My Freak Show Life (BWWM)

By pink_cash

184K 7.9K 1.5K

Chauncey, Benjamin, and Liam are three of the most successful men in their respective fields, who also happen... More

Chapter 1: My Freak Show
Chapter 2: Beloved Strangers
Chapter 3: To live or To die
Chapter 4: The First Date
Chapter 5: The Worst First Date
Chapter 6: Unexpected Meetings
Chapter 7: News: Good or Bad?
Chapter 8: That's a yes?
Fair Warning 😔
Chapter 9: Hanging in the Balance
Info 😂
100k 🤯🤪
Chapter 10: In Sickness
Chapter 11: The Past & Present
Chapter 12: Connection
Chapter 13: Closure
Chapter 14: Crime & Punishment
Chapter 15: The Aftermath
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Taking Steps
Chapter 18:Mate
Chapter 20: Changing
Chapter 21: Meetings & Episodes
Chapter 22: Fun
Chapter 23: Luna Duties
Chapter 24: Two is Better Than One

Chapter 19: Power

609 30 1
By pink_cash

Vote, Comment, & Fan ! : ) 

I groan stretching my arms as my eyes flutter open against the sunlight coming through the room. I glance at the clock to see it's going on ten in the morning and I notice my mates are still sleep next to me. My body is killing me, once the evening ended Xander decided he couldn't wait any longer to mate with Amara. It's an odd experience to watch yourself having sex but feel nothing of it. It's an outer body experience if I ever saw one. It must be how Chaun felt watching Xander have sex with me. Amara and Xander were beyond rough, what he did to me was child's play to what they did to each other. It was also odd seeing myself as a wolf, on the way back from our tryst I saw myself in the refection of the patio door and I was stuck. I was smaller than Chauncey with soft brown and tan fur. I truly couldn't believe what I was seeing. I'm confident I would've stay there staring had it not been for Chaun nudging me forward. I'm fully one with Chaun but not with Liam and Benny and I want to be oddly enough.

It wouldn't be fair to them that I'm so connected with Chauncey and not them. So today I'm making it a plan to have them finish our mating as well, just without the sex. My poor vagina can only handle so much damage and I've reached my breaking point. Xander and Amara wore me out. Plus, I really need these bruises to heal. I glance over to Chauncey eyeing my mark that I made last night next to our other mates. Well technically I didn't make it, Amara did.

You would've taken too long and he's mine. She huffs.

I roll my eyes at her; I hate that she's right. I've accepted their place in my life and mine in theirs, but I don't think I was quite ready to be immortal just yet. I feel like our relationship has moved very quickly and I'm hoping that it won't backfire at some point. I use the tip of my finger to graze my mark softly. I pull back once he stirs in his sleep. Turning to my right I look at Benny sleeping peacefully. Too bad I'm going to ruin that. I slowly climb over so I'm sitting on his lap right above his hardened penis, trying not to wake our mates. I lean down on the right side of his neck sucking on his spot. He lets out a soft groan and I continue away. I need him to wake up and bite me. He groans again gripping my thighs and I know he's slowly coming too.

"Beautiful" he groans groggily.

I lean up looking down at his blue eyes, "bite me."

He rubs his eyes, "what?"

"Bite me now."

He eyes me, "are you sure?"

I nod, "hurry up before we wake them."

He sits up a little groaning when I hit his erection. He inhales deeply before biting down on the right side of my neck. I hiss at the pain, this being different from when he pulls from me. When he feds from me it's euphoric pleasure but this is like white hot pain, borderline excruciating.

"Just breathe, it'll be over in a moment." He flips us so I'm lying on my back in my original spot. "You're going to be out in a minute, thank you."

"I love you" I whisper before I'm consumed by darkness.

My eyes flutter open and I see all my mates above me staring at me. I rub my eyes sitting up in the bed, "What time is it?"

"One fifteen, how are you feeling?" Benny asks.

"Fine, why are you guys hovering?"

"Just wanted to make sure you are okay after the change."

I look at him shocked, "it's done?"

