Dancing On The Kitchen Tiles:...

By IzaMcFlygirl

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Living in Australia, Emily gets a shocker from her parents who work at Universal Records when she moves to En... More

Dancing On The Kitchen Tiles: The McFly Effect
Chapter 1: We're Going Where???????
Chapter 2: Two Days Here
Chapter 3: I Could Get Used To This
Chapter 4: They're Twins!! :o
Chapter 5: Waking Up
Chapter 7: Medical Attention
Chapter 8: Saturday Night
Chapter 9: It's Wonderland
Chapter 10: Meeting Cousin James
Chapter 11: Four for me?

Chapter 6: A Breakfast fit for..6 boys?

549 5 4
By IzaMcFlygirl

Dancing On The Kitchen Tiles The McFly Effect Part 6: A Breakfast fit for..6 boys?

Hey Guys :)

Listen I want to apologize to all my fans and readers of this story. I have neglected to update in a VERY long time. I've been going through a lot lately and just haven't had time and haven't thought about it. For those of you reading thank you for staying and reading these. I'm sorry and I love you all.

So to make it up to you guys since I'm on SPRING BREAK! WAHOO!!!

I'm gonna write TWO CHAPTERS! and dedicating them to two fans who have messaged me and hopefully more stories! Here is my first new chappie and now I will get started on the next one!


Emily went over to the McFly boy's house to borrow some milk (ironic isn't it? ;)) because mum forgot to buy some. She went over to their house and not only got milk but she woke the boys up and invited them for breakfast at her place.


Emily's POV:

I led the four boys I had proudly woken up through the front door and into the kitchen. "Mum I have some milk and company!" I shouted down the hall.

Mum came walking out of her bedroom and into the kitchen. "Oh Good Morning boys. What are you lot doing here?" she asked grabbing the milk and herself some coffee.

"They are being punished for sleeping in too long" I answered before they could answer.

"Oh? and how are they going to be punished?" Mum asked me.

"They will be forced to eat a breakfast that I shall prepare for them" I said walking over to the fridge and grabbing some ingredients.

"Oh the horror!" Mum said putting her hand to her chest acting dramatic and sarcastic at the same time.

I turned just in time to see through the corner of my eye the boys exchanging a look of pure worry. "Hup to boys! Up the stairs we go!" I said walking up the stairs with my arms full of food. "Make sure you be real quiet on floor 2 because that's where the sleeping beauty's are" I whispered as they followed me up. "My room is on the third floor." I grinned waling up the second flight of stairs. I walked into the living area and towards the kitchen but the boys stopped in the entrance gob smacked. "Well come in, take a seat" I grinned.

"Is this all yours? This whole floor?" Danny asked walking in and looking around.

"This whole floor?" I grinned brightly. "Give me 15 minutes and I will have breakfast ready for you guys. Watch a bit of TV or something while you wait," making a motion with my had towards the living room. They were still in awe but sat down and watched some random music channel as I started to work on breakfast.

Hmm where's Naps?

I thought to myself while putting the bacon in the frying pan. "Naps come out here and meet our neighbors" I yelled. The lads turned around and looked at me oddly but then saw a black and white Husky trotting down the hall towards them. "Guys this is Napoleon or Naps for short." I smiled returning to the sausages. "He is my pet but he is one of many animals we have living in our house."

"What else do you guys have?" Tom questioned raising his eyebrow in curiosity.

"Well we have a German Shepard named, Rice, and a Siamese Cat named Leearn" I flipped a pancake, "and then Jamie has 2 green Tree Snakes named, Milli and Darwin; and Llany has a Blue Tongue Lizard named Hugo."

"I think I'm in love" I heard Dougie say.

I turned looking at him puzzled which Tom noticed, "Dougie has 2 lizards of his own named Zukie and Jerry. He loves them." Laughing a little at the explanation.

"By the way, breakfast is ready so if you would kindly make your way to the dining area we can begin to eat," gesturing towards the table. The boys got up and took a seat at the table, eyeing the food and then each other. "Don't worry guys I'm pretty much the chef of the house so eat up" I smiled and grabbed some cheese toast. They dug in soon after I said that and didn't mind what they were eating.

"Hey this IS really good!" Danny piped up between mouthfuls full of food. "Can you come and cook for us everyday?"

"You guys never know! When you guys go on tour I will probably come with you" I smiled and they nodded.

"Emily PLEASE say you have a bathroom up here?" Dougie stood up doing the potty dance.

"Yeah" I laughed, "Come on I'll show you where" I stood up and led him down the hallway. "There you go Dougster" I stopped at the bathroom door.

"Uh thanks" he smiled and walked in.

"It's no biggie just showing you to the bathroom" I replied and began walking back to the dining room.

"I never meant for that" he muttered but I didn't hear him.

(A/N:: oooooooooo they in her living room awesome! hmmm does anyone know what Dougie means? If yah don't just continue to read)

Dougie rejoined the group 10 minutes later. "So we were discussing how to wake my brothers any ideas?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Pull their sheets off and then drench them in cold water?" Harry suggested

"Uh good idea but not for this situation." I sighed receiving a disappointed look from Harry.

"And why not? It always works on Tom" he argued back.

"Because dear Harry most of the time my brothers sleep commando and I do not wish that upon anyone." I smirked knowing fully well I won.

"Oh well I dunno" he sighed

"Hmm well I have an idea. Follow me. I'm going to need your help with this one Dougie" I said standing up and marching off down the stairs to my brother's floor with the boys close behind me.

