Avatar: The hundred year war

By Berserkerarmor

963 25 0

Sako: Let's do this. More

Bio with comic dubs
The Avatar state.
Saving King Bumi
How did we get in the swamp?
Meet the one and only Big Homie Toph
The Chase
Aang's training.
Comic dub
The Library
The Desert
Appa and Sako's lost days
Preview after the ending of Avatar the hundred year war.
The Earth King
Ba Sing Se final day
Comic Dub
The headband
Sokka's master
Avatar the last airbender: Dark

The Painted ladies

36 0 0
By Berserkerarmor

Appa was swimming in a river but it was polluted. Aang hops on Appa's saddle and was dirty.

Aang: Hey, guys, I think this river's polluted.

Sokka: So that explains why me and Sako can't catch a fish around here. Because normally my fishing skills are...off the hook.

Sako: (Chuckle)

Katara, Aang, Ty'lee and Aang slowly look at him and he stops laughing.

Toph: Too bad your skills aren't on the hook.

The five laugh at Toph's joke.

Katara: It looks like we'll need to go somewhere else to get food. Assuming that'll fit into Sokka's master schedule.

Sokka looks at his scedule.

Sokka: Hm....it's doable. But that means only two potty breaks today.

Aang looks over at a small village.

Aang: Hey, maybe we can get food there.

After a while they make it to some land and Aang covers Appa.

Aang: Now you look just like a little hill with horns. Bye buddy.

Aang walks off as Sako pets Appa.

Sako: I'll get you something good.

Appa: (Low growl)

The group walks over and looks down at the town.

Toph: I don't feel anything. Where's this village?

Sokka: It's in the middle of the river.

Man: Sure is. My name is Dock. Mind if I ask who you are?

Katara: We're um, from the earth Kingdom colonies.

Dock: Wow, colonials. Hop on, I'll give you a ride into town.

Sako crouches down and Toph hops on. Ty'lee saw this and pouts. Sako looks at her.

Sako: Hm?

Ty'lee: Next time I want back rides.

Sako: -_-(Sigh) Fine.

She giggles. Katara, Aang and Sokka laugh as Sako gave them a look shutting them up. They got on the boat.

Katara: Why do you guys live on the river?

Dock: Because we're a fishing town. Dock points at a fire nation factory.

Dock: At least that's how it was before the factory moved in. Army makes their metal there. Moved in a few years ago and started gunking up our river. Now our little village is struggling to survive.

The group makes it to the village.

Aang: Thanks for the ride.

They looked around to see the people sad or sick.

Katara: Look at this place. It's so sad.

Ty'lee: We have to do something to help.

Sokka: No, Ty'lee we can't waste our time here. We have a bigger mission that we need to stay focused on. These people are on their own.

Katara walked over to Sokka.

Katara: These people are starving, but you turn your back on them? How can you be so cold and heartless?

Sokka: I'm not turning my back, I'm just being realistic. We can't go around helping every rinky-dink town we wander into. We'll be helping them all by taking out the fire lord.

Sako and Toph cover his mouth.

Toph: Hey, loudmouth. Maybe we should be a little quieter. When we talk about taking out the fire lord.

Sokka: Come on, Katara, be reasonable about this. You know our mission has to come first.

Ty'lee and Katara look down to the side.

Aang: Let's just get what we need and go.

They walk to a shop Sako rings the bell and Dock turned around.

Sako:....You work here too?

Dock: I'm not Dock, I'm shoe. Dock's my brother.

Aang: But we just saw you...You're even wearing the same clothes. The only difference is your hat.

Shoe?: Dock works on the docks, that's why they call him "Docks"

Sako: Who is they?

Shoe?: And I work in the shop, that's why they call me "Shoe"

Sako: You had to have lost your mind.

Shoe?: I have, now what can I get you?

They look down to see weird fish things.

Shoe?: Hey, I'll give you a special deal. If you buy three fish, I'll throw in a clam for free.