He nods with a small grin, "yeah beautiful you're a vampire now." I can't help the scream that escapes my mouth before hopping out the bed quickly. Too quickly I hold my head to get rid of the dizziness. "Careful beautiful, you have vampire speed now."

I pace over to the full-length mirror to see nothing has change really about my appearance. My bruising is healed along with old acne scars are gone as well as the cuts that use to mark my skin. Holy shit, this is amazing. I turn to face their smiling faces, "when do I find out my powers?"

"Close your eyes and just feel it, you'll know" Benny says.

I close my eyes taking a deep breath letting my body relax. Suddenly I'm being lifted out of my body and everything around me is frozen in place. What is this? I move close to Benny and suddenly I'm him looking at me. What the hell?

"Who's there?" I hear him ask.

"Me" I squeak shyly.

He chuckles, "it's okay beautiful, this is your power. It's called possession, you can enter the body and mind of others and control them or just be nosy if you want."

"Holy shit, that's so cool. How do I go back?"

"Just think about your own body."

I nod before concentrating on my own body. I open my eyes smiling brightly before attacking Benny in a hug and kiss. He chuckles carrying us to the bed with me on his lap. I pull away leaning down to the left side of his neck. I concentrate on what I want to do, and I feel a dull ache in my gums. I inhale deeply before biting down leaving my mark. Then I move to the right side of his neck pulling from him. I groan as his blood enters my mouth, it's tastes like a piece of dark chocolate, bitter yet sweet at the same time.

"Beautiful if you don't want me to fuck you, I suggest you hurry up and finish."

I groan before pulling away licking the bite, "you taste delicious."

He smirks, "thank you."

I get up off him turning to face Liam, "Lamb your turn."

He chuckles, "as much as I love your enthusiasm, we'll take a raincheck on me."

I pout, "why?"

He closes the distance between us holding my head in his hands, "becoming a demon is a lot more painful and I don't think I'm prepared to take you through that right now. Please understand."

I nod leaning up to kiss him and he puts me out my misery by meeting me the rest of the way. I understand that I don't know the depth of the pain that I might experience but Liam does, and he's not prepared to see me like that. I'm blindly eager to be one with them all but I know I have no concept of the pain that's involved with taking that step and he does. So, I'm going to trust that he'll tell me when the time is right for both of us.

"Are you hungry?" Chauncey asks.

I shake my head, "not really after Benny."

"How sore are you?" Benny asks with a pout.

"Too sore to let have your way with me." I'm actually feeling a little better, but I don't want them to know that or I'll never leave their room.

"We have family dinner at six" Chauncey says.

"Can someone take me home so I can get ready?"

"You could try running there" Benny says with a grin.

My face automatically splits into a smile at the idea, "I can!"

Chauncey scowls, "I don't think that's safe."

I roll my eyes, "what's the point in being a werewolf and vampire if I can't use it Chaun"

He slaps my butt, "what I say about rolling your eyes at me?"

"I'm leaving." I walk into their bathroom, washing my face and brushing my teeth before leaving the room.

"When you come back, we'll run the land, so you know where our boarders start and stop" Chauncey says.

I nod, "alright, be back soon." I walk out the back door with them following.

"Luna!" I hear someone yell causing me to stop turning to see Hunter running to me with a huge smile on his face.

I stoop down with a smile, "yes Hunter?"

"Would you like to play with us?" he huffs out.

"I have to go home right now Hunter."

He tilts his head like a lost puppy, "isn't this your home?"

I ignore Chauncey's triumph snort, "it's complicated Hunter but I'll be right back, and I promise I'll come right back and play with you pups."


I cross my fingers over my heart with a smile, "promise." He nods before running off to the other pups telling them what I said, and I can't help my giggle as I stand. "Shut it Chauncey."

"I said nothing mate" he says with a smirk in his tone.

"You didn't have to, I know you."

I give Benny and Liam a kiss before running into the forest with my newfound speed. You shouldn't have left mate like that. Amara says.

