Percy Jackson Imagines

By ninicaswritesalot

49.5K 995 1.5K

*Imagines about your fav characters* More

Swim - Clarisse La Rue
Parents- Luke Castellan
Matchmaking- Clarisse La'Rue
Secret's Out- Charlie Bushnell
Nightmares- Percy Jackson
Your Protector- Grover Underwood
Aggression- Clarisse La Rue
Pretty- Grover Underwood
Always with you Pt2- Percy Jackson
You too? - Grover Underwood
Hypnosis- Percy Jackson
My Hero- Percy Jackson
Feelings- Grover Underwood
Feel you - Clarisse La Rue
1K!! And updates
Mignon- Grover Underwood
Dumped-Clarisse La Rue
New Girl- Rachel Elizabeth Dare
My Girl- Luke Castellan
Good Luck- Grover Underwood
You're Beautiful- Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Your Highness- Luke Castellan
Choice- Luke Castellan
Safe- Clarisse La Rue
Defense -Clarisse La Rue
Hurt Her -Clarisse La Rue
Hurt Her (pt2) - Clarisse La Rue
Jealous- Luke Castellan
Need You- Grover Underwood
Touch- Clarisse La Rue
Heard You Love Me Annabeth Chase
Secret Admirer- Grover Underwood
Stalking-Percy Jackson
Fault - Luke Castellan
Stalking pt2 - Percy Jackson
Ice Skating- Grover Underwood
Talk to Me-Leo Valdez
Archery- Bianca DiAngelo
Saved- Percy Jackson
Saved pt2 - Percy Jackson
Traitors- Luke Castellan
Traitors pt2- Luke Castellan
Understanding-Luke Castellan
Roommates-Clarisse La Rue
Mini Authors Note!!
Saved pt3- Percy Jackson
Protector -Luke Castellan
Protector pt 2- Luke Castellan
Flower Fields- Clarisse La Rue
Hold my Girl - Will Solace
Avoiding- Jason Grace
Crush-Luke Castellan
Shortie- Clarisse La Rue
Prank- Connor Stoll
Birthday- Percy Jackson
Talk - Nico DiAngelo
Driving- Clarisse LaRue
Authors note!
Letters- Will Solace
Jealousy-Grover Underwood
Bad Jokes -Percy Jackson
Te amo - Clarisse La Rue
Gentle -Clarisse La Rue
Clingy - Clarisse La Rue
Runaways- Luke Castellan
Happy Pride Month!!
Sleep Talk- Leo Valdez
Here For You- Percy Jackson
READ PLZ (A Nini note)
Baby- Clarisse La Rue

Always With You- Percy Jackson

1.8K 16 76
By ninicaswritesalot

Another request from @JulzLoveDraco4Eva  TYSM!!! Hope you like 

Typically, at Camp Halfblood, only 3 people were to embark on a quest. The leader was to pick two companions, and only two. 

However, when Percy Jackson was chosen to lead a quest to capture to traitorous Luke Castellan, he knew he would want more than two people accompanying him. Choosing Grover and Annabeth was obvious, they had gone with him on the last quest and had never let him down. But he realized a third person wanted to join, someone Percy wasn't entirely sure he wanted on the quest. 

"Percy! I promised to always stay with you, to help you! I'll be fine, just let me come", Y/N argued. 

Percy sighed, "Luke is very dangerous Y/N, this quest is very dangerous, I'm just trying to protect you!". 

The daughter of Apollo stood up from the bed to stand face to face with Percy, "We can protect each other. I'm more than capable of doing this Percy, please". 

He wanted to protest, to refuse to let her come. Let her put her life in danger all for the cause of staying with him, but one look into her eyes told him not to. How could he ever possibly say no to her? 

"Alright fine, get your stuff I'll tell Chiron". 

Y/N's eyes lit up and she flung her arms around Percy's neck. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! It's gonna be fine, we got this", she shrieked, running out of his cabin to go get herself ready. 


Y/N reached Halfblood Hill with Grover and Annabeth before Percy had. 

"I didn't know you were coming too", Annabeth said looking at her friend.

"I wanted to help", Y/n answered with a shrug. 

A slight smirk spread across Annabeth's face, "Or you wanted to be with Percy". 

Grover chuckled as Y/N reached over to slap Annabeth's arm. 

"Shut up", she mumbled, "I told you it wasn't like that". 

"Does Percy know that?", Grover asked jokingly. 

As if one cue, Percy came rushing up the hill, a backpack slung on one shoulder and a confident look in his eyes. 

