Kill the Light

By LABloomfield22

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Clytie managed to enter the most prestigious magic university in the empire by getting a scholarship. In a un... More

1 - Arrival
2 - Affinity
3 - The First Death
4 - Regroup
5 - Ally
6 - Infiltration
7 - Cross Roads
8 - The Second Death
9 - Enigma
10 - Revelation
11 - Collaboration
12 - Answers
13 - Azure
14 - Defeat
15 - Divergence
17 - Inception
18 - A Night To Remember
19 - Domineering

16 - Reverie

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By LABloomfield22

As I stepped into the grand ballroom, the opulence surrounding me left me in awe. "Wow," I whispered to myself, though my words vanished into the bustling atmosphere.

A couple swirled past me, the rustle of their elegant attire mingling with the soft strains of the music. I longed to join them, to lose myself in the rhythm of the dance, but a strange sensation held me back. It was as if an invisible barrier separated me from the festivities, leaving me stranded on the outskirts of the celebration.

I approached a group of guests, hoping to strike up a conversation. "Excuse me," I began, but my voice seemed to dissipate into the ambient noise of the room. They continued their conversation, oblivious to my presence.

"Why does it feel like I'm not really here?" I wondered aloud, the words escaping me in a soft whisper.

With each tentative step, I reached out to engage other guests in conversation, hoping to break through the invisible barrier that separated me from their world.

"Excuse me," I began, as I got closer to a woman standing by the side. "May I join you?"

But my words seemed to vanish into thin air, swallowed up by the cacophony of sounds that surrounded us. The woman turned away without so much as a glance in my direction, leaving me standing there, invisible and alone.

As I attempted to engage the guests in conversation, I noticed something peculiar. Despite my efforts, nobody responded to me. It was as if I were a ghost, my words disappearing into the ether without leaving a trace.

"Why can't anyone hear me?" I muttered, my voice tinged with frustration.

I reached out to touch a nearby guest, but my hand passed through them as if they were made of mist. Panic seized me as I realized the truth.

"This can't be real," I whispered, a chill running down my spine. "I must be dreaming."

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I wasn't really here; I was trapped in the recesses of my own mind, lost in a world of illusions.

The looming presence of the upcoming Founding Ball weighed heavily on my mind, its significance may be casting a shadow over this surreal dream. Perhaps it was the anticipation of the event that had drawn me here, to this ethereal realm where reality danced on the edge of fantasy.

Yet despite the grandeur of the ballroom and the palpable excitement in the air, a sense of unease lingered within me like a dark cloud on the horizon.

"Thank you all for gracing this auspicious occasion with your presence," a voice resonated with authority, cutting through the murmurs of the gathered guests. "Tonight, we celebrate not only my coronation but also the enduring spirit of our beloved kingdom."

As I turned towards the voice, a wave of recognition washed over me. There, amidst the glittering crowd of guests, stood King Maximus Beckwith, ruler of the Corlain Kingdom and brother to Princess Elise Beckwith. His presence exuded authority and dignity, commanding the attention of all who beheld him.

His words echoed in the vast expanse of the ballroom, carrying with them a sense of solemnity and pride. Yet, amidst the grandeur of the moment, a nagging sense of familiarity tugged at the edges of my consciousness.

It was then that I realized—the dream I was experiencing now was intricately linked to the one I had before. The mourners, the mysterious voices, and now, the king's coronation—all connected by a common thread that wove through the fabric of my subconscious.

As the realization dawned upon me, I felt a surge of clarity wash over me, dispelling the confusion and uncertainty that had clouded my mind. This dream was more than just a figment of my imagination; it was a glimpse into a hidden truth, a revelation waiting to be uncovered. It was a vision of Princess Elise Beckwith's story.

As the grandeur of the dream began to fade, a faint rustling sound pulled me from the depths of slumber. Blinking away the remnants of the ethereal realm, I found myself back in the familiar confines of my room, surrounded by the soft glow of dawn filtering through the window.

Groggy and disoriented, I struggled to make sense of my surroundings, the lingering echoes of the dream still fresh in my mind. But before I could fully grasp the fleeting memories, a tiny figure darted into view, its tiny wings fluttering with excitement.

It was the sprite, the mischievous creature I had enlisted to carry out my bidding in the waking world. With a sense of urgency, it hovered before me, its tiny form vibrating with anticipation as it relayed the news it had gathered.

