Adam X Lute: Undying Love

By NotADimer1

31.1K 722 991

Hazbin Hotel AU Adam X Lute Photo credit: scout_ish Hehe the title is pretty ironic huh More

Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Charlie: Pov
Adam/Lute: Pov
Charlie: Pov
Lute: Pov
Extermination Day
The show must go on

Adam/Lute Pov:

952 21 61
By NotADimer1

*Note: the POVs are gonna get a bit outta order from now on, for example there will most likely be back to back Adam povs as he tries to reunite with lute or will he? 😈


I stared of in a daze, someone was talking to me but I drowned them out with my own thoughts.

"Lute? Lute you still with me" a voice said

I open my eyes and for a moment I picture Adam sitting right in front of me with his arms out to catch me, never fully drifting away.

But I my eyes regained vision and it was just some lousy therapist Sera forced me to go to so I could "deal with his death".

"So tell me, what are some fond memories you have of him miss lute" he asked

It took a second for me to respond all the memories with him flooding back to me.

"All of them" I responded sheepishly

"All of them?" He asked confused

"Yes, every damn moment with him was a fond moment" I snarked at him

"You seem obsessed over him miss lute"

"What kind of therapist are you? Questioning my love for someone the way you are" I gave him a fucking death stare.

"I'm sorry miss lute...... but I don't think Adam would want to see you like this"

" fuck you!" I spat at him "you didn't know him no one did, not like me"

He tried to calm me down but I stormed out of his office back into the streets of heaven. I couldn't think straight how dare he insult me like that, insult my Adam. I looked down in my hand and realized I was still holding his halo I don't think I let it go since he...... fuck fuck fuck. I am never going to heal this is the most painful experience of my life.

I lay down on my bed and I clench on to his halo even harder. I pull out my phone and I scroll through all of our old text messages. I can still hear his voice while reading it. A small smile forms on my face until I realize.

He's still dead


I should've stayed dead holy fuck. All this walking was so hard. I couldn't use my wings as there was a big ass hole in one of them. Fuck me it hurts like a bitch. I can see the stupid hotel in the distance I feel like I have been walking for fuckin days. Why am I going to the shitty hotel hmmm is it for redemption hell no, hell is forever. Man that was such a good song I came up with.

Anyway I mean they're the only people I fucking know here so worth a fuckin shot I guess.

For what seems like another 45 years I finally start making my why up the hill. Holy fuck thats enough working out for the next decade. I slowly make my way to the front door. I just stare for a moment fuck it let's do it.

"Let me in assholes!" I yell

It's takes a minute but finally the door opens. I give a sheepish wave and a awkward smile

"HELLO welcome to the Hazbin Hot-" she stops mid sentence and slams the door

"Dick" I mutter to myself

The door opens again and then shuts. Holy fuck just let me in. The door swings open again

"Get in" Charlie says lacking the normal excitement in her voice.

I don't say anything and I walk in, everyone stares at me as I do. There is just in awkward silence.


"The fuck is he doing here" the porn spider said

"He's....... our new guest" she sighed

"FUCK NO" vajie said

"That's pretty biased" I say

"Shut the fuck up Adam" Charlie snickers at me, I hold my hands up in defense

"Charlie you can't be serious why are we letting this dick in?" She asked

"It's The dick actually" I corrected her

"ADAM" Charlie yelled

As vajie and pinky pie were arguing I walked over to the living room. There was a cat, the porn spider, a one eyed bitch with bombs along her belt, and HOLY SHIT

"GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME" I screamed, the little one eyed maid that fucking stabbed me was just standing there looking at me

"Oh settle down angelic one she means no harm" a radio voice came from behind.

"Oh it's Bambi where did you go after I beat your ass?"

"Still cocky about it aren't you, I almost loathe you as much as Lucifer" he growled

"that's one thing we can agree on then" I scoffed back

"Adam follow us" Charlie said waving over to her and vajie

"Your room is on the third floor" she said

"Yea away from everyone else" vajie added on

I just nodded my head I honestly don't feel like fighting right now. We walked and they showed me to my room apparently I have the whole floor to myself. Nice.

"8:00am sharp group activity time be there" Charlie said barely containing her excitement.

"If your late I will stab you" vajie added

Before I had a chance to respond vajie slammed the door on my face. Rude.

I walk over to this shitty bed I mean it's better than nothing. I reached into my robe pockets and pulled out a photo. Thank fuck even though I died I still have this. This picture of me and lute I usually kept on me

Now it's the only thing I have of her

This picture is the only thing keeping me going. She is the only thing keeping me going. I miss her more than anything. This is the only thing I have left.

I Miss her lips.......and her pussy

I really hope she hasn't forgotten me

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