The Illusion Of Us

By KLastella

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In "The Illusion of Us," Ava and Ethan are the embodiment of a perfect love story. Celebrating six years of s... More

A Note to Readers
...Let Me Know...
It's Done!


918 17 1
By KLastella

As Ava and Fred stepped into the brightly lit corridors of the hospital, Ava's heart was a tumult of worry and dread. The possibility of crossing paths with Ethan, a ghost from her past she wasn't prepared to face, loomed large in her mind.

Upon entering her father's hospital room, the tension Ava carried dissolved instantly at the sight of her family. Their expressions transformed from shock to joy, a balm to her frayed nerves. "Dad!" Ava's voice broke, a mix of relief and fear, as she rushed to his bedside. Her embrace was desperate, a lifeline to the man who had always been her strength.

"Daddy, please tell me you're okay," she whispered between sobs, the reality of her father's vulnerability crashing down on her.

Her father's weak embrace was a testament to his current state, yet his smile offered Ava a sliver of comfort. "I'm better now, princess. I'm sorry for the scare," he assured her, his voice a fragile thread of strength.

Fred walked into the hospital room, his arms laden with a basket of fruits, a small offering in the face of the Greenwood family's ordeal. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood, Nate," he said, his voice carrying a mix of respect and warmth.

Mrs. Greenwood, her eyes lighting up, accepted the gesture with a gracious smile. "Oh, thank you, Frederick. That's very kind of you," she responded, her tone wrapping Fred in a welcoming embrace.

Mr. Greenwood, with a playful gleam in his eye, couldn't resist the opportunity for a bit of teasing. "Frederick, it's been quite some time," he observed, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "I suppose the reason you've stopped coming by the house is because you've finally found my daughter. Did he mention he's been visiting us every weekend since you left?" Mr. Greenwood said, his laughter filling the room warmly.

Ava, surprised and moved, glanced at Fred, who seemed shy, clearly caught off guard by how obvious his feelings for her were. Fred's cheeks took on a shade of pink, a shy smile spreading across his face.

Nate jumped in with a light-hearted jab, "Thanks for coming with my little sister, Fred. She'd be a total mess if she was alone," he said, chuckling.

Fred, glancing towards Ava, found her amidst a sea of knowing looks from her family. The air was thick with unsaid words and shared history, a comfortable familiarity that spoke of deep connections. "There's no problem at all. I'm just glad I could be here," he responded, sincerity shining through his gentle teasing.

Mrs. Greenwood's touch was light on his shoulder as she added her own praise, "You've always been such a sweetheart, Frederick. We've always liked that about you."

"I'd like you even better if you weren't such a chicken and just told my daughter you love her, Frederick..." Mr. Greenwood said, shooting a playful glance at Ava, who suddenly looked startled.

Her mother and Nate shared a look, smiling teasingly at Fred and Ava, "Dad!" she hissed under her breath. "Stop it," as a flush spread across her face.

James Greenwood fixed Fred with a look that was serious yet twinkled with fun. "Am I off base here, Frederick? Or was I wrong to assume you have feelings for my daughter?"

"You know, Fred has been showing up at our doorstep, asking after Ava relentlessly, even though we played coy about her whereabouts. That kind of persistence? Sounds like love to me," Nate added, laughing as he ribbed them further.

As the laughter and teasing aimed at Fred filled the room, the atmosphere shifted dramatically when the door creaked open. "Ava..." The voice cut through the air, unmistakable and laden with emotions.

Ethan stood in the doorway, a mix of surprise, sorrow, and something deeply resembling love painted across his face. As their eyes locked, everything else seemed to fade, leaving Ava and Ethan enveloped in the history they shared.

The mood in the room turned thick with unspoken emotions, hanging heavily around Ava and Ethan. Ava found herself immobilized, torn between the warmth of her family's embrace and the complex web of feelings Ethan's sudden appearance evoked.

Ethan, unchanged yet somehow different, stood in his white coat, the familiar charm still radiating from him. The years had only added layers to the man Ava once knew intimately, his presence now both familiar and unsettling.

Fred's discomfort was palpable as he witnessed the silent exchange between Ava and Ethan, feeling an unwelcome twinge of jealousy. The intensity of their connection reminded him of the distance that still lay between him and Ava. His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by his ringing phone, giving him a reason to step out, leaving Ava in a room now fraught with past memories and unanswered questions.

In the hospital room, Ethan was forced to maintain a strictly professional demeanor, owing to his role as Mr. Greenwood's attending doctor. Surrounded by his team of nurses and resident doctors, he had to navigate the delicate balance of addressing his patient's health concerns while also contending with the unexpected presence of Ava.

