Chapter 6 - Bandages of Love

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POV ☼DogDay☼

"Can you stand?" a voice calls to me, with my vision still blurry I grab the hand that is in front of me. 'Everything hurts so much, I'm losing so much blood.' "N-No I can't." I spoke softly. "It's ok, I'll carry you." the deep but soft voice speaks again. "Thank you..." I respond. The purple blurry person I saw picked me up bridal style and started walking. As I got some of my vision back my eyes saw to who was carrying me. "C-Catnap?" I asked confused before my vision went black.

(In Dogday's Dream)

W-Wha... What? I wake up in a lavender flower field, I sit up and look around. "What the heck?" I said confused, I stood up and looked around a little more. I saw nothing but an empty field full of lavender flowers, it was also night time and the moon was a crescent. 'Huh that moon looks familiar but I can't tell from what.' I walk around and the flowers tickle my legs as I walk through them. I giggled and start jogging through them, after a little I stop and look up to the moon again. 'Wow the sky is so pretty, all the stars light up the sky. And the moon is so bright, something about this is nice.' "Annoying dog." A voice speaks. I turn around to see Catnap, "W-What? Since when could you talk?" I asked confused and scared. Catnap sounded mad and annoyed.

"Stupid mutt." Catnap speaks again, "W-What? Oh, I'm sorry." I respond with a frown. 'Why is he being so mean? I know he calls me annoying but this time I feel like he actually means it.' "I hate you." Catnap speaks again, "W-What?" I ask while tears start forming in my eyes. I then blink and see Catnap holding a metal bat and blood covered on his bat and him. "Useless dog." Catnap says while walking toward me. I look at his eyes and they are small slits, his fur is also standing and his teeth are showing. I get scared and start backing up, Catnap then starts running at me and I try to run away. "Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry!" I yell while crying and running away. Catnap continues to chase me and he is starting to get closer to me. As I'm running I trip and fall on one of the flowers, I look back and see Catnap standing over me with a mad look on his face. "Dogday! Dogday! I fucking hate you Dogday. Dogday!" Catnap yells while raising his bat. "PLEASE! DON'T I'M SORR-" I yell before getting cut off by Catnap swinging his bat.


"God Damit Bobby you have to be more careful." Bubba says, "Yeah Yeah I know sorry, I'll clean it up." Bobby says. 'What just happened? Where am I?' "W-Wha... Where am I?" I speak out loud. "Dogday! Your awake!" Bubba says with excitement. "Huh? Wait I'm coming!" Bobby yells from the other room. 'God my head hurts so much...' I hold my head while trying to sit up. "Woah there buddy, you should rest a little more. You still aren't fully recovered." Bubba says. I look down to see myself covered in bandages and a cast on my arm. 'Jeez I look like poop. Wait how did I get here?' "Bubba where are we?" I ask confused. "DOGDAY!" Bobby yells while jumping on me. "OW THAT HURTS." I yell from the pain, 'Jesus bobby, I know your excited but that hurts you know.'

"Bobby! She is still hurt, you have to calm down." Bubba exclaims. "Sorry! Sorry!" Bobby says while backing off a little. "It's fine." I reply. "We are at the smiling hospital. Why do you ask?" Bubba says while sighing. "How, how did I get here?" I ask confused, "Catnap brought you here. Speaking of Catnap you should probably find him and check on him. He is in really bad condition and I don't know how he hasn't died from blood loss yet! He refuses treatment and he doesn't want talk to anyone unless it's you." Bubba said while cleaning up Bobby's mess. 'Stubborn Catnap as always.' "Yeah sure but where is he?" I asked. "Well... I don't know." Bubba said nervously.

"He said he was going to be right back but I don't know what he meant by that." Bubba continued, "What!? I have to find him, what if he's lost or something!" I said while getting out of bed. 'ow these injuries hurt a lot, it stings whenever I walk.' I think as I limp toward the door. "WAIT! You should really rest more. You are seriously injured!" Bubba said as he tried to stop me, I pushed him out the way and kept walking. "I don't care, I have to find him!" I kept walking toward the door. "You still need time to heal!" Bubba said while pulling me back, "What I need is to find Catnap!" I say while pushing him off.  The door opened but Bubba called me so I turned to him, Bubba said nervously "There is something you should know, Catnap can uh..."

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