A Wallflower's Bloom

By enaganda

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"Are you mad? I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington." Brokenhearted from the words she heard... More

Chapter 1: London 1815
Chapter 2: Bridgerton House
Chapter 3: Cowper's Ball
Chapter 4: Twenty-four Letters
Chapter 5: Danbury Ball
Chapter 6: The Dances
Chapter 7: The Confrontation
Chapter 8: Calling Hours
Chapter 9: Unexpected Tutor
Chapter 10: A Suitor's Gift
Chapter 11: Lesson One
Chapter 12: Realization
Chapter 13: Bridgerton Ball
Chapter 14: Lesson Learned
Chapter 15: An Invitation and A Letter
Chapter 16: Tea Party
Chapter 17: Confession
Chapter 18: The Queen's Ball
Chapter 19: Public Confession
Chapter 20: The Aftermath
Chapter 21: Royal Retreat
Chapter 22: A Brawl
Chapter 23: Repercussions
Chapter 24: A Vulnerable Gentleman
Chapter 25: The Long-Awaited Response
Chapter 26: Secret Revealed
Chapter 27: Welcome Back
Chapter 29: The First Kiss
Chapter 30: The Honeymoon
Author's Note

Chapter 28: Bonding with the Mother-in-law

1.3K 38 2
By enaganda

Bonding with the Mother-in-law

As Jocasta and Penelope stepped into Madame Genevieve Delacroix's elegant shop, they were enveloped in an atmosphere of elegance and refinement. The scent of freshly cut fabrics and the soft glow of chandeliers cast a sense of enchantment over the space.

Madame Delacroix herself greeted them with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement at the prospect of assisting the redhead for a dress.

"Mademoiselle Penelope!" Madame Delacroix exclaimed, her French accent lacing her words with charm. "And who is this lovely lady accompanying you?"

"Madame Delacroix, it's a pleasure to see you again." Penelope said with a smile, her voice filled with warmth. "Allow me to introduce Lady Jocasta Debling, the dowager Duchess of Northumberland and Countess of Beverley.. And erm.. my future mother-in-law."

Jocasta inclined her head graciously in greeting, her presence commanding respect and admiration. "A pleasure to meet you, Madame. I've heard so much about your exquisite designs." She said, her voice tinged with elegance.

Genevieve returned the greeting with a gracious smile and curtsy to the dowager duchess, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "The pleasure is mine, Lady Debling. And congratulations to you both on the upcoming nuptials. How may I assist you?" She replied with her tone polite.

Penelope's features swelled with excitement as she turned to Madame Delacroix, her eyes shining with anticipation. "We're here to choose fabrics and design my wedding dress. I'm to be married to the Duke of Northumberland."

Madam Delacroix' eyes widened with delight at the news, her excitement matching Penelope's own. "How wonderful!" She exclaimed. "I would be honored to assist you in creating the perfect gown for your special day Mademoiselle Penelope."

With a graceful gesture, Madame Delacroix led Jocasta and Penelope to a luxurious seating area adorned with plush cushions and delicate lace curtains. As they settled in, she brought out a selection of sumptuous fabrics and intricate lace samples, laying them out before them with care.

"Please, allow me to present to you some of the finest fabrics available," Madame Delacroix said, her voice filled with pride. "I have carefully curated a selection that I believe will be perfect for your wedding gown, Miss Penelope."

Penelope's eyes widened with wonder as she examined the array of fabrics before her. Silks, satins, and chiffons in every shade imaginable shimmered in the soft light of the shop, each more exquisite than the last.

With Madame Delacroix's expert guidance, Penelope began to envision the perfect design for her wedding gown, incorporating elements of elegance and sophistication that would complement her beauty and grace.

As they worked together to bring Penelope's vision to life, the atmosphere in the shop buzzed with excitement and creativity. And as the hours passed, Jocasta and Penelope found themselves exhausted after their stop on the florist to pick on the blossoms to be used on the wedding day. The two ladies then decided to drop by a tea shop as a final stop on their outing.

As Jocasta and Penelope settled into a cozy tea shop, the atmosphere was one of warmth and camaraderie. Seated across from each other, they indulged in delicate pastries and fragrant tea, the perfect setting for a heartfelt conversation.

Jocasta Debling regarded Penelope with genuine interest, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she sought to learn more about her future daughter-in-law.