Sokka pressed down on a clam and mush came out of it.

Katara/Sako/Aang/Ty'lee: Ew!

Sokka: We'll just take the fish.

Sako: (Sigh) Can you tel your brother we need a ride back to shore?

Shoe? crouches down and changed hats.

Dock: Hey, colonials. My brother says you need a lift.


A kid walks over to Katara and Ty'lee.

Ty'lee: Can you spare some food?

Katara crouches down and gave him some food.

Katara: I wish we could help more.

The boy runs over to his mom. Katara and Ty'lee looked down sad. Sako saw this and placed his hands on both of the girls and they walk off.

Time skip

It was the middle of the night and the group started to cook the fish.

Sokka: Our detour into town today has completely thrown off our schedule. It's gonna take some serious finagling to get us back on track.

Toph: Finagle away, O schedule master.

Sokka placed the schedule on the ground.

Sokka: Well, for starters, it looks like we'll need to wake up 43 minutes earlier every day.

Katara: 43 minutes?

Sokka: Look we only have a few weeks to get to the fire lord in time for the invasion and the eclipse which, by the way, only lasts for eight minutes. And we just lost a whole day. So if we want to make up the time and stay on schedule we have to wake up early.

Toph: Well I'm not waking up early.

Sako: Yeah, you tell him Big Homie Toph.

Sokka: Or we could just cut out all of our eating breaks.

Aang: What?

Katara: No way.

Toph: Forget it.

Ty'lee: You're asking for too much.


Sokka: I got it, how's this? From now on, we'll take food breaks and potty breaks at the same time.

Aang spits out his water while everyone looks on with disgust.

Sako: I'm about to punt you all the way to the air temple.

Sokka: Hey, it might be gross, but it's efficient. Either way, we have to leave here first thing tomorrow morning.

Katara and Ty'lee look down.

Next day

Katara was petting Appa who was on his side.

Aang: What's the matter, Katara?

Katara: I think Appa's sick.

Sokka: (Sits up) What?! Appa's sick?


Toph: Wow, Sokka, I didn't realize you cared so much.

Sokka: Of course I care. I might as well just throw our schedule aw-

Sako dropkicks Sokka into the wall.

Sokka: And I'm concerned because my big furry friend doesn't feel well.....owie....

Toph: He must've gotten sick from being in the polluted water.

Sako: Hm.

Sako and Aang pet him. Appa opens his mouth to revealing some on his tongue was purple.

Aang: This isn't good.

Sako: Can you heal him Katara?

Katara: It looks like he needs some medicine. Maybe we can find the right herbs in town.

Time skip

The group makes it in town but noticed everyone was more happier.

Toph: Is it just me, or does this place seem different?

Sako: Yeah, the people are happier.

Ty'lee and Katara smile at each other.

Sokka: Heym Shoe, what's going on with everyone today?

Shoe: Ah, something amazing happened last night. Food was delivered to our village by two mysterious and wonderful people. The painted ladies.

Katara: The painted who now?

Shoe: The painted lady.  They're part of our town's lore. They say they're river spirits sisters who watches over our town in times of need. I always thought they were just a legend. Until now.

Sokka: See, we don't need to help these people, they already have someone to help them. All we need is medicine for our sick friend.

Shoe: Medicine? Sorry all the medicine we have goes to the factory. That's why there's so many sick people in our village.

Katara: Looks like we need to stay another night so Appa can rest.

Sokka: (Sigh) I guess you're right. You got any more food to sell?

Shoe: Would you like the one headed fish or the two headed one?

Sako: (Falls backwards)

Ty'lee: Oh no! Toph.

Toph: Already on it.

Toph grabs two flat rocks and started to rub them together really fast.

Toph: Clear!

She placed them on his chest.

Sako: Too...hot....

Toph: We're losing him.

Ty'lee: (Anime tears)Don't you leave me again! You jerk!

She slaps him awake.