"Mr. Greenwood, you've suffered a mild heart attack," Ethan began, his voice steady and clinical. He carefully explained the situation, conscious of the watchful eyes of his medical team. "The primary cause appears to be stress, likely from overworking. It's critical that you take a step back and focus on your recovery."

As Ethan spoke, his gaze involuntarily shifted to Ava, causing a momentary flicker in his otherwise composed expression. Ava, acutely aware of his glances, felt a wave of emotions but remained silent, trying to process the flood of memories Ethan's presence brought.

Ethan continued, outlining the medical advice and precautions. "Rest is essential, and reducing work-related stress is crucial to prevent any further incidents. We need to ensure there isn't a recurrence."

Nate, sensing the underlying tension, interjected with words of thanks. "Thank you, Ethan. It's reassuring to know our father is in capable hands."

Ethan nodded, acknowledging the gratitude. "Of course. It's important that Mr. Greenwood follows these guidelines. My team and I are available should you need any further assistance."

As Ethan wrapped up his medical briefing, he made a move to leave the room. Just before exiting, he paused, his eyes instinctively seeking out Ava. Their gazes met, holding a moment that seemed to stretch beyond time. In Ethan's eyes, there was a clear yearning to say something, a multitude of unspoken words hanging between them.

The room, already heavy with the emotional weight of Ava's unexpected return and Mr. Greenwood's health concerns, grew even more charged in that silent exchange. Ava, caught in Ethan's gaze, felt a familiar tug in her heart, a reminder of all they had once been to each other.

Ethan's mouth opened slightly, as if he was about to speak, but then he seemed to reconsider. Whatever he wanted to say remained unvoiced, lost in the complexity of their shared past and the current situation. The tension in his expression was evident, reflecting his internal struggle between professional responsibilities and personal emotions.

Finally, with a subtle shake of his head as if to clear his thoughts, Ethan turned away, breaking the connection. He stepped out of the room, leaving Ava and her family behind. His departure was quiet but filled with a sense of unresolved matters, leaving Ava with a mixture of relief and a deep, aching sense of longing.

As the door closed behind Ethan, Ava let out a quiet breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Ava's mind was still reeling from the encounter. Ethan's brief glance had reopened old wounds, reminding her of a chapter in her life she had thought was closed.

As Ethan stepped out of Mr. Greenwood's room, Fred was just hanging up his phone, the tension between them palpable. They exchanged a glance but both diverted their eyes, acknowledging the silent storm brewing between them.

The conversation started stiffly, Ethan breaking the ice with a casual inquiry about Fred's well-being. "How have you been?" he ventured, attempting to navigate the awkwardness.

Fred responded with a curt "Great, things are well," masking his true feelings. An uncomfortable silence followed, laden with unspoken thoughts.

The conversation hovered on the edge of politeness until Ethan, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, ventured into more personal territory. "Did you come to the hospital with Ava?" His question, while straightforward, hinted at his surprise and underlying concern.

Fred's reply came after a brief pause, his tone carefully neutral yet hinting at deeper emotions. "Yes, I was with Ava when she received Nate's call about her dad." His response was measured, but the undercurrent of possessiveness was unmistakable.

Ethan's gaze hardened, a flash of anger briefly crossing his features. "Fred, you knew I've been desperately searching for Ava for the past three years. So, why didn't you tell me that you found her?" There was a challenge in his tone, a barely veiled accusation.

Fred's scoff was soft, yet laden with disbelief and irritation. The nerve of him, he thought, his irritation bubbling just below the surface. "I'm under no obligation to explain my actions to you, Ethan," he said, his voice low, a testament to his effort to maintain control. He reached for the door handle, intending to leave, but Ethan's hand on his arm stopped him.

Ethan's expression was earnest, bordering on desperate. "Look, I know Ava and I have been apart for three years, and I don't fully understand the current situation between you two. But now that she's back, I have every intention of winning her back. It won't be easy for her to trust me, but I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to have her in my life again."

Fred's eyes narrowed, the mention of Ethan's intentions sparking a defensive fire. "And you're telling me this because...?" His disbelief was palpable, his tone sharpening.

Ethan met his gaze squarely, the weight of his resolve clear in his eyes. "Because you should know. I'm not going to pretend Ava doesn't mean anything to me, and if you're standing in the way of that, it's better we understand each other now."

Fred's response was a mix of frustration and resignation. "You don't get to decide what Ava wants or needs, Ethan. That's her choice." With that, he turned back to the door, Ethan's hand briefly stopping him again.

"Fred," Ethan said, a complex mix of plea and pride coloring his voice. "Don't think I don't see what's going on. But Ava and I have history, and I need to try to make things right." Releasing Ethan's hold, Fred stepped back into the room, the door closing on a chapter neither man was ready to conclude. 