"Penelope, my dear." Jocasta began, her voice gentle. "I hope you don't mind if I ask you a few questions. I am eager to know you better."

The young Featherington smiled warmly, her eyes meeting with Jocasta's openness and sincerity. "Of course, Jocasta." She replied with a polite tone. "I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have."

"Well, where does your interests lie? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?" The dowager duchess asks genuinely with affection.

Penelope's cheeks flushed with a shy blush as she considered Jocasta's question. "Well, erm.. I must admit that I quite enjoy reading books. I find great pleasure in immersing myself in stories and learning new things." The redhead replied with her soft voice in earnest.

Jocasta nodded approvingly, her interest piques. "And what else, my dear?" She pressed gently. "Do you have any other hobbies, or talents that you enjoy?"

The young Featherington's eyes lit up with enthusiasm as she continued. "I love to dance, even though I have often been a wallflower at most of the seasons. There is something so freeing about moving to the music, don't you think? And I also have a passion for music. I can play the pianoforte quite well, and I find great joy in expressing myself through music. Though I admit, I haven't been able to practice the instrument as of late."

Lady Debling smiled warmly at Penelope's words, impressed by her varied interests and talents. "You are a woman of many talents, indeed." She remarked, her voice filled with admiration. "And what about your thoughts on the future, my dear? Have you and Thomas discussed the possibility of starting a family?"

Penelope's expression softened with a hint of uncertainty as she considered Jocasta's question. "We haven't discussed it in great detail yet.." She shyly admitted, her voice tinged with hesitation. "But I understand that it is my duty as his wife to provide him with an heir and a spare. I am prepared to fulfill my obligations as a wife, whatever they may be."

Jocasta nodded understandingly, her gaze filled with empathy. "You are a sensible young woman, Penelope. And you will make an excellent wife and mother, I have no doubt. You are a perfect for Thomas, my dear, and I could not be happier to welcome you into our family." The middle-aged woman said reassuringly.

Penelope's eyes glistened with gratitude as she absorbed Jocasta's words. "Thank you, Jocasta. Your kindness and support mean more to me than you know." Penelope, now emboldened by the warmth and camaraderie between herself and Jocasta, decided to turn the conversation towards her future life in the duchy. With a gentle smile, she addressed her future mother-in-law, her voice tinged with curiosity and anticipation.

"Jocasta." Penelope began, her tone respectful yet inquisitive. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but I would love to learn more about life in the duchy. What is it like living there? What are the duties and responsibilities that come with being a duchess?"

Jocasta's eyes softened with fond reminiscence as she regarded Penelope with a thoughtful and warm expression. She could not be more happier to teach the young lady all that entails with her upcoming title. She then internally agrees with what had Thomas had shared about his beloved. Penelope is someone who was very different among the ladies of the ton. If it was another lady, they would only care about the wealth and the prestige the duchess title would bring about, with no regard to the tasks and duties that needed to be fulfilled by the role.

"Ah, Penelope, my dear." She replied, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "Life in the Northumberland duchy is a unique blend of tradition, duty and privilege. It is a place steeped in history and tradition, where every stone tells a story and every tradition has a purpose."

She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "As a duchess, there are certain duties and responsibilities that come with the title." Jocasta explained, her tone measured yet earnest. "One must oversee the management of the estate, attend to the needs of the tenants and servants, and participate in the social and political affairs of the duchy. It is a role that require grace, diplomacy and a deep sense of responsibility."

"Which you all have, Penelope. No doubt." Jocasta smiles at the redhead girl making her blush.

Penelope was listening intently on Jocasta as her words just keeps on piquing her curiosity. "What about the social events and gatherings? Are there many balls and soirees held in the duchy? Does a duchess have a role to play in such events?" Penelope's voice was filled with genuine interest.

The dowager smiled indulgently at Penelope's questions, sensing her eagerness to learn and understand. "Oh, yes, my dear. There are certainly no shortage of social events and gatherings in the duchy. Balls, soirees, and garden parties abound, each one an opportunity to mingle with the nobility and uphold the prestige of our family."

"As duchess, one is expected to preside over such events with grace and dignity." Jocasta continues, her tone thoughtful yet assured. "It is a chance to showcase the traditional and customs of our territories, and to foster goodwill and camaraderie among its residents."

Penelope nodded attentively, absorbing Jocasta's words with interest and respect. As she listened to her future mother-in-law speak of life in the duchy, she could not help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future that lay ahead.