Mate will get over it. When I get closer to my apartment I slow down to a slight jog. Once in my apartment I go about showering and finding something to wear. I pull on a pair of black leggings, an oversized black hoodie I stole from Benny and black UGGs. I grab a bag throwing in a mustard yellow skirt, a black turtle neck and yellow Vans for dinner tonight along with ripped red skinny jeans, a long sleeve off the shoulder cropped black top, a grey mid-thigh length cardigan and black combat boots for just in case I end up spending the night with them. I grab underclothes along with lotion and perfume. Instead of running back to the pack house I decide to take my car. When I get there the gates automatically open and I walk up to their room, oddly enough finding no one there. I toss my bag into the closet before walking back to the yard going straight to the pups.

"Can I join?" I ask with a smile.

"You came back!" Hunter exclaims.

I giggle, "I told you I would."

"Thank you" his mother says as they pull me into their circle on the ground. I can't help my smile as I nod at her. I listen intently as they explain the rules of duck duck goose. Purposefully getting it wrong a couple of times so they can help me.

"Pups!" I hear Chauncey yell while we're in the middle of hide and seek. Slowly they all come out their hiding spots to us, seeing as how I was 'it' currently. "I have to steal the Luna for the rest of the evening."

They all groan and I can't help but to chuckle, "I'll see you guys soon I promise." I say holding out my arms which they all rush into.

"C'mon" Chauncey says once I've hugged all the little people. "Have fun?" he asks as we walk further from the house.

I nod with a smile, "they are the politest adorable children I've ever met. I enjoyed my time with them."

He kisses my cheek, "I'm glad, you were playing for over an hour."

"Oh crap, I'm sorry. Do we still have time to see the land before dinner?"

"That's what we're going to do now. I need you to shift."

I look around cautiously and he nods in encouragement. I strip off my clothes and close my eyes focusing on changing. When I open my eyes, everything is in clear focus, telling me that I've fully shifted. I glance to see Chauncey is already in his wolf form.

Try to keep up. He says with a smirk before running off.

Oh no he doesn't! Amara growls.

We take off following closing behind him as he details all the houses on his land and the patrolling wolves currently on duty. He talks about where our territory ends and what happens to those found on the land unannounced. He tells me about rouges and shows me where training takes place. I never knew how much land Chauncey actually owns; this place is a lot bigger than I originally thought. I knew the house they stayed in was mostly for the alpha and those closest to him, but I didn't really think about every family having their own little house on the land. It's amazing how vast this place actually is and how many people prefer their own space. As we travel on, I can't help but to think how right Chauncey is about a Luna living separately from the pack. I hadn't thought how the members would feel about it either until now. If something were to happen to me all because no one could be there to protect their Luna that would kill them. It took Chauncey really explaining to me the role and importance of a pack Luna for me to finally get it. I have no idea if that's because I'm one with the pack and it's my Luna side kicking in or just pure human compassion. Either way I now know the decision I need to make. I'm just happy that I came up with the decision on my own not because Chauncey forced me to. When we stop, we're at the front of the house, the door opens revealing a shirtless Benny. I trot into the house and he hands me a robe. I walk to the downstairs bathroom and tap the door with my paw.

"We've seen it all already beautiful" he says with a chuckle.

I don't care, now open the door! I groan through our link. He opens the door and shuts it for me. I quickly shift before putting on the robe and walking out. "Where's Liam?" I ask when I see just Benny and Chauncey outside my door.

"Right here" he says walking in munching on an apple.

"We need to talk" I say before walking to the living room with them following me.

"Baby, don't you want to shower before dinner?" Liam asks softly.

"Yeah, we need to leave soon and you guys stink" Benny says.

I huff knowing they're right. "Fine but we still need to talk."

"Want to shower together, saves time and we can still talk" Chauncey says with a smirk.

I eye him, "fine but you better keep your hands to yourself or else." I rush up the stairs with him following behind me. I get into the shower not bothering to wait for him making sure it's the perfect temperature for me.

"Shit!" he shouts once he has stepped in.

I can't help my giggle, "what? The big bad Alpha can't handle hot water?"

"I can handle hot water fine; this hell fire is not hot water."

I laugh shrugging continuing to wash my body thoroughly and quickly. Once I'm clean to my liking I get out leaving the whining Chauncey in alone. As I'm putting on lotion Chauncey walks out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. I quickly get dressed before walking out the room and out the house where Liam and Benny are waiting in Chauncey's Range Rover. Chauncey comes out the house a minute later pulling off.