Sako: Ow!

Next day

Sako was with Appa checking on him.

Sako: Man, how did you get sick buddy? I know the water didn't give you a purple tongue just like that.

Sako looks over to see the factory.

Sako: Though if it was...I'm pretty sure that needs to be destroy maybe the water wouldn't be so polluted. Looks like I'm destroying a factory.


Everyone was sleeping but not Sako he stood up and grabbed his sword.

Sako: Going to need to cover myself, maybe use that hat Ty'lee gave me.

He looks down at her and moves her hair back and smile.

Sako: (Chuckle) I just hit the gold mine with her.

He grabs one of his swords then grabbed a straw hat and changed his shirt into a white one.


Sako looked up at the factory and looked for a way inside. When he saw a door he ran through it.

???: W-Was that Sako?

???: We're going to be in so much trouble if he finds out man.

Sako looks around and saw some chains he can cut. He waves his sword and cuts the chain. He then heard some more noises he looks around and noticed no one there.

Sako: Oh...okay then.....

It was quiet until he saw water burst from the windows. 

Sako: OH CRAP!

Sako jumps out of the building and lands on top of the cliff as he watches it explodes.

Sako:.....I didn't even do much.

He heard running and looked down and saw three people running and realized something.

Sako:.......Oh you three are in so much trouble.

Time skip

Aang, Katara and Ty'lee were walking back to camp.

Aang: Booom.

Katara: Shh, we don't want to make too much noises.

Ty'lee: I still don't get what so scary about Sako getting angry.

???: (Clears throat)

They jump and looked over at Sako.

Katara: Hi....Sako.... We were just out on a morning wa-

Sako: I know what you did.

Aang: oh no....

Sako: I knew my suspicion of you being the painted lady was true but I didn't know Ty'lee was the painted lady.

Katara: Who else did you think it would be?

Sako:.......I hate to say it.....Aang.

Aang: (Shark teeth) What?!

Sako: Hey bro I bet you would look good as a girl. I know I would be.

Ty'lee:.....No comment.

Sokka: Katara, Ty'lee what you did put our whole mission in jeopardy. We're leaving right now.

Katara and Ty'lee sighs and walks away.

Sokka looks at Aang.

Sokka: And how long did you know about this?

Aang: Hey, I just found out this morning. You should ask what Sako was doing.

He runs off Sokka looks at Sako.

Sako: Don't push it.

Time skip

Everyone was packing up until a noise was heard they look down to see firebenders using boats to ride on the water towards the town.

Toph: What's going on?

Aang: Fire nation soldiers are heading for the village.

Sako got up and grabbed his swords.

Sokka: What are you doing?

Sako: What do you think I'm going down there and helping them. We destroyed their factory so it's only right.

Sokka: YOU WHAT?!

Katara: Hey, it was your idea.

Sokka: I was joking!

Ty'lee: Well maybe you should have thought about that before you said it.

Sako: And you know as well as I do Sokka we don't turn our backs on people who need us. Never. Katara, Ty'lee get dressed.


Leader: I thought we could live in peace as neighbors but I guess I was wrong.

Dock: We didn't do any of that.

Shoe: Yeah, the painted ladies brought us food. They're the one that healed our sick, not your medicine.

Leader: Oh, right, the mysterious painted ladies did it and I suppose she drew the army emblem on your containers, too. Or brought the spirit of the mist with them too.

He destroys a container.

Leader: This is a town of thieves and liars.

He sent a fireball to a house destroying it.

Leader: Where are your painted ladies now? We're going to cure the world of this wretched village.

When he said that firebenders begin to destroy some of the houses. Two begin to light up one giant ball but airbending extinguished it. They try again but the ball was cut in half.

Femal firebender: Look at that something cut it in half.

Male Firebender: Something is going on.

They saw a mist heading their way.

Kid: it's the painted ladies.

The boy saw a figure in the mist.

