The Ministry Child: Phantomime

By IStoleTime

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After the death of her Father Albany is struggling with her grief, she had lost every single member family in... More

Take Your Time
Lockdown At The Ministry
Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan
That Ghoul!
Ghostly Encounters
Mystery Solved
Halloween With The Ghouls
Cluedo At The Ministry
A New Year, A New Routine
A Change Of Scene
Copia, What Did You Do?!
Times Of Change
Back To Business
He's Back
Papa Nihil
Revisiting The Past
Our Old Getaway
I Missed You
Breakfast At The Ministry
The European Tour
Another City, Another Country
An Outing With Two Papas.
Near The End
Los Angeles
Returning From Hellfest
Let's Play Ball!
A Day At The Beach
Training At The Beach
A Nightmare Revisited.
Jesus Is Coming
Glass Caskets
Rude Awakening
Calling From A Land Down Under

Father Jim DeFroque

78 6 0
By IStoleTime

 Chapter 32! 

Father Jim DeFroque

10th of April 2023- The Los Angeles Ministry


The last week at the Los Angeles Ministry had been busy, the Clergy had been arranging events for their satanic band. The coming of someone from religious circles had been preaching the word of his Lord live on YouTube on Easter Sunday, it was then followed by a new song  release. The rumours about Jesus is coming had finally been solved, it was nothing but a song cover Papa Emeritus IV had record in secret.

Footsteps echoing down the hallway disturbed the silence of the unholy church, there was a group of four heading towards the main stairway near the entrance of the Ministry. Sister Imperator was leading the way, her former lover and prodigy were following close behind their superior. Albany was not far behind them, she was carrying a couple of files in her arms. Her superiors had a meeting with one of their clients, he was due at 2pm. They stopped in the middle if the hallway when they arrived at the entrance of the building, the silence was soon broken by Copia.

" When is this guy arriving?" Copia asked.

" I've been informed by the ghouls that he's just pulled up on the car park." Sister replied, her hands cupped together. " Now remember, this meeting is important.  I want everyone on their best behaviour, we want to make sure our agreement is being withheld with Pastor Jim DeFroque."

" DeFroque?" Papa asked.

" Yes, Papa." Sister replied.

" Are we planning to expell this ecclesiastic Pastor by taking away his holy robe?" Papa asked, his features were hopeful while his gaze wandered towards his prodigy. " How about the boy?"

" Cardi is staying." Sister said.

" Are you sure?" Papa asked.

" I'm very sure." Sister said.

Papa Nihil grumbled to himself, he didn't like the answer he had received from Sister. He was trying to get rid of Copia at any given opportunity that arisen, his dislike for his prodigy ever growing since his success was ever growing. Albany shared a reassuring glance with her lover, she didn't like it when her Father was cruel to him. She sometimes wanted to defend him, but it would only cause more hatred between them. A loud knock at the large wooden doors caught everyone's attention, it echoed around the Ministry. Their 2pm meeting had arrived, it was time to finally meet Pastor Jim DeFroque.

The doors opened and sunlight entered the Ministry, there was a silhouette of a man standing in the doorway with a leather bible in his hands. Footsteps echoed down the hallway, his presence was soon felt. Pastor Jim's white and red papal was freshly pressed, it flowed behind him while he approached them. His dark hair was combed back and his beard was neatly trimmed, his overall appearance ozzed charm and charisma. His arms outstretched he greeted Sister with the most warmest of smiles, his voice was loud and clear.

" Greetings to you, Sister!" Pastor Jim said.

" Pastor Jim, I'm so glad you could make it." Sister smiled.

" The pleasure is all mine, this meeting between our religious circles as been forth coming." Pastor Jim said, his gaze wandered between everybody in the hallway. " Your flock as grown, may I have an introduction?"

" Of course." Sister said, her hand gestured towards the ghostly Papa. " This is Papa Nihil, his role at this Ministry is now reaching from beyond the grave. You may have heard of him, he was the frontman of the Clergy in the late sixties for a short period of time."

" The legend himself! It's a great honor, my dark excellency." Pastor Jim said with a bow of his head. " I'd shake your hand, but I fear your hand would pass through me like the holy spirit itself."

" And that's not the only thing that would pass through him..." Copia said.

" How dare you!" Papa frowned.

" Now boys..." Sister said.

" He sharted it." Copia chuckled.

" Oh, Cardi!" Sister sighed.

