Chapter 11 - Soft Jealousy

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WHAT THE FUCK. THEY JUST BROKE IT. Sir I know but you have to stay calm. We will just rebuild and -. I AM CALM, I'M AS CALM AS CALM CAN BE. God why does everyone in this company have to be STUPID. Looks like were back to the drawing board, let's try to figure this out. Ok sir, here is all the new data I have collected from the battle.

POV ☽Catnap☾

God, yesterday was so tiring. I can barely move I'm so sore. I think I'll just stay home today, my legs wont even let me leave if I wanted to anyways. I tell Dogday is hugging me because of the amazing vanilla smell and because of the fluffy ball that is curled around my body. Also not to mention that her legs are wrapped around me, she is kind of squeezing a little too hard. I try pushing off a little so I can feel the air and cool down a little, also because she is kind of stopping my circulation. I tried to push but Dogday just squeezed harder, she then grumbled and went back to sleep.


"Dogday~" I whispered in her ear, "mhm." she mumbled back in response. "Please unlock your legs, you are fucking cutting off my blood~" I said while smiling, "nuh uh." she said while holding me even tighter. God damit, I can't move or push her off hard enough because I'm too tired and I'm so sore. What am I supposed to do now? I sat there wondering my next plan of attack. Oh, I know! Whenever Dogday licks me I back up because her tongue is too wet. So if I lick her she has to back off.


I repeatedly licker her head and she slowly woke up. "Hm? Oh thank you kitty." she said as she licked me back on the neck. "Ewwww, I can't even move to get your tongue away." I said as I tried to squeeze my way out. "Hehee, I know." Dogday said as she slowly fell back to sleep while hugging me. Well... what now. Like how do I even get out, there is nothing I can do. I'm trapped, why wont she get up? It's like 10 or something already. I didn't think I'd have to result to this but I have no other choice.

"Dogday?" I asked, "Yes kitty?" she said while looking up. "Can you please let me go?" I said while doing doe eyes. See if I can't force my way out, I'll just bribe her out. "Pleaseeeeee?" I said again trying to look as cute as possible, "Hmmmmmmm... no." Dogday said as she snuggled even closer. FUCK, did I lose? What the fuck am I supposed to do now?😭

I just accepted it, I couldn't get out and I couldn't tell her to get off so she won. I just laid there and hugged her back. I snuggled closer and we were basically inside each other at this point. Every inch of our body was touching from how close she kept going to me. WAIT! I CANT TRY THIS LAST THING. I stretched my tail and went downstairs. My tail then grabbed the 2 pendants in the lock and brought it back to me. I unclicked them  together and placed Dogday's on the table next to us. I then put on my pendent on my neck and summoned a plushie of me.

"Hey Dogday~ Will you let me go if I give you this one?" I asked while showing her the plush Catnap that was waving. "AWWWWWWW GIVE IT TO ME NOW."  Dogday said as she let go of me and grabbed the plushie. I took the chance and got out of bed, before I left I looked at the plushie that looked at me with a scared face. "Good luck solider." I saluted him before walking out to go make myself breakfast.


The plushie squeaked loudly as I was making myself breakfast. I almost shed a tear for the horrors that plushie was going through. (R.I.P Catnap Plushie) After eating breakfast I decided to watch some TV, I put on my favorite show and grabbed my blanket then laid on the couch. I watch the TV for a while and sat comfortably. Every now and then I would hear a squeak from upstairs but I thought nothing of it. About 20 minutes have gone and Dogday still hasn't came downstairs to eat breakfast, I decided to maker her breakfast in bed since it seemed like she wasn't getting up. I walked up the stairs and the atmosphere immediately changed, I could tell that something was wrong. I walked to our bedroom door and grabbed the doorknob. As I turned it I could feel the air getting heavier, the pressure was so intense I felt like collapsing right there. I slowly creaked open the door and saw it.

Rises the MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora