Jagged Throne - Solo Leveling...

By Sehanzinho

421 31 5

After strange portals started appearing around the globe, the world needed to change, and it did, Hunters, th... More

0 - The Beginning
1 - The World We Live In
2 - Judgement
3 - Hunter
4 - Cut Off
5 - Stalker
7 - Friends
8 - Tainted Snow
9 - Immortal
10 - Despair
11 - Path
12 - Hell
13 - Purgatory
14 - Endure

6 - Training

11 2 0
By Sehanzinho

It has been a day since the stalker incident, Crimea and Maki invited Lumine to stay over at their house for a while, to help the girl recover from the fear developed by the constant being watched sensation. Makawa, their mother, agreed wholeheartedly, adapting Maki's bedroom to have a sleeping bag next to the bed.

For Kim, living after that transformation has been confusing, he feels different since waking up that night. Whenever he mutates his arms, he feels a impulse, threatening to turn him into a monster again, and he is determined to control that power. His eyes look  through the window on his bedroom, seeing the large buildings covering the city, his brain weakened.

"The fuck..." He whispered roughly, resting his forehead agaisnt the glass, letting out a sigh. While he rests, feeling the cool temperature, his phone vibrates agaisnt his nightstand. He frowns and opens his eyes, leaning over to grab his phone. "Crimea?" He asked, seeing Crimea's number on the screen. After some seconds, he decides to accept.

"Yo" He said swiftly, putting his phone against the ear.

"Wanna go train?" Crimea asked, his voice calm and measured.

"Uuh... I guess?" Kim responded, knowing that whenever Crimea was close to him, his instinct would calm down. "At the association?"

"Of course." Crimea responded quickly, starting the engine of his moto. "Need a ride?"

Kim thought about his options and nodded. "Sure"

He then quickly got dressed and descended the stairs of his apartment building, after he left through the glassy front doors, he saw Crimea already there, leaning against his black moto. Kim waved and got closer.

"You're quick heh? Sure you've been following the laws and all?" Kim joked, hopping onto the vehicle. Crimea did the same thing and started the engine, putting his helmet down. "I know my routes" He responded, driving off towards the Korean Hunters Association.

The drive wasn't long, in fact, shorter than Kim thought. Seems like Crimea wasn't joking about his routes. Crimea parked the moto on the nearby parking lot, and threw his backpack over his shoulder, the helmet on the moto, since that was a safe place. They walked inside, and Kim saw the receptionist that turned him into a hunter. "Hey there" He greeted, waving his hand.

The receptionist jumped a bit but then turned to Kim, putting a honest smile on her face. "Oh, hey there, Mr.Kim. How's it been going? Lots of raids?" She asked, typing away in her keyboard. Kim leaned on the desk and smirked. "Well... Been doing other stuff..."

Crimea sighed and put his Hunter ID on the table. "We need one of the training grounds" He said. The receptionist chuckled and after verifying Crimea's information, she nodded happily. "Of course! Tr.G number 3!" She said, handling a key card to Crimea.

Kim winked and they both walked away, towards the private chambers that Hunters use to train.

Once they arrived, Crimea put his backpack down and removed his jacket, revealing a white shirt bellow. He pulled his sleeves up, revealing the scarred skin, and started stretching. Kim smirked, he was excited, he started stretching and getting ready.

"So... What's the idea?" Kim asked, stretching his arms above his head.

"Dunno, felt like fighting" Crimea responded, putting his hand up. "And maybe showing you what a hunter does" He whispered the last part, the red glow appearing again from his eyes.

Kim smiled and clenched his fists. "Oh yeah? Let's see~" He chuckled, dashing towards Crimea. Crimea looked at Kim and sighed, with the hand that was on the air, he formed 'Shift' symbol, putting his finger up and twisting his wrist.

Kim's eyes widened as he felt his own blood moving in different directions. Crimea controlled him to stop and then kicked his head, sending him through the floor, to the opposite side of the room.

