Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Hope...

By ECHO-173

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In a world full of Pokémon there are endless mysteries that are unsolvable or too dangerous for others to fin... More

Prequel: The Beginning of the story
Chapter 1: New life, New world, New times
Chapter 2: A peaceful town and a "Quiet" Guild.
Chapter 3: What even is a Mystery Dungeon? Part 1
Chapter 4: What even is a Mystery Dungeon? Part 2
Chapter 5: Enter the danger
Chapter 6: The More You Know
Chapter 7: Friends close and Enemies at a closer range.
Chapter 8: Big Mission

Chapter 9: Stay Away Trio

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By ECHO-173

Last time: After they agreed to take the mission to look into a location suspected to house bandits, Nero learned more about his new friends such as Bianco's dream to see the world, they then meet up with a group calling themselves the Stay Away Trio who attacks them and plans to take Nero

Location: Silph No. 4 (inside)

"Yeah, we're a trio plus guests." Said Nemean the Luxio as he looked upon the five Pokémon. He looked cocky as if he was looking at easy prey in his eyes. "My friends are dealing with your friends, now I will be taking you down."

"Don't act as if you already won when the first punch hasn't landed yet," Sasaki said as he got ready for the fight, showing off his skills with the Honedge sword in his hand as he swung it around with precision and no sign of his grip loosening, it was as if the sword was apart of him. "We have the numbers."

"Yeah, Sauce-Key here is right we have you outmatched!" Jason said as he pointed his leek at the Luxio and Sasaki turning his head and attention slowly at Jason before turning it back to the Luxio.

"Ha, you think we're dumb enough to take on a job with so many Pokémon," Nemean said as he pulled out something that was tied to his tail, a small ball object that was half red and white divided by a black line, a button in the center that Nemean tapped with his claws making the ball grow bigger.

"Is that a Pokeball?" Nero said surprised before seeing Nemean tossing it in the air.

The ball opened up, a flash of light came from it as multiple streams of light left with dozens of strange beings appearing around them. They had small silver bodies almost like children. Nero mistook them as Elgyem, the Cerebral Pokémon, but they were different. They had the same color but they shined as if they were metallic with perfectly oval rounded head instead of having bumps on the sides of their upper heads but had glass domes over them and had lights betting from them, they had eyes that looked pixelated, their hands had the three bumps that were on their left hand but the right hand looked more like a claw with a hole in the center of it, and instead of legs and a tail, they had a disk on their lower body like flying saucers. "What are those things?" Nero said incredibly confused.

"They look like Elgyem but... different, what are they?" Sasaki was just as confused as Nero, along with the others.

"You see mister, Sauce-Key, was it?" Nemean said as he knew it wasn't their name but said it as more of an insult.

"Kyogre dangit!" Sasaki said a form of a swear to his type that Nero and Halo didn't understand, Bianco and Jason however did.

"I believe in true Lord of the Sky Rayquaza," Bianco said to himself.

"These are something my employer calls his Iron Abductors, this device summons and gives me full control over them." Nemean explained with a smirk before one of the Iron Abductors turned to him.

"Invalid information. Correct assumption: We follow basic orders from you such as the following: Attack, defend, take. IP Model 023: Iron Abductor follows orders from Doctor Orcus only unless given master control which you were not given." The Iron Abductor said with its cold robotic voice. Nemean just looked annoyed. "Main objective: Eliminate threats to Doctor Orcus. Capture Nero the Riolu. Clap and cheer at Doctor Orcus' genius."

"These guys lack personality, guess they weren't built for that," Bianco said as he looked at them, looking into their lifeless eyes. It then aimed the clawed hand, opening up before it fired a purple beam from its hand. "Whoa, Psybeam huh?" Bianco said before dashing to the dark energy covering his claw before swinging it. "Night Slash!" Bianco said before taking down the Iron Abductor with one shot. "They are Psychic types so hit them hard enough." Bianco said as he rushed to another to attack with Night Slash taking it down.

Halo looked around, thinking about who to attack, she quickly ran to one of the Iron Abductors only for it to be swatted away by Jason with their leek. She turned to another only for Jason to hit the one she was targeting.

Sasaki ran up to a few of them, his Honedge saying: "Night Slash!" with the blade covered in dark energy and slashing down a few of the Iron Abductors. He moved back as Namean leaped at him with his claws, his mouth then started to glow as his fangs extended before glowing white. "Bite!" They said before biting their arm. "AGH!" Sasaki yelped in pain.

Namean was smug for a moment as they bit Sasaki's arm, suddenly they were knocked back Nero hit them as they yelled: "Quick Attack!" Nero looked to Sasaki to see if they were still standing. "Are you okay Sauce-Key?" Nero asked.

"Sasaki! And I am fine, but something is off, their attack felt more powerful." Sasaki said as when his arm was bitten, he felt like it was strangely strong. He then noticed something on the side of Nemean, a badge that looked like a red shield with a yellow plus. "What is that item?"

Elsewhere, on a lower floor, Team Truth Seeker was facing Medusa, Rune was injured from the Two-edge wand that almost completely lowered his HP to zero, only one more hit would knock them out. He noticed she had some sort of blue shield-shaped badge with a yellow plus before tapping on it with their tail before it turned red and the Pokeball wrapped in her tail. The Pokeball was launched out as she squeezed it with her tail which opened in the air, releasing the Iron Abductors, over a dozen of them.

"Oh, these are a lot of Pokémon," Emerald said as she was a little concerned. She stood close to Ruby the Skitty to keep guard her against the threat. "What are these things?" Emerald said in utter shock, she'd never seen such Pokémon.

One Iron Abductor aimed one of their arms at them and fired a lavender beam at them. Ruby then shouted: "Protect!" She said as a green wall appeared blocking the attack. Thanatos flew above them and fired a Shadow Ball at the Iron Abductor, which blew them up.

"Hmm, they aren't normal Pokémon... they also seem to be Psychic types... I'll deal with them... you three handle Medusa and guard your teacher... That Two-edge wand did serious damage and it makes it locks him from healing..." Thanatos said as he turned to the Iron Abductor, all hovering towards the group.

"Wait, what? Isn't she a bandit? She might be out of our league!" Emerald shouted at the Knight as he faced the dozen Iron Abductors. She noticed Medusa who was originally standing there, watching the group before slithering towards them. "We don't fight!" Emerald shouted in hope that Medusa would go easy on them, deep down she knew they wouldn't.

"Ha, this will be too easy," Medusa said as she got closer, her fangs starting to glow purple like poison. "Poison Fang!" She yelled as she lunged forward at the Tangela as an easy first target.

"Get away from my friends! Confusion!" Sapphire shouts as her eyes glow pink with Medusa surrounding her body before she fell over. She moved slightly closer to see the damage she caused but when the Arbok rose back up, she just hissed and swatted her away with her tail.

"Little pest!" Medusa screamed before she attacked Sapphire with her Poison Fang attack, luckily for Sapphire, she knew what to do. The young Kirlia yelled out: "Double Team!" with suddenly multiple versions, four in total of herself appeared from where she was standing all looking as if they were after images. Medusa bit down on one but it vanished as if it wasn't there and was furious. "You think you can outrun me, now one escapes me!"

"I won't escape, I'll put a stop to you! Hypnosis!" Sapphire shouts as a beam of rings hit Medusa's face, it isn't dealing damage but rather did something else. Medusa ended up wrapped herself up in a coil and started to shut her eyes, falling asleep. "Yes!" Sapphire cheered before suddenly her scaled body turned grey, she then rose up and zoomed from where she was coiled up in leaving behind a thin layered of shed skin. "What?"

"Shed Skin, It cures me of a status condition, such as sleep." Medusa explained as Sapphire surrounded her, and each of her copies had their eyes glowing pink as they yelled out "Confusion!" Medusa surrounded by the psychic energy, the Arbok was feeling dizzy before swatting her tail again, hitting a copy that disappeared like the last one. She then thought for a split second before shouting "Crunch!" biting down on one of the Sapphires, hitting the real one and grabbing her with her fangs, biting down hard on the Kirlia.

Medusa looked smug as she was biting down on Sapphire but let her go just to move back to avoid an attack from Rune who used what little strength he had left to Medusa. Rune was injured but so was the Arbok as she was from the wands drawback making her weaker.

Medusa was about to charge but heard something, Emerald shouting something. "Bullet Seed!" Turning her head, she looked to see seeds covered in green energy launching at her like bullets, a hail of them hitting her face. The source of the attack was from Emerald with Ruby standing next to her. "Take that! You think you scare me, now way! Take that and stay dow-_" Emerald tried to stay cool and strong but panicked when Medusa turned her head to her. "Oh crud... could you stay down?" Emerald said as she tried to think of avoiding being hurt.

Medusa was thinking about going after her again but felt something. Looking down she noticed the ground below cracking before feeling something again, it was as if something was crashing with Minotaur the combat breed Tauros with Blu riding on his back while Rosa was on Blu's back, using webbing string on their horns like reins as Minotaur running around. Viola and Charon the Duskclops followed after them from the hole. Blu noticed everyone who was in the room prior watching them in total confusion. "Yo! Let me explain real quick!" Blu said in a rather bland tone while trying to be loud to explain.

One literal minute ago, Team Toxic and Charon ended up running into Minotaur who wanted to fight, intimating them and tried to charge into the group with ramming attacks such as Headbutt but kept on missing. Blu had an idea where he managed to hop on his back and had Rosa fire some strings on his horns to form reins. He used them to try and steer them around only to somehow have them launch themself in the air and crashing into the ceiling and crashing through with Viola and Charon following after them.

That was what happened, well Blu tried to explain it but it was difficult as Minotaur was trying to throw them off their back. "Off my back and face me, coward! AH!" They said sounding more headstrong rather than angry. "Seriously, get off kid!" They shouted rather annoyed, not to the point of anger but rather a hint of disappointment.

"Yo. Sure, but just after this." Blu said as he readied a punch that was covered in a purple aura before throwing a downward jab. "Yo! Poison Jab!" Blu said as he landed a clean hit on Minotaur's forehead, landing a critical hit. The Tauros stopped moving, standing still for a moment before his body started to release a red burning energy that forced him to get off as they felt intimidated by it. "Yo. What the heck? I thought he had the intimidate ability?!" Blu leaped back and stood next to Viola before Minotaur roared out in anger.

"It was..." Said a rather angry voice coming from Minotaur as they turned around, his fur standing up, around his neck his puffy mane looked more like spikes sticking up. "But with a special item swapped it with my other ability, Anger Point!" He then dashed forward yelling: "Headbutt!" They dodged it but Minotaur landed a hit on the wall crashing into it and destroying the wall. Anger Point, after being hit by a critical hit, it makes them feel angry and boosts their attack stats.

"Great, now we have to deal with a raging Tauros and--" Viola looked around and noticed the Iron Abductors. "What the heck are those things?" She said without noticing Medusa had something, something she grabbed from Minotaur without anyone seeing, another Poke Ball looking object before tossing it.

On the upper floors with Team Shade, the Gardivoir looked at the smoke from her attack to see it was Raider who was hit by Dazzling Glame as the others were safe from the attack. "Hmm, seems you boys are tougher than I thought." She said with a rather sweet-sounding voice.

"Well thanks, young lady, so you must be with one our targets... or you're a Cross-Void," Raider said surprising her, she looked surprised before looking interested in what they had to say. "You targeted us and appeared out of nowhere, not only that but you have this feeling from you."

"Are you sure that isn't a sudden attraction? We Gardivoir are beautiful." She said as she pinched her dress to slightly pull it as she gave a greeting bow as if she was flirting.

"Sorry miss, you look too young for me, and fighting types are closer to my type, but that feeling is the same I had from the Gallade we faced less than a few days ago." Raider explained his reasoning. "A veteran never forgets the feeling of something dangerous."

"Hmm, not bad, they call me Eretria and I am a Cross-Void," Eretria said as she stood still for a second, her fair white skin of her neck and face and lower dress turn red as if she was burning as if they were made of flames. Their legs and arms started to change to charcoal black with the lips of her hands and feet started to glow as if they were heating up. Some sort of plating was formed over the front end of her hair with three yellow dots in an upside-down triangle pattern with the back of her hair turning to flowing flames that waved around. The spike on her chest started to glow a golden color with golden armor surrounding her torso with shoulder pads. "Now burn. Mystical Fire!" Eretria said before her shoulder pads slid down her arms and stopped at her wrist, clapping them together to form a cannon and firing a colorful flame.

Rusty ran towards the flame, it was almost recklessly but he had a plan, pulling out a stick that almost looked like a question mark. "Switcher Wand!" Rusty shouted as he swatted it around with him covered in a white aura along with Eretria before suddenly they switched places and her got attacked by her own attack. Rusty then turned back around and dashed towards her with his head covered in metal. "Iron Head!" He tried to land a metallic headbutt only to be blocked her armored wrist.

"Dazzling Gleam!" Eretria shouted as she formed balls of dazzling lights and launched them at Rusty hitting him, nearly knocking him out. She was about to fire another attack at him but then felt something, a sharp swift pain as Havoc ran at her with his fangs biting her torso while yelling: "Crunch!" biting down and lifting her off the ground and waving her around like a rag doll. She just placed her hand on Havoc's face with a green ball of energy forming. "Energy Ball!" She said before firing the grass-type move into his face causing damage and making him let go.

When she landed on the ground she stood up and brushed herself off before quickly ducking down to dodge a punch thrown by Raider, he then slammed a fist down only for Eretria to backstep away. She was fast, moving too fast. Before seeing the armor around her torso slightly cracking. "That armor... you're an Armarouge, makes sense, that Gallade had to be mixed with a Ceruledge. Something tells me you gained the Weak Armor ability too so you're faster."

"My, you are quick and clever, guess you have experience with observing?" She said rather impressed.

"Well, as the old saying goes: Experience comes with age." Raider said as Lime ran up next to him before he picked her up and held her whole body with a single hand. "Launching Lime!" Raider said as he readied his arm as if he was about to throw something, Lime.

"Launching what?" Eretria said confused before Lime was thrown at her, she ducked down again to avoid Lime being thrown at her. Lime safely landed on the ground and rolled one the ground before stopping at the wall. "Who throws a child?"

"Teeter Dance!" Lime shouts before she starts to shake her limbs and body wobbly and rattling sounds from her body. As she was moving, a wave was coming from her and expanding around the area that reached Eretria and Rusty, both before something, confusion.

"Ah! You threw her to get close enough for that?!" She said as she understood their plan, she lifted her hand to fire another Energy Ball only for her, in her state of confusion, to end up punching herself in the face. She looked around and saw Rusty getting back up before eating two berries, both to heal him up, she then saw Havoc getting back up. They managed to surround her, not good for her. "Crud..."

On the floor above them, Corinth was facing Team Dark Fairy, the Tinkatuff swung her hammer with full force but Corinth not only dodged it but countered an attack from Finn as he leaped up trying to throw a punch with his fist flowing green but Corinth's arm glowed green and countered it with Finn's blow knocking them back a bit. He then started to block a Shadow Claw that came swinging from below to see the Mimikyu who was moving left to right with attacks from below.

Tinkatuff moved behind them and swung at them with her hammer with dark energy shouting: "Brutal Swing!" Before he jumped up and stood on the ceiling. He looked down to see the three gathered above where he was, looking down at them before he felt something.

Corinth leaped back down landing between them with his arm glowing light purple and spinning around shouting: "Psycho Blade!" Slashing at the floor and carving into the ground and slashed deep where he cut through the floor. He made an opening to the lower flower before his body started to change, his upper body changed from dark green to jet black with a burst of purple flames with purple armor over his shoulders having guards and his heart piece covered with the material and over his head forming a helmet with his forehead having three pink indentations on them. His arm blades and mohawk changed to a violet flame-like color with the mohawk releasing flames. His lower body and face changed to a dark blue color with his legs getting the same flames that formed legging-like armor. He blinked his red eyes but once they were opened, they were pink. He landed on the ground, right behind Eretria.

He quickly grabbed her and moved her with him leaping the both of them away as team Dark Fairy crashed down to where he landed. "Phobos!" Raider said to the Mimikyu named Phobos. The two leaders of the teams looked at each other before nodding their heads to team up. Raider looked at the two Cross-Voids, he remembered the Gallade as they had their backs to a wall. He handed her an item, a berry she ate to cure her of the confusion. She stood tall and proud, ready for a fight. None of them noticed something below them, the ground cracking up.

Back with Team Hope, they were dealing with Nemean and the Iron Abductors that were quickly being taken down but Bianco and Jason while Halo tried to help only for Jason to steal her chances to attack. Both Sasaki and Nero were facing Nemean, Nero hadn't summoned his Harpe sword or Achilles shield, he didn't want to rely on them. He was using his attacks, Quick Attack and Low Kick, he didn't have many attacks and wasn't strong but gave it his all. Sasaki tried to avoid taking hits from Nemean who was throwing different attacks at them, the Luxio had an advantage in terms of typing.

The Luxio was seeing this as a game as he faced the two, to him it seemed easy since he was stronger and had the type advantage. "Charge!" Nemean said as he built up the electricity in his body for a stronger attack. "Thunder Shock!" He said before blasting his attack at Sasaki who was nearly hit, hitting the wall that exploded and threw Sasaki off his feet. Nemean took advantage of this and leaped at Sasaki to take him down with a Crunch but Nero pushed Sasaki out of the way and saved him in time.

Nero helped Sasaki back up and was ready to attack for the fight, they needed to keep themselves on their feet and to win the fight. As they were ready to get back into the fight, they heard something. The air vent above them shifted around before it was kicked open and Ivan jumped out of it. "Ha! Remember me!" Ivan said before firing an Ice Beam at Nero hitting his shoulder.