Fred's drive with Ava back to her home was cloaked in a palpable silence. Throughout the journey, Ava was lost in thought, her quietude a testament to the whirlwind of emotions Ethan's reappearance had stirred within her. Fred, acutely aware of her inner turmoil, couldn't shake off the fear that the old wounds reopened might also revive the love she once harbored for Ethan.

"Avaline..." Fred's voice was a soft echo in the car, pulling her from the depths of her reflections. He attempted a smile, a feeble attempt to lighten the heavy air, which Ava mirrored, albeit distractedly. "Are you okay?"

Turning her gaze away, Ava gave a nod, her voice a thread of sound. "I'm...okay. Just worried about my dad," she sighed, her eyes searching the distance for answers unseen.

Fred, his heart aching, gently grasped her hand, offering comfort. "You know, you don't have to lie to me, right?" Ava looked at him, her eyes welling up, surprised by how well Fred knew her. "You're feeling this way because of Ethan, right?"

A shadow of guilt passed over Ava's face, betraying her inner conflict. Amidst her tears, she murmured, "I'm sorry..." her voice barely above a whisper.

"Why are you saying sorry, Avaline? I understand that seeing Ethan again stirred up a lot for you. You have a history that's not easily forgotten. I would be surprised if you didn't feel this way," he said, his chuckle tinged with a hint of melancholy. "Or are you sorry because you think you hurt me?"

With a nod, Ava's tears flowed more freely, her vulnerability laid bare. Fred's response was a gentle chuckle, soothing and empathetic. "As I've said, I understand why you're feeling like this." he reassured her softly, carefully drying her tears with the pad of his thumb. "And it doesn't change how I feel. Sure, Ethan's got a bit of a head start, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. He's only ahead by a hair's breadth..." His words, laced with humor and a touch of bravado, drew a genuine laugh from Ava.

"You can still make jokes about this?" Ava managed to laugh, despite her tears.

Fred gave her a look that was both sad and affectionate. "You should head inside. It's been a long day," he said softly.

"Okay. Goodnight, Frederick," she said warmly, offering a peck on his cheek as a thank you.

"Goodnight," he offered, accompanied by a playful wink, masking his inner conflict. Watching her walk into the house, he was left alone with his thoughts, his car's gentle purr clashing with the tempest brewing within. Driving away, he sighed deeply, facing the painful truth that despite everything, Ethan still held a significant place in Ava's heart.

After several days in the hospital, Ava's dad was finally discharged. The relief Ava felt was immense, not just because her father was much better, but also because it meant escaping Ethan's constant, unwelcome attempts to reconnect at the hospital. She had been avoiding him, her focus solely on her father's recovery.

Ava had called Francheska a few days prior to inform her she wouldn't be returning to the cabin anytime soon, entrusting its care to her. Her family needed her, necessitating her stay in New York for the foreseeable future. Sitting at the dining table with her parents, they were joined by Nate, who had just returned from a late shift at the hospital.

"Look who I saw at the front door..." Nate announced as he entered the dining room, signaling for someone behind him to follow. Ethan appeared, holding a bouquet of red roses, leaving Ava in shock.

James Greenwood's initial smile faded quickly upon seeing Ethan, unable to forgive the man who had caused his daughter so much pain three years ago. Though Ethan had been his doctor, James's tone was cold. "What are you doing here?" he demanded.

"Hon..." Mrs. Greenwood interjected softly, her calm whisper urging her husband to ease his hostility. "Ethan, would you like to join us? We've just begun eating," she offered graciously.

Ethan, visibly uneasy but maintaining politeness, hesitated. "Uhm, well, I was hoping I could speak with Ava...?" His gaze fixed on her, waiting for her response.

Her father interjected protectively, "You don't have to talk to him if you don't want to."

Despite her reservations, Ava agreed to speak with Ethan, not wanting to add stress to her father's recent recovery. "I'll talk to him," she consented, standing up.

Ethan was taken aback by Ava's anger, a side of her he hadn't encountered before. He understood her anger and recognized that he deserved the cold treatment from both her and her father for his past actions. "These are for you...your favorite," he offered, extending the bouquet of roses towards her. Ava, however, didn't take them, her gaze piercing him with an icy detachment that made his heart ache.

Determined to remain composed despite the rejection, Ethan reminded himself of their shared history. They had been apart for three years, yet he believed he knew Ava well enough to sense that her frigid demeanor might be a façade hiding her true emotions. Ava turned away, facing the beach, leaving Ethan to place the roses on a nearby bench before he cautiously approached her.

"How have you been, Ava?" Ethan's voice was heavy with a mixture of hope and regret. "Ever since you left, things haven't been the same for me... I've tried to reach out, to find you. I've even pleaded with your parents, but they told me you wanted no part of me." His expression was one of genuine sorrow, eyes searching hers for any sign of the connection they once shared.