Y/N on the other hand, wasn't half as confident as he was, seeing Percy all ready for this quest made her stomach churn uncomfortably. She tried to think about anything else, but no matter how hard she tried her mind went back to Percy. What if he got hurt? What if they got separated? What if.. what if she lost him?

Percy came over to Y/N and glanced at her questioningly but decided not to say anything. Instead he turned to his friends and asked, "Ready?".

Everyone nodded, so the group descended the hill. 

The trip was going fairly well for the most part, the group had been traveling for several hours now, and had miraculously not encountered any monsters. (They did encounter a very mean taxi driver, but that is besides the point). 

Percy, however, had noticed a shift in Y/N's behavior. She had been so happy when he agreed to let her come on the quest, however now she looked anxious and sad. 

The group went into a small diner, to have lunch before they continued their search for Luke. 

"Go ahead guys", Percy told Grover and Annabeth, "I just have to talk to Y/N real quick". 

The two shrugged and left Y/N and Percy outside. Y/N looked down at the ground, unable to bring herself to meet his eye. 

"What's up with you?", he asked briskly, before realizing how it sounded and softening his tone, "Are you okay? I mean you wanted to come so bad and now you're just..". 

Y/N still didn't look up, tears began to fall slowly down her cheeks, but she still refused to look into Percy's eyes, knowing that if she did, her heart might shatter. 

To Y/N, there was nobody more important in her life than Percy. They hadn't known each other for very long, but after a lifetime of abandonment and distrust, Percy was a much welcomed breath of fresh air.  

They sat down on the steps outside the diner, and Percy used his hand to tilt her chin up gently, "Y/N talk to me please". 

Those words broke her instantly, she choked back a sob and hugged Percy around his torso, "I just don't want anything to happen to you'. 

He rubbed her back, "I'm fine, I will be fine. I promise". 

"But what if you get hurt, or captured or", she rambled.

He pulled her back and cupped her face in his hands, "No matter what happens to me, I'll always find my way back to you. I love you, Y/N". 

Before she could react, he leaned in closer to her, still holding her face in his hands, now wiping tears off. 

She didn't say anything, instead she leaned in as well, closing the gap between them and kissing him.

The kiss was short, yet filled with all the love and yearning the two had felt for eachother since the moment they met. 

When they pulled apart, Percy rested his head on her forehead, "We'll be fine, don't worry". 


That night, they had enough money to get a hotel room. There were two beds and and a sofa, Grover and Annabeth opted to take the beds while Y/N and Percy took the sofa. 

By the time they got into the hotel room, everybody was too exhausted to even speak. So they all lied down and just crashed. Y/N and Percy slept close together that night, holding each other like they needed reassurance that the other was still there. 

The next morning, they all went to grab breakfast. 

"I can't believe we've made it through a night, and haven't seen anything. No monsters, no Luke?", Grover pointed out. 

"It's  weird", Annabeth agreed, "We should have seen something by now". 

Y/n shrugged, "It's weird but so so nice". 

Percy didn't say anything, he was too busy staring down the hallway, at the huge front door of the hotel. 

"I think something's outside. Annabeth come with me", he announced. 

Y/N felt a pang of jealousy, why Annabeth and not her?

"Y/N stay with Grover", he added. 

"Why? Shouldn't we all just go?", she argued. 

He looked at her, a soft glint in his eyes despite the assertiveness of his tone, "You're a healer Y/N if something happens out there, you of all people need to be safe".

He gave her a quick peck on the lips before dashing down the hall with Annabeth. 

"When did that happen?", Grover asked, one eyebrow raised. 

Y/N blushed, "Yesterday, outside the diner". 

"Oh that's why you took so long". 


Just as Y/N was bout to say something to Grover, a loud bang shook the small hotel lobby. 

The large glass window had broken from an explosion of some sort, knocking both Grover and Y/N to the floor. 

"Grover!", she coughed out. 

She heard him call out her name too, but the smoke was so thick that they couldn't see eachother. 

Y/N suddenly felt hands grab her arms and pull her through the smoke.

"Grover?", she asked again, but when she was finally able to make out who was holding her, her face went pale. 

"Hey Y/N. It's been a while, hasn't it?",Luke Castellan had a devilish grin on his face as he yanked the girl to the now broken window. 

"No! Grover! Help! Percy! Annabeth! Help!", she thrashed and kicked as hard as he could, but she was no match for the boy. 

"Oh relax, we're just going to visit an old friend. You remember Medusa don't you?". 