"AGH! Ivan!" Nero said surprised to see the Sneasel showing up, he then fired another Ice Beam at Nero but he quickly summoned the Achilles Shield that took the attack. Upon seeing the shield, Sasaki was shocked at this, he had never seen such an item used, and he believed that this might be what made Nero a Pokémon of interest by the three main kingdoms. Ivan then dashed towards them, Nemean following suit, it was clear they were working together as he got close his claws were covered in metal as he swung the moment he got close. "Metal Claw!"

Nero used the shield to block both Ivan's Metal Claw and Nemean's Crunch when they were close. Sasaki joined in, swinging his Honedge with the blade covered in its Night Slash attack landing on Nemean's side but he quickly retaliated with a Thunder Shock that landed on him. The Dewott stumbled back for a second, he returned his focus to the Luxio but felt something was off, the Sneasel was missing from view. He heard something behind him and looked for a second to Ivan with his Metal Claw ready to slash him, luckily, Nero leaped behind and blocked the attack from landing.

Both of them had their backs to each other, Sasaki looking to see if the others were still dealing with a few remaining Iron Abductors, they were doing well with just a few remaining but they had to deal with what they had. "Can you take on Luxio? I've fought Ivan before but what about you Sauce-Key?" Nero asked, keeping his focus on Ivan. Sasaki could feel it, Nemean was strong, possibly stronger than him, possibly. He could never know if he could beat him or not.

Sasaki took a serious stance, he then reached to the goggles on his head and lowered them, covering his eyes. "It is Sasaki, stop calling me Sauce-Key. I can take him on, you deal with Sneasel." Sasaki said as Nero changed the shield to the Harpe Sword, they both dashed at their respective opponents. Sasaki started out by his calling out "Fury Cutter!" with his Honedge calling out the same attack with the blade turning green and landing a hit on Nemean's side dealing serious damage, a critical hit.

Nemean was still not out, he readied himself with a Crunch landing a serious bit on Sasaki's arm. But Sasaki ignored any pain, yelling out Fury Cutter again with his Hoeedge's blade turning green again and landing yet another hit, far more powerful the last, he could even feel the critical hit like last time. What the heck?! Nemean thought to himself. How did he do that? Two Critical Hits in a row?! And with Fury Cutter?! How?! Wait, those Goggles? They aren't for show!

What Nemean was thinking was current. Sasaki, a young knight of Atlantis and nephew of Kanemaki, his teacher caught him two things. Always mix your attacks with your Honedge and keep those Goggles, why? Honedge can mix their attack with the physical moves of the Pokémon they are "bonding" with making the attack far more powerful, this "bonding" is by wrapping a limb or part of the body with the cloth connecting their spirits, that is how a Knight uses one of these Ghost Pokémon swords. As for the Critical hits landing, it is the Goggles, a rare item called Scope Goggles, using a scope lens it can increase a Pokémon's chance at landing a critical hit nearly every time. The only drawback, two in Sasaki's eyes is that it lowers a Pokémon's vision, giving them bland spots on both sides, and for Sasaki the major drawback, they just looked bulky.

Nemean felt panicked, his smugness was gone, he thought he had the advantage but it seemed he was wrong as he took a third Fury Cutter, yet again, a Critical hit. Sasaki was not just stronger but smarter, he entered the fight prepared. I'm not going to lose to a nobody knight I've never heard of! Nemean thought before he leaped away from Sasaki, keeping his distance before using Charge. He needed this, distance and ready for a powerful Electric Attack, he thought he had it, thought being the keyword. He was about to use Thunder Shock but suddenly didn't see that Sasaki managed to dash up close to him, right up to his face. "Double Night Slash!" Sasaki yelled as the Honedge's blade glowed a dark energy before it started to burst as if it was engulfed in flames made of shadows before slashing down the middle of Nemean, both he and the Honedge landed a critical hit, Nemean then fell to the side, knocked out.

With Nero, he was facing Ivan who was using his claws to try and strike the Riolu boy but he managed to avoid being hit by simply dodging. Ivan thought he had this, and had the advantage since he knew how Nero fought, sadly it was too late as Sasaki joined their fight. Ivan ducked from a Fury Cutter attack nearly slashing him on the head. "Hey! What in the world? You beat that Luxio already?!" Ivan said surprised before nearly getting hit by Nero's Harpe Sword with it using Metal Claw to deal damage.

With the other Bianco and Jason were just finishing off the last of the Iron Abductors, and it was almost easy for them since they weren't too strong, Halo was disappointed since she didn't do anything and wanted to help. They noticed the fight with Nero and Sasaki dealing with Ivan and ran up to the fight to join in, a five verses one fight, unfair for Ivan but since he wasn't a good Pokémon, they didn't mind at all. The moment the others joined the fight, they heard a crashing sound below and above them, which caught their attention, The same thing with something else, the sound of glass breaking close by.

Location: Silph No. 4 (Outside, three minutes ago)

Outside of the building, Doctor Orcus was floating only a few inches off the ground and looking at the knights in front of him. Kanemaki the Samurott, Pythia the Absol, and Zagreus the Shiny Trevenant were looking at the Beheyeem who looked at them with interest. The three stand guard, knowing full well this wasn't a friendly Pokémon. "Hmm, interesting, you three are here, three high-ranking knights of the Three Kingdoms," Orcus said confusing the three, he knew them? Orcus looked towards Kanemaki, the Samurott was confused as to why they look towards them. "Kanemaki, the eternal Duke who won't go up the ranks of being a knight," Orcus said this with fact and nothing else, changing his view towards Pythia the Absol. "Pythia, the knight of sight, a Captain who could see disaster before it comes," He then finally changes his attention to Zagreus. "And you, Zagreus of the Underland kingdom, adopted son of Hades and the late Queen Persephone, Lieutenant Knight of Underland."

"So you know who we are then? Why does that matter?" Zagreus said almost sounding serious, they didn't know who this was.