"Master Clytie, I bring news," the sprite chimed, its voice barely above a whisper. "I have uncovered something of great significance regarding Lady Sasha Grant and her family."

My heart skipped a beat at the sprite's words, my curiosity piqued by the gravity of its tone. "Tell me everything," I urged, my voice barely more than a whisper.

The sprite hovered closer, its delicate wings shimmering in the faint light. "I delved into the registrar's records, searching for any information pertaining to Lady Sasha Grant's enrollment status and any potential relatives listed therein. What I discovered was both perplexing and troubling."

I held my breath, anticipation coursing through my veins as the sprite revealed its findings.

"It appears that Lady Sasha Grant has an older sister named Caitlyn Grant, who was indeed enrolled in the university for this semester. However, there is no record of her arrival, and no one seems to have any knowledge of her whereabouts."

A chill ran down my spine at the sprite's words, the implications of its revelation sinking in with a sense of foreboding. Lady Sasha's sister, missing without a trace... It was a troubling development, especially in light of Lady Sasha's recent demise.

"Thank you for your diligence in uncovering this information," I murmured, my mind already spinning with the possibilities. "We must delve deeper into this mystery and uncover the truth behind Caitlyn Grant's disappearance. There may be more to this than meets the eye."

"Before you go," I called out as the sprite began to fade from view, "do you know where Lady Caitlyn's room was located?"

The sprite paused, its glow pulsating softly as it considered my question. "I did manage to glean some information regarding Lady Caitlyn's accommodations," it replied, its voice barely audible above the whisper of the wind. "Her room is located in the east wing of the academy, on the third floor, near the end of the hallway."

My mind raced with possibilities as I absorbed the sprite's words. If Lady Caitlyn's room held any clues to her sister's mysterious demise or her own disappearance, then it was imperative that I investigate further. With a determined nod, I resolved to soon make my way to the east wing and unravel the secrets that lay hidden within its walls.

"Thank you," I murmured, my voice tinged with gratitude. "Your assistance has been invaluable. Rest now, and know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed."

With that, the sprite vanished into the ether, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the weight of the task that lay ahead.

As the sprite disappeared into the shimmering mist, I found myself enveloped in a sense of apprehension that lingered in the quiet of our dorm room. However, my roommate, Lady Emelia, stirred from her slumber with an exuberant energy that seemed to fill the entire room.

"Good morning, Clytie!" Lady Emelia greeted, her voice brimming with cheerfulness as she sat up in bed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Good morning, Emelia," I replied, unable to suppress a yawn as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "What has you in such high spirits today?"

Lady Emelia's smile widened as she bounced out of bed, her movements graceful and fluid. "Don't you remember, Clytie?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Today is the opening day of the Founding Festival, and tonight is the Founding Ball!"

The realization dawned on me like the first rays of sunlight breaking through the darkness. How could I have forgotten? The Founding Festival was a momentous occasion, a celebration of our empire's rich history and enduring legacy. And the Founding Ball was the jewel in the festival's crown, a grand affair attended by nobles and dignitaries from every corner of the empire.

A surge of anticipation coursed through Lady Emelia, her excitement palpable as she spoke of the festivities that awaited us. The colorful parades, the lively street performances, and, of course, the grand ball itself—all held in honor of the empire's founding and the prosperity it had brought to our land.

"Of course, how could I forget?" I replied, my voice lacking the same enthusiasm that bubbled forth from her. Despite my attempts to mask my true feelings, Lady Emelia seemed to sense my apprehension, her brow furrowing with concern.

"What's the matter, Clytie? You don't seem very excited," she remarked, her tone gentle yet probing. "Is something bothering you?"

I hesitated, unsure of how to articulate the swirling maelstrom of emotions that churned within me. How could I explain the gnawing sense of unease that had plagued me ever since the announcement of the Founding Ball? How could I put into words the overwhelming dread that threatened to consume me whole?

"It's nothing, Emelia. Just pre-ball jitters, I suppose," I replied with a forced smile, though it felt more like a grimace. "I'm sure it'll pass."

But even as I spoke the words, I couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding that hung heavy in the air. The thought of attending the ball filled me with a sense of dread that bordered on irrational, like a looming specter casting a shadow over the festivities.

As Lady Emelia and I conversed, a sudden knock echoed through the room, causing us both to startle. With a gentle smile, Lady Emelia called out, "Come in!"