Jocasta's eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief as she turned the conversation towards Penelope's future husband, her son Duke Thomas Debling.

"Would you like to know more about Thomas?" The dowager's tone was conspiratorial.

Penelope's cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and anticipation as she nodded eagerly. "Yes, my lady. I would love to hear more about him. What is he like growing up?"

A fond smile graced Jocasta's lips as she began to speak of her beloved son. "Thomas is a remarkable young man. He is kind, compassionate, and fiercely devoted to those he loves. He has a keen intellect and a sharp wit, and he possesses a natural charm and charisma that draws people to him even at a young age."

She paused for a moment, her gaze distant as she recalled memories of her son's upbringing. "Thomas has always been a dutiful and responsible young man." Jocasta continued, her eyes glimmering with fond memories. "He inherited his titles at the tender age of six and ten, following the untimely passing of his father. It was a difficult time for him, stepping into such a role at such a young age, but he rose to the occasion with grace and determination."

"Thomas has always been dedicated to his duties as Duke of Northumberland and Earl of Beverley. He forewent his studies at the university to focus on his responsibilities to the duchy and its people. It was a sacrifice he made willingly, knowing that his duty to his family and his estate must always come first. I truly regret not giving him a sibling so to share his burdens and not face them alone."

Penelope listened attentively, her heart swelling with pride and admiration for her future husband. "He sounds like a remarkable man. I can only imagine the challenges he and you must have faced, but it is clear that he has handled them with grace and fortitude. He has shown everyone how true of a gentleman he is."

Jocasta smiled warmly at Penelope's words, a glimmer of pride shining in her eyes. "Indeed, he is. Thomas is a man of integrity, honor and compassion. He cares deeply for his family and the estate, and he will make a wonderful husband to you, my dear. As you will be a great wife to him as well. I have no doubt that the two of you will build a life filled with love, happiness and mutual respect.

Jocasta and Penelope continued to enjoy their afternoon with the tea and snacks provided on the shop. After a little while, the Duke of Northumberland arrives which earns the glances of other shop patrons.

As Thomas Debling arrived, his presence added a sense of warmth and familiarity to the cozy setting. With warm smile, he greeted his mother Jocasta with a tender kiss on her cheeks, a gesture that spoke volumes of their close bond.

Turning his attention to Penelope, Thomas's smile widened as he approached her, his eyes alight with affection. He leaned in close, gently taking a lock of her hair in his hand and pressing a soft kiss to its long strands, a gesture that conveyed his love and devotion in the most intimate of ways.

Penelope felt her cheeks flush with warmth at Thomas' display of affection, her heart swelling with love for the man who had captured her heart. She met his gaze with a tender smile, her eyes reflecting the depth of her feelings for him.

Jocasta watched the exchange between her son and his fiancée with a knowing smile, her heart filled with happiness at the sight of their love for each other.

Thomas then turned to the two ladies, his gaze filled with warmth and affection. "How is your day going, my ladies?" He asked with genuine interest and concern.

The young Featherington could not help but feel a surge of gratitude and happiness at the sight of the duke's caring demeanor. With a smile, she replied. "It's been lovely, Thomas. We've been discussing wedding plans and have been enjoying our tea and snacks, all while having a wonderful conversation."

Jocasta nodded in agreement, her smile mirroring her son's. "Indeed, it has been a delightful afternoon. And having you join us only makes it even better, my dear." She added.

"That is pleasing to hear, mother." The smiles warmly at both.

"I was just telling Penelope about your early years as the Duke of Northumberland."

"Ah, yes." Thomas replied with a hint of nostalgia coloring his tone. "Those were certainly challenging times, but with your guidance mother, I was able to navigate them with grace."

Turning his attention back to Penelope, Thomas stared at her crystal blue eyes and smiled warmly. "My love, have I told you that you look even more radiant than usual today?" He murmured softly, his voice filled with tenderness. "I hope my mother's company were enjoyable for you." He added with a wink.

Penelope's heart swelled with affection as she met her fiancée's gaze. "It has been wonderful, your Grace. I've enjoyed spending time with Jocasta and learning more about the life in the duchy." The redhead replied with her voice filled with warmth.

As they continued to chat and enjoy each other's company, the love and affection shared between Thomas, Penelope and Jocasta filled the tea shop with a sense of warmth and joy, a testament to the bond that united them as family. 

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