veronica's pov.

(7 years later) : The interview we've all been waiting for.

Wealth is like a fantasy now.

I lost everything overnight when Chloe won a court case. As bad luck will have it, all investors pulled out and my family was forced to go hide out in separate countries individually.

There are no connections and I don't know anyone here. My siblings thought it's best we split up so we will be harder to find.

Who knew that the Mafia will be this hot on our heels? Just how did father cross a mafia boss and what was he thinking?

To our suprise, Chloe was neck deep in corruption and blood money. As it turned out Miles is the Mafia's right hand.

When Miles got arrested the Mafia gave us 24 hours to drop the charges.
Ofcorse after having a gun pointed to my head I agreed.

Once Miles was out of jail he killed my father. Not just for sleeping with Chloe but for letting Venice ruin his public image.

I was barely able to escape with my siblings. Thanks to Venice's Daddy Dom having endless connections that he used to get us fake passports and money to flee.

The money I was given was not enough and will only last me a year. I really needed a job and fast and a good paying one at that.

I unwrapped my new phone and plugged the wifi and waited for it to work. I researched jobs and came across a successful company that needed a Junior CEO to fill a position.

I immediately applied and received a date and place for the Interview. Black spades has taken the world by storm with their fashion.

Too bad I can no longer afford branded clothes but I still got a sharp eye for good things. Maybe it's the girl on the billboards that reminded me of Layla.

Layla who got ditched by Amelia in Paris and vanished into thin air. I really tried to find her and went there myself. I was informed that an older lady left the country with her.

Which country? I tried digging but nothing came up. The lady kept to herself and was apparently there for Layla. She left a two days after she met Layla.

I've given up my search as soon as I lost everything. I needed to focus on myself and survival. Once the smoke blows over I'll reach out to my siblings.

We figured that communication would allow the Mafia boss to track us easily. Ending up as every person for themself , going to different countries so we are not tempted to gather and get caught.

All these thoughts swam in my head as I started getting ready for the interview. I researched the company and the name of the director didn't come up. My only lead was the face of the company. The model who looked like my ex girlfriend Layla.

Her name wasn't mentioned. Just fashion shows and celebrity clients wearing their stuff.

I needed to look presentable so I wore a black corset crop top, showing the only thing that went right in my life.

Gym is definitely been a good escape. I wore black leather pants, six inch black ankle boots with a maroon coat that come up to my ankles.

I called and uber as I let go our my waist length whitish pink hair. Since I'm laying low, I dyed my hair to disguise myself.

I put light make up and heard the Uber driver hooting outside. Damn I missed my cars.

I rushed out the door with my side bag and climbed in. The male driver was young and not bad looking. He instantly smiled when he saw me.

"My apologies for the rude hoot. It's just that time is money. "

He said looking at me in the front mirror.

"I'm sorry for not waiting outside. Styling my hair took longer than I thought."

I said to which he smiled warmly and nodded.

Once we were outside the Huge building, I got off thanking the Uber driver.

"I don't usually do this but here is my personal cell. If you need to be fetched you can call me."

He said before driving off. Mhm what a nice guy and his hot as hell too. I smiled to myself as I entered the rotating glass.

I walked up to the secretary giving her a warm smile. She looked at me but my hair distracted her.

"Nice colour." She said nodding impressed.

"Thank you. Nice eyes, are those contacts?"

I asked and she looked suprised and laughed quietly.

"Yes they are my eyes. How can I help you Mrs?"

She said squinting her eyes as if trying to understand why I'm here. Right I need to use my fake name to stay out of harm's way.

"Miss Angelina Gilbert."

I said smiling tasting my new fake name on my tongue. Her eyes shifted in realization before rushing out information.

"You here for the Junior CEO position!
Angelina Gilbert, 9am candidate no. 26."

She said as she closed her lap top and got up, walking around her desk to stand in front of me.

"Miss Gilbert, please follow me. I'll show you to the office.
Wow you like 30 minutes early go figure."

She said as we walked to the elevator. Pushing a button, she got in with me.
I had nothing to discuss with her and she also wasn't in a chatty mood.