"I am called Doctor Orcus, I should feel honored that I am the first real Cross-Void you three shall meet, two very close to the kings of two major kingdoms and you, the closest friend of Mona Lisa, the Lord Knight of Olympia. You three were sent here personally no doubt, by why, this location was shut down years ago and there is no way you would know we were here... unless." Orcus said before looking at them, he figured it out. "Ah! Nero the Riolu, I wanted to see this child for a while, yes, yes!" He said faking his emotions, he already knew since Al was spying on the guild but the three didn't know that so he kept up the illusion.

"What do you want with the child?" Kanemaki said as his pendant formed Doublade and pulled out not only seamitars that he head shaved in his front legs but the Doublade that wrapped around both his them, making his wield a total of four blades. Pythia's pendent did the same, making a Doublade that unshaved itself and wrapped the cloth ends of the sword around her front legs as well. Zagreus pulled out the large Aegislash sword from his shield and held it with one hand as if it weighed nothing.

"Why just to ask him some questions, that is all. See what he knows." Orcus said as if it was a matter of fact like it was decided from the start. The three readied themselves to attack, they wouldn't let them get near them. "If you stand in my way, I'll just have to take you down." Orcus said confusing the three, two of them had a serious typing advantage over him and they still all know a move that could do serious damage to him before they noticed something. His body started to change with a blue aura surrounding him, his body's color changing to light orange, his eyes and marking on his forehead glowing blue, the dots on his hands lighting up brightly and his legs turning into spikes with lightning bolts on his back like wings.

"So that's how a Cross-Void transformers? At will?" Zagreus said surprised at the changes Orcus made to himself. "How did you acquire this power?"

"Like I would tell you, but if you must know, we become a fusion of a Pokémon, making us stronger. Now watch this." Orcus said as he pulled out a device, his Roto-Changer and placed it around his waste. "Roto-Changer, Online." He then started to turn the dial on it. "Let's see, maybe, no, already a Grass type here, water and fire are out and I don't think freezer is right that leaves... ah, yes." He said as he stopped the dial with the Roto-Changer calling out: "Fan on!"

Suddenly the blue aura and eyes changed to a welcoming yellow color, the lightning bolt winds changed shape to two electric fans on his back, his hands started to change shape with them looking like they were swirling like a spiral or tornado with the blinking lights staying where they were, and his chest the had a hole where a fan suddenly appeared.

"What the... he... he changed shapes again?" Zagreus said surprised at this fact.

"I get it now, you're a Rotom too! It is the only way you could change forms." Pythia said with a matter of fact, then confusion when she heard a dinging sound like it was a game show coming from Orcus.

"Correct! I am a Cross-Void of a Rotom, with the Roto-Changer, I can change my typing whenever I want to... can I ask you a question, do you think it is strange that Rotom fan mode is the only flying type with the Levitate ability? They are already a flying type? Oh well, can't be helped." Orcus said as he looked to see the three already dashing at him, the fans on his back quickly started to move before he was jetted into the air. "Normally, when a Rotom changes shape they only change one move, like a Fan Rotom gaining Air Slash, but I modded the Roto-Changer to not only give me the original move of that form but give them moves a Rotom wouldn't naturally learn, like so, Tailwind!" Orcus explained before his chest and back fans started to rotate with fast motion before a powerful gust of wind was launching out of him. "And I'll match it up with this, Air Cutter!" Orcus said as some saw blades appeared in front of him, as if they were made of the wind itself and launched it at the three, the attack was moving rather fast before suddenly it landed on the three who almost had no time to dodge the attack.

The smoke from the attack almost blinded the field, both Zagreus and Kanemaki were standing, clearly showing that they were injured from the attack. They turned to see Pythia was having it worse, she looked as if she was ready to fall. "Pythia, are you al-" Before Kanemaki could ask her if she was alright, a sudden shock hit him, he was being electrocuted by something before falling over.

Above where he was standing, Orcus was back in his normal Cross-Void form hovering over Kanemaki, avoiding to land on him. "He changed back to normal! Shadow cl-" Before Zagreus could make an attack the Roto-Changer started to announce something: "Heat, online!" Orcus's body and eyes changed color again, a burning red aura as if he was on fire. His hands changed to grow large as if he was wearing oven mitts, his chest then gained a blocky cube extending from it with what looked like glass frame in it with a flame inside of him.

"Flamethrower!" Orcus said as he beat Zagreus before he could announce his attack the blocky piece on his chest opened as it fell downward before the flame in his chest burst out, engulfing Zagreus. Once it was over he fell over, fainting. He turned around to see Pythia was barely standing upright, she was about to fall over. He then took his leave, removing the Roto-Changer, Pythia wanted to go after him, to stop him, but she noticed the other Knights on the ground injured.

"We were not ready for him..." Said with shame in her voice before checking up on the others, she had some healing items on stand by so it wouldn't be an issue for her. "We need to think of a better plan for the next time we see that guy, he was far more powerful than we thought." She then noticed he was floating up the side of the building and made it to the fourth floor of the building and blasted a window into the building.

Location: Silph No. 4 (Inside)

Both Team Toxic and Truth Seekers were still in a tight spot, Minotaur was angry due to an ability making them stronger, Medusa was trying to pick them off, and both Charon and Thanatos were dealing with the Iron Abductors with both Knights wielding a set of Doublade swords to deal with them, there was more of them since Medusa tossed an object that released more Iron Abductors. Rune was still too injured and couldn't heal himself. So only the other lower ranking members of the guild had to deal with the two bandits.

"This is bad..." Sapphire said with some concern, she and her team aren't really fighters and they were dealing with Pokémon who could deal serious damage. "Any thoughts?" Sapphire asked the other team, mainly to Blu.

"Yo. Just try and succeed." Blu said as he seemed nonchalantly. "Yo. I actually have a plan for the Tauros."