"Okay we are going to get Hugo out of his cage and kidnap him. I'm going to start yelling that Hugo is missing meanwhile Dougie will have Hugo the entire time behind his back out here." I whispered to the boys outside Llane's door.

"Okay, Mission Kidnap Hugo is about to commence follow me Dougie." I said opening Llane's door and sneaking in. Llane had his head buried into a pillow lying on his side.

"Okay here is Hugo's cage" I walked over to it and unlatched the top opening it as Dougie picked up Hugo and snuck back outside.

My turn now >:)

I walked over to Llane and started to shake him panicky, "LLANE GET UP HUGO IS GONE HE ISN'T IN HIS CAGE!" I yelled.

"Mmm yep WHAT?!?!?!" Llane yelled as he woke up after a few moments.

"GET DRESSED!!! HUGO IS MISSING! I CAME IN HERE TO GRAB YOUR CLOTHES FROM LAST NIGHT AND NOTICED HE WAS GONE!" I stood up letting him get out of bed in a rush. Luckily he wasn't sleeping commando but still in last night's pants.

"How could he escape?" He asked

"I'll check outside" hurrying out the door

"Well he is awake" I grinned

"Yeah we heard" Danny chuckled

"How's our little prisoner doing?" I looked at Dougie walking over to him

"He is being a good little lizard" Dougie smiled like a little kid

We stood outside Llane's room for a good 5 minutes before he poked his head out the door. "EMILY DID YOU...Oh hey guys! What are you doing here? Did you find him Emily?" He walked fully out of his room.

"You mean this?" Danny pointed at Dougie who brought Hugo out from behind his back.

"What the? Did you guys...? OH EMILY YOU ARE SO DEAD!" he said chasing me down the hall then I did a U turn and ran behind Harry.

"Oh come on! You wouldn't hurt your poor defenseless sister now would you?" I said giving him my puppy dog eyes.

"No but only because Mum would kill me if I harmed one of the band members she is looking after and you'll need me to wake up Jamie" he replied grabbing a shirt.

"Any ideas?" I asked curiously

"Only one"he gave a devilish smirk and ran down the stairs. I looked at him shocked but couldn't help but start laughing.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked

"Well Llane really knows a good way of waking him up" I smiled

"Better than yours?" Tom smirked

"Never" I grinned evilly back

"What does it involve then?" Dougie questioned as Llane returned holding a glass full of ice and some powder.

"Ice and Powder?" Danny looked at him confused

"You'll see" Llane winked sneaking into Jamie's room with us following.

"What is he going to do?" Tom whispered behind me.

"Well you see, our Jamie is a bit weird" I started, "He has this odd phobia of Ice. He thinks if it touches your skin it will decay and fall off of you. We've proven it won't happen many times but he won't believe us" I finished

"So that explains the powder. You're going to make him think his skin is falling off? That's harsh." Harry grinned at the idea

"No I'm not, Llane is. He discovered his weird phobia after all." I grinned watching Llane put the powder on Jamie's hands, arms and neck.

"This is how you really wake someone up" He announced putting the ice on Jamie's hands and neck.

It took 2 minutes for Jamie to wake up and realize he had ice in his hands but as soon as he did he started screaming and yelling. We all couldn't help but crack out laughing almost to the point we were in tears. Once he realized it was only powder and nothing was happening he gave us glares and then told us to get out while he was cursing under his breath.

"Well we know where you get it from now" Danny laughed

"Yeah I taught her everything she knows" Llane said putting his arm around my shoulders with a happy smile.

"Tell Jamie to come up to my floor once he's done getting ready. I made breakfast and there's a lot left over." I slipped out from under Llane's arm and started up the stairs. "Actually you guys wait down here too until he's ready." I smiled and then ran up the stairs.

After taking a long warm shower and getting dressed in a red tee and yellow football shorts, I went down the stairs to find the boys watching TV on my couch and Llane and Jamie stuffing themselves with food at the table. Once they finished we all gathered once more in the living room deciding what to do for the rest of the week since McFly had the rest of the week off. (A/N:: It's Tuesday)

"You know, there's a small park down the road about 10 minutes away. Maybe we can go and play some soccer?" I suggested

"Hey that's a great idea Em" Jamie smiled "We can take the goals and everything down there as well."

"Then what are we sitting around her for? Let's go!" Danny hopped up excited to play

"You guys go ahead. I will finish cleaning up this mess and I'll meet you there." I smiled as they walked out the door. I made my way to the kitchen to tidy up from making breakfast. After I finished cleaning I went to my room and grabbed some joggers and a hat, then ran down the stairs and out the door to the park. As I ran out the door I spotted someone sitting on the porch on the house next to us.

"Uh Hello. I don't believe I've met you. I'm Emily your new neighbor." I smiled walking over to the fence.

"Hi! I'm Ashton. Your most lovable neighbor." The girl said walking to the fence.

"Thank god there is another girl around here. I reckon I would have gone mad with all these boys around." I giggled

"Such a tragedy!" She said dramatically and sarcastically

"Hey you wanna come down to the park with my brothers and friends?" I asked her

"You mean McFly" Yeah I'd like that. Not a lot happens around here." She jumped the fence

"Well then I am going to have to change that then won't I? I grinned at my new friend and walked off to the park to meet the boys.

Did yah guys like it? Any comments? Suggestions? Criticism? or Just wanna talk? message me XD



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