The elevator stop at the top floor and we got out. She walked me to the office as I looked around at the interior.

Not bad. It's stylish and alot organised than I thought. She knocked on the door once we got there.

"Miss Dove, it's me April, your 9 o'clock Angelina Gilbert is here for the interview."

Said the girl accompanying me whose name is April.

The doors opened immediately parting on their own. There she was my future boss facing down, writing something.

Her raven shinny waist length hair, was curled and loose. It covered her face so I couldn't see her.

When she looked up she was speechless. Damn, my new boss really looks like my ex. Not only that but they have the same surname.

"April, thank you. You may leave us."

Said the director before looking at me. She seemed conflicted about something. Than her face became emotionless again.

"Miss Gilbert why should I hire you?"

She asked off the bat, leaning against the chair and casually Crossing her legs.

"I'm a fast learner and a team player. I can get quality work done and be on time without miss."

I said Nervously and not sure why and I inwardly prayed to get this job.

"You just arrived in this country?
Where did you live before?"

Asked the director and I told her. She nodded her head to herself and kept quiet.

After what felt like forever she stood up offering me her hand to shake.

"Congratulations Miss Angelina Gilbert. You are the new and first Junior CEO of my company.
Better not make me regret it, I hired you because you reminded me of someone."

Said the director as I looked at her name tag that said Gina Dove. Maybe she's related Layla some how? Ugh get a grip Veronica!

"Remind you of who?"

I blurted out not thinking making Miss Gina Dove frown in irritation.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

She said smirked amused before pressing an intercom button.

"April Cooper, report to the office."

Said Miss Gina Dove, and I knew better than to make small talk. Though I had a thousand questions.

"Is she related to Layla?
Does she know where Layla is?
If so would she mind giving me Layla's number.
Veronica focus! Getting distracted will get you fired."

I said in my head but notice that the director was on her feet looking at me in disbelief.

"V-Veronica? Is that your real name? Don't you fucken dare lie to me!?!!!!"

Said The director and than it hit me.
I'm such an idiot! I blurted everything out. I need to leave and leave right now. My cover has been blown. I still have enough money to boook a flight.

I waisted no time getting up and running to the door only to find it locked.

"P-please open the door, I realized that I no longer needed this job."

I said eyes watering at the fact that I had to move again. The Mafia will definitely find out if I stick around. I need to leave while I can.

"Veronica calm down. It's been years.
Why are you this terrified of me?"

Said the director and I realized that it's Layla.

"I know I acted childish at our last meeting, but I don't recall threatening you."

She said darting her eyes and cautiously approached me.

"Speaking of which, I'm sorry I didn't hear you out at Amelia's office.
I thought treating you like how you treated me would make me happy."

Said Layla standing so close and I really wanted to hug her but staying here will put her in harm's way.

"I didn't take it personally Layla. I wasn't the nicest person."

I said smiling apologetically.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you in the past. Can you please open the doors."

I said as sweat covered my neck. Only a fool will be comfortable in this situation. Anyone here could be the Mafia's spy. I can't afford to trust anyone. Especially an ex.

"Veronica you came here for an interview. You are shaking there terrified, what happened?"

Asked Layla looking annoyed.

"T-the Mafia is looking for me.
I'm on the run. S-sorry for wasting your time. Please open the doors or my blood will be on your hands."

I said trembling all over and scared out of my mind. Layla went from indifferent to half concerned. She took her phone and I spoke her in warning.

"Just open the doors Layla, don't force me to scream cause I will."

I said running out of options and precious time. I could see them walking through the door and shooting me.

"Go ahead, the doors are sound proof. Scream as loud as you want."

Said Layla smug, before chuckling and going back to her seat.

"I see you haven't changed one bit, you still think the world revolves around you?
If you don't go to April and start working, I'll personally go comment on your Reme.
I'll go into detail of how much drama you caused the second I hired you.
In your spare time go see a pastor, a medium or shrink.
Don't make your problems my problems."

Said Layla in a powerful deadly voice. Smiling but not kindly.

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