"The fuck?!" Kim gasped, standing up slowly. "Was... That?"

"Shift." Crimea responded, tucking his hand on one pocket. "Control of the direction of the blood."

Kim raised an eyebrow. He already knew that Crimea's power resolved around blood, but he didn't know the specifics. "Care to explain all about those symbols?" Kim asked, wiping his forehead and standing upright.

"Fair enough... Since i already know yours" Crimea replied, putting his hand back up. "My power is blood manipulation, but it is divided in 5 different pathways." He started to explain.

"Those pathways being: Rupture" Crimea formed a clawed posture on his hand. "By hardening the enemy blood in shape of claws i can perform cuts, that usually sever the fucker in pieces. It was the one i did agaisnt The Judge, remember?"

Kim nodded, and let Crimea continue. "'Hollow', this one is tiring to use" Crimea said, putting only his index and middle fingers up, while the others were down. "By accessing the enemies blood and stretching the blood vessels in a spiral movement, i generate force, carving a hole right through them. Imagine it as big ball that erases everything it touches."

"Then, 'Shift'." Crimea continued, putting only his index finger up, and twisting slowly his wrist. "Like i did to you, i can control the direction of the blood, making limbs stop and all that. Used it to create a umbrella when you were unconscious yesterday"

Kim nodded and remained focused. "The fourth is: 'Wound'" Crimea said, putting his little and index finger up, like horns and then aiming his hand to the floor. "I can heal myself with this, stopping bleeding and other complicated stuff."

"And the final one... is 'Fiend'" Crimea said in a low tone, putting only his index finger down and aiming his hand forward. "A variation of 'Shift', i put the blood on certain points and directions, creating a type of animal, and it devours the enemy from inside out, if it succeeds, i can use it for a while longer before the blood dries out"

"That's all" Crimea finished, tucking both hands on his pockets.

Kim swallowed and chuckled. "I see... So you basically could kill me right now if you wanted to?"

Crimea shook his head to the sides and then sighed out. "No. First of all, i limit myself, and then there's some conditions that need to be met. Won't dwell on the specifics of each symbol, but generally i need energy, can't be exhausted, a line of sight to the target, and... A mysterious one" Crimea said, holding his chin. "the same one that made the symbols i just made completely useless."

Kim blinked a few times, then chuckled loudly. "Well... If you knew everything it would be pretty boring." He said, getting ready to another round. "I have an idea..." He added  before dashing again towards Crimea, who was caught by surprise and hit with a punch straight into the chest. Crimea coughed and felt his back colliding agaisnt the wall.

"Not...going to... Transform your arm?" Crimea asked in a low tone, standing up. Kim smiled and responded teasingly. "Don't need to"

Crimea frowned and crackled his fingers. "Oh... I see" He whispered, waiting for another blow, and it came. Kim moved swiftly and close to the ground, kicking Crimea's ankles, but without success, Crimea dodged by jumping. And using that jump, he rotated his body mid-air and delivered a downwards kick right onto Kim's head, crushing the teenager back to the ground.

Crimea frowned, slightly disappointed, but shrugged since they were training. He landed on top of Kim and grabbed him by the collar. "Don't need my powers as well" He said, before punching Kim's face and dragging him around the floor, eventually launching him into the air, grabbing onto his calf and pushing him down again. He towered over Kim and crossed his arms.

Kim grunted in pain, slowly catching his breath. "Damn... I'm not this weak..." He whispered, then bit down on his hand and stood up quickly, transforming only his fingers and punching through Crimea's defense. Crimea was pushed back, but remained standing.

Kim watched his fingers vibrate with energy, he was surprised. "I... Transformed only my fingers..." He whispered, clenching his hand and smirking, showing his sharp canines. "Damn, this feels good~" He whispered, getting ready again. "Let's go, Crimea!" He shouted out, dashing again, but faster and with even more force, Kim extends his arm and with the surrounding blue and red sparks, he punches right onto Crimea's crossed arms, pushing Criema backwards again, but this time reaching the wall.