To our astonishment, the door swung open, and four maids glided into the room, each carrying trays laden with an array of sumptuous breakfast delicacies. The scent of freshly baked pastries and steaming hot beverages filled the air, enticing our senses and leaving our mouths watering in anticipation.

Among the delights laid out before us were golden-brown croissants, still warm from the oven and filled with a rich, creamy cheese, paired with thinly sliced smoked salmon and fresh dill. A colorful assortment of fruits adorned a crystal platter, their vibrant hues adding a splash of brightness to the table. A pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice glistened invitingly in the morning light, accompanied by delicate porcelain cups adorned with intricate floral patterns.

"Good morning, ladies," one of the maids greeted us with a warm smile as they set down the trays on the table. "We've been sent by Prince Dylan to serve you breakfast and assist Lady Clytie in preparing for the ball."

My confusion only deepened at the mention of Prince Dylan's name. Why would he go to such lengths to ensure my comfort and well-being? And why now, of all times, on the day of the Founding Ball?

Lady Emelia, on the other hand, seemed positively enchanted by the gesture, her eyes sparkling with delight as she surveyed the decadent feast before us. "How romantic!" she exclaimed, clasping her hands together in glee. "Prince Dylan is such a gentleman, isn't he?"

I couldn't help but agree outwardly, nodding in acquiescence to Lady Emelia's sentiment. However, inwardly, doubts gnawed at my mind like persistent shadows in the corner of my consciousness. Despite the apparent grandeur of the gesture, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within me, a nagging sense that Prince Dylan's intentions might not be as pure as they seemed.

After indulging in the lavish breakfast spread, Lady Emelia and I found ourselves thoroughly sated, our spirits lifted by the delectable fare laid out before us. With contented sighs, we lingered over the remnants of our meal, savoring each bite as if it were the most exquisite delicacy in the world.

Once our hunger had been satisfied, I excused myself to prepare for the day ahead, making my way towards the luxurious bathing chamber that was prepared for me on the 6th floor. The maids, ever attentive to my needs, stood at the ready, their gentle smiles and graceful demeanors putting me at ease.

As I settled into the luxurious bath, the maids' attentive assistance felt unfamiliar and somewhat disconcerting to me. Unused to such lavish treatment, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort at having someone attend to me in such an intimate manner.

One of the maids poured fragrant oils into the water, infusing it with the delicate scent of lavender and rose petals. The soothing aroma filled the air, calming my nerves and easing the tension that had settled in my shoulders. It was a level of luxury I had never experienced before, and part of me couldn't help but feel unworthy of such extravagance.

Another maid knelt beside the bath, a soft sponge in hand, ready to assist me with washing. Her touch was gentle yet firm, the warm water and fragrant soap lathering against my skin, leaving me feeling refreshed and revitalized. Despite my initial discomfort, I couldn't deny the pleasure of being pampered in such a manner.

To alleviate the awkwardness that hung in the air like a heavy shroud, I cleared my throat and attempted to engage the maids in conversation. "So, uh, tell me more about this Founding Festival," I began tentatively, my voice betraying my nerves. "I've heard bits and pieces, but I'm not entirely sure what it entails."

The maids exchanged a knowing glance, their faces lighting up with enthusiasm at the opportunity to share their knowledge. "Oh, milady, the Founding Festival is the grandest event of the year," one of them exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "It commemorates the founding of the Empire of Gohar and is celebrated with extravagant parades, lavish feasts, and dazzling fireworks displays."

As the conversation continued, I felt a pang of discomfort as the maids addressed me as "milady." It was a title I had never been accustomed to, one that felt foreign and out of place. Even though I was once the daughter of a baron, it has been too long since someone last addressed me as "milady".

"Um, could you please not call me 'milady'?" I interjected gently, hoping not to offend. "I don't have any noble title, so just 'miss' will do fine."

The maids exchanged a glance, a hint of surprise flickering across their faces before they nodded in understanding. "Of course, miss," they chimed in unison, their voices warm and accommodating.

With that small adjustment, the atmosphere in the room seemed to lighten, the tension that had lingered dissipating like morning mist under the sun's gentle rays. Emboldened by their gracious acceptance, I found myself relaxing further into the luxurious bath, allowing the warm water to soothe both body and mind. 

"The festival sounds fascinating," I remarked, genuinely intrigued by the rich history and tradition surrounding the festival. "What sort of events are planned for today?"

"There will be a grand parade through the streets of the capital, showcasing the cultural diversity and splendor of our empire," another maid chimed in, her eyes bright with excitement. "And of course, tonight is the Founding Ball, where nobles from far and wide will gather to celebrate in style."

"It sounds like quite the spectacle," I mused, picturing the vibrant colors and swirling dances that would undoubtedly fill the ballroom later that evening. "I suppose I should feel honored to be a part of such festivities."

The maids nodded in agreement, their smiles warm and encouraging. "Indeed, miss," one of them replied. "It's a rare privilege to attend such prestigious events, and I'm sure you'll find the experience to be quite memorable."

Despite their reassurance and promise of an unforgettable evening ahead, I couldn't allow myself to relax. The thought of attending the Founding Ball filled me with a sense of unease, a nagging feeling that refused to be silenced. As the maids continued to pamper me with their attentive care, I couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that lingered at the edges of my mind.

As the conversation turned to the festivities planned for the day, I found myself nodding along politely, all the while wrestling with my inner turmoil. How could I, a mere commoner, hope to navigate the intricacies of court politics and social etiquette? And what did Prince Dylan hope to achieve by extending such lavish gestures towards me?

With the maids' assistance, I emerged from the bath feeling refreshed yet apprehensive, knowing that the true test of my mettle lay just beyond the gilded doors of the ballroom.

As the maids dried me off, the idea of catching a glimpse of the grand parade before tonight's ball sparked within me a sense of curiosity. It seemed like a rare chance to soak in the vibrant traditions of Empire Gohar, something I hadn't imagined experiencing firsthand.

Turning to the maids who were diligently drying off my hair, I tentatively floated the idea. "Do you think we could manage to see the grand parade before we begin preparing for the ball?" I asked, a mixture of excitement and uncertainty coloring my voice.

Pausing in her task, one of the maids considered my question before offering a hopeful response. "It might be a bit tight on time, Miss, but with a bit of hustle, we could probably catch at least part of the procession," she suggested, her tone infused with optimism.

The prospect of witnessing the parade firsthand filled me with anticipation. It would be a rare opportunity to immerse myself in the festivities and traditions of the empire, something I hadn't imagined I would have the chance to do.

With a determined nod, I made my decision. "Alright then, let's go see the parade," I declared, a flicker of excitement lighting up my eyes. Turning to the maids, I instructed, "But let's keep it simple for the parade. Dress me in something light and easy to move in."

Understanding my request, the maids nodded in agreement and swiftly began selecting a more casual attire suitable for the outdoor event. I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation as we prepared to venture out into the bustling streets to partake in the festivities.


As we stepped out onto the bustling streets, the energy of the Founding Festival enveloped us like a warm embrace. Everywhere I looked, there were people milling about, their faces alive with excitement and anticipation. Stalls lined the cobblestone streets, their colorful banners fluttering in the breeze as vendors peddled their wares to eager customers.

The sound of music filled the air, the lively melodies of street performers mingling with the cheerful chatter of the crowd. I couldn't help but be swept up in the festive atmosphere, my earlier apprehension fading into the background as I allowed myself to be carried away by the spirit of the occasion.

Amidst the throng of festival-goers, I found myself walking alongside the maids who had accompanied me. Though their names had escaped me in the rush of preparations, I felt a sudden curiosity about the individuals who had been tending to my needs with such care and dedication.

"Excuse me," I began, turning towards the nearest maid, "I realized I never caught your names. I'd like to know who I've been fortunate enough to have by my side today."

The maid, a young woman with kind eyes and a gentle demeanor, smiled warmly at my inquiry. "Of course, miss," she replied, her voice soft yet filled with warmth. "My name is Evelyn, and this is my colleague, Hannah."

At her introduction, the other maid, a petite woman with a bright smile, nodded in greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you, miss," she chimed in, her voice cheerful and earnest.

Returning their smiles, I felt a sense of gratitude towards Evelyn and Hannah for their assistance and companionship. In the midst of the bustling festival, their presence provided me with a sense of comfort and familiarity.

"Pleased to meet you both, Evelyn and Hannah," I replied, offering them a grateful nod. "Thank you for everything you've done for me today."

With our introductions complete, we continued our leisurely stroll through the festival, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling streets. Everywhere we turned, there was something new and exciting to discover, from colorful street performances to mouthwatering delicacies being served from the various food stalls.

As we meandered through the festival, our senses were tantalized by the array of sights and smells that surrounded us. Among the vibrant stalls lining the streets, one in particular caught my eye—a colorful display of candies that seemed to shimmer and sparkle like stars in the night sky.

