Izuku Midoriya-Spider-Man

By HayateAnaguma

56.3K 1K 568

Izuku Midoriya, formerly known as Yagi. At the age of 4 he was diagnosed as Quirkless. His Mother Inko(Green... More

Spider-Man Debut
Reveal Identity And Flasback
UA Entrance Exam
SHIELD Leaving
Hotel And 👉👌
Eraserhead Assistant
Battle Training
Class Rep And USJ
Identity Revealed
Punishment & Intership
OFA And AFO No More

Sport Festival

2.8K 61 24
By HayateAnaguma

No one pov

Izuku healed in a week after the USJ

Luckily for him is that SHIELD cover for him and no one, except for 1A, 13 and UA staff knows his identity

Unfortunately, The Hero Comision find out that Izuku is Spider-Man and tried to force him to do their bidding, but Izuku show them that he has enough evidence to shut down every Hero they cover all this years, including Toshinori and Inko and he also has Diplomatic Immunity from The Avengers

Now Izuku is crawling on the celling of UA towards 1A in his repaired Spider-Man suit

Izuku got to 1A and waited on the celling for them to come

After a few minutes, they come one by one

Momo:Who do you think will teach us?

Izumi:I don't know. But Aizawa-Sensei is in the hospital. And I don't know if Oni....mmmmm

Before she could finish, her mouth was weebed to shut up

Izuku then comes from the ceiling

Izuku:I told you many times. I'm not you'r brother.

The girls, including Izumi rushed to hug him, but Izuku jumped out of the way, making the girls hit the wall

Izuku:How many times do I have to tell you? Don't touch me!

Denki:Dude, what's gotten into you? They want to hug you.

Izuku:And why would I want to be hug by the ones who made my life a living hell?


Izuku:That's what I thought, Retard Pickachu.


Izuku:What do you want, Mutt? The Mailman already leave and you can't chase him now.


Izuku:The power I have is none of you'r concern. But I give you this. The power I have cannot be registered as a Quirk.

All(-Izumi because her mouth is weebed) :WHAT!?

Izuku:You heard me.

Ejiro:Are you telling us that you'r power is not a Quirk?

Izuku:Indeed. My powers don't come from a Quirk.

Momo:Then where you'r powers come from?

Izuku:That's none of you'r business. And why should I tell you that? Don't you even think that I'll forgive you for what you did to me. Plus, Toshinori and Inko will soon face punishment for killing my Father.


Izuku then snapped

He weebed Katsuki and brought to him and punch him as ard as he can, breaking his nose


Izuku then throw Katsuki in the air and punch him in gut, making Katsuki vomit his breakfast and gets sent into the wall

Izuku then got in front of Katsuki and started to punch him again and again

Izuku fist then stop and he look at his hand and he saw a scarf wrapped around his arm

Eraserhead comes to the classroom covered in bandages

Eraserhead:Spider-Man, I know you're angry at them, but please control yourself

Izuku then look at Katsuki face

Eraserhead:Please don't become like them. Did you forget what you told us? What comes with great power?

Izuku deactivated his mask, revealing his crying eyes from remembering his father last words before dying in front of him

Izuku:*crying*With great power comes great responsibilities.

Despite being covered in bandages, Eraserhead hugged Izuku and let him out all of his pain

Eraserhead:Let it out.

After Izuku let out all the pain he had inside him, he activated his mask back on

Izuku:Thank you for being for me.

Eraserhead then turned his attention to 1A

Eraserhead:Get Bakugo to Recovery Girl and don't even think about lying that Spider-Man attack him for no reason.

Ejiro took Katsuki and run towards Recovery Girl office

Eraserhead:Now, you'r fight isn't over.


Eraserhead:The Sport Festival is coming. You need to be prepared for it.

Momo:But it's a good idea for the festival to be hold after the attack?

Izuku:If The Festival isn't hold, the villains will think that they won and attack again. There's something inside you'r skull, Yaoyorozu. It's called brain. Used it.

Eraserhead:Do you really have to make that joke?

Izuku:What can I say? I spend to much time with the others Spider-Mans.

Eraserhead:Anyway, you won't have any school until then. You're free to train until then. You have a week. Spider-Man, hold my place. I'm gonna sleep somewhere.

And then Eraserhead leave

Izuku stick to the wall(like Peter in Spider-Man Animated when Connors show him the symbiote tests)

After 20 minutes, the weeb from Izumi mouth dissolved

Izumi:That weeb disappeared.

Izuku:Of course it disappeared. It's biodegradable. It's dissolve in 20-40 minutes. Why do you think Japan is not covered in my weeb?

Hanta:Dude, yours powers are sick.

Izuku:Much better than you'r Tape.