Crimea nods and checks his arm. "Strong hit" He whispered, putting his hands on the floor and preparing to a big spring, in a instant he runs at full speed, maintaining his posture low, he grabs onto Kim's shin and uses it as support, raising his lower body and delivering a upwards kick right onto Kim's chin, sending him to the air. And since Crimea's hand was on Kim's shin, he pulled him down back to the ground.

This kind of training happened for the rest of the day, the sun was resting, and Crimea and Kim sat down, sweating profusely and getting ready to leave. Crimea put his water bottle back on his backpack, and stood up, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Intense... I needed that!" Kim exclaimed, standing up and taking a big sip from his water bottle. He was excited, witnessing as he got more control over his own powers, he also was happy to fight agaisnt Crimea, it helped him realize than even while being in the same Rank, Crimea experience and fight knowledge was far superior.

The duo left the room, and approached the receptionist again, Crimea handling her the key card back. "Had fun?" She asked, putting the key card back on it's place. Kim smirks and responds: "Yeah". Crimea nodded and put his jacket back on. "By the way... Anymore cleaning missions?" Crimea asked, prompting the receptionist to quickly check on her computer, after a few seconds, she looked back at Crimea.

"Yeah, some. Want them?" She asked, to which Crimea nodded. "Me too~" Kim whispered, and the receptionist nodded.

Crimea rode Kim back to his apartment, and then got back home. He was greeted by his mom, who was cooking something on the kitchen. "Smells good, what is it?" He asked, approaching his mom and leaning closer to the pan.

"Oh, Lumine's favorite! Stuffed Peppers!" Makawa excitedly said, showing the beautifully stuffed green and red peppers to Crimea, which nodded.

"I see... Weird shit" He chuckled, turning around and walking towards the bathroom. After he showered and put on clean clothes, his usual sweatpants and only that, he grew accustomed to being shirtless inside home, he felt better, having his scars breathing. He left the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel.

He walked towards the Kitchen and put the towel on a stool. "Need help?" He asked, seeing his mom cutting some fruit and vegetables.

Makawa nodded and handled him the knife. "Thanks, son~" She thanked, leaning agaisnt a counter and taking a sip from a mug of coffee, with a permanent smile on her face.

"You seem happy..." Crimea whispered, focused on cutting the vegetables and fruits.

Makawa smile grew bigger and she looked down. "Well... Lumine is really fun to have around. She reminds me of Maki when she was younger" She giggled.

"Does she? I think Lumine is a lot more tolerable" Crimea add, with a hint of smile across his lips.

"Yeah maybe..." Makawa trailed off, taking another sip from the coffee. Then a door opened, it was from Maki's room, from it, Lumine and Maki came, chuckling like little girls.

Maki looked at Crimea and Makawa, and Lumine did the same, noticing how Crimea was shirtless. "Damn... You got even more scars?" She asked, slightly worried, curious and surprised.

"Adult life is hard" Crimea joked, putting the vegetables and fruit in a bowl.

Lumine giggled innocently and walked closer, Maki followed. "Well, it wouldn't be if you only worked at the coffee shop" Maki said, sitting down on a bar stool.

"Being a waiter doesn't pay enough to provide for 2 women, now 3... Especially not when one of those women, loves makeup." Crimea responded, crossing his arms.

Maki blushed and looked away. "Well... You don't have to buy them..."

Crimea smiled and put his hand on her shoulder. "I want to, so... no more alternatives are left besides also working as a hunter.". Maki smiled and remained blushing gratefully, Lumine giggled and twirled Maki's white strand of hair.

"Oh... So cute!" Lumine cooed, holding Maki's chin and leaning closer. "So squeezable cheeks~"

Maki blush grew more intense, and she looked away. "Fuck off... Oh! sorry mom!" Maki bowed slightly.

Makawa nodded and resumed applying spices to the mix of vegetables and fruits.

"By the way... Wearing all black? That's unusual" Crimea added, leaning against a wall.

Lumine looked down at her black skirt, she was the one blushing now, knowing what Maki would say. "Oh, you don't remember!?" Maki asked excitedly, jumping off the stool.

"Nooo!" Lumine tried to cover Maki's mouth, but failed completely. "This cutie here had a goth phase! Remember black-haired Lumine?"

Crimea raised an eyebrow, not remembering at all, maybe it was when he left school, or close to that. "i... I.. just don't want to... Throw them away..." Lumine whispered shyly, prompting Maki to melt and wrap one arm around her shoulders.

"Don't worry, cutie~ you looked beautiful with the black lips, hair, eyeshadow, nails~" Maki whispered, making the flustered cheeks of Lumine stand out even more.

Makawa watched the three interact and smiled, feeling warm inside.

The following 2 weeks passed quickly, Crimea and Kim started to train together, and clean more dungeons. Maki and Lumine got closer, putting a wider smile on Makawa's face each day.

However, to Sung Jin-Woo, these 2 weeks attracted a lot of attention. He had formed a little raid party with Jinho, and the rate that they cleared C-Rank Dungeons made them stand out to more important, and powerful figures...

- At the White Tiger's Guild Building, Seoul Metropolitan Area.

Baek Yonho, guild master, looked at the city through his large windows. While he admired the scenery the night created, his phone, placed on his desk, turned on. He turned around and grabbed it.

"Sir! I have news for you. About Sung Jin-Woo" Ahn Sangmin, one of the staff division chiefs spoke out.

Baek Yonho eyes widened, and he sat back down on his big chair. "You do? What about it?" He asked with authority, tapping his finger on the wooden table.

"He denied any sort of question, refused to have a meeting too." Ahn Sangmin responded, inside a vehicle by the background noise.

Baek Yonho eyes glowed with a intense orange glow, his hand clenching around the small phone, at least compared to his muscular hands. With his aura unleashed through the building, a hunter from the guild entered the office, smirking.

He had brown hair, with yellow highlights, pale yellowish skin with some freckles spread around the cheeks, the teasing smile making Baek look at him, while he hopped around the room. "You seem pissed~" The Young man said, approaching Baek's desk. "Did the prey leave your claws? Or maybe it was never there, hm?"

Baek Yonho frowned and stood up. "Bikko... Fuck off" He whispered in a low tone, turning around and watching the city again, trying to calm his nerves.

"With pleasure?" Bikko teased, chuckling sarcastically, enlarging his hand and forming a claw and running it around the desk. "You know... Sometimes you just need to close the grip extra tight~".


"Big building, heh?" Jinho whispered, looking over at the towering building with a Tiger Symbol on top.

Sung Jin-Woo looked at the same direction and nodded. "Yeah, but we should get out of here. Don't want more interactions with the tigers." He said, turning around and walking away, Jinho followed him, carrying a backpack filled with loot from the dungeons they have been completing.

They waved goodbye once Jinho arrived at his mansion, then Jinwoo decided to change his route, walking towards the hospital instead of his house.

He reached the hospital, and talked with some nurses, then guided him to a specific room. Once inside, he looked at his unconscious mother, affected by a condition that puts in coma people that had contact with Hunter's powers, or at least, that's what they suspect anyways.

He put a rose next to the other ones, and sighed out. "I'll bring you back" He whispered, before leaving, determined to keep finishing dungeons, get stronger and find a cure.

When he finally reached his house, he entered and took a quick shower, he then laid down on his bed and took a deep breath, noticing how his body changed since the system appeared.

While he slowly fell asleep, a notification popped up.

-- New Quest: Challenger to the Throne --

Sung Jin-Woo raised an eyebrow and continued reading the details, it seems it was just like the first dungeon, on the sewers, where he got his dagger. The system would summon a dungeon of it's own.

"Guess i have something planned for tomorrow..." He whispered before drifting off to sleep.

Author's Note: Shorter chapter, but the good stuff is getting closer, so... Let's keep moving forward! b(~ _^)d

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