" And who is this man?" Pastor Jim asked, he eyed up the newest Papa Emeritus curiously. " He makes the Lord himself nervous with his awful jokes."

" This is Cardi, but most of the Clergy refer to him has Papa Emeritus IV." Sister replied, her features became proud while her gaze focused on her little Cardi. " He's the newest Papa, but the popularity and wealth he's gained for the Clergy is impressive. I'm very proud of him, he's a great asset to this Ministry."

" More like an ASSet." Papa chuckled.

" Final warning, Papa." Sister said, she gave he ex lover a stern look before her attention was drawn back to her prodigy. " Copia is bringing so much joy to millions with his music."

" I'm happy to hear he's using music to bring joy to many, that's a wonderful gift to all!" Pastor Jim said, his gaze then focused on Albany. " And who is this young lady?" 

" She's my clerk." Copia replied.

" And my Daughter." Papa said, his features were stern. " She's off-limits, her services belong to this Ministry only!"

" Oh, Papa..." Sister sighed.

" Oh?" Pastor Jim asked.

" I'm Albany, it's nice to meet you." Albany said.

" The pleasure is all mine." Pastor Jim smiled.

" I've seen your adverts on TV a few times." Albany said, she glanced at her Father before she spoke again. " It's intriguing to meet someone so passionate about giving and caring about others. It's very refreshing. I also listened to your podcast with my Father last night, the holy-hits call in."

" More like holy-shits..." Copia muttered.

" Anyway, it was impressionable." Albany said.

" That's good to know, it's nice meeting one of my like minded flock." Pastor Jim said.

" I wouldn't exactly say I'm part of your flock." Albany said.

" There's always time to convert, it's never to late to embrace the Lord." Pastor Jim said before he gave her one of his cards from his bible. " Services are held every Sunday at 10am. Our address and number is on the back, it would be a pleasure to see you there."

" Erm, thank you..." Albany said.

" You're welcome, my child." Pastor Jim smiled.

" How about a quick tour of the Ministry before our meeting?" Sister asked, her hand motioned down the hallway. " We can take the scenic route to my office." 

" What a splendid idea, lead the way!" Pastor Jim said.

Pastor Jim bowed his head to Albany, his features were friendly before he excused himself from her company. Albany watched Sister and Pastor Jim venturing down the hallway, they were soon followed by Papa Nihil. She was puzzled why a man of the cloth would be visiting the Ministry, he looked out of place within this sinister place. She didn't really know anything about him besides the adverts and podcast, but there was something odd about him. Patting the card against her hand her attention was soon caught by her lover, he hadn't followed his superiors. Copia looked a little miffed, his arms were folded and his gaze remained on the hallway ahead of them. She was unsure what was with his sudden mood change, he was joking and making fun of her Father not long ago before the Pastor had arrived for his meeting. Albany turned to face him, she broke the silence between them.

"He seems nice." She said.

" I don't like him..." He said.

" Why not?" She asked.

" The way he looked at you, it wasn't cool." He replied.

" He was only being polite." She said, her speaking tone became playfully. " Are you jealous?" 

" Me? Jealous?!" He asked while his gaze met with her own. " Ummm no, never! Of course not, baby. I just thought I would never have to fight anybody for your affections..."

" Oh Copia, don't be silly!" She said before she moved closer towards him." I'm not going to attend any of his sermons if that makes you feel any better."

" That's good to know." He said, his speaking tone was serious." He'd have you on your knees and praising his saviour faster than you could say pasta sauce! That Pastor has a reputation for blasphemy and criminal activities. He launders money and sins in downtown Los Angeles with hockey players, he's nothing but bad news!"

" I didn't know any of this..." She said.

" Now you do." He said.

" If it makes you feel any better you're the only person I'd get on my knees for is you." She smiled while she lovingly touched his arm. " I only have eyes for you, don't feel threatened by a stranger."

" Can we revisit the part about what you just said about getting on your knees for me?" He asked.

" We can speak about that later in private, but for now I suggest you go and have your meeting with Pastor Jim." She said with a reassuring smile. " Sister and Papa will be wondering where you have gotten to, it's important that you attend this meeting."

" Right, right..." He said.

" Before you go let me show you how much Pastor Jim means to me, okay?" Albany said.

Albany showed Copia the card the Pastor had given her, she immediately torn the card in half. A sound of surprise escaped her lover's lips, he hadn't been expecting her to do that in front of him. Albany took hold of his hand, she placed the pieces of card in his palm before she closed his fingers around it. 

