Palworld We're all Pals Here

By MSWolfsbane

872 4 0

User #072 washes ashore on the Palpagos Islands after his research vessel is attacked. He is quickly befriend... More

Chapter 1 Palpagos Isles
Chapter 2 Violence In Paradise
Chapter 3 A Samurai Arrives
Chapter 4 Jessica Jetdragon
Chapter 5 Raid
Chapter 6 Thunder Bear on the Windswept Hills
Chapter 8 Sally Lovander
Chapter 9 Syndicate
Chapter 10 Syndicate Part II
Chapter 11 Vessel #33 Crescent Moon
Chapter 12 Minx
Chapter 13 Sam and Minx vs Palworld
Chapter 13.5 Sam and Minx Part II
Chapter 14 Zoey and a Damn Mammorest
Chapter 15 Free Pal alliance
Chapter 16 Dungeon Discoveries
Chapter 17 Round Two Fight
Chapter 18 Mourning
Chapter 19 Axel and Orserk's Assault
Chapter 20 Fillet O' Friend
Chapter 21 Siege on the Windswept hills
Chapter 22 Gothic Hostess
Chapter 23 For the Love of Moon
Chapter 24 Pizza Party
Chapter 25 A Day At The Beach
Chapter 26 Last Broadcast
Chapter 27 The Final Victor
Chapter 28 Sambushi's Rest
Chapter 29 Unofficial Introduction
Chapter 30 Alpha
Chapter 31 Moradobushi
Chapter 32 Astegon's Eruption
Chapter 33 Sally's Rest Jessica's Turmoil
Chapter 34 Assault on Alpha
Chapter 35 Rinse and Repeat

Chapter 7 Sanctuary

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By MSWolfsbane


     I have a pleasant night with Zoey. She seems to share my enthusiasm about hanging out with another person. Time slips away as we converse about nothing. It's good to experience small talk again. For some reason it seems like something I sorely miss.

As the hour grows late I grow tired. Zoey seems exhausted too. We decide to retire in her large pal bed.

"Zoey you are really close to me," I say as she wraps herself around my waist.

     "It's ok I'm just a girl, I'm not going to bite, too hard," she says closing her eyes.

      This large pal bed is very comfortable. It's not long before I find myself closing my eyes and drifting off. That was fun. Getting to feel some kind of social interaction after having no memory of any.

When I wake I notice Zoey hasn't moved from me, and Grizzbolt has returned, but she isn't worried about my presence at all. Maybe they trust me now.

     I do my best to sneak out of bed, can't sleep all day. I wonder around Zoey's tower a bit. The architecture is strange. For ancient technology it looks almost futuristic.

I step into what looks like a small kitchen and start to make some breakfast. This place is pretty odd. Rooms seem to come and go. I wonder who made this and how. That's probably something Dr. PAL is trying to figure out too.

     I must say it seems kinda lonely here though. Locked away in this big tower with no one but your pal. Even if you don't like people, it's nice to have someone to talk to.

     I'm making breakfast when the smell of Chikipi eggs fills the air. I can hear someone's nose sniffing the air. Zoey drapes her arms over me unexpectedly. I jump a little and she laughs. She seems amused by me, and comfortable around me. It's almost as if she considers me a friend already.

"Morado, can I ask you a favor?" Zoey says.

"Sure, why not?" I reply pouring some eggs on a plate.

"I have a friend, but she has been taken, her name is Carmen, roll the 'r', and she's been confined to an island since the researchers took her," Zoey says.

"What kind of island?" I ask.

"The wildlife sanctuary south of here, it's dangerous, so it's ok if you don't want to help me," she says looking away.

     I guess that's her way of trying to be cute. I'm not sure if I have time to run errands though.

"I think we should put this off for a bit while I try to find some schematics," I reply.

Zoey kicks me in the nuts, sending me to my knees writhing in agony. It's a good thing I put the pan down. What is wrong with this girl?

"Why you gotta make this so hard, I asked you nicely now say that you'll help me!" she yells angrily.

      It seems that Zoey's solitude has affected her ability to interact socially with another human. I can only hope this improves over time.

"I'll help you, please stop kicking me in the balls," I reply holding my stomach.

"No promises, but I'm glad you're so eager to help me, I don't know what I would have done if a valiant knight such as yourself hadn't come by," she says in a sarcastic tone.

