Rises the Moon

Von Jayjayjayjayjsisnso

3.9K 110 96

This is a catnap x dogday book. This book will start off slow but it will get faster trust me. Chapters will... Mehr

Background Info (Important!)
Chapter 1 - The Unknown
Chapter 2 - Nice and Neat
Chapter 3 - Sleeping With the Moon
Chapter 4 - A Unusual Morning
Chapter 5 - The Race for Day and Night
Chapter 6 - Lights Out
Chapter 7 - The Room in Between
Chapter 8 - Sports Day
Chapter 9 - Partners in Crime
Chapter 10 - The Moon Lost it's Sun
Chapter 11 - Soft Jealousy
Chapter 12 - Cone of Death
Chapter 13 - A Helping Hand
Chapter 14 - The Hour of Joy
Pages Anew
Chapter 2 - Conflicting CafΓ©
Chapter 3 - Delivery
Chapter 4 - Left In the Dark
Chapter 5 - Bloody Bat
Chapter 6 - Bandages of Love
Chapter 7 - Lucky Kitty
Chapter 8 - Caught Red Handed
Chapter 9 - If It's Just Pain, Catnap Won't Be Stopped

Chapter 1 - First Day

118 4 1
Von Jayjayjayjayjsisnso

Just so you guys know all the characters forgot everything! Also whenever you see ' '  it means that the person is thinking not speaking.

POV ☽Catnap☾


Uggh that annoying alarm. I swear I'm going to break that thing one day, why is it even going off? Whatever I'll just sleep a little longer... 20 minutes go by.

Wait a second... don't I have school today? I get up annoyed and look at my calendar on my wall. I look and see the date is the today for when school starts, I walk down stairs annoyed knowing that I have to start going to school everyday now. I stretch and make myself some breakfast, I grab some cereal and start eating. After I finished eating I got up and went to go get dressed. School starts at 8 AM but it's already 8:23, whatever I don't really care if I'm late or not. After getting dressed I grab my keys and get in my car. (He drives a Ford Mustang 😭)

After about 15 minutes of driving I get to the school, I headed inside I pulled out my phone. 'hmmm 1034 where is that?' I look around and I'm completely lost... This place is so dam big. I look around and see 2 random people, I try to ask them for help but they were facing the other direction so they didn't notice me. I tap the green one on the shoulder and she turns around, "Excuse me? Oh hello is there something you need?" the green bunny says. I hold out my phone and point to the number 1034. "Oh! Room 1034 is down this hallway, take a left once you get to the end and it'll be on your right." the bunny said. 'Finally took this girl long enough jeez' I thought while starting to walk to the direction she told me.

"What was with that guy?" the red bear whispered, "I don't know, he looked so annoyed. What a prick." the green bunny whispered back. 'I can still hear you. Fucking assholes.' I then flipped them off while going around the corner. 'hmmm she said it was somewhere around here...' I looked around and finally found the classroom. I opened the door and walked in, everyone stopped and looked at me then the teacher spoke. "Ah, Catnap it's nice for you to join us. You are late you know?" Miss Delight said. I rolled my eyes and walked in while closing the door behind me. "Well students this is Catnap, our newest student. This is his first time here so I want you all to treat him with kindness, he also can't talk so I want you guys to be a little more understanding of him. Why don't you take a seat next to Dogday?" Miss Delight said while pointing at an orange dog in the back of the room. 'I have to sit next to a dog? I can't wait for this class to end.'

I walk to the seat and the dog next to me spoke, "Hello! I'm Dogday! I heard you were Catnap? I hope we can be friends!" Dogday spoke while smiling. 'Annoying dog.' I ignore her and put my head in my arms. 'I'm too dam tired for this shit' I thought as I go to sleep. Dogday's smile slowly turned into a frown as she saw that Catnap was annoyed by her. Miss Delight kept talking about english stuff while Catnap fell deeper into his sleep. Quite a lot of time has passed and it's already time for lunch, Catnap was still sound asleep as the bell went off. "Hey look, the new guy already fell asleep." Picky said, "Look at his ears." Bunzo stated. "And his tail." Huggy added. "Let's prank him." Picky said while grinning, "Let's just go to lunch." Bunzo said while pulling Picky outside. Everyone followed Bunzo out and they all went to a different class to eat their lunch. Dogday stayed in the class because she was worried about Catnap, but she didn't want to wake him up so she just sat next to him and quietly ate her lunch.

'God... it's been so longggg. Is this class over yet? I fell asleep for I don't know how long.' I got up and saw the classroom empty. 'Shit did I sleep through the whole school day??' I was still a little dazed from waking up. "Looks like you are awake, did you bring your lunch?" Dogday said, 'JESUS WHAT THE FUCK' I thought while I flinched at her voice. I didn't realize she was right next to me, jesus how long was she there for...

"SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU!" Dogday said while shaking her hands. I exhaled and calmed down a little, I then yawned and stretch before standing up. "Hey wait, aren't you going to eat lunch?" Dogday said while standing up, I then pull out my phone and typed "I'm not hungry." 'I lied, I was a little hungry but I forgot to bring my food so I couldn't do anything. Plus I could live without a little food so I'll be fine.' I then took 2 steps toward the door before my stomach growled.

"Your stomach says otherwise." Dogday said while giggling, 'annoying brat.' I thought while I kept walking outside. "Hey you have to eat you know!" Dogday said while grabbing my arm, I got scared from the touch and I hissed at her. My fur stood up and my claws extended, Dogday then noticed and she let go immediately. "O-Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you! I-I just wanted you to eat." she said while looking scared. 'Why does this annoying dog care so much about me eating.' I thought while pulling out my phone. "Don't touch me... ever." I typed out before sitting down again, "sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to." I also typed out.

"No no it's ok it was my fault!" Dogday said while smiling, her tailed also started wagging. "Ha look at this loser." a green bunny said as she started to walk in, "Leave him alone Hoppy." Dogday said while looking annoyed. "Why should I? Look at him, he's a lazy cat." hoppy said while stood right next to us. 'What an annoying bitch.' I thought as I just ignored her and looked at my phone. "Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you." Hoppy said while pulling my chair to face her. I stood up in annoyance and stared down at her. "Do something." Hoppy said while pushing me. 'This bitch is about to be sleeping.' "She's not worth it Catnap." Dogday said while trying to get me to calm down. "Listen to her Catnap." Hoppy said with a annoying voice. 'God this bitch is pissing me off. Whatever I'm just going to see what Kicken is doing since I haven't seen his classes yet.' I thought as I started to walk away. "That's what I thought, bitch." Hoppy said as I was leaving.

'Does this bitch ever stop talking? I'm done with her she is so annoying.' I clenched my fist and turned around to punch her. "HEY. Lunch is almost done, I think you guys should head to class." Mommy Long Legs said as my fist was about to hit her. 'So dam close...' Hoppy then ran to her class. I pulled out my phone and typed "Where is room 2012" I then turned to Dogday who had a shocked expression and showed her the text. "O-Oh you have the same class as me. We can walk together!" Dogday said while standing up. 'Great now I have to walk with this dog.' my ears flicked in annoyance. Dogday then cleaned up her table and started walking outside, I followed behind her.

'God I need a smoke break, I'll just slip out while Dogday isn't looking.' I thought as we turned the corner. "Yo Catnap!" Kicken said as he started to run over to me, "Hey Kicken!" Dogday said she waved to Kicken. "Yo nap what class do you have next?" Kicken asked me. I pointed to Dogday to show that I was with her. "He has math with me!" Dogday said while her tail was wagging. "Ohh, I see. Me and Bubba have to go to science. Bubba loves it but I don't think I'll be able to live." Kicken said jokingly, "Oh come on it's not that bad." Dogday responded to Kicken. 'Great this is my chance to get out.' I thought as I looked around for an exit. I saw a door that led outside and I slowly walked over there. I looked back and I still saw Dogday and Kicken talking, so I opened the door and stepped outside. I looked around and saw no camera so I went around the corner and took out a pack of cigarettes I had. I then took out the lighter I had and lit the end, I inhaled the smoke and blew it out. 'Ah, this is what I needed. It's so nice to just feel the breeze and smoke. It's a nice break you know?' I thought as I started to look at the sun glowing. It's so... nice outside.

POV ☼DogDay☼

As I finished talking to kicken I waved him bye as he left to his class. "Alright let's go to our class." I said to Catnap before realizing he was gone. "Catnap?" I said while looking around. Shit did I already lose the new guy? We are going to be late if I don't find him! I start walking around trying to find him. We weren't talking for that long so he couldn't have gone far... hmmm. I look around and see a door that led outside slightly open. Aha! Got you.

I open the door and look around, I saw a puff of red smoke coming from around the corner. I walk over to see what it is and I look up to see Catnap? He was smoking a cigarette! That's not allowed! "Hey! No smoking!" I said while pouting. He then pulled out his phone and typed "I don't care." he then blew a puff of smoke onto my face. What a jerk! I waved my hand in front of my face to get rid of the smoke. "Rude!" I yelled, he then typed "Whatever."

Before I was able to say anything he grabbed his cigarette and threw it on the floor, he then stepped on it to put it out. He then typed "Happy?". "Thank you." I said while smiling. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and went back inside, "This way." I said while walking to the classroom. I noticed that Catnap's tail swayed from left to right whenever he was walking. After a little bit of walking we made it to our class, "We are here!" I said happily. He then sighed and opened the door. I walked in the class and Catnap walked in after me. "Well look what we have here. You 2 love birds are late..." PJ said with an unamused face. WHAT?