Kid: (Gasp) And the man of the mist.

Leader: There is no such thing as the painted ladies and the man of the mist.

Low growling could be heard. Toph was using earthbending to slam a boulder into the ground and Appa growls and a eerie tune plays thanks to Sokka.

Female Firebender: What is that sound?

Male firebender: It's them.... The mist clears and it revealed Sako, Tylee and Katara. It was quiet at first until they go forward at high speeds. They jump in the air and land on the docks scaring some of the firebenders.

Leader: Do something!

Two firebender grab their swords and walk forward. They were about to swing until Sako cuts one way destroying their blades. They look at their broken swords and shakenly looked at Sako who's eye glow purple. They run away.

Leader: Stand your ground.

Katara and Ty'lee walk forward. Katara uses waterbending to lift to ships up and throw them into a wall.

Ty'lee looked up.


Sako used Haki and made the three firebender fall down. Realizing they were in trouble the rest picked up their comrades and left leaving the leader.

Leader: (Firebending stance) I'll take care of you three myself!

It was quiet at first he sent a fireslash that headed towards Katara and Ty'lee Aang shoots airbending from her mouth sending Katara and Ty'lee in the air as Sako blocks the fireslash.  He then slams his blade down combine with Aang's airbending sending a slash that pushes the leader back splashing into the water.  He swims up and looks at the three. Who were now over him.

Katara: Leave this village.

Ty'lee: And never return.

Sako: (Voice echo) Go.

The leader swims away scared out of his mind as he was picked up and rushed away. Katara and Ty'lee smile as Sako rubs Katara's head.

Sako: Proud of you sis.

She chuckles. Sako then looks at Ty'lee and smile and kisses her cheek earning a blush she then twirls her hair around with her finger. Cheering could be heard as they made it to the docks.

Kid: I knew you two would come.

Dock: Thank you. My brother and I really owe you a lot. 

Dock got a good look at them.

Dock: Hey, wait a minute I know you three. You're not the painted ladies, you're those colonial girl.

Kid: Yeah, you're the lady that game me a fish.

Dock: You've been tricking us. All three of you have. 

Man: How dare you act like our painted ladies.

The crowd started to get mad.

Sako: Oi.

Everyone stopped what they were doing when they felt a dark aura surrounding the area.

Sako: If I don't hear a thank you in the next 10 seconds.

Sako sent a slash to the rocky wall cutting it in half that Katara threw the two ships at.

Sako: If we didn't do anything this village would have been gone off the face of the earth.

Katara: Sako, it's okay.(Looks at the villagers) We shouldn't have acted like someone we weren't and we shouldn't have tricked you. But We felt like we needed to do something. It doesn't matter if the painted ladies are real or not. Because your problems are real, and this river is real. You can't wait around for someone to help you. You have to help yourself.

Dock: (Looks down) She's right, but what should we do?

Toph: (In the crowd) Maybe we can clean the river.

Dock: Yeah, we can clean the river.

Sako: (Whisper to Ty'lee) That's why she's big homie Toph.

The townsfolk agreed and cheered.

Ty'lee: So Dock are you going to help us clean the river?

Dock: No, ma'am, I'm going to get my other brother, Bushi. He loves cleaning rivers.

Dock takes the hat off revealing a strawhat.

Bushi?: Alright, I'm Bushi. Let's get some river cleaning done.

Aang: Aha, Sako was right. We knew you were the same guy. You're the ship owner and the boat guy.

Bushi?: Oh you must be talking about my brothers, Dock and Shoe.

Sako: No, No, NO(Annoyed Chuckle) we just saw you switch hats.

Bushi?: Oh you want to know who does that? My brother Dock. He's crazy.

He started to laugh as Sako violently shakes out of pure rage.

Ty'lee: Uh Sako?

Sokka: Ty'lee, I need you to stand back, It's about to go down.

Ty'lee: What do yo-


Sako grabs Bushi's neck.

To be continued

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