Hanta:That's mean.

Izuku:And holding me with you'r Tape back then is nice?


Izuku:That's what I thought.


Izuku:Well, the time has come. Goodbye.

Izuku opened the door and quickly exit

Then he was called into the teachers room

He crawl on the celling towards the office

Once he arrived, he opened the door and crawl inside

Izuku:Mind if I stick around?

Nezu:Good to see you again and well, Spider-Man. Now you can take a sit.

Izuku:Thanks, but I don't really need a chair. I'll just stick to the wall.

Nezu:Very well. But before we can talk, you can take off that mask. We know it's you, Nephew.

Izuku deactivated his mask, revealing his face


Inko rushed to hug Izuku, but Izuku weeb her feet on the floor, making her fall on the ground with her face, breaking her nose


Izuku:What? She like the floor. So I made her kiss it.

Nezu:As much as I'll like to see her suffer, we need to discuss about The Sport Festival.

They started to discuss about security

Then Ms Joke goes towards Izuku who's still  stick on the wall and pull his ear

Izuku:Ow, ow, ow. What's this for?

Ms Joke:What do you think you're doing, Mister? Going out to fight villains while you're still a kid.

Izuku:I'm sorry, Aunty. But I have to. It's what Dad told me. And please let go of my ear.

Ms Joke let go of his ear

Ms Joke:Now tell us how did you become Spider-Man.

PL:I was wondering the same thing, Mr Midoriya. How did you get a Quirk?


Izuku:Idiot like always, Toshinori. And no, I don't have a Quirk. I'm still Quirkless.


Izuku:The Power I have cannot be registered as a Quirk.

RG:He's telling the truth. While he was in the hospital, I took some tests on him and it resulted he's still Quirkless. I couldn't find how he got his powers. But it's not coming from a Quirk.

Midnight:But where you'r powers come from then?

Izuku:I'm sorry, but I can't tell you that.

Mic:Why not?

Izuku:Because like Dad told me. With great power comes great responsibilities . I have great powers and I also have great responsibilities. Sorry, but I can't tell you where my powers come from. But I'll told you what my powers can do. Like you can see, I can crawl on the walls and ceilings. I also have super strength, weebs, agility, speed and Spider-Sense.

Ectoplasm:What's that?

Izuku:It's like a radar to me. It's alerting me when danger is near me.

Nezu:Interesting. You'r powers are really remarkable. You can also use you'r powers with no restrictions.

Inko:But he'll be breaking the law.

Izuku:What law, Inko? The law only applies to Quirks. And my powers cannot be registered as a Quirk. Which mean I can use my powers however I want. Now I have to visit Dad. See you later.

This shut up Inko

Izuku jumped out of the window and started to weeb-swinging from building to building

Then he land on a blind spot from the world and change back to his clothes

After that, he goes to buy some flowers for his Father

He then encounter Mirko

Izuku didn't pay her attention since he wasn't a Hero fan anymore and continued to walk with the flowers

After a while of walking, he reached his Father Grave and he look at the graving writing

"Here lies Hisashi Midoriya"

"A good friend and an irreplaceable Father"

Izuku lay the flowers on his grave

Izuku:Dad, I miss you so much. I have to do a lot of grown up and I'm still a kid with an adult body. I lead the company with a kind heart and my teammates treat me with kindness and respect. I wish you can see me.

Izuku broke down on his knees and started to cry

Izuku cried for almost 30 minutes

Then he rose up and wipe his tears

Izuku:Dad, I'll make you proud of me.

Izuku then leave, but Hisashi ghost appear, but Izuku couldn't see him, no one could

Hisashi(ghost) :I'm already proud of you, my son.

With Izuku

Izuku(thought) :Whatever life holds for me. I'll never forget those words. With great power comes great responsibility. This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-Man.

Time skip(thanks to Kurumi)

A week passed and it was time for The Sport Festival to start

Izuku goes to watch the festival suit up in an elegant suit

Now Midnight comes

She started to explain the rules about the festival(cannon)

Izuku fall asleep because this is kinda boring, besides, he can watch it when he's home on the Internet

Once he open his eyes, he saw that Katsuki won the Festival, Izumi won 2nd place and Shoto won 3rd place and how All Might embarrassed himself


Next:Izuku Midoriya Wave

Next:The CEO And Pinkie Hero

Next:Radi One-Shots


Check this artist on DeviantArt
He/She is an awesome artist and this art take a lot of work

The Name of the Artist is "E-Ryona"

You can like the art if you want or if you want, you can support the artist, I don't want force you to do what I want. It's you'r choice if you want



Then:OFA And AFO No Longer


After this story, Izuku Bendy(short story 9-15 chapters) is going to be next

Until next time

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