"You're welcome, I'm going to throw up now," I reply.

After I recover from Zoey's unwanted affection, she has me call out Jessica. Jessica zips around above us. She's very happy to be out of her sphere.

"I noticed you had a saddle on your Jetdragon, can you ride her?" Zoey asks.

"Yeah, just don't say it like that around Sambushi, I think he, you know, likes likes Jessica," I reply.

"I'm not sure what you mean by that," she says.

"He wants to, you know, share a cake with her," I say winking.

"Oh, I see, he's a pervert like you, it all makes sense," she says rolling her eyes.

"I think it's kind of romantic, they've been friends since they were children and now that they're older they want to experience something special together," I say with a smile.

"Ugh, that's dumb, you're dumb, can I see your paldeck I need to call someone," Zoey says holding out her hand.

Does she not have a phone? Wait, how old is this chick? Zoey shoves me trying to get my attention.

"Don't ignore me dumbass, give me your paldeck," Zoey demands.

"Ask nicely," I say crossing my arms.

"Please give me your paldeck... daddy," she says forming a heart with her hands.

That's not what I was hoping for but it's a start. I'll just play the part. I reach forward and pat her head.

"Sure, baby girl," I say with a smile.

She slaps my hand away.

"I knew you were a pervert, you know I'm going to kill you in your sleep right?"

"I look forward to never waking up on this island again," I reply turning away.

     She gives me a stern and unamused look. Seems she hasn't taken much of a liking to my joke.

"You shouldn't think like that, what would Moon and Sam think of you saying something like that?" She asks.

I turn and sigh.

"Zoey, I can't get a read on you, do you hate me or not?" I ask.

"I don't hate you, but you are fun to mess with," she replies.

"I'm going to lay down with Moon for a bit, she was up all night crafting something for me, we'll go get your friend Carmen after sundown, the guards will be less alert then," I say stepping away.

Zoey grabs my arm looking disappointed as I step back into the tower.

"What am I supposed to do all day?" She asks.

"Here's my Paldeck, do whatever you want," I say pulling my arm away.

Zoey seems like she's hiding something. Not the I'm beating on you cause I like you something either. I guess we'll cross that bridge soon enough. I lend my Paldeck to Zoey while I rest.

     Moon is excited to have me join her on the large palbed. She can't hide how tired she is though. I pet her a bit and she starts to purr.

"Moon, love, Moon love?" she says smiling.

"I love you too Moon, just get some rest," I say continuing to pet her.

"Moon loves you, but that's not what she's asking, she wants to know how you feel about the girl Zoey," Sam says as Grizzbolt pets him.

I'm not even going to ask what is going on there, and I'm not mentioning it to Jessica either.

"Zoey needs my help to get her friend back, that's all we have between us," I reply.

     Sam seems less than pleased with my response.

"When you lie to me, your words fade like whispers in the wind, but when you lie to yourself, your words control you, Zoey is a girl, and you my friend, you are a boy, don't be afraid to enjoy your youth, it doesn't last forever," Sam says.

     After we rest Moon hurries off to find some food. I think I'll just hang out on this large pal bed until it's time to leave. Maybe I'll read a few technical manuals.

I'm not long on the large palbed before Zoey joins me. She seems nervous, and angry. She seems angry that she's nervous.

"We have a couple of hours before nightfall, I was wondering if you would rest with me," Zoey says brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Nah, I'm good, I've been sleeping all day, you can lay down if you want though," I reply.

"I will literally murder you and we will rest eternally if we have too," she says punching me.

"Oh, you're flirting," I say laughing.

"I'm not flirting!" She yells and bites me.

"Owe, shit, what the hell," I say grabbing my arm.

She shoves me down on the bed and wraps herself  around my arm. There's no arguing with her now. She's got me in her talons, the sly harpie. I do the only thing I can. Lay my head back as she nuzzles against my chest.

"I guess you're cool, for a pervert," Zoey says closing her eyes.

"This Vixie, Carmen, what is she like?" I ask.

"She's very, strange, she's fun though," Zoey replies.

I rest for a bit longer before the sun sets. It's nice to rest with another person for once. Not that I don't enjoy resting with Moon or my other pals. Human contact is just, different.

The sun sets and I wake to Zoey shaking me obnoxiously. I rub my eyes and moan loudly.