Sure enough, what Percy and Annabeth had seen was an empousa. It took them a while to defeat it, but by the time they did, there was a loud explosion in the lobby. 

The two tried to rush inside, but with all the people running out, it took longer than expected. 

When they finally got inside, the smoke had mostly died down and Grover was stood there, his hands picking at his horns as he paced around nervously. 

Percy and Annabeth ran over to him.

"Whoa, man are you okay?", Percy asked. 

Annabeth scanned the room, "Where's Y/N?".

"Luke!", he shouted, "Luke took her, I hear him say something about Medusa, I think that's where he's taking her. Oh Percy, I'm so sorry". 

Annabeth patted his shoulder empathetically.

Percy picked up his backpack and handed it to Grover, "It's not your fault, but we do have to find. Guess we have to pay a visit to Aunty Em's". 

The trip itself was easy, as it had been coming to the hotel in the first place. This time however, nobody was relaxed. Grover had been incessantly squeezing a squeak toy, while Percy drummed his hands against his legs impatiently, Annabeth was slightly more relaxed than the others, she hoped Luke would do the right thing, and had faith in Y/N yet even she fidgeted nervously on the drive over. 

When they got there, there was a fury guarding the entrance.

"I guess we have to go in through the back", Percy muttered. 

Annabeth lead the trio to a small window in the back of the "store".

Grover and Percy helped her through it first, then followed behind, trying their best to land silently. They ended up in the kitchen, which was eerily silent and empty, minus the sound of the dripping faucet in the kitchen sink. 

The trio knew better than to split up, and they also knew (after one unfortunate experience here) where to start looking for Y/N. 

The basement was by far the creepiest part of the entire store, there were statues of petrified people everywhere, they knew they had to find her soon. 

"Stay still!", a voice shouted in the distance, "Come on Y/N I don't want to have to make you still". 

Percy was the first to hurry forward, despite whispered warnings from Annabeth and Grover. 

"Let her go", he demanded. 

Luke turned around, a smirk on his face, "Percy. You're all here to capture me aren't you?". 

"How'd you guess?". 

Percy glanced at Y/N who was shaking her head violently at him, she had tape over her mouth, but her eyes held nothing but fear. 

"You take another step towards me, I'm petrifying (is that the right word) her", Luke warned.

"What?", percy asked, "Petrifying her with what?". 

Luke kicked a box that was lying on the ground beside Y/N, "The head of Medusa? You didn't really think it would stay on Olympus?". 

Sure enough the box Percy had sent up on his first quest was lying on the ground with "Return to Sender" plastered all over it. 

Almost as if in warning he reached a hand into the box. 

Percy pulled out riptide from his pocket and held it down in the direction of Luke's hand, "Don't you dare". 

Quickly, Luke pulled out the head and thrusted it in the direction of Y/N.

Percy didn't hesitate, taking riptide and slashing it across Luke's arm. The boy hissed in pain as the head dropped from his hands. Just then, The head slid across the room, then disappeared out of sight, Annabeth suddenly appeared, and it was clear she had thrown the invisibility cap over Medusa's head. 

Luke had pulled out his own sword and was battling Percy, while Grover pulled Y/N away from the both of them, and helped her remove her restraints. 

After she was free, she pulled on the bracelet on her wrist, which quickly transformed into a bow and arrow and aimed it at Luke's head. She didn't have to fire, as he dropped his sword seconds after. His hands raised in surrender. 

"Fine", he breathed, "You win. This time". 

As much as Percy wanted nothing more than to run up to Y/N and hug her, he knew there was still work to be done. 

"Annabeth, Y/N uh we might want to bury this head somewhere". 

After the girls had buried the head, the group escorted Luke back to camp Halfblood. 

Finally then Y/N and Percy had a moment to themselves. She ran over and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, as she had done just days prior when he invited her onto the quest. 

"And here I was thinking I would loose you", she mumbled into his neck. 

"I told you, no matter what happens I'll always find my way back to you". 

And the couple kissed again, this time a little longer, with the same amount of pure love they had before. 

That is until Grover shouted, "Hurry up! If you walk faster we'll make it to camp before next year!". 


WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW a long one today? I seriously can't tell if these are long or if they just feel long because they take a while to write. But anyways I hope you all loved this imagine, especially the amazing reader who requested it! It was super fun to write and I'm super happy to share it with you guys. Now our question of the day: 

What's something from the first book that you wished they added in the first season? 

For me it's Gladiola the little pink poodle that Grover finds during their quest lmao. 

Anyways love y'all as always and thank you sm for reading and requesting! 

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