Ava, however, offered no response, her silence a barrier he found difficult to penetrate.

"You know, I'm still living in our apartment," he continued, a melancholy laugh escaping him. "I couldn't bring myself to leave it, to sell it. I stayed because it's the one place that still felt like it was ours, where every corner, every piece of furniture, reminded me of you and the future we dreamed of." His gaze lingered on her, filled with a deep longing.

"It's funny, isn't it? The same walls that witnessed our plans for a family, our laughter, now echo with the solitude of my regret." His voice lowered, "I've kept everything the same, hoping one day you'd walk back through that door, and we could start over. Every day without you felt like a piece of me was missing. I just...I hoped you'd feel the pull of those memories too."

Ava's eyes welled up, the emotional weight of his words pressing on her. Despite her resolve, the vivid images of their past life together—their plans, their dreams—flooded her mind, reigniting the ache she thought she'd buried.

"But you know what all of that reminds me of, Ethan? That everything we did, the family we dreamed about building together, it was all just a lie. Because even as we were planning our future, you were imagining a life with Violet," Ava's words cut through the air, her voice trembling with pain and betrayal. Her eyes, filled with anguish, locked onto his. "So, what is it that you really want from me, Ethan? Haven't I already set you free?"

"Come back to me," Ethan's voice barely above a whisper, carried a weight that momentarily halted Ava's breath. She looked away, the suggestion jolting her heart into a brief pause. "Let's start over, Ava. This time, everything will be different. We can make it right."

Ava's response was a mix of disbelief and exasperation. "Ethan, are you serious? After everything, you really think I could just come back to you?"

"Because deep down, I believe you still have feelings for me," Ethan stated, his voice laced with a mixture of hope and desperation. Their gazes locked, intense and unyielding, as if the answer lay in the silent conversation between their eyes.

For a moment, neither of them blinked, caught in a silent battle of wills and emotions. Ava found herself unable to look away, trapped in the intensity of Ethan's gaze, which seemed to plead for an affirmation only she could provide.

Ava's gaze shifted first, breaking the intense standoff as a familiar voice cut through the tension. "Avaline, hey!" Fred's call came from the beachside path, a route he often took during their younger days when visiting Ava's home. Upon arriving, Fred's initial surprise was evident, noticing Ethan's presence alongside Ava.

"Fred..." Ava's voice carried a mix of relief and guilt upon seeing Fred, particularly noting the change in his expression at the sight of Ethan, who sent a sharp, jealous look Fred's way.

Fred quickly replaced his initial reaction with his signature charming smile, running a hand through his hair in a casual gesture. "Oh, I wasn't aware Ethan was here," he commented, carefully concealing the flicker of jealousy within. "Actually, I just came to uh... you know what, it doesn't matter now. Catch you both later!" he added, offering a friendly wave before he made his way off.

"Fred, wait..." Ava's voice trailed off, laden with hesitation, prompting Fred to pause and look back. The concern in her eyes was unmistakable. 

"No worries, Ava. I'll stop by another time," he reassured her, the smile still fixed on his face yet not quite reaching his eyes as he continued on his way.

Ethan's gaze sharpened, catching a certain look in Ava's eyes as she watched Fred walk away—a look that unsettled him. It was an expression he couldn't quite place, but it ignited a sense of unease within him, hinting that winning Ava back might be a more daunting task than he had anticipated.

Ava quickly told Ethan it was time for him to go and made her way to her bedroom, letting the door close behind her with a definitive thud. She flopped onto her bed, feeling overwhelmed. Ethan's presence had stirred up a storm of emotions she thought she had moved past.

Lying there, she realized how complicated things had gotten. The last few months with Fred had been surprisingly happy. He brought a sense of joy back into her life, a joy she didn't think was possible after everything that had happened with Ethan. She had been so close to telling Fred that she was ready to let him in, ready for something more.

But seeing Ethan again changed everything. Those old feelings, which she thought were gone, came rushing back. It confused her. She liked Fred, maybe more than liked, and she knew they needed to talk about that kiss they shared in the cabin. But now, with Ethan back, she felt stuck. She didn't want Fred to be just a rebound or a way to get over Ethan.

She faced a tough choice: Was she going to give Fred a chance, someone who had been nothing but good to her, or was she going to go back to Ethan, with all their complicated history? She didn't want to jump into something with Fred if she wasn't sure of her feelings because of Ethan. She needed to figure out who it was she truly wanted to be with without making Fred feel like a second choice.

As she lay there, Ava felt torn between her past with Ethan and the potential future she could have with Fred. It was clear she had some serious thinking to do about where her heart truly lay.

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