" You better get moving, I'll see you after the meeting in your office." She said.

" Okay, baby." He said.

Bringing his hand to her chest Albany told Copia to go and show Pastor Jim who was the boss around this Ministry. Her words had amused Copia, he gave his lover a quick kiss on her lips before he ventured down the hallway to catchup with superiors and their villainous guest.


Later That Evening

The day soon passed, the working day had finally ended. The meeting with Pastor Jim had been time consuming, their guest had remained at the Ministry until late afternoon. Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil had escorted the Pastor around the unholy church, they had many issues to discuss with him. His sinful behaviour outside of the unholy church was acceptable, but his constant theft of the Clergy collection plate was frowned upon. Their meeting with him seemed to have gone smoothly, but their gaze would remain on him until it was time for his downfall.

The dining table in the kitchen had been laid out and the candles were lit in their candleholders, the lights in the room had been dimmed. The scent of bread drifted into the hallway, it was time for an evening meal to be service at the Ministry. Albany had been busy in the kitchen, she had prepared minestrone soup and focaccia for her superiors evening meal. She had laid out four places at the table, but she had placed an empty bowl in her Father's favourite seating place. Papa Nihil was unable to eat due to his phantasm form, but she liked including him in any family meals they had in the kitchen. 

Copia was the first to arrive, he was soon followed by his superiors. They settled around the table and tucked into their meal, the conversation between them was causal. Sister spoke with Papa Nihil about getting his saxophone professionally cleaned before the final leg of the Imperatour, she wanted everything perfect for the first ritual in May. She then reminded her prodigy about a new jacket fitting with the Clergy tailor. Copia wiped some soup away from his lips with a napkin before he spoke, he had something important to ask his superiors.

" So, are we going to get rid of him?" Copia asked.

" Get rid of who?" Sister asked.

" Pastor Jim DeFroque." Copia replied.

" Not just yet, he's still got many things to offer the Clergy." Sister replied.

" Right, right..." Copia said.

" I kind of liked him, he reminds me of myself back in my youthful years." Papa said, his features were cheerful. " Charming, debonair and well spoken. Great hair and a passion for the cause, just like me."

" I don't think so, Pops." Copia said.

" And what's that suppose to mean?!" Papa asked.

" Now boys, don't ruin the meal Albany has prepared for us." Sister said, her gaze focused on Albany. " May I also add what you said to Pastor Jim was very impressive. You seemed to have charmed him, he thought highly of you."

" I thought I should say something encouraging after Papa and Copia's bickering." Albany said, her gaze wandered between her Father and lover. " It seemed like the right thing to do after it got awkward."

" Indeed." Sister said.

" Albany gets her charm  from me, it's common knowledge." Papa said.

" Oh really?" Sister asked, her judgemental gaze focused on her former lover. " What makes you think that?"

" I did raise the girl, she turned out better than her Brothers." Papa said.

" I see." Sister said.

" Albany is nothing like you, Pops." Copia said, his gaze turned towards his lover while he motioned his hand towards her. " She's nicer than you for a start, her penmanship and filing system is very good. She's always on time for work. Not to mention she makes a good cup of coffee, she always remembers my evaporated milk. She deserves more appreciation."

" That's sweet, thank you." Albany smiled.

" You're very welcome, Albany." Copia smiled.

" You better not be trying to seduce my Daughter..." Papa said, his features were stern. " I've warned you before about staying away from her, she's ten times better than you!"

" Papa, he's just being nice..." Albany sighed.

" You may think that, but I know differently!" Papa frowned.

" We work together, he can't help being in the same office has me." Albany said before she picked her spoon from the bowl. " We've spoken about this countless time..."

" And I will keep repeating it until it's drummed into his big fat head!" Papa grumbled.

" Papa, stop!" Albany sighed.

" My head isn't that big, right?" Copia asked.

" Oh, Copia!" Sister chuckled.

Copia's humorous questioned had eased the tension around the dining table, it seemed to have silenced the ghostly Papa Nihil. The sound of spoons clicking against the bowls were heard, the sound of slurping came from Copia's direction. Albany rolled her eyes at Father when she noticed him watching her, his features were still stern. She hated when ever he brought up her working relationship with Copia. Her ghostly Father still had no idea about her personal relationship with Copia, she wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. 

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