"N-No! We aren't! I just.." I stuttered while trying to explain why we were late. My face was so red to what PJ said. Like why would he say that, that's so embarrassing! Catnap walked to his seat still with his "I don't care" face. "Just take a seat." PJ said while returning to his lesson. I sighed and sat down in the seat next to Catnap. I took out my notebook and started taking notes, I looked over and saw Catnap sleeping. Again? Really? I can see why Kicken called him nap... jeez.

As I'm taking notes I noticed myself looking at Catnap more. He sat next to the window so the sun was glowing down on him. I looked and saw his nice jacket that seemed to glow. It was a black jacket but it had stars on the sleeves and a moon symbol on the left side. I also noticed his fur that looked fluffy, I also saw his ears and how pointy they were. Even though he was asleep his tail moved on it's own and it swayed left and right. "DOGDAY!" PJ yelled, I jumped up frightened, "Y-YES?" I responded. "After you are done staring at Catnap can you tell us the answer to number 14?" PJ said as the whole class laughed. "O-Oh uh it's 26..." I said while covering my face from embarrassment. Oh my god I'm so stupid, how long was PJ calling me?

After a long time the class finally ended. I exhaled in exhaustion as I got up to go to the last class of the day. Damit, I have to wake up Catnap. "Pst Catnap." I whispered in his ear, he ears flicked and he turned his head to look at me. Both of our faces were inches away, "We have to go to our next class." I said while backing up a little. Catnap groaned and he put his head back into his arms to go to sleep. "Come on, it's our last class of the day." I said while grabbing my bag, Catnap sighed and finally got up. Jeez so much effort just to get up? Such a dramatic cat.

"Let me see your class." I said, Catnap then pulled out his phone and showed me his next class. "Hm.. I don't have that class but I know where it is. I'll take you to it." I said as I walked over to the door. Catnap's face frowned a little but I don't know why. Did I do something to annoy him? Well I mean he is always annoyed so I wouldn't know. I walked Catnap to his class and after a little we got to it. "Well here you go! This is your science class. I need to go to my class so I have to go. Have fun!" I said while walking away. Catnap waved me bye and my tail started wagging. "Bye!" I yelled from down the hallway while smiling. He actually waved at me. Wow... that's the most effort I've seen him do today.

After calming down a little I went to my class. It was science as well but it was with a different teacher. I took my seat and pulled out my notebook to take notes, after what felt like hours the bell finally rung. That was the last bell so everyone can go home now! Finally! As I got up to pack my bags I heard someone call my name. "Yo Dogday!" Bobby said, "Yeah?" I responded while putting on my bag. "You wana hangout?" Bobby said, "Sorry but I can't I have work today." I responded. "Aww man, ok tomorrow?" "Hmm... maybe" "That's not a no!" Bobby said with a smile. I laughed at her silliness before leaving the classroom. Hmmm I should probably go check on Catnap. If anything he's most likely asleep. I walked to his classroom and walked inside. To my surprise Catnap wasn't sleeping, he was talking with Bubba and Kicken.

Kicken had noticed me and called me over. "Yo Dogday!" I walked over to Kicken and said hi. "Yeah?" I asked. "What are you doing here?" Kicken asked curiously, "Oh, I was checking on Catnap. I thought I would have to wake him up again since he is always falling asleep." I said while looking at Catnap. "Oh that's so nice of you! Well Catnap was actually asleep when we got here, but we woke him up." Kicken said while poking Catnap. Catnap wasn't mad but he was annoyed at Kicken's poking, I giggled and told them "I'm so sorry guys but I can't stay and talk I have to go to work!" I told them. I felt so bad! I wanted to stay and talk but my boss will kill me if I'm late!

"No no its ok! We were just going to leave as well. I'll see you later!" Kicken said while shoving me off. I'm glad Kicken understood because I probably would've stayed and talked with them if he hadn't shoved me out. As I left I waved Catnap goodbye and he slightly waved back. AHHH THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPYYYY. I got super excited and started going to my job. My tail was wagging the whole time and I had a really big smile.

POV ☽Catnap☾

As I waved Dogday goodbye I saw her get really happy. It made me a happy to see her happy... wait what? What am I saying? She's a dog, and a annoying one at that. "Yo so I was looking around and I found this cool place we could visit. It's a really nice café just down the street!" Kicken said to both me and Bubba. "You guys wana go there?" Kicken asked, "Hmm sure why not." Bubba said while fixing his glasses. "What about you naps?" Kicken asked while looking at me. 'I really don't want to go but I know if I say no they will probably annoy me even more the next day. So I have to make a sacrifice. Plus I had nothing to do today so why not? It can't be that bad... right?' I sighed and nodded my head to indicate a yes. "Wow really?" Kicken asked. I got up and put on my bag to show that I was ready. "Alright let's go!" Kicken said while walking out the classroom.

2899 words




and as promised, dogday will be getting thrown off the empire state building.

anyways I know this new reset seems a little bad but trust me it will get better! Just please try to enjoy it!

anyways thank you all so much

11:26 PM 😔

bye byes


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