"Blu, your plan isn't like your last one is it?" Viola asked her teammate. He didn't answer but that was all she needed to know. "Sigh, alright, you Kirlia, you and me are going after that Arbok, the Tangla helps Blu and you Skiddy keeps Rune from getting hurt." Viola said with a full plan of her own.

"We have names. You know them too, we've met." Sapphire said before the members of Team Toxic got ready, she ended up looking around confused before getting ready to run. "GO!" Viola said as she and Sapphire dashed towards Medusa while Blue, who was carrying both Rosa on his back and picking up Emerald over his head as they ran towards Minotaur who was running at them.

Blu got ready and leaped into the air right as Minotaur was about to crash into them with a Headbutt attack, but once they were over them, Rosa fired a string of webbing that landed on his back and pulled them and ended up ridding on them. "Yo. Emerald, use your vines on their horns and pull hard!" He said still sounding calm while just being louder than usual. Emerald did just that, she sent two vines that wrapped around hot horns and pulled back as hard a she could, only for Blu to grab and pull with the vines too to pull Minotaur's head and making him steer like a raging bull ride and ended up crashing into a few of the Iron Abductors.

Viola and Sapphire ran towards Medusa who got ready with her fangs turning purple and shouting "Poison Fang!" and lunged towards Sapphire who was about to use her attacks but Viola stood between them with her tail turning a dark energy. "Night Slash!" She called out before slashed at her, hitting her in the face which knocked her back a bit before Sapphire ran to her side and used Confusion on Medusa that landed a clear hit on her.

Medusa tried to stay on her feet and was ready for another attack, she readied a Crunch yet again but Viola was ready with another Night Slash which got caught in her teeth. The two looked as if they struggled for a second before Viola broke free and Sapphire dashing past her using her Double Team move to make copies of herself. Medusa tried to swat at them all but kept missing before being hit by another Confusion but unfortunately her copies faded away leaving her exposed as Medusa lunged at her, yelling "Wrap!" to grab hold of Sapphire with her entire body in a tight grip.

"This is where I finish you off, pest!" Medusa said as she was getting ready for a Poison Fang for her to finish the job, but suddenly felt something, a slight pain on her back. "Aqua Cutter!" was all she heard before falling to her side. She tried to move her head but saw Rune managed to step in front of her looking perfectly fine.

"Guess that Two-Edge Wands effect wore off." Rune said as he dropped what looked like the core of a pear shaped fruit, a Sitrus Berry. He turned his view to both Sapphire and Viola who was helping the Kirlia stand back up. "Are you both alright?" Rune asked with the two confirming that they were indeed alright but then suddenly looked back at a crashing sound to see Blu was still riding on Minotaur's back with both Rosa and Emerald.

"Yo. Yippee ki yay sucker." Blu said with his still never changing tone of voice as Minotaur was running around and tried to jump to get them off his back but they stuck to his back like glue. Minotaur then leaped high, high enough to crash into the ceiling yet again, they landed on the ground before leaping again and again, hitting almost the same spot. They ended up doing one more leap into the air before crashing through the ceiling and into the fourth floor with them landed on the ground on the fourth floor and fell over as they didn't hit a lot of stuff.

Blue, Emerald, and Rosa rolled off the back of the Tauros and looked up to see Team Hope surrounding Ivan with everyone looking at them. "Yo. Hey guys." Blue said as he did he best to make a peace hand signal with just three fingers. They then felt something was off, the ground was cracking. "Yo. Oh no, nobody move."

They all looked around to see the ground was cracking and falling apart, almost ready to cave in. Everyone stood still to avoid the ground to cave in on itself. Nero could feel everyone trying to stay still to avoid this, to fall, but Nero knew something felt off, he looked behind him to see someone coming towards the room, but before they could even enter the room they were all in, the ceiling above was cracking too with suddenly something came falling from the floor above with both Team Dark Fairy and Shadow Walker along with the two Cross-Voids of Corinth and Eretria falling down before landing on the ground.

Both teams got back up from the fall to see everyone before looking back down to the ground, yet again like not more than half a minute ago, the ground cave in and everyone fell down to the floor below into the third floor with now all five teams and four knights on the same floor, all looking confused, but like a domino effect due to the floors being old and damaged caved in and fell to the lower floor to the second and fell immediately to the first floor.

"Anyone who is still alive, say something?" Raider asked with everyone growling in pain from the fall. He got back up to see the Cross-Voids getting back up. He quickly brushed himself off from dust with the two and saw his teammates and other guild members getting back up as well to brush themselves off too. Both Cross-Voids looked at the three bandits of the Stay Away Trio was beaten, all three defeated by the teams.

"Guess they were unless after all." Corinth said to Eretria who nodded in agreement. They then saw Ivan getting himself up from some debris covered in dust. "I see Ivan survived the fall, also where were you?" Corinth asked Ivan who just coughed up some dirt and dust.

"That doesn't matter," Said the voice of Doctor Orcus as he floated down from the hole in the ceilings above, he looked around to see everyone. "Hmm, Teams Hope, Toxic, Truth Seeker, Dark Fairy, and Shade Walker... Hm, oh are you Nero the Riolu, of course you have to be, you are the only Riolu here. Now..." Orcus then suddenly disappeared and then appeared behind Nero with his hands next to the side of Nero's head with the lights on his hands flickering. "... let us see what you kno--" Orcus said before Nero's arm band glowing with Orcus being launched away from him. "What the... an Anti-Psychic Ring?"

Nero swung his sword with it calling out Metal Claw which slashed him on the chest that knocked him back a few feet. Nero then looked at the ring on his arm, pressing his thumb on the black gem and caressed his thumb clockwise before taking his stance to fight off Orcus but jumped back as Ivan tried to claw at him but Nero swung a Metal Claw to Ivan, knocking him down to the ground. Once Ivan was down, both Corinth and Eretria dashed past the others to attack Nero from behind but was stopped by Raider and Phobos who stopped the two with Rusty, Havoc, Finn, and the Tinkatuff hitting the two Cross-Void with full force of a set of Dark type moves launching them back. Both Knights Thanatos and Charon stood in front of the two with Thanatos firing a Shadow Ball hitting Eretria with Charon throwing a punch that launched a shadowy fist while calling out Shadow Punch that hits Corinth in the gut.

When the two were knocked back they suddenly started to change back to their normal as their standard Gallade and Gardivoir forms. The moment they changed back, both Jason and Sasaki stood next to Thanatos and Charon for a fight with the two before seeing the Gallade, Jason knew them somehow. "Fire Punch Captain Jace?" Jason whispered to himself, confusion at the Gallade thought to be named Corinth.

Orcus looked around and saw that everything was out of their favor, he believed this could have been easy, he underestimate his enemies. He pulled out a Poke Ball shaped object, Nero noticed this. "What is with those Pokeball?!" Nero asked, shocking Orcus.

"Wait, you know what this is called?" Orcus said in confusion, everyone noticed this, they have seen the design and thought it looked familiar but for different reasons as it looked similar to a Pokémon called Voltorb. "Amazing, so you know your basics on Human technology--"

"That's human technology?! I NEED IT!" Sapphire said with pure excitement before seeing one of the Pokeballs the Stay Away Trio had and picked it up, giggling.

Orcus looked this with his expression unchanging. "Hmm, seems like a good kid. Anyway, these are Pokeballs, yes, humans used them to capture Pokémon to travel along side them, I modified them to hold not only multiple of them but really it was for my PIPs, aka my Paradox Iro Pokémon." Orcus explained to them.

"Paradox Iron Pokémon? What the heck are those?" Nero asked.

"Orcus, should you really be explaining this?" Eretria asked with some concern.

"But of course, what researcher would keep their information and hard work to themselves, I must explain how they work, how else would others understand my work. It is like an author keeping a novel he worked so hard to make to himself." Orcus said as he had the Pokeball float in the air. "As you can see, it won't hold anyone else by my Paradox Iron Pokémon, a class of Pokémon I engineered in a lab, most of you have seen one, IP model 23: Iron Abductor, based around my previous evolution. Same thing with them, IP Model 14, the Iron Explosive."

"Iron what now?" Nero asked confused as the Poke ball opened with several different Pokémon leaving the ball, unlike the Iron Abductors, several ball shaped beings appeared with them having the top halves of them being a light red color with the lower half being white divided by a black line, the top half however had sideways oval with pixilated red eyes and what looked like a button or dial atop of them. They looked more like a robotic Voltorb the Sphere Pokémon. "Oh hey, they look like Voltorb." Nero said before suddenly a geyser of sparks flared out of the ports on top of them like fireworks with the eyes changing to a digital timer that started with 15 seconds. "Oh no, they look like Voltorb."

"Suddenly the name Iron Explosive makes sense!" Bianco said before grabbing both Nero and Halo as they started to run. But just a second before running they faced their badge at the three fainted members of the Stay Away Trio which made the gem glow and the three surrounded by a red energy before disappearing. "Everyone run!" Bianco said with the guild members and four nights run towards the exit of the building as the four Cross-Voids stayed where they were.

Orcus just simply tossed a ring that turned into a portal that he went into first with the two others following suit as Corinth was carrying Ivan over his shoulders. Once they were all out the portal disappeared before the dozen of Iron Explosives suddenly shouted all out. "Iron Explosive used, Self-Destruct!" They then all exploded, destroying the entire room of the building.

Everyone made it to the exit but the blast from the explosion still sent some of them flying away, luckily it was far enough that they weren't too hurt. They all turned back to see that the building with falling apart, the bottom floor had caught fire before it started to fall straight down. Sasaki turned around to see the three higher ranking knights were injured trying to reach them, Zagreus walked up to them to ask a question: "What happened?"

Three hours later, everyone was back on the ship, the flying Dutchman, all being looked over by some of the crew members of the ship. Zagreus was in the captains quarters, using what looked to be a type writer over something, an official report. "Official report of Zagreus of Underland. The state of the Building, Silph No. 4, is now unusable as it was destroyed, leaving no trace of evidence, a search team tried to look into the building to find nothing. The five teams were sent in to look into the building for any bandits only for three teams to run into the members of the bandit group Stay Away Trio, all three captured officially by Bianco of Team Hope who agreed to share credit of the capture to Team Toxic and Truth Seekers who have partaken in the fight. There was around four Cross-Void, three confirmed from the teams were at the Bacchus town with a fourth one being a new one and another threat that one of them said was called Paradox Iron Pokémon." He took a break from his report and looked at the side to see both Pythia looking over Kanemaki who was covered in bandages looking disappointed.

He then continued to his report. "According to Jason, one of them, a Gallade named Corinth looked similar to a Knight missing in action, thought to be perceived as dead, the Fire Punch Master, Captain Knight, Jace. After asking about this to Pythia she confirmed that since Knight Captain, Jace is still missing with no sign of a body, this might be the case. With the permission of the three kings and heads of the Knights order of the Kingdoms we will have a Knight from our order to leave in the Town of Hermes to look over Nero, his team, and the guild itself." Zagreus finished and removed the paper to look over it, he then walked over to the two who tried to stand up on their feet but Zagreus gave a hand gesture for them to stay down.

"I spoke to Jason, he said that he can confirm what he saw, he also believed that the Gardivoir looked to be his twin, Joan I believed their name was, but they answered to the named Corinth and Eretria." Pythia told the others, her injuries were painful but she powered through the pain.

"Most likely they were aliases, fake identities, we should inform the Knights we'll leave behind for this mission to watch over the Riolu boy." Kanemaki said to the other knights, his injures were worse then the two, Zagreus was burned with fire but Ghost types tend to heal faster than the others.

"Right, we should also explain it to them, I believe Sasaki should stay in the town, I will leave on my ship before sending it back to watch over him." Kanemaki said as they stood on their own feet to power through the pain. The three knights then exited the room with their fellow knights all standing side by side against a wall, it was clear they were listening in but they didn't seem to mind as they started to walk to the deck of the ship.