"Is it already time to get up?" I ask.

"You said we should go at night," Zoey replies.

I step out of bed and send out Jessica. She's very happy to be out of her sphere.

"Jet, jet, jet, dragon!" She yells flying around us.

I mount Jessica with Zoey and she wraps her arms around my waist.

"Don't get any ideas pervert, I'm only holding you like this so I don't fly off the dragon," Zoey says.

"Zoey, there's another set of reigns for a passenger," I reply.

"I hate that you're so dumb," Zoey says angrily.

"I'm sorry, hold on tight," I say.

"Jet, jet, jet, dragoooooonnnnnnn!"

"Ohhh shhhiiiiiitttttt!" I yell as we kick up water rocketing toward the facility.

We arrive at the wildlife reservation shortly after. I see a lot of high level rare pals eating dirt, because the entire island is made of dirt with a few flowers. There's a cage in the middle and a small brown-haired fox is pawing at the bars. I step closer and its eyes turn toward me.

"Who the hell are you?" It asks.

"I'm Morado, your friend Zoey sent me to find you," I reply.

I pick the lock on the cage and the Vixie steps out collapsing.

"Alas, you must carry me my savior," it says coughing into its paw.

I pick it up and climb back on Jessica. That's when I notice someone is missing.

"Sambushi, where is Zoey?" I ask.

"She went for a stroll," he replies.

"She ran off, damnit, I knew I couldn't trust her," I say rubbing my head.

We start to scour the island looking for Zoey. When I finally find her she's in deep trouble. The PIDF agents guarding the island have her cornered.

"It's just a baby, leave it alone," Zoey yells holding a small pal.



Moon and Sam swoop in making fools of the guards. They retreat and I run to Zoey.

"Are you ok, I got here as fast as I could," I say grabbing her arm to help her up.

"I didn't need your help, and don't touch me," she says pushing me away.

     The small pal she was holding runs off. I couldn't really get a good look at it.


"He's not our friend Glizzie, he's an asset, we got what we came for, now let's go," Zoey says angrily.

I grab Zoey's shoulder and spin her around. She seems surprised, but not unready for combat. I hold her for a few moments and she doesn't kick me in the nuts. Zoey wraps her arms around me for a moment before pushing me away.

"Don't grow attached, it'll only hurt more when I leave," Zoey says turning away.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Zoey replies.

"You said you're leaving, where are you going?"

"I don't know, that's all the dialogue I had for that," she replies.

"Oh, well, wanna get coffee sometime?" I ask.

Zoey moves closer to me and wraps her arms around my neck. She's teasing me.

"Are you asking me on a date?" She says acting giddy.

"No," I reply.

She stands there for a few minutes with her arms crossed looking upset.

"Yes," I say.

"I'll get dressed then," she says scurrying off.

I grab a few rare pals before returning back to my base. Why waste a trip right?

     Zoey has a whole date thing going on when I get there. She steps out looking like a gothic princess with a raven feather in her hair. Desirable isn't a strong enough word to describe her. Beautiful, comes close, though I'm kind of afraid to tell her that. She steps up to me looking nervous. 

"So, how do I look?" She asks.

"Your outward appearance is far more attractive than your abrasive personality," I reply.

"No girlfriends yet I suppose," Zoey replies seeming disappointed.

"You look beautiful," I say rubbing my neck.

"I like you Morado, you may hesitate, but you speak your mind, I want you to have this," Zoey says handing me her number. "Call me when you're ready to leave these islands, I'll be waiting for you, mi amor," Zoey says with a smile.

*In the tower with Carmen and Zoey.

     "Where is your boyfriend at?" Carmen asks.

     "He's not my boyfriend, and what does it matter Carmen?" Zoey asks.

     "You like him, he's cute, oh if I wasn't a Vixie I would do more than let him pet me sweetie," Carmen says.

     "You're a pervert just like him, I can't believe you think I want him, what does he have to offer me?" Zoey says angrily.

     Carmen crawls into Zoey's lap and curls into a ball.

     "That boy will give you anything sweetie, you just need to ask."

     "You think I should trust him?" Zoey asks.

     Carmen begins to purr as Zoey pets her

     "I think you should hold him close and hope he sticks around after he finds out who you really are sweety," she replies.

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