"Evelyn, Hannah," I exclaimed, gesturing towards the stall with excitement, "have you seen those candies? They look absolutely mesmerizing!"

Evelyn and Hannah followed my gaze, their eyes lighting up with curiosity as they took in the display of confections before us. "Ah, those are Aurora bites," Evelyn replied, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "They're a staple food for the Founding Festival of Empire Gohar."

Intrigued by her explanation, I approached the stall with newfound interest, eager to learn more about these enchanting treats. As I perused the selection, my eyes were drawn to a small jar filled with crystallized light, each piece glowing with an ethereal luminescence.

"These must be the Aurora bites," I murmured, reaching out to pick one up delicately. As I held it in my hand, I couldn't help but be captivated by its shimmering beauty, the colors dancing and swirling like the aurora borealis itself.

"They're said to evoke a sense of wonder and awe when consumed," Hannah chimed in, her voice filled with reverence. "Many believe that they have magical properties, opening the eater's eyes to the beauty and magic that surrounds them."

"Excuse me," I called out to the vendor, a kindly-looking elderly woman with twinkling eyes and a warm smile. "Could I please purchase some of these Aurora bites?"

"Of course, dearie," the vendor replied, her voice as sweet as honey. "How many would you like?"

"I'll take a handful, please," I said, reaching into my coin purse to retrieve the necessary coins. As I handed them over, I couldn't help but notice the vendor's gentle demeanor and genuine warmth.

"And would you like some for your companions as well?" the vendor asked, nodding towards Evelyn and Hannah, who were watching with eager anticipation.

"Yes, please," I replied with a smile, gesturing for Evelyn and Hannah to come closer. "We'll take enough for all of us to share."

Evelyn and Hannah approached the stall with excitement, their eyes alight with curiosity as they watched the vendor prepare our treats. As she handed over the candies, they each took a handful, their faces lighting up with delight as they examined the glowing confections.

"These look amazing," Evelyn exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder. "Thank you so much, miss!"

"It's my pleasure, dear," the vendor replied, her smile warm and genuine. "I hope you enjoy them."

With our treats in hand, we found a nearby bench where we could sit and enjoy the Aurora bites together. As we unwrapped the candies and popped them into our mouths, we were immediately enveloped in a sensation of warmth and wonder.

"They're delicious!" Hannah exclaimed, her eyes wide with amazement. "And they really do taste like magic."

I nodded in agreement, savoring the sweetness of the candy as it filled me with a sense of awe and wonder. "It's like nothing I've ever tasted before," I said, my voice filled with wonder.

Together, we sat and enjoyed our treats, savoring each bite as we basked in the glow of the Founding Festival.

As I savored the last remnants of the Aurora bites, a flicker of movement caught the corner of my eye. I turned, my heart skipping a beat as I thought I saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

Sir Lucius.

But no, it couldn't be him. The last time I saw him was when we stumbled upon Sir James's lifeless body hanging from a tree, a grim discovery that still haunted my dreams.

Despite my uncertainty, a surge of curiosity compelled me to follow the figure, weaving through the bustling crowds with a sense of urgency. Evelyn and Hannah exchanged concerned glances, their brows furrowing with worry as they struggled to keep pace with my determined stride.

"Clytie, wait!" Evelyn called out, her voice tinged with apprehension.

But I paid no heed, my focus fixed on the mysterious figure ahead. With each step, the gap between us narrowed, until at last, I was within arm's reach. But as I reached out to touch his shoulder, he vanished into the crowd like a wisp of smoke, leaving me standing there, bewildered and alone.

I glanced around frantically, searching for any sign of his presence, but he had disappeared without a trace. With a heavy sigh, I turned back to my companions, my heart heavy with disappointment.

"He's gone," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper.

Evelyn and Hannah exchanged relieved glances, their expressions softening. "It's alright, Miss Clytie," Hannah said gently, her hand resting reassuringly on my shoulder. "Let's go, the procession is about to start."

Taking a deep breath, I nodded, grateful for their comforting presence. Pushing aside the lingering unease from the encounter, I allowed myself to be drawn back into the festive atmosphere, focusing on the excitement of the upcoming parade. With Evelyn and Hannah by my side, I felt a renewed sense of optimism as we joined the throngs of people lining the streets, eager to witness the spectacle unfolding before us.

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