On the outside of the ship, it started to take off away from the destroyed building. The teams were with their respective members with Sapphire struggling with Charon as they had the Pokeball she grabbed back at the building with him barely budging before she slipped from her hold and fell back as he walked off with the object, most likely evidence. She walked over to her team but as she was passing by Team Toxic, Blu stopped her by walking in front of her and handed her something, one of the Pokeballs that was dropped on the ground from the Stay Away Trio which she held and nearly bounced with joy, hugging Blu for a second before walking to her team with a smile so wide it almost made up one-thirds of her face.

Nero smiled at this before looking at the ring on his arm, it is a good thing that he had it or else who knows what Orcus had planned. He heard Beheyeem could read and rearrange memories, he planed on thanking Apollonia once he returned to town. He looked to the horizon, the Cross-Voids were more than just Ivan and the other four they fought, just how big is this threat they were facing, they even had minions too, robotic ones, this was a lot to take in. "Have you head in the clouds?" Said Bianco, Nero turned his head to see him with a wide smile offering the Riolu a bowl with what looked like soup that he took.

Bianco handed Halo another bowl of soup to feed her, she ate from the bowl by sticking her head close to the bowl like most quadruped Pokémon due to the lack of hands. He thought it would be hard, fighting a threat but he knew he wasn't alone, he never really did since meeting Bianco, Halo, and Apollonia. "Hey, Bianco could I ask you something, do members of a guild tend to experience crazy stuff like this?" Nero asked with Bianco nodding with his mouth full of food.

He swallowed the food in his mouth before speaking. "Yeah, we tend to experience a lot of strange things as adventures, at first I thought the craziest things I've seen since joining the guild was between watching a fight between several titans, that I didn't cause!" Bianco said as his eyes shifted side to side as if he was hiding something. "And being challenged by a Entei to a game of chess," Bianco said with a proud look on his face before looking down in shame. "I lost badly... couldn't even take a single pawn..."

"Ouch, guess seeing "robotic Pokémon" takes the top spot?" Nero asked.

"No, I'd say it is between the two, after all I have seen a Titan Tyranitar throw a Titan Togedemaru at a Titan Garchamp... that was awesome," Bianco said with pride, yeah he definitely had something to do with that. "That and seeing a Surfing Raichu from Alola inside a tornado in the ocean, a Waterspout is what it is called. Now that was up there too, all seen just this year."

"Whoa, you've seen a lot already?" Halo said amazed at Bianco's experiences.

"Yeah, I've only seen a few parts of the world but I will someday see more. I hope you guys also see the world too." Bianco said to them, they looked just as determined at him. Nero looked to the horizon with a clear conscience, sure he doesn't how many other Pokémon there are but he just needs to get stronger to take on the threat.

Location: ???

The portal that the four Cross-Voids had taken, leaving behind the Stay Away Trio for their own safety opened in a large dark room, the moment they entered lights shined with some coming from the wall while others came from machinery or large glass vats that were embedded in the ground with them having chemicals inside and what looked like Pokémon, some looking small and others bigger, some even held eggs with one glowing before it hatched, revealing what looked like a Wooper but it had pink spots with fins on the side of its head and spikes on its tail. Orcus floated to the vat, a look of satisfaction was clearly shown in his eyes before he turned back to the three. "Put him anywhere," Orcus told Corinth as he placed Ivan on what looked like a plat form.

"Doctor Orcus," Said the voice of something robotic, he turned to see one of his creations that were with him at the underground temple that he ventured with the others a few days ago. "I see you have returned from your mission. Prediction of the Iron Abductors is up 17%. Unfortunately, Model 007's production as nearly halted. In other news, the total of Savage Pokémon are around 151 of different species of Pokémon."

"Good Iron Satellite, now what about subjects 12 and 13? Have my new children fully changed?" Orcus asked curiously and concern.

"Both subject's development, especially 13's has greatly changed and have reached 75% completion, sir. Although Subject 13 does show some forms of instability, both physically and possibly mentally, should we suggest stopping her experiments and putting her do--" Before it could finish, the Iron Satellite was suddenly crushed as if in imploded on itself, it was being held by Orcus' very own psychic abilities before opening a hatch in the ground.

"Here you go you my little metallic savages, your father has brought you something special, a machine that should have known my methods and some freshly made parts that were broken already! Make sure to share with each other, especially with your youngest." Orcus said with so much care and joy as he groped the broken machine and parts from a box into the ground, a liquid looking metal came from out of view before it surrounded the metal as it looked like it was metaling it and fusing it into the liquid metal. "Good, daddy will bring you back some fresh parts again if you behave~" He said with such joy and happiness it was almost like he was a different Pokémon. He closed the hatch before turning to the others. "Good news, my work is almost complete, the master should be pleased, especially with my work."

"You heard that machine of yours, this "subject 13" is unstable, correct?" Corinth said with some concerns.

"I would never imagine one of my one works having no real sense of my logic, besides, I should fix her mentally and I will work hard to keep her stable physically," Orcus said before floating up, the ceiling reaching high, as if this was a tower with that reached high, he made it to a platform where there were two large vats connected to different wires and pipes with both glowing and covering the two inside with light that it made them look like shadows with one having a canine figure while the other had a round body and neck and head of a snake that reached twice as long as its body. "After all, I grew a kinship with them, soon to be reborn as if they were my own children like most of my creations, I am like a father to them... and I won't let anything happen to my children ever again." he said with care and dormant anger and anguish as he got closer to the two.

Location: Town of Hermes, Guild Hall

Inside the Guild Hall, Clay the Golurk was in the main hall, the only location he could fit in. In his left hand was the box he always carried around with the Guild master, Julius, on a platform that allowed him to be on the same eye-level with him having a chess board as they were playing a game, Julius had more pieces than Clay, with him only having few piece with him only having a king and rook that was taken by a knight piece. "Check." Julius said before Clay just tapped the side of his last piece to the side, surrendering as it was it was all over. Before he could put the board back to start a new game, Clay looked to the box that started to shake, nearly violently.

End of Chapter

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