✨I Make This Wish✨ Human! Sta...

By _miraculous_adrien

25K 864 149

Wish (2023) In the city of Rosas, a king watched over the kingdom and the people along with their wishes. A p... More

An Evil King
I Make This Wish
At The Castle
The Plan
Happily Ever After

Welcome to Rosas!

3.6K 106 11
By _miraculous_adrien

✨3rd Person POV✨

Walking down towards the kitchen area of the castle, (Y/n) quietly walked through the dark hallways of her home in Rosas. She wore a well-made (F/c) dress with some pants underneath, and a pair of white flats, and donned a small tiara on her head. She wanted to wish her best friend, Asha, good luck before the girl had to leave and meet with the (h/c)'s father. 

The two met when they were children, the princess was walking through the kingdom when she came across the girl's singing and wild dancing and the royal was instantly interested in becoming friends. 

The princess's friend group was scattered around the kitchen making pastries and goods for her and her parents. "(Y/n)! Glad you're here!" Dahlila greeted, wiping the flour off her hands. "Dahlia!" The (h/c) smiled brightly, jumping down the stairs to hug her friend. "Is Asha here yet?" She questioned, looking around in case the girl would magically appear.

The pale girl only shook her head. "She had a tour to give this morning. She'll be here any minute." On cue, the door to the kitchen opened and the tan girl rushed inside. "Help me! Best friend and honorary doctor of all things rational." Asha huffed and lay on the kitchen table. "My interview is in one hour..and I'm so nervous, I think I'm going to explode." She whined, receiving a gentle pat on the back from the princess.

Dahlia smirked playfully. "Interview. What interview?" She walked towards the oven and pulled out a tray of cookies. "You mean the interview with our velvety sweet buttercream of a king?" She sat the cookies down and they were all of the king's face. 

Asha and (Y/n) made noises of disgust. 

"Oh, please don't say it like that."

"Gross, that's my dad."

Dahila ignored her friends' remarks and sighed in contentment. "My friends, the king's apprentice, and daughter. I'll be famous." She looped an arm around the two.

Asha nervously played with her fingers. "I have forgotten how to talk. Is my mouth drooping?" She played with her face. "I feel like it's drooping." She quickly turned to (Y/n). "Quick, ask me an interview question." The (H/c) hummed in thought. "Alright...Asha, what is your weakness?" 

"Weakness?" Asha asked nervously. "I get irrational when I'm nervous." Dahlia shook her head. "No, no. You care too much." Asha turned towards her friend. "I do? Wait, is that a weakness?" Asha muttered to herself. 

Dahlia looked at Asha. "That's why it's perfect." The (h/c) put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Just relax, Asha. You're surrounded by friends." (Y/n) reassured, the tan girl smiling thankfully at her best friend. 

The door slammed and the rest of the friend group rushed in, chatting excitedly with each other. "Cookies!" 

"I like cookies."

"Me first!"

"Look out!"

"Out of my way!"

"I love cookies." The group of six trampled over each other and grabbed a cookie. "Safi, they're lemon," Dahlia advised, but the boy already sneezed all over the cookie beside him, causing the group to recoil in disgust. "My life is so unfair." The short friend, Gabo, grumbled.

"Take mine." A brunette with a braid handed her cookie, scaring everyone. "Bazeema, where did you come from?" Gabo questioned. "Hi." She bashfully replied, hiding. Asha handed her cookie too. "Take mine too. I can't eat."

His eyes lit up. "Oh, right. Your interview with the King. Hey, look at me. Don't worry. We'll be here for you when you fail." (Y/n) gave him a warning look. "Gabo..."

A blond boy with large ears appeared with a dopey smile. "Oh, there are the cookies." He grabbed the wet one. "Safi sneezed on those," Asha warned. "Oh, thanks." He took a large bite of the food and the group groaned.

"Anyway.." Gabo continued. "Not that I blame you for trying to cheat the system." Asha raised a brow. "What? I'm not trying to cheat at anything." The girl smirked in triumph. 

"Come on, everyone knows the racket. The king's apprentices get their wishes granted..and usually their family's wishes, too." (Y/n) hummed from beside Asha. "Not always." 

The group shook their heads.

Dahlia tapped her chin. "Maybe always.." 

The group nodded.

"Wait, isn't your Saba turning 100 today and still waiting?" Gabo smirked. Dahlia just rolled her eyes. "Ignore him."

"Not to mention the fact that you're also turning 18." 

"Happy birthday!"

"In a few months...not today," Gabo added in. "And when you give your wish to the king...you don't wanna have to end up like Simon, do you?" (Y/n) looked at the short boy with a raised brow. 

"What's wrong with Simon?"

The large and seemingly tired boy lifts his head. "What's wrong with me?"

Gabo shrugged. "I don't know, you're kind of boring now. No offense."

"Have I become boring?" He asked the group. "Do you all think that?"



"Not boring. Just.."

(Y/n) stepped towards her friend. "You're still you, Simon. I bet you'll get your wish granted really soon." She reassured.

"Unlike poor old Saba," Gabo remarked. "Who's still waiting..." He trailed off, which earned a face full of flour from Asha. 

The Queen and (Y/n)'s mother walked into the kitchen, gaining the group's attention. Everyone straightened up in a line and bowed, except for (Y/n).

"Your Majesty."

"Queen Amaya."

The Queen looked at Asha. "Asha, the King is ready for you." She stated. Asha looked up at the woman and slowly panicked. "Now? Am I late? I thought I--"

"You're fine. The last interview.." 

A man's cries could be heard as he ran down the staircase. "It was a disaster!"

"..Finished early. Shall we?"

"Oh, okay! I'm ready." She turned towards Dahlia and (Y/n), fear on her face. "I am so not ready." She whispered.

"It'll be okay." (Y/n) reassured.

"Just don't touch anything," Dahlia warned.

"Make sure to curtsy." (Y/n) advised.

"And tell him that I love him!" Dahlia quickly stated. (Y/n) looked at the girl. "Gross, Dahlia."

"I'm kidding. Do not tell him that."

Asha crossed her fingers and ran after the queen. "Okay, thank you. Thank you so much."

"Bye! Don't get your hopes up!" Gabo shouted until Valentino, Asha's goat, fell on him.

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