"Why don't they live on the pack land?" I ask curiously.

"They took the whole retirement thing a little too serious, but they don't live far" Chauncey says with a hint of annoyance.

"They live next door" Benny says.

The car stops and we're in front of a gate. Chauncey puts in a code before driving through. "Some of the elders live on their land as well" Chauncey says as he pulls to a stop in front of a marble stoned mansion. We get out his car and he takes my hand leading me into the house. "Ma! Dad! We're here!" he yells as we walk through the foyer to their massive kitchen. This place is beyond gorgeous, it's got this homey modern feel to it that I'm loving.

"Welcome my loves" Mrs. Brooks says upon seeing us. Her honey blonde hair is in wavy curls and she has on a beautiful teal fitting dress. "Dinner is almost ready, go take a seat in the dining room." She says once she's given us all hugs and a kiss on the cheek.

Chauncey leads me into the dining room where his dad and sister are already sitting. "Mom!" Benny says happily before rushing to hug her.

She laughs, "hello sweetie."

"What are you guys doing here?" he hugs his father.

"We've missed you and we felt bad about missing Jordan's induction." She comes over to me giving me a hug. "Hello dear, how are you?"

I smile politely, "I'm great Annabelle, how are you?"

"Lovely dear, how was it?"

I hug William, "nerve-wracking but enjoyable. Did you guys just get in?"

"Last night."

We take seats at the table and I speak to Ethan and Samantha as I take my seat. I met Benny's parents at Thanksgiving, and they were so welcoming from the beginning and honestly it helped me see where Benny gets his charm from. I met his siblings during that time as well and they too were nice and welcoming. Apparently, everyone comes visit the boys during Thanksgiving and Christmas, Thanksgiving being the optional holiday and majority coming Christmas. Sophia places the rest of the food on the table before taking her seat at the head of the table. Everyone passes around the food while conversing. It's in moments like this that I wish that I was normal, and my family was better. I've felt more love from Sophia and Annabel in short moments than I have in my whole seventeen years from my mother. Maybe if I wasn't some psycho that sees and speaks to dead people than our relationship might be better.

Are you okay baby? Liam asks through our link.

Yes, bad memories. I'm fine.

I refocus on the conversation at hand to hear Sophia talking about what happened with Hunter yesterday. Luckily for me I didn't have to tell Annabelle or William about my odd talent, Benny had told them already and still they didn't treat me any different when they met me. Sophia and Ethan just happened to get a front row seat. And yet still no judgment from them.

I take off my shoes as we walk into the house. "I still need to talk" I mumble tiredly. Sophia definitely knows how to cook a meal and host. I'm beyond tired and I have to be up early for school in the morning.

"You're tired beautiful, let's get you to bed" Benny says before picking me up going to their room.

"Put me down, it's important please." Benny puts me down on the bed before they give me their undivided attention. "Today proved to me what you were saying Chauncey about a distant Luna. I guess I didn't really think about it from the pack's point of view, it just seemed like you were trying to bulldoze me into moving in with you." Chauncey goes to speak but I stop him with an annoyed look. "I want to move-" before I can finish the sentence, they are rushing me causing me to squeal. "Stop!" I shout with a laugh when they start kissing all over me.

"We'll go get your stuff" Chauncey says.

"No, we can do it tomorrow after school. I just want to sleep now."

"Got it." Benny says lifting my shirt as Liam undoes my skirt.

Chauncey pulls ones of Liam's shirts over my head and I crawl to the top of the bed getting under the covers as they strip to their boxers. I can practically feel the happiness rolling off of them. I didn't think me saying yes would make them so happy. It makes me happy. I get sandwiched in between Liam and Benny with Chauncey on the other side of Benny.

"Love you" I say softly.

"Love you too" they say back causing me to smile. Here with them right now in this moment I couldn't be happier. It's like I finally understand why they were chosen for me and me them. They truly make me happy and nobody's opinion or judgment matters beside theirs. I close my eyes